Famous Quotes & Sayings

Jenkins Quotes & Sayings

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Top Jenkins Quotes

Jenkins Quotes By Simon Jenkins

Every generation has its war. I have just been reminded of mine. It ended in 1989, 43 years after it began, the longest war Britain fought and certainly the most expensive. Its climax was total victory. Yet there was no parade, no medals, no colours hung in cathedrals. The Cold War saw no battles and cost almost no blood. Where there is no blood there is no glory and hence no history. Asked What did you do in the war, Daddy?, I could say only that I paid my taxes and left it at that. — Simon Jenkins

Jenkins Quotes By Dan Jenkins

I've worked my whole life and never missed a deadline. — Dan Jenkins

Jenkins Quotes By Stephan Jenkins

But I'm not worried about seeking out the approval of others - that high school thing of joining the club. — Stephan Jenkins

Jenkins Quotes By Taylor Jenkins Reid

A conversational roadblock. — Taylor Jenkins Reid

Jenkins Quotes By Taylor Jenkins Reid

For the first time since Ben died, I look like a widow. For the first time since I lost him, I feel like I recognize the person in the mirror. There I am, grief-stricken and un-whole. Widowed. It's such a relief to see myself this way. I have felt so insecure in my widowness that seeing myself look like a widow comforts me. — Taylor Jenkins Reid

Jenkins Quotes By Simon Jenkins

Why do Britons keep stabbing each other in August? Why do seaside hotels burn down in August? Why do children disappear in August, examinations get easier and Heathrow become the world's worst airport? The answer lies not in reality but in appearance. News editors abhor a vacuum. Half an hour of airtime and 10 pages of news must be filled each day, whatever the weather. — Simon Jenkins

Jenkins Quotes By John Sandford

When the bureaucratic details were handled, they broke up. Del, Shrake, and Jenkins followed him back to his office, where they talked some more about the surveillance aspects. A tech would put a tracking bug on Carver's vehicle, and Del would try to get one on Dannon's, if he could do it without being seen. "The big question is: Is he gonna talk, or is he gonna stonewall, or is he gonna shoot, or is he gonna run?" Jenkins said. "That's four questions," Shrake said. "It irritates me that you can't count. — John Sandford

Jenkins Quotes By Stephen H. Jenkins

The lack of definitive answers to questions discussed in this book also
reflects the fact that science is an ongoing process in wh ich the most important sign of progress is often that results of an experiment or observational study lead to a new set of questions. This is part of what makes science exciting and rewarding for scient ists, but it entails an important dilemma: how do we make the best pract ical and even ethical decisions based on incomplete scient ific knowledge? — Stephen H. Jenkins

Jenkins Quotes By Beverly Jenkins

Because we can't tell others about our accomplishments if we don't know them ourselves. — Beverly Jenkins

Jenkins Quotes By Nicole Jenkins

Fashion fades...style is eternal"
Yves St Laurent — Nicole Jenkins

Jenkins Quotes By Stephan Jenkins

A lot of people say I wouldn't have a down day, but you look at the music and there's real melancholy. — Stephan Jenkins

Jenkins Quotes By Peter Jenkins

It was as if we'd only been gone the weekend. Or had we been gone a lifetime. Part of that was because when you've lived in Alaska, living in other places seems easier, less challenging, less threatening. Alaska had enlarged each of us. No one is ever the same after coming back from Alaska. — Peter Jenkins

Jenkins Quotes By Joseph Jenkins

The "old school" of wastewater treatment, still embraced by most government regulators and many academics, considers water to be a vehicle for the routine transfer of waste from on place to another. It also considers the accompanying organic material to be of little or no value. The "new school", on the other hand, sees water as a dwindling, precious resource that should not be polluted with waste; organic materials are seen as resources that should be constructively recycled. My research for this chapter included reviewing hundreds of research papers on alternative wastewater systems. I was amazed at the incredible amount of time and money that has gone into studying how to clean the water we have polluted with human excrement. In all of the research papers, without exception, the idea that we should simply stop defecating in water was never suggested. — Joseph Jenkins

Jenkins Quotes By Madeleine L'Engle

A burst of harmony so brilliant that it almost overwhelmed them surrounded Meg, the cherubim, Calvin, and Mr. Jenkins. But after a moment of breathlessness, Meg was able to open herself to the song of the farae, these strange creatures who were Deepened, rooted, yet never seperated from each other, no matter how great the distance.
We are the song of the universe. We sing with the angelic host. We are musicians. The farae and the stars are the singers. Our song orders the rhythm of creation. — Madeleine L'Engle

Jenkins Quotes By Dan Jenkins

The golf ball has no sense at all, which is why it has to be given stern lectures constantly, especially during the act of putting. — Dan Jenkins

Jenkins Quotes By Dan Jenkins

I probably remember the 1954 Masters more vividly than any of the others. — Dan Jenkins

Jenkins Quotes By Henry Jenkins

Just as we would not traditionally assume that someone is literate if they can read but not write, we should not assume that someone possesses media literacy if they can consume but not express themselves — Henry Jenkins

Jenkins Quotes By Stephan Jenkins

I find pleasure in things that are simple. — Stephan Jenkins

Jenkins Quotes By Dan Jenkins

I don't suppose anybody's ever enjoyed being who they are more than Arnold's enjoyed being Arnold Palmer. — Dan Jenkins

Jenkins Quotes By Taylor Jenkins Reid

We loved each other and we lost each other. And now, even though we still love each other, the pieces don't fit like they used to." I could make myself fit for him. He could make himself fit for me. But that's not true love. — Taylor Jenkins Reid

Jenkins Quotes By Charles Kennedy

The late Roy Jenkins was both a mentor and a personal friend. He was a man of both phenomenal intellect and political achievement in equal measure. — Charles Kennedy

Jenkins Quotes By Taylor Jenkins Reid

How I wish I'd had time to find him positively mind-numbing. When you love someone so much that you've stuck around through all the interesting things that have happened to them and have nothing left to say, when you know the course of their day before they even tell you, when you lie next to them and hold their hand even though they haven't said one interesting thing in days, that's a love I want. — Taylor Jenkins Reid

Jenkins Quotes By Richard Jenkins

But I loved making 'Eat Pray Love,' and I loved working with Julia Roberts. — Richard Jenkins

Jenkins Quotes By Roy Jenkins

There is a lot of talk about a centre party - and that I might lead it. I find this idea profoundly unattractive — Roy Jenkins

Jenkins Quotes By Stephanie Jenkins

I'll like you better if I punch you in the mouth. — Stephanie Jenkins

Jenkins Quotes By Dan Jenkins

Kids flew B-17s in daylight bombing raids over Germany in World War II. Kids fought in Korea and Vietnam. — Dan Jenkins

Jenkins Quotes By Jerry B. Jenkins

Good fiction must be entertaining, but what makes fiction special - and True - is that the realness of a novel allows it to carry a larger message. — Jerry B. Jenkins

Jenkins Quotes By Herbert Jenkins

On hearing that she was to continue to act as Malcolm Sage's secretary, Miss Gladys Norman had done a barn-dance across the room, her arrival at the door synchronising with the appearance of Malcolm Sage from without. It had become a tradition at Department Z that "M.S." could always be depended upon to arrive at the most embarrassing moment of any little dramatic episode; but it was equally well-known that he possessed a "blind-side" to his vision. They called it "the Nelson touch. — Herbert Jenkins

Jenkins Quotes By Richard Jenkins

Without social identity, there is, in fact, no society. — Richard Jenkins

Jenkins Quotes By Taylor Jenkins Reid

I want to be with someone who lives for me. I want to be with someone who considers me the love of her life. I deserve that. — Taylor Jenkins Reid

Jenkins Quotes By Simon Jenkins

The job of the media is not to protect the powerful from embarrassment. — Simon Jenkins

Jenkins Quotes By Taylor Jenkins Reid

Do you ever get over loss? Or do you just find a box within yourself, big enough to hold it? Do you just stuff it in there, push it down, and snap the lid on it? Do you just work, every day, to keep the box shut? — Taylor Jenkins Reid

Jenkins Quotes By Taylor Jenkins Reid

I once thought that grief was chronic, that all you could do was appreciate the good days and take them along with the bad. And then I started to think that maybe the good days aren't just days; maybe the good days can be good weeks, good months, good years. Now I wonder if grief isn't something like a shell. You wear it for a long time and then one day you realize you've outgrown it. So you put it down. — Taylor Jenkins Reid

Jenkins Quotes By Chiffon Strickland Jenkins

Sometimes the heart can feel beauty that the eyes can't see... — Chiffon Strickland Jenkins

Jenkins Quotes By Andy Jenkins

Without Visitors who are enticed to take action when presented with your offers, all you have is a hobby. — Andy Jenkins

Jenkins Quotes By Stephan Jenkins

Sometimes something will come along, and it feels easy and sometimes you'll get 85 percent there on a song and the last 15 percent will elude you for three years. — Stephan Jenkins

Jenkins Quotes By Simon Jenkins

Without history we are infants. Ask what binds the British Isles more closely to America than to Europe and only history gives a reply. Of all intellectual pursuits, history is the most supremely useful. That is why people crave it and need ever more of it. — Simon Jenkins

Jenkins Quotes By Dan Jenkins

My life has been very lucky, but I made some of that luck. — Dan Jenkins

Jenkins Quotes By Jane Jenkins Herlong

Take care of your husband and do your "homework." For every headache you have there will be a women out there with an aspirin in her purse. — Jane Jenkins Herlong

Jenkins Quotes By Dan Jenkins

Historians tell us that a gentleman named John Ball once captured eight British Amateur titles. — Dan Jenkins

Jenkins Quotes By Dan Jenkins

A sportswriter's life means never sitting with your wife or family at the games. Still working after everyone has gone to the party ... Digging beneath a coach's lies, not to forget those of athletic directors and general managers and owners of pro teams. Keeping a confidence. Risking it. — Dan Jenkins

Jenkins Quotes By Stephan Jenkins

I play video games, dude! — Stephan Jenkins

Jenkins Quotes By Dan Jenkins

Everybody in the Olympics is paid. Lindsay Vonn is going to make a million dollars whether she skis or not. — Dan Jenkins

Jenkins Quotes By Taylor Jenkins Reid

You can't capture love in a bottle. You can't hold on to it with both hands and force it to stay with you. — Taylor Jenkins Reid

Jenkins Quotes By Dan Jenkins

I don't have contempt for Tiger Woods. — Dan Jenkins

Jenkins Quotes By Henry Jenkins

When I first started you would pitch a story because without a good story, you didn't really have a film. Later, once sequels started to take off, you pitched a character because a good character could support multiple stories. and now, you pitch a world because a world can support multiple characters and multiple stories across multiple media. — Henry Jenkins

Jenkins Quotes By Taylor Jenkins Reid

There are, of course, many songs dedicated to the glory of a backside, and if my thirties have taught me anything so far, it's that I'm ready to try to be myself with no apologies. — Taylor Jenkins Reid

Jenkins Quotes By Henry Jenkins

Anthropologist Mary Douglas (1991) examines the very thin line separating a joke from an insult: a joke expresses something a community is ready to hear; an insult expresses something it doesn't want to consider. — Henry Jenkins

Jenkins Quotes By Katherine Jenkins

Everything in my career is my decision - every picture, every outfit. You get one chance at this, and I never saw myself as being a puppet. — Katherine Jenkins

Jenkins Quotes By Richard Jenkins

Life is too god damn short and you can't waste a minute of it. — Richard Jenkins

Jenkins Quotes By Dan Jenkins

If you're a friend or a relative of George Herbert Walker Bush, Prez 41, or George W. Bush, Prez 43, or any other Bushes, then you know an 18-hole round of golf shouldn't take more than three hours out of your day - there are other important things to do. — Dan Jenkins

Jenkins Quotes By Taylor Jenkins Reid

Maybe I need the truth more than I need to hear what I want to hear. Maybe there is almost never a time when you don't need the truth. Or maybe it's just that you need the truth the most at times you think you don't want to hear it. — Taylor Jenkins Reid

Jenkins Quotes By Peter Jenkins

As the lifetime-long days passed I began to notice a profound cleansing taking place in myself as we were inmersed in the peaceful Pennsylvania farm valleys. The streams and cotton-clean clouds washed my soul and I felt myself opening up to the world. — Peter Jenkins

Jenkins Quotes By Taylor Jenkins Reid

I've always loved you. I never stopped loving you. I'm incapable of it. I'm incapable of loving anyone but you. — Taylor Jenkins Reid

Jenkins Quotes By Philip Jenkins

In any theological struggle, the first thousand years are always the bitterest. — Philip Jenkins

Jenkins Quotes By Dan Jenkins

There have been so many great moments in golf that you even forget some of them. — Dan Jenkins

Jenkins Quotes By Jerry B. Jenkins

I love inventing worlds and characters and settings and scenarios. — Jerry B. Jenkins

Jenkins Quotes By Dan Jenkins

Anybody can make jokes. But unless they come from conviction, and there's truth in them, you haven't nailed it. They aren't as funny as they could be, and they don't make a point. — Dan Jenkins

Jenkins Quotes By Taylor Jenkins Reid

What I'm mad about is that you forgot about me! That you moved on and replaced me! That I'm back and I still don't have you. — Taylor Jenkins Reid

Jenkins Quotes By Taylor Jenkins Reid

He's scared he's about to lose the person he loves. There's not a fear on this earth more common than that. — Taylor Jenkins Reid

Jenkins Quotes By Cullen Jenkins

Our strengths are not many. Our weaknesses are a lot. — Cullen Jenkins

Jenkins Quotes By Richard Jenkins

A Western would be good. I'd love to do a Western. — Richard Jenkins

Jenkins Quotes By Taylor Jenkins Reid

Ryan and I are two people who used to be in love.
What a beautiful thing to have been.
What a sad thing to be. — Taylor Jenkins Reid

Jenkins Quotes By David Jenkins

It is unfortunate that some in our party have lost sight of the importance of conservation and environmental protection for keeping America strong, healthy, prosperous, and secure. It's time for all of our Republican leaders to recognize that conservation is conservative. — David Jenkins

Jenkins Quotes By Peter Jenkins

After living in Smokey Hollow these three months my bearded face was darkened to a tan, and for more than a moment, I couldn't tell what color I was. Black is what I saw and what I expected to see. I grabbed a towel and rubbed to get a clear look. No, I was white. At least my skin was. I had been through so much with my family here, and all I had seen was black faces, that I forgot for a split second that I wasn't black too. For weeks after the flood in the bathroom, I remembered the morning I forgot my skin color. — Peter Jenkins

Jenkins Quotes By William L. Jenkins

Throughout his life, Ronald Reagan believed America is capable of great things and its people could and would lead the way if left unburdened by taxation and regulation. — William L. Jenkins

Jenkins Quotes By Steven Jenkins

shards of glass spray everywhere. I take another swing, this time catching him on the side of the head, nearly knocking him back out onto — Steven Jenkins

Jenkins Quotes By Henry Jenkins

Fan fiction is a way of the culture repairing the damage done in a system where contemporary myths are owned by corporations instead of owned by the folk. — Henry Jenkins

Jenkins Quotes By Beverly Jenkins

To aspiring writers, I say : Don't give up. Storytelling has been an integral part of the human condition since the beginning of time. Don't let anyone tell you your dreams don't have value. They do. — Beverly Jenkins

Jenkins Quotes By Mark Jenkins

Interfacing street sculpture in public space creates an installation environment that turns regular space into art space. Signs and people and everything around a street sculpture-they all become part of it. A two-dimensional work, being confined to surfaces, doesn't have as much of a capacity. — Mark Jenkins

Jenkins Quotes By Taylor Jenkins Reid

I know it will be OK because everything is OK in the end. And if it's not OK, it's not the end. — Taylor Jenkins Reid

Jenkins Quotes By Jerry B. Jenkins

The uninitiated have real questions and valid concerns over how the things of God appear to them. — Jerry B. Jenkins

Jenkins Quotes By A.M. Jenkins

It seemed that the pleasure of cursing wasn't about volume, but about vehemence. — A.M. Jenkins

Jenkins Quotes By Jerry B. Jenkins

Actually 'Soon' has more than the Left Behind series, but I really believe less is more. — Jerry B. Jenkins

Jenkins Quotes By Jerry B. Jenkins

In my opinion, Jesus is God's attempt to reach man. But while I believe Jesus is the way to God, it makes no sense to hate people who disagree. — Jerry B. Jenkins

Jenkins Quotes By Roy Jenkins

The great disadvantage of our present electoral system is that it freezes the pattern of politics, and holds together the incompatible because everyone assumes that if a party splits it will be electorally slaughtered. — Roy Jenkins

Jenkins Quotes By Taylor Jenkins Reid

Life is long and full of an infinite number of decisions. I have to think that the small ones don't matter, that I'll end up where I need to end up no matter what I do. — Taylor Jenkins Reid

Jenkins Quotes By Henry Jenkins

The worst thing a kid can say about homework is that it is too hard. The worst thing a kid can say about a game is it's too easy. — Henry Jenkins

Jenkins Quotes By Peter Jenkins

Cooper's tremendous love and energy and unchained freedom had captured life itself. Now, as the last shovelful covered him forever, I knew I would always carry a big piece of Cooper Half Malamute with me until I too was covered by the earth. — Peter Jenkins

Jenkins Quotes By Roy Jenkins

There are always great dangers in letting the best be the enemy of the good. — Roy Jenkins

Jenkins Quotes By Ronnie Barker

Many old music hall fans were present at the funeral today of Fred 'Chuckles' Jenkins, Britain's oldest and unfunniest comedian. In tribute, the vicar read out one of Fred's jokes, and the congregation had two minutes silence. — Ronnie Barker

Jenkins Quotes By Sally Jenkins

Assimilating college sports into the university would prevent them from being run as autonomies or fiefdoms. And you don't need an NCAA bylaw or an act of Congress to do it - just an active, empowered faculty and some administrators with backbone. — Sally Jenkins

Jenkins Quotes By Thylias Moss

Esmenda Jenkins Dube the first was all about fair
and saw her house as an oasis in the middle
of corruption, saw herself as a missionary
converting stupidity into reason. She thought
that was much more useful than a miracle. — Thylias Moss

Jenkins Quotes By Dan Jenkins

Until Sammy Baugh - pro football in Texas was a one-paragraph story on the third page of the Monday sports section. — Dan Jenkins

Jenkins Quotes By Mark Jenkins

Once I have the finished sculpture, I'll put it out on the street or in nature or somewhere where it interacts with the environment. Really it's kind of the idea of turning the street into a stage and this sort of urban theater has a life of its own. If you have creative drive, and you need to manifest it, then you need some sort of medium to do that through. For me, it worked out with sculpture, and tape just is a means of doing sculpture. — Mark Jenkins

Jenkins Quotes By Jeanette Jenkins

One of the most powerful things you can do is take responsibility for your life. Your choices. Your actions. Your Life. — Jeanette Jenkins

Jenkins Quotes By Stephan Jenkins

My music is my way to rearrange the world according to my own hopes. — Stephan Jenkins

Jenkins Quotes By Elizabeth Jenkins

The celestial brightness of Pride and Prejudice is unequalled even in Jane Austen's other work; after a life of much disappointment and grief, in which some people would have seen nothing but tedium and emptiness, she stepped forth as an author, breathing gaiety and youth, robed in dazzling light. — Elizabeth Jenkins

Jenkins Quotes By Katherine Jenkins

I always choose songs that I have an emotional connection to, and I often feel myself getting very emotional when I sing. — Katherine Jenkins

Jenkins Quotes By Taylor Jenkins Reid

I know there may be universes out there where I made different choices and they led me somewhere else, led me to someone else. And my heart breaks for every single version of me that didn't end up with you. — Taylor Jenkins Reid

Jenkins Quotes By Philip Jenkins

In most cases, obviously, soldiers fought because a government drafted them and gave them a rifle. At every point too, we see the role of nationalistic sentiment, commercial rivalries, and simple greed. But can we ever separate out such motives from the religious? Was that not also true of the medieval crusades? — Philip Jenkins

Jenkins Quotes By Madeleine L'Engle

I Name you Echthroi. I Name you Meg.
I Name you Calvin.
I Name you Mr. Jenkins.
I Name you Proginoskes.
I fill you with Naming.
Be, butterfly and behemoth,
be galaxy and grasshopper,
star and sparrow,
you matter,
you are,
Be caterpillar and comet,
Be porcupine and planet,
sea sand and solar system,
sing with us,
dance with us,
rejoice with us,
for the glory of creation,
seagulls and seraphim
angle worms and angel host,
chrysanthemum and cherubim.
(O cherubim.)
Sing for the glory
of the living and the loving
the flaming of creation
sing with us
dance with us
be with us.
- Madeleine L'Engle, A Wind in the Door — Madeleine L'Engle

Jenkins Quotes By Paul Jenkins

A leader knows it's not so hard to die for your people. It's hard to order your people to die for you. And leading with certainty in an uncertain future doesn't require sight. It requires vision. It requires holding on. And no matter what happens, never letting go. — Paul Jenkins

Jenkins Quotes By Taylor Jenkins Reid

There is nothing more romantic than this. Holding the very person that you thought you lost, and knowing you'll never lose them again. — Taylor Jenkins Reid

Jenkins Quotes By Taylor Jenkins Reid

No! I can't let you do that. That would be so lazy of me." "That is lazy of you, but you're my wife and I love you and I want you to have what you want." He starts to get up. — Taylor Jenkins Reid

Jenkins Quotes By Katherine Jenkins

I've only ever wanted to be a singer; I never wanted to be famous. — Katherine Jenkins

Jenkins Quotes By Ian Jenkins

I support [FRAME's] objectives, largely because I do not believe that results of tests conducted on animals will be neccessarily relevant to human beings ... — Ian Jenkins

Jenkins Quotes By Taylor Jenkins Reid

It's a scary thought, isn't it? That every single person on this planet could lose their one true love and live to love again? It means the one you love could love again if they lost you. — Taylor Jenkins Reid

Jenkins Quotes By John Scalzi

Yes, death by away team. Very effective on this ship, Jenkins said. — John Scalzi

Jenkins Quotes By Katherine Jenkins

With all the hundreds of dresses and shoes I have, it would be an absolute crime if I don't have a little girl. I have a whole room at home filled with my stage wear. — Katherine Jenkins