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I've Waited Too Long For You Quotes & Sayings

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I've Waited Too Long For You Quotes By Mary Calmes

Our lips met and parted, and his tongue
slid deep to taste me. The sounds from the peanut gallery - choking and retching - and the tug on my robe instantly drained the heat from the encounter.
"That's disgusting," Kola assured me with a glare that a six-year-old shouldn't have had.
"Why?" I asked snidely.
"Your mouth has germs," he informed me haughtily. "That's why you told Hannah not to lick Chilly."
"No, I told her not to lick Chilly because the cat doesn't like to be
licked by her."
"He licks his body."
"He does," Hannah, our four-year-old, agreed with a nod. "Kola's right."
"But he doesn't want you to do it," I assured my daughter.
"How do you know?" Kola questioned.
I had to think.
Kola waited, squinting at me.
"Do not lick the cat! Nobody licks the cat!" Sam ordered when the silence stretched for too long. — Mary Calmes

I've Waited Too Long For You Quotes By Francine Rivers

Michael sat down behind her. He put his strong legs on either side of her and pulled her back against him. "Just wait." She wanted to resist his embrace, but she was too cold to fight him. "For what?" He put his arms around her. "For morning." "I could have waited for that in the cabin." He laughed against her hair. Lifting it, he kissed the nape of her neck. "You can't understand until you see it from here." He nuzzled the soft skin beneath her ear. She shivered softly. "Sleep a while if you want." He tucked her more closely against him. "I'll wake you at the right time." She wasn't sleepy after the long walk. "Do you do this sort of thing often?" "Not often enough. — Francine Rivers

I've Waited Too Long For You Quotes By Robert E. Vardeman

Necromancer gives readers what they've long waited for
a rousing conclusion to the trilogy begun in Nomadin and continued in NiDemon. Put this trilogy on your 'must-keep' shelf. Enjoy! — Robert E. Vardeman

I've Waited Too Long For You Quotes By Karina Halle

I'm taking this slow. I've waited far too long for this to be over in a minute." He slips his hand behind my neck and grips me there. "I'm going to relish every inch of your body until you're begging for release. Then, I'm going to fuck you so hard, so good, that you'll still feel me inside you days later. — Karina Halle

I've Waited Too Long For You Quotes By Elizabeth Chandler

Hi" he said
"I'd like to kiss you" He waited a moment for my response, then added, "Or, if you rather, we can dance, as long as we can get you unstuck."
"I think I'm in deep."
"Me, too," he said, looking into my eyes.
His head moved closer to mine. Then he lifted his hand, cupping my cheek ever so gently. His lips touched my lips, light as a butterfly, once, twice.
The kisses were so lovely, so lovely I couldn't help it-I did a totally stupid, uncool thing. I sighed.
I heard the laughter rumbling inside Nick and I started to pull away. But his arms wrapped around me. He held me close and pressed his lips against mine. A thrill went through me. I kissed him back-I didn't think about it, just kissed him with all that my heart felt. — Elizabeth Chandler

I've Waited Too Long For You Quotes By Hilary Duff

I've had a very unique path that's different from everybody else's. I was never a dater. I never went out that much. I've always had long-distance relationships. And, everything has come very fast in my life. I haven't waited for much. — Hilary Duff

I've Waited Too Long For You Quotes By Jodi Ellen Malpas

Where you're concerned, I'll try my best, Ava. I already told you, I've waited too long for you. You're my little piece of heaven. Nothing will rob you from me. Nothing. — Jodi Ellen Malpas

I've Waited Too Long For You Quotes By L.A. Fiore

I've waited a long time for you and now that I finally have you I will move Heaven and Earth to keep you right where I've always wanted you, at my side. I will walk in the rain so you stay dry, I will forgo food so you can eat, I will take the pain so you won't feel any and I will absolutely step in front of danger to keep you safe." Tears — L.A. Fiore

I've Waited Too Long For You Quotes By Raymond Massey

I've never had a dream that didn't come true, if I waited long enough. — Raymond Massey

I've Waited Too Long For You Quotes By Tana French

It was-this always seems to shock people all over again- a happy childhood. For the first few months I spent a lot of time at the bottom of the garden, crying till I threw up and yelling rude words at the neighborhood kids who tried to make friends. But children are pragmatic, they come alive and kicking out of a whole lot worse than orphanhood, and I could only hold out so long against the fact that nothing would bring my parents back and against the thousand vivid things around me, Emma-next-door hanging over the wall and my new bike glinting red in the sunshine and the half-wild kittens in the garden shed, all fidgeting insistently while they waited for me to wake up again and come out to play. I found out early that you can throw yourself away, missing what you've lost. — Tana French

I've Waited Too Long For You Quotes By Drake

Hope you'll forgive me, never meant wrong. Tried to be patient, but waited too long. But I would've came back.. But I would've came back for you. — Drake

I've Waited Too Long For You Quotes By Claire C. Riley

You and I, Mia. We have needs that must be attended. I will look after yours, and you will look after mine." He sighs, and his fingers move to his suit jacket and deftly undoes the buttons, letting it fall open to reveal a smart black shirt and tie underneath. "I've waited for this moment for so long. — Claire C. Riley

I've Waited Too Long For You Quotes By Jennifer Lynn Barnes

I'm older now," Dean said, testing out the possibility. "Wiser, better. I've waited so long, planned so long ... " His voice was lower when he profiled, deeper. "Once upon a time, I am an amateur. Now, I'm an artist. Invincible. Unstoppable."
"And this time," I said slowly, "you want credit. — Jennifer Lynn Barnes

I've Waited Too Long For You Quotes By Ruth Ryan Langan

I've waited so very long for this. For you. For someone as beautiful, both inside and out, as you, my beloved Brianna. Do you not see? 'Tis no accident that you're here. We were destined through time, through eternity, to meet. To love. — Ruth Ryan Langan

I've Waited Too Long For You Quotes By Margaret Atwood

Alone is how she feels, alone is how she'll always be. You're used to solitude, she tells herself. Be a stoic.
Then she's enfolded.
She'd waited so long, she'd given up waiting. She'd longed for this, and denied it was possible. But now how easy it is, like coming home must have been once, for those who'd had homes. Walking through the doorway into the familiar, the place that knows you, opens to you, allows you in. Tells you the stories you've needed to hear. Stories of the hands as well, and of the mouth.
I've missed you. Who said that?
A shape against the night window, glint of an eye. Dark heartbeat.
Yes. At last. It's you. — Margaret Atwood

I've Waited Too Long For You Quotes By Jennifer Silverwood

It be more a feeling. Something swirls out in the beyond, something unnatural. It's the reason so few venture to these worlds. The black spaces are a part of it, pieces unraveling pulling apart. We've come too far, waited too long to turn back now. Only death awaits us here. — Jennifer Silverwood

I've Waited Too Long For You Quotes By Jane Harvey-Berrick

This way, princess," and he ushered me inside.
I plopped down into the enormous captain's chair, staring at a dashboard that looked like it belonged on the Starship Enterprise.
Kes pushed a button and the engine roared into life.
"I can't believe you're here," he grinned at me.
"Neither can I!"
His smile dimmed. "I've waited a long time for this," he said.
Then he leaned across, gripping the back of my head as he kissed me thoroughly. — Jane Harvey-Berrick

I've Waited Too Long For You Quotes By Dorota Skrzypek

Love and lust aren't always in sync. You can love someone, but not be
ready to have sex with them. Or you can meet someone random and end up jumping in all the way. There's nothing wrong with either. You've waited this long, so wait until you're really feeling
it. If he's The One, he'll understand. — Dorota Skrzypek

I've Waited Too Long For You Quotes By N.I.

Her long beautiful red hair wasn't what got me to stare. It was her beautiful heart that I heard beating when I thought no one was there. Her hugs wasn't what got me to stay, it was the thought of me being alone again and I was afraid. She completes me more than she knows. I admire her more than I show, they say true love is hard to find but, I don't believe that because once I saw her in my dreams, I knew she was mines. I've waited for this day for so long and she never knew it, I plan to give her the world. Lord please don't let me blow it. — N.I.

I've Waited Too Long For You Quotes By Molly McAdams

I waited, Rachel. I waited until you were old enough. I wasted my time looking for girls who came even remotely close to looking like you." His hand brushed through my hair as he studied it. "Long legs. Long, straight, near-black hair. Eyes the exact color of sapphires." A heavy sigh left him and his forehead creased. "But none of them were you. None of them had your temper; none of them had your fire for life. So none of them deserved to have your beauty." "Like Jenn." I realized it with dread and watched his face twist with a look of disgust. "Everything I've done up until this point has been for you and our future together. I only wish," he said against my lips, "that you would stop being so goddamn difficult. — Molly McAdams

I've Waited Too Long For You Quotes By Crow Gray

I'm not holding back. We've waited long enough. You know your safeword., he continued whispering.

Yes. So if you hear me yelling 'shark' you know to stop whatever the hell you're doing to me, she said and couldn't help but giggle. — Crow Gray

I've Waited Too Long For You Quotes By Maya Banks

You'll fight, damn it. You'll not give over this easily. God is not ready for you yet because I am not through with you. You're going to wake up and you're going to give me the words I've waited on for so long. Telling me you love me on the battlefield as we both lay dying doesn't count. You'll give them to me and mean them or so help me I'll bury you in unconsecrated ground so that you never rest and you'll be forced to dwell in this keep with me for eternity. — Maya Banks

I've Waited Too Long For You Quotes By Rick Yancey

I start to unbutton his shirt. "Got to get these clothes off," I mutter. "You don't know how long I've waited to hear you say that." Smile. Lopsided. Sexy. — Rick Yancey

I've Waited Too Long For You Quotes By Kristan Higgins

Granted, I'd waited a long time to hear those words. Would've sold a kidney-maybe two-to have heard them at one point. Now, though ... they didn't have the same impact. They were, in fact, an overcooked noodle in the pasta salad of love. — Kristan Higgins

I've Waited Too Long For You Quotes By Christina Aguilera

I had my heart set on you,
but nothing else hurts like you do,
who knew that love was so cruel?
And I've waited and waited so long,
for someone who'll never come home.
It's my fault to think you'd be true,
I'm just a fool ... — Christina Aguilera

I've Waited Too Long For You Quotes By Lewis Carroll

With large eyes full of tears, but said nothing. 'This here young lady,' said the Gryphon, 'she wants for to know your history, she do.' 'I'll tell it her,' said the Mock Turtle in a deep, hollow tone: 'sit down, both of you, and don't speak a word till I've finished.' So they sat down, and nobody spoke for some minutes. Alice thought to herself, 'I don't see how he can even finish, if he doesn't begin.' But she waited patiently. 'Once,' said the Mock Turtle at last, with a deep sigh, 'I was a real Turtle.' These words were followed by a very long silence, broken only by an occasional exclamation of 'Hjckrrh!' from the Gryphon, and the constant heavy sobbing — Lewis Carroll

I've Waited Too Long For You Quotes By Judith Fertig

I knew that sunny citrus helped put things in focus, sharpened the memory, just like a squeeze of lemon juice could sharpen and clarify the taste of sweet fruit. I was also well aware that too much citrus could indicate a corrosive anger. My first wedding at Rainbow Cake had taught me that. But this was a gentle, subdued citrus, like the taste of a Meyer lemon.
Spice usually indicated grief, a loss that lingered for a long time, just like the pungent flavor of the spice itself, whether it was nutmeg or allspice or star anise. The more pronounced the flavor, the more recent the loss and the stronger the emotion. So there was some kind of loss or remembrance involved here. Yet there was also a comfort in the remembering, knowing that people had gone before you. That they waited for you on the other side. — Judith Fertig

I've Waited Too Long For You Quotes By Rick Yancey

I know where I have to go. I've known for a long time. I made a promise. The kind of promise you don't break because, if you break it, you've broken part of yourself, maybe the most important part.
But you tell yourself things. Things like, I need to come up with something first. I can't just walk into the lion's den without a plan. Or, It's hopeless, there's no point anymore. You've waited too long. — Rick Yancey

I've Waited Too Long For You Quotes By Buffy Andrews

You deserve good sperm. You've waited a long time. — Buffy Andrews

I've Waited Too Long For You Quotes By L.J. Shen

We've waited a long time for this. I want the real thing. Not the watered-down version. And the real thing is not only beautiful. It is also ugly. I want your truth. — L.J. Shen

I've Waited Too Long For You Quotes By Laura Kasischke

Maybe, I think, when you've waited a long time to see something, you need to find your way to it in glimpses. — Laura Kasischke

I've Waited Too Long For You Quotes By Aria Cole

Sweetheart, this is my first time, too. I waited a long time for you, for this. I couldn't imagine being with anyone else but you. This is the beginning for us, baby. This is my forever, — Aria Cole

I've Waited Too Long For You Quotes By John Sununu

If you wait until those weapons pose a direct, clear, present danger to the United States, you've probably waited too long. — John Sununu

I've Waited Too Long For You Quotes By Mark Teixeira

I've waited a long time to be part of a franchise like this [the Yankees]. — Mark Teixeira

I've Waited Too Long For You Quotes By Kevin Feige

We are fortunate to have such an esteemed filmmaker join the Marvel family. The talents Ryan [Coogler] showcased in his first two films easily made him our top choice to direct Black Panther. Many fans have waited a long time to see Black Panther in his own film, and with Ryan we know we've found the perfect director to bring T'Challa's story to life. — Kevin Feige

I've Waited Too Long For You Quotes By Maya Banks

The only thing I'm sure of is that I've waited entirely too damn long to have you. — Maya Banks

I've Waited Too Long For You Quotes By Brynna Gabrielson

Sydney: I've waited for him for so long.
Ava: I know. Funny that he only came around once you were taken. — Brynna Gabrielson

I've Waited Too Long For You Quotes By J. Limbu

The hour is only long thus, if you've waited. — J. Limbu

I've Waited Too Long For You Quotes By Karina Halle

I know I don't. But it's the truth. Do you know how long I've waited to tell you the truth? I've jacked off every day this week thinking about your perfect lips around my cock. — Karina Halle

I've Waited Too Long For You Quotes By Kelsey Sutton

You can't love him," he whispers. "I've waited so long. Why the boy? Why is it he that pounded a hole through the wall? — Kelsey Sutton

I've Waited Too Long For You Quotes By Karrie Webb

On one hand, it seems like I've waited a long time for this. — Karrie Webb

I've Waited Too Long For You Quotes By Steve Maraboli

Today you will have countless opportunities to take action towards any dream or goal you've ever had. No matter how long you've waited, it's never too late. Let today be the day you give life to your dreams and goals. Don't throw away another day! — Steve Maraboli

I've Waited Too Long For You Quotes By Tom Peters

The most important and visible outcropping of the action bias in excellent companies is their willingness to try things out, to experiment. If you wait until you believe you are safe, sure to be without occasional foolish feelings, you've most likely waited too long. — Tom Peters

I've Waited Too Long For You Quotes By Patrick Rothfuss

I've waited a long time to show these flowers how pretty you are. — Patrick Rothfuss

I've Waited Too Long For You Quotes By Judith McNaught

I'm going to hurt you, sweetheart, because there's no other way. If I could take the pain for you, I would."
She did not turn her face away from him or try to twist free of his imprisoning grasp, and what she said made Ian's throat ache with emotion. "Do you know," she whispered with a teary smile, "how long I've waited to hear you call me 'sweetheart' again?"
"How long?" he asked hoarsely.
Putting her arms around his shoulders, Elizabeth braced herself for whatever pain was coming, knowing as he tensed that it was going to happen, talking as if she could calm herself. "Two years. I've waited and w- — Judith McNaught

I've Waited Too Long For You Quotes By Karen Allen

I said to myself, 'I've waited a long time in my life to have a child, and I'm missing it, I want to continue to have a career, but not this way.' — Karen Allen

I've Waited Too Long For You Quotes By Eugene V. Debs

Too long have the workers of the world waited for some Moses to lead them out of bondage. He has not come; he never will come. I would not lead you out if I could; for if you could be led out, you could be led back again. — Eugene V. Debs

I've Waited Too Long For You Quotes By Katherine Allred

God, I can't lose you again." His whisper was harsh, filled with pain. "Not now, when I've waited so long to hold you. I think it would kill me. But I'm so damn scared you'll hate me when you find out the truth. — Katherine Allred

I've Waited Too Long For You Quotes By Dani Shapiro

In order to write a memoir, I've sat still inside the swirling vortex of my own complicated history like a piece of old driftwood, battered by the sea. I've waited - sometimes patiently, sometimes in despair - for the story under pressure of concealment to reveal itself to me. I've been doing this work long enough to know that our feelings - that vast range of fear, joy, grief, sorrow, rage, you name it - are incoherent in the immediacy of the moment. It is only with distance that we are able to turn our powers of observation on ourselves, thus fashioning stories in which we are characters — Dani Shapiro

I've Waited Too Long For You Quotes By Anna Seghers

What can I expect here? You know the fairy tale about the man who died, don't you? He was waiting in Eternity to find out what the Lord had decided to do with him. He waited and waited, for one year, ten years, a hundred years. He begged and pleaded for a decision. Finally he couldn't bear the waiting any longer. Then they said to him: 'What do you think you're waiting for? You've been in Hell for a long time already. — Anna Seghers