Intuition And Energy Quotes & Sayings
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Top Intuition And Energy Quotes

Notice what happens when you follow your intuitive feelings. The result is usually increased energy and power, and a sense of things flowing. — Shakti Gawain

The ancient intuition that all matter, all "reality," is energy, that all phenomena, including time and space, are mere crystallizations of mind, is an idea with which few physicists have quarreled since the theory of relativity first called into question the separate identities of energy and matter. Today most scientists would agree with the ancient Hindus that nothing exists or is destroyed, things merely change shape or form; that matter is insubstantial in origin, a temporary aggregate of he pervasive energy that animates the electron. — Peter Matthiessen

Staying loyal to your journey means you never abandon yourself by compromising your integrity or discounting your intuition or the signals that come from your body - the knot in the gut, emotional detachment, or loss of energy that signals something is amiss. — Charlotte Kasl

In the new alchemy, we have a similar kind of way of thinking. Our internal space includes our intuitions, our thoughts, our senses and our feelings, and from these we construct or build a picture of the outside world. From intuition and thought, we construct time. We also construct space from thought and our sensations. From our senses and our feelings, we experience energy, and from our intuitions and our feelings, we experience motion. — Fred Alan Wolf

Intuition is the wisdom formed by feeling and instinct - a gift of knowing without reasoning ... Belief is ignited by hope and supported by facts and evidence - it builds alignment and creates confidence. Belief is what sets energy in motion and creates the success that breeds more success. — Angela Ahrendts

Did you want to see me broken?
Bowed head and lowered eyes?
Shoulders falling down like teardrops.
Weakened by my soulful cries.
You may shoot me with your words,
You may cut me with your eyes,
You may kill me with your hatefulness,
But still, like air, I'll rise. — Maya Angelou

It's pointless to go against digital because sooner or later you won't be able to do anything else. — Mathieu Demy

Energy speaks through dreams ... are you listening? — Elaine Seiler

As confusing, unpredictable and stressful as life may be, always remember, it is never incorrect to be kind. When lost, just do nice things. — Sean Plott

The gift of intuition may bless you with powerful symbols that convey feelings, energy and emotions beyond what words could ever express. — Catherine Carrigan

Trusting your intuition means tuning in as deeply as you can to the energy you feel, following that energy moment to moment, trusting that it will lead you where you want to go and bring you everything you desire. — Shakti Gawain

Enlightenment is at the source of everything. From it, flows our Intuition and our creative energy. It is the delta of the human spirit ~ what we innately seek to return to, as we find ourselves lost in this world. — Kim Chestney

Avataric periods are like the spring-tide of creation. They bring a new release of power, a new awakening of consciousness, a new experience of life - not merely for a few, but for all. Qualities of energy and awareness, which had been used and enjoyed by only a few advanced souls, are made available for all humanity. Life, as a whole is stepped up to a higher level of consciousness, is geared to a new rate of energy. The transition from sensation to reason was one such step; the transition from reason to intuition will be another. — Meher Baba

Many people make their way through life acting as though they are 'alone.' They never progress beyond the lower realms of vibrational energy - and thus experience more discord, fear, stress, and ill health - because they don't allow intuition, higher wisdom, and unconditional (Divine) love to enter into their lives and guide their decisions. — Susan Barbara Apollon

Discover how to live in the flow of your true energy and notice how your intuition comes more naturally. — Catherine Carrigan

Intuition is using the inner body energy and heart to pave the way for your life. — Matthew Donnelly

The concept of psychic energy is easy for most people to imagine. After all, it's just one step beyond intuition - and almost everyone is comfortable with the idea of intuition. — Jayne Ann Krentz

28When Lamech had lived 182 years, he fathered a son 29and called his name Noah, saying, Out of the ground w that the LORD has cursed, this one shall bring us relief [4] from our work and from the painful toil of our hands. — Anonymous

It would be a mistake to suppose that all Urnings must be woman-haters. Quite the contrary. They are not seldom the faithfulest friends, the truest allies, and most convinced defenders of women. — Otto De Joux

Having faced adversity and survived it, he's unlike others who haven't. — Peter Gray

Multi-sensory perception is also the ability to see meaning in everyday experiences ... You have non-physical guides and teachers. You access them through your intuition. You hear them 'so to speak' through your insights, inspirations, and clarity. Non-physical teachers cannot control you. You must always decide for yourself how you will use your energy, what you will create. They will assist you to see your choices and the consequences of each. They will guide you to the full scope and depth of your power. How you use your power is up to you. — Gary Zukav

I'm so sick of hearing that U.K. hip hop doesn't get credit and success when I'm working to get it - for me and for others, too. — Estelle

However, in order to make progress in anything, we must make the first move - from then on, our personal rhythm and intuition will show us how to conserve his energy. — Paulo Coelho

It's important for intuitive people to differentiate other people's energy from their own pre-existing emotional state. — Sam Owen

Hinton spent most of his adult years trying to visualize higher spatial dimensions. He had no interest in finding a physical interpretation for the fourth dimension. Einstein saw, however, that the fourth dimension can be taken as a temporal one. He was guided by a conviction and physical intuition that higher dimensions have a purpose: to unify the principles of nature. By adding higher dimensions, he could unite physical concepts that, in a three-dimensional world, have no connection, such as matter and energy. — Michio Kaku

Intuition is truth. — A.D. Posey

Creation is the product of synchronizing our energy with the universe. Once we experience the whole and recognize it, we become aware that we are nothing but the Divine Creative Force. — Freydoon Rassouli

It is not a question of filling oneself from the outside in, but of recovering that energy, that inner strength, aligning consciousness with decision, word and action. It is question of aligning reason and intuition, mind and heart. — Miriam Subirana

Punishment can do a lot for criminals, and send a message to the rest of society. — Bill Bennett

Intuition is neither the ability to engage prophecy
nor a means of avoiding financial loss or painful relationships.
It is actually the ability to use energy data
to make decisions in the immediate moment. — Caroline Myss

Another way to strengthen connection to intuition is to refuse to allow anyone to repress your vivid energies... that means your opinions, your thoughts, your ideas, your values, your morals, your ideals. There is very little right/wrong or good/bad in this world. There is, however, use and not useful. — Clarissa Pinkola Estes

The swing of his nature took him from extreme languor to devouring energy; and as I knew well, he was never so truly formidable as when, for days on end, he had been lounging in his armchair amid his improvisations and his black-letter editions. Then it was that the lust of the chase would suddenly come upon him, and that his brilliant reasoning power would rise to the level of intuition, until those who were unacquainted with his methods would look askance at him as on a man whose knowledge was not that of other mortals. When I saw him that afternoon so enwrapped in the music of St. James's Hall I felt that an evil time might be coming upon those whom he had set himself to hunt down. — Arthur Conan Doyle

Mom and Dad were bibliophiles. Dad shared his father's love of westerns, Mom favored the likes of Zelazny and Heinlein, Howard and Burroughs. We owned several hundred books stored in trunks that comprised our portable library. — Laird Barron

You don't have to win, you already have! — Wendy Ann Zellea

The Battle Creek, Michigan, headquarters of Kellogg's looks like a spaceship built to look like a pyramid that was then hastily converted into a public library during a period of intergalactic peace. — B.J. Novak

But the real cause was, that the people, in electing their representatives to the grand council, were particular in choosing them for their talents at talking, without inquiring whether they possessed the more rare, difficult, and oft-times important talent of holding their tongues. The consequence was, that this deliberative body was composed of the most loquacious men in the community. As they considered themselves placed there to talk, every man concluded that his duty to his constituents, and, what is more, his popularity with them, required that he should harangue on every subject, whether he understood it or not. There was an ancient mode of burying a chieftain, by every soldier throwing his shield full of earth on the corpse, until a mighty mound was formed; so, whenever a question was brought forward in this assembly, every member pressing forward to throw on his quantum of wisdom, the subject was quickly buried under a mountain of words. — Washington Irving