Famous Quotes & Sayings

Inspirational Switzerland Quotes & Sayings

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Top Inspirational Switzerland Quotes

Inspirational Switzerland Quotes By Slavoj Zizek

The only way to survive such shitty times, if you ask me, is to write and read big, fat books, you know? And I'm writing now another book on Hegelian dialectics, subjectivity, ontology, quantum physics and so on. That's the only way to survive. Like Lenin. I will use his example. You know what Lenin did, in 1915, when World War I exploded? He went to Switzerland and started to read Hegel. — Slavoj Zizek

Inspirational Switzerland Quotes By Grete Waitz

Running gives me a clearer perspective on the world ... I've always seen the world by running, and that has allowed me to view things in a different way. Places look different in the early-morning hours, when the streets are deserted. I've smelled crabs boiling on Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco on my way to the Golden Gate Bridge, watched the sun rise over Diamond Head in Hawaii, and seen deer grazing on the Alps in St. Moritz, Switzerland. I clearly remember turning to my husband, Jack, in one of these places and saying, 'People don't know what they're missing.' — Grete Waitz

Inspirational Switzerland Quotes By Jacquie Phelan

Refrain from throwing your bicycle in public. It shows poor upbringing — Jacquie Phelan

Inspirational Switzerland Quotes By Erin Bowman

Money's supposed to fix problems, not give you more, but I guess life ain't that straightforward. — Erin Bowman

Inspirational Switzerland Quotes By Gloria Steinem

There is no such thing as a crime of passion, only a crime of possession. — Gloria Steinem

Inspirational Switzerland Quotes By Karl Albrecht

Old paradigms die hard, even if they don't work. — Karl Albrecht

Inspirational Switzerland Quotes By Steve Erickson

I rode the buses in L.A. until I was in my early 30s, and there's something about driving or riding through L.A. after sundown, when the Utopian city goes into hiding and another city comes out, more Doors and less Byrds. — Steve Erickson

Inspirational Switzerland Quotes By Neal Shusterman

Well ... you're a martyr and I'm a patron saint-I can't think of anyone better! — Neal Shusterman

Inspirational Switzerland Quotes By Seneca The Younger

You cease to be afraid when you cease to hope; for hope is accompanied by fear. — Seneca The Younger

Inspirational Switzerland Quotes By Robert T. Kiyosaki

Some people are terrified of snakes. Some people are terrified about losing money. — Robert T. Kiyosaki

Inspirational Switzerland Quotes By Tori Amos

Right now, half the world is depressed and they need to be entertained. — Tori Amos

Inspirational Switzerland Quotes By Robert Rauschenberg

My concern is never art, but always what art can be used for. — Robert Rauschenberg

Inspirational Switzerland Quotes By Sidonie Gabrielle Colette

In the matter of furnishing, I find a certain absence of ugliness far worse than ugliness. — Sidonie Gabrielle Colette