Inspirational Expansion Quotes & Sayings
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Top Inspirational Expansion Quotes

Success is a way of life with the sense of connection, compassion, and expansion of human life. — Debasish Mridha

It has been a long road from Plato's Meno to the present, but it is perhaps encouraging that most of the progress along that road has been made since the turn of the twentieth century, and a large fraction of it since the midpoint of the century. Thought was still wholly intangible and ineffable until modern formal logic interpreted it as the manipulation of formal tokens. And it seemed still to inhabit mainly the heaven of Platonic ideals, or the equally obscure spaces of the human mind, until computers taught us how symbols could be processed by machines. — Allen Newell

I'd love to see more equal representation of female and male cartoonists on the comics page. — Cathy Guisewite

The moment you become miserly you are closed to the basic phenomenon of life: expansion, sharing. The moment you start clinging to things, you have missed the target
you have missed. Because things are not the target, you, your innermost being, is the target
not a beautiful house, but a beautiful you; not much money, but a rich you; not many things, but an open being, available to millions of things. — Osho

We must not be misled by the claim that the source of all wisdom is in the government. — Herbert Hoover

Progression is part regression. Moving forward sometimes involves taking a few steps back during the process. Nothing has gone wrong. This is how we all move forward. Every project has setbacks. Every plan runs into a wall every once in a while. Every relationship has miscommunications and conflicts. Some days you will wake up feeling good; other days you will feel off. You will lose some money; you will gain some money. You will lose some weight; you will gain some weight. All of life is a process of expansion and contraction. This is how life breathes. — Emily Maroutian

Dreams are the Universe's plea for expansion. — Don Francis

As a community, I wish to sit together and think for the betterment of the society. I would like to see prosperity, peace, and an expansion of happiness in the community. — Debasish Mridha

At last with an effort he spoke, and wondered to hear his own words, as if some other will was using his small voice. 'I will take the Ring,' he said, 'though I do not know the way.' Elrond — J.R.R. Tolkien

Every event has a purpose and every setback a lesson. Failure is essential to personal expansion. It brings inner growth and a whole host of psychic rewards. Never regret your past. Rather embrace it as the teacher it is. — Robin S. Sharma

God has, in fact, written two books, not just one. Of course, we are all familiar with the first book he wrote, namely Scripture. But he has written a second book called creation. — Francis Bacon

The expansion is inevitable. — Esther Hicks

A life is an uphill journey with expansion of happiness and great view of life. — Debasish Mridha

If the source turned out to be opposed to Rezkin, it would be like two wildfires meeting with Ashai in the center. They may snuff each other out, but everyone and everything caught between them would be destroyed. Maker forbid the two find common ground and become one. — Kel Kade

Contrast is not 'bad' since the contrast we experience still causes us to learn and grow. Expansion never ceases, and that is a beautiful thing. Contrast allows us to see what is not in alignment with our Authentic Selves, and then presents us with opportunity after opportunity to respond from a place of compassion, forgiveness, acceptance, love, joy, gratitude, etc. Thus, when we break the karmic loop we swing back into alignment with Spirit. — Alaric Hutchinson

Practice makes comfort. Expand your experiences regularly
so every stretch won't feel like your first. — Gina Greenlee

We must be guided by faith. If we are guided by fear we lock ourselves and our expansion. — Harbhajan Singh Yogi

Measure your life not by the dimension of your bank account but by the expansion of your kindness and love. — Debasish Mridha

Expansion in love is an action that is available to every being in the universe all the time. A willing awareness will take
us to heaven, a loving attitude will make us free. Nothing else controls our fate. Good or bad behavior is secondary.
Whatever you are doing, love yourself for doing it. Whatever you are thinking, love yourself for thinking it. Love is the
only dimension that needs to be changed. If you are not sure how it feels to be loving, love yourself for not being sure of
how it feels. There is nothing on earth more important than the love which conscious beings feel towards each other,
whether or not it is ever expressed. — Thaddeus Golas

It is so exhilarating to realize that this is all here for our expansion and for our pleasure. — Esther Hicks