Famous Quotes & Sayings

Inspirational Beer Quotes & Sayings

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Top Inspirational Beer Quotes

Inspirational Beer Quotes By Ravindra Shukla

What about young age? You will be miserable all through your 15 years to reach that goal of $10 million. After 50
years, even if you pay a million to get back a week of your time at 35, you will never get that. Your beer will taste very different when you are at 50 from how it tasted at 30. — Ravindra Shukla

Inspirational Beer Quotes By Barbara Morrison

The woman next to you that looks really bad might be going through the toughest challenge ever with her teenage daughter; think about if it were you in her shoes before gossiping about her. The man at the checkout line using change may have lost his job and is buying diapers for his baby at home because its all the money he has left; think about it before you snicker to your friends because he could've bought beer or cigarettes. The child with holes in his shoes could be homeless but he's still going to school because he feels safe there even though others laugh at him; think about it before you judge the innocent. You never know what challenges you're going to face from day to day! — Barbara Morrison

Inspirational Beer Quotes By D. Randall Blythe

The fact of the matter is that when I drink, I am 100 percent certifiably insane. Hopelessly, utterly, undeniably bat shit crazy. I do things that are abhorrent to me; anathema to my nature, my morals, and my upbringing. And once I start, I cannot stop the craziness. It just spirals on and on, ever downward, until I die or hit rock bottom. And even at rock bottom, despite all evidence that I should stop, I will grab a cold beer and a pick ax and keep digging deeper. It's insane. The only way I know to not be crazy is just not to drink. — D. Randall Blythe

Inspirational Beer Quotes By Gerry Abbey

Somehow, we were passing the boundaries of language and finding clarity in shared thought, even if we were just talking about beer! — Gerry Abbey

Inspirational Beer Quotes By Komrade Komura

Losing it in the backseat with a can of beer and a blunt, virginity is of no value. I never celebrated my time before chocolate either. — Komrade Komura

Inspirational Beer Quotes By Daniel Anderson

I come from the heart land of New Zealand. A place where men are men and there is no such thing as a latte. Where a day's work is only done one way. THE HARD WAY. Where the vehicle you drive doesn't symbolize who you are. A place where a beer is a beer and it comes only one way, ICE COLD. Yes the great land I like to call home the Waikato but yes all this beauty comes at a price obviously where men actually act like men not knob head; makeup wearing, tight jean wearing homos there will always be a shortage of real women. So just as the last generation of real men, almost every weekend we head into every bar, club, party or music festival we can in the hopes of finding a real women. Don't get me wrong, bars clubs a music fests are the best fun ever. And I drink alcohol like it's going out of fashion not that we care about fashion round here. See you in the heart land — Daniel Anderson

Inspirational Beer Quotes By Glen Cook

My favorite sport is female and my favorite food is beer. — Glen Cook

Inspirational Beer Quotes By Holly Michael

I was so done with looking at life through the eyes of beer-drinking cheese-heads. I wanted to go on that mission trip and look through the eyes of someone from a different culture and see what they saw. I wanted to meet people who didn't crush the can of what they just drank on their forehead.-Rebecca Meyer, Crooked Lines — Holly Michael

Inspirational Beer Quotes By C.S. Lewis

The sun looks down on nothing half so good as a household laughing together over a meal, or two friends talking over a pint of beer, or a man alone reading a book that interests him ... — C.S. Lewis