Famous Quotes & Sayings

Jerome From Martin Quotes & Sayings

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Top Jerome From Martin Quotes

Jerome From Martin Quotes By Martin Luther

[Jerome] is a man quite without either judgment or application. — Martin Luther

Jerome From Martin Quotes By Swami Vivekananda

But for a man to constantly do good without caring for the approbation of his fellow men is indeed the highest sacrifice man can perform. — Swami Vivekananda

Jerome From Martin Quotes By Simon Armitage

If you were going to choose a way of making your way in this world and a place to start from, you might not choose poetry and you might not choose Huddersfield. — Simon Armitage

Jerome From Martin Quotes By Martin Luther

Jerome has merited hell rather than heaven for it-so little would I dare to recognize or call him a saint. — Martin Luther

Jerome From Martin Quotes By Mark Batterson

Over the years I've grown more comfortable with making people uncomfortable because that is when growth can happen. You need a little conflict. You need a little tension. And that is part of my calling. A little tough love goes a long way! — Mark Batterson

Jerome From Martin Quotes By Matt Groening

I think when 'The Simpsons' first came on, there was an uproar. People got used to it. They realized the show's really funny, it's got a heart, so I think it's pretty safe. — Matt Groening

Jerome From Martin Quotes By Martin Luther

Jerome was a marvelous advocate of chastity: yet hear his confession: "O, how often have I thought myself to be in the midst of the vain delights and pleasures of Rome, even when I was in the wild wilderness." Again, "I, who for fear of hell had condemned myself to such a prison, thought myself oftentimes to be dancing among young women, when I had no other company, but scorpions and wild beasts. My face was pale with fasting, but my mind was inflamed with desires in my cold body: and although my flesh was half-dead already, yet the flames of fleshly lust, boiled within me, etc. — Martin Luther

Jerome From Martin Quotes By Thia Megia

I prefer to sing in the shower 'cause the acoustics are really, really good, I mean, when you're singing against the tile walls then you really hear yourself, hear your voice, you know, throwing itself back at you. — Thia Megia

Jerome From Martin Quotes By Bear Grylls

The lesson is, the rewards in life don't always go to the biggest, or the bravest, or the smartest. The rewards go to the dogged; and when your going though hell, to the person who just keeps going. — Bear Grylls

Jerome From Martin Quotes By Millard Fillmore

The nourishment is palatable. — Millard Fillmore

Jerome From Martin Quotes By Herbert Cooper

If you want your kids to know and love God, is it most effective for you to miss church all summer so they can play ball? — Herbert Cooper

Jerome From Martin Quotes By Alan Dean Foster

Getting inside the mind of a terrorist wasn't difficult at all. Even as children, human beings fabricate elaborate revenge fantasies. We're not a particular species. Check out popular video games. — Alan Dean Foster

Jerome From Martin Quotes By Curtis Martin

Jerome Bettis should be in the Hall of Fame — Curtis Martin

Jerome From Martin Quotes By Martin Luther

For hardly any of the ecclesiastical writers have handled the Divine Scriptures more ineptly and absurdly than Origen and Jerome. — Martin Luther

Jerome From Martin Quotes By Samuel Taylor Coleridge

The myriad-minded man, our, and all men's, Shakespeare, has in this piece presented us with a legitimate farce in exactest consonance with the philosophical principles and character of farce, as distinguished from comedy and from entertainments. A proper farce is mainly distinguished from comedy by the licence allowed, and even required, in the fable, in order to produce strange and laughable situations. The story need not be probable, it is enough that it is possible. — Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Jerome From Martin Quotes By Surya Das

Spiritually speaking, everything that one wants, aspires to, and needs is ever-present, accessible here and now - for those with eyes to see. — Surya Das