Famous Quotes & Sayings

Integers Examples Quotes & Sayings

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Top Integers Examples Quotes

Integers Examples Quotes By Richard Hamming

I have tried, with little success, to get some of my friends to understand my amazement that the abstraction of integers for counting is both possible and useful. Is it not remarkable that 6 sheep plus 7 sheep makes 13 sheep; that 6 stones plus 7 stones make 13 stones? Is it not a miracle that the universe is so constructed that such a simple abstraction as a number is possible? To me this is one of the strongest examples of the unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics. Indeed, I find it both strange and unexplainable. — Richard Hamming

Integers Examples Quotes By Rick Riordan

You're a stalker with hooves."
"I am not! I followed her to the Big House and hid in a bush and watched the whole thing. — Rick Riordan

Integers Examples Quotes By Timothy Pina

Just because your down does not mean you have to be out. As long as you have a voice left~Use it to speak out against all Abuse,Violence & Injustice! — Timothy Pina

Integers Examples Quotes By Jonathan DeCollibus

Your level of audacity affects how well they perceive your idea.

Audacity in asking means that you ask for what you actually want. When you are in the heat of the conversation, and things are getting real, and the yes and no affects your bank account, you will sometimes feel a temptation to be safe, rather than... sorry.

What a bullshit phrase, by the way.

I'd rather die in the pursuit of my peak potential, than live forever in a mediocre, average way."

Excerpt From: "Unlimited Influence: Sell Any Idea One On One. — Jonathan DeCollibus

Integers Examples Quotes By Ronda Rousey

I'm going to be super successful one day, and I'm going to write a book. It's going to be a kickass autobiography. And this is how it always happens in the book. This is just that part of the book where the character is going through hard times. This is that sucky part of the story. Just get through a few more pages, and it's going to have an amazing ending. — Ronda Rousey

Integers Examples Quotes By Kimberly Derting

He stood straight then, moving to stand directly in front of me as he dropped low and bowed dramatically. Your Majesty. — Kimberly Derting

Integers Examples Quotes By Bob Saget

Paul Riser tells it in an interesting way; he dissects it and tells the structure, you know, 'you don't mention that part here.' But that's what's interesting about it and the people who are absent are interesting too. — Bob Saget

Integers Examples Quotes By Derek Bok

There are no tests similar to SATs to tell us how much undergraduates know. State legislators, who appropriate billions of dollars each year to higher education, are naturally interested in finding out what they are getting for their money. — Derek Bok

Integers Examples Quotes By Seth

I don't think it's a coincidence that comic books appeal so strongly to children. Not that it negates any of their power for adults, but there is something about comics that makes them a perfect storytelling system for children. — Seth

Integers Examples Quotes By Elliott Erwitt

All the technique in the world doesn't compensate for the inability to notice. — Elliott Erwitt

Integers Examples Quotes By Sophocles

You win the victory when you yield to friends. — Sophocles

Integers Examples Quotes By Athanasius Of Alexandria

But since the will of man could turn either way, God secured this grace that He had given by making it conditional from the first upon two things--namely, a law and a place. He set them in His own paradise, and laid upon them a single prohibition. If they guarded the grace and retained the loveliness of their original innocence, then the life of paradise should be theirs, without sorrow, pain or care, and after it the assurance of immortality in heaven. But if they went astray and became vile, throwing away their birthright of beauty, then they would come under the natural law of death and live no longer in paradise, but, dying outside of it, continue in death and in corruption. — Athanasius Of Alexandria

Integers Examples Quotes By Glenn Cooper

To a blare of trumpets Peter the Apostle was dragged onto the track. He'd been arrested along with the priest Cornelius and several followers at a Christian house near the Pincian Hill. When the soldiers arrived Peter had smiled at them as if he were welcoming old friends. Pater was hauled onto a high wooden platform at the center of the racetrack for all to see and Tigellinus loudly proclaimed him to be the ringleader of the plot to destroy Rome. — Glenn Cooper

Integers Examples Quotes By Stephen Schneider

Even hating myself I still think I'm better than you. — Stephen Schneider