Famous Quotes & Sayings

Jeziel Serrano Quotes & Sayings

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Top Jeziel Serrano Quotes

Jeziel Serrano Quotes By Stewart Udall

Society as we know it is almost a conspiracy against human health. One of the main forces working to counteract that is the trailsman. — Stewart Udall

Jeziel Serrano Quotes By Carolyn Brown

After breakfast, Callie found herself in the living room alone, warming her hands by the fire, when Finn came out of his bedroom. He crossed the room, pulled Callie close to his chest, and said, I wanted to hold you all morning and tell you that I slept better in that recliner last night than I do in my big king-sized bed. I believe it's because you were right there and you kept the nightmares at bay. — Carolyn Brown

Jeziel Serrano Quotes By Rick Yancey

Why did they come billions of miles just to stare at us? It's rude. — Rick Yancey

Jeziel Serrano Quotes By Paulo Coelho

If you spend too much time trying to find out what is good or bad about someone else, you'll forget your own soul and end up exhausted and defeated by the energy you have wasted in judging others. — Paulo Coelho

Jeziel Serrano Quotes By Michael Shermer

The Liberty Principle: It is a higher moral principle to always seek liberty with someone else's liberty in mind, and never seek liberty when it leads to someone else's loss of liberty through force or fraud. The Liberty Principle is an extrapolation from the fundamental principle of all liberty as practiced in Western society: The freedom to believe and act as we choose so long as our beliefs and actions do not infringe on the equal freedom of others. — Michael Shermer