Famous Quotes & Sayings

Indwelling Sins Quotes & Sayings

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Top Indwelling Sins Quotes

Indwelling Sins Quotes By Charles De Lint

Everything has a spirit and it's all connected. If you think about that, if you live your life by it, then you're less likely to cause any hurt. It's like how our bodies go back into the ground when we die, so that connects us to the earth. If you dump trash, you're dumping it on your and my ancestors. Or to bring it down to its simplest level: treat everything and everybody the way you want to be treated, because when you hurt someone, you're only hurting yourself. — Charles De Lint

Indwelling Sins Quotes By Charles Haddon Spurgeon

This Man receiveth sinners; not, however, that they may remain sinners, but He receives them that He may pardon their sins, justify their persons, cleanse their hearts by His purifying word, preserve their souls by the indwelling of the Holy Ghost, and enable them to serve Him, to show forth His praise, and to have communion with Him. — Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Indwelling Sins Quotes By Henry David Thoreau

Inexpressibly beautiful appears the recognition by man of the least natural fact, and the allying his life to it. — Henry David Thoreau

Indwelling Sins Quotes By Sunday Adelaja

The praying man is eligible to invite God or any spirit-being to come on earth — Sunday Adelaja

Indwelling Sins Quotes By K.P. Yohannan

gets up very early each morning and spends two or three hours in prayer and then an hour or two reading the Bible. — K.P. Yohannan

Indwelling Sins Quotes By Jay Woodman

Love is stronger than both fear and hope - if you can love the natural beauty around you, the amazing gifts and skills we have, the fact that you are alive to experience life, each moment that you have, and love yourself and those around you just as they are, then there is no need to be owned by fear, or even hope, you just live the best you can, being the truth of that love that you are being, representing the stream of consciousness experiencing itself, always knowing that you will someday return to it again, and flow as part of it infinitely on. — Jay Woodman

Indwelling Sins Quotes By George Orwell

The Puritanical nonsense of excluding children and therefore to some extent women from pubs has turned these places into mere boozing shops instead of the family gathering places that they ought to be. — George Orwell

Indwelling Sins Quotes By Mehmet Murat Ildan

You cannot light up all the caves. Behave like a sun! Send your light unto everything! It remains up to them to let the light inside their darkness! — Mehmet Murat Ildan

Indwelling Sins Quotes By Jerry Bridges

So in the midst of our struggle with indwelling sin, we must continually keep our focus on the gospel. We must always go back to the truth that even in the face of the fact that so often "I do not do the good that I want, but the evil I do not want is what I keep on doing" (Rom 7:19), there is no condemnation. God no longer counts our sins against us (Rom 4:8). Or, to say it another way, God wants us to find our primary joy in our objectively declared justification, not in our subjectively perceived sanctification. Regardless of how much progress we make in our pursuit of holiness, it will never come close to the absolute perfect righteousness of Christ that is ours through our union with him in his life and death. So we should learn to live with the discomfort of the justified life. We should accept the fact that as still-growing Christians we will always be dissatisfied with our sanctification. But at the same time, we should remember that in Christ we are justified. — Jerry Bridges

Indwelling Sins Quotes By Danny Meyer

I just think the best way for me to be greedy is long-term greedy. — Danny Meyer

Indwelling Sins Quotes By Bernd Heinrich

There is nothing quite so gentle, deep, and irrational as running
and nothing quite so savage, so wild. — Bernd Heinrich

Indwelling Sins Quotes By Paul Watson

Intelligence is the ability of a species to live in harmony with its environment. — Paul Watson

Indwelling Sins Quotes By Philip James Bailey

Oh, could we lift the future's sable shroud. — Philip James Bailey

Indwelling Sins Quotes By Martin Gore

I love being in the studio. If I'm at home, I will go to the studio pretty much every day anyway. It's just something that I like to do. — Martin Gore

Indwelling Sins Quotes By Maelle Gavet

The Russian customers don't feel very comfortable with online transactions. — Maelle Gavet