Famous Quotes & Sayings

Innigsten Quotes & Sayings

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Top Innigsten Quotes

Innigsten Quotes By Naomi Novik

The Dragon hissed under his breath with annoyance: how dare a chimaera inconvenience him, coming out of season. — Naomi Novik

Innigsten Quotes By Michael Douglas

Most of the stories I read are about my Hollywood pedigree. — Michael Douglas

Innigsten Quotes By Ben Aaronovitch

I took the swab using the collection kit that I'd borrowed from Dominic who, I realized, had left the Boy Scout scale behind and was now verging on Batman levels of crazy preparedness. — Ben Aaronovitch

Innigsten Quotes By Frederick Douglass

I had a wholesome dread of the consequences of running in debt. — Frederick Douglass

Innigsten Quotes By David Foster Wallace

This story ["The Depressed Person"] was the most painful thing I ever wrote. It's about narcissism, which is a part of depression. The character has traits of myself. I really lost friends while writing on that story, I became ugly and unhappy and just yelled at people. The cruel thing with depression is that it's such a self-centered illness - Dostoevsky shows that pretty good in his "Notes from Underground". The depression is painful, you're sapped/consumed by yourself; the worse the depression, the more you just think about yourself and the stranger and repellent you appear to others. — David Foster Wallace

Innigsten Quotes By Wislawa Szymborska

Whatever inspiration is, it's born from a continuous "I don't know."...That is why I value that little phrase "I don't know" so highly. It's small, but it flies on mighty wings. It expands our lives to include spaces within us as well as the outer expanses in which our tiny Earth hangs suspended...Poets, if they're genuine, must always keep repeating "I don't know. — Wislawa Szymborska

Innigsten Quotes By Lorde

I'm terrified of growing up. Once you become an adult, how to you step back from that? It's something that wakes me up at night. — Lorde

Innigsten Quotes By Rumi

Your legs will get heavy and tired. Then comes a moment of feeling the wings you've grown, lifting. — Rumi

Innigsten Quotes By Pierce Brown

Achilles died well"
"No. Achilles let his pride and rage consume him, and in the end, an arrow shot by a Pixie took him in the foot. There's much to live for besides this. Hopefully you'll grow old enough to realize that Achilles was a gorydamn fool. And we're fools all the more for not realizing he wasn't Homer's hero. He was warning. I feel men once knew that — Pierce Brown

Innigsten Quotes By Robert Genn

We know the human mind is programmed to glaze over when bored. Conversely, the mind is more alert in the presence of novelty. Our muse needs to stay seductive to keep our hands doing the right things. — Robert Genn

Innigsten Quotes By Brandon Sanderson

The world would find them anyway. It was good at these kinds of games. — Brandon Sanderson