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Indifferent Universe Quotes & Sayings

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Top Indifferent Universe Quotes

Indifferent Universe Quotes By Carl Sagan

The study of the galaxies reveals a universal order and beauty. It also shows us chaotic violence on a scale hitherto undreamed of. That we live in a universe which permits life is remarkable. That we live in one which destroys galaxies and stars and worlds is also remarkable. The universe seems neither benign nor hostile, merely indifferent to the concerns of such puny creatures as we. — Carl Sagan

Indifferent Universe Quotes By Danika Stone

Trapped on a school bus for an hour each morning and each evening, she devoured book after book. She explored a hundred worlds, indifferent to her peers and the passing of the universe. — Danika Stone

Indifferent Universe Quotes By Richard Rudd

Every intentional act is a magical act." Even the smallest action has a spin-off effect that travels out into the universe. Actions made out of resentment or fear reinforce the Shadow frequency both in the world and in the individual. Indifferent acts reinforce indifference, whereas acts done in joy or service create more joy. — Richard Rudd

Indifferent Universe Quotes By Dan Simmons

I now understand the need for faith - pure, blind, fly-in-the-face-of-reason faith - as a small life preserver in the wild and endless sea of a universe ruled by unfeeling laws and totally indifferent to the small, reasoning beings that inhabit it. — Dan Simmons

Indifferent Universe Quotes By Richard Dawkins

I believe that an orderly universe, one indifferent to human preoccupations, in which everything has an expla nation even if we still have a long way to go before we find it, is a more beautiful, more wonderful place than a universe tricked out with capricious, ad hoc magic. — Richard Dawkins

Indifferent Universe Quotes By Terry Goodkind

To exist in this vast universe for a speck of time is the great gift of life. Our tiny sliver of time is our gift of life. It is our only life. The universe will go on, indifferent to our brief existence, but while we are here we touch not just part of that vastness, but also the lives around us. Life is the gift each of us has been given. Each life is our own and no one else's. It is precious beyond all counting. It is the greatest value we can have. Cherish it for what it truly is ... Your life is yours alone. Rise up and live it. — Terry Goodkind

Indifferent Universe Quotes By Sebastian Horsley

You may look back on your life and accept it as good or evil. But it is far, far harder to admit that you have been completely unimportant; that in the great sum of things all a man's endless grapplings are no more significant than the scuttlings of a cockroach. The universe is neither friendly nor hostile. It is merely indifferent. This makes me ecstatic. I have reached a nirvana of negativity. I can look futility in the face and still see promise in the stars. — Sebastian Horsley

Indifferent Universe Quotes By A. Lee Martinez

Humans ... You want a nice warm hug from a cold, indifferent universe. — A. Lee Martinez

Indifferent Universe Quotes By Kiana Davenport

He thinks of all he has seen and learned: that the universe is indifferent to our human endeavors, that what gives our lives meaning is the passion that invades our hearts and burns in us, and maybe even destroys us. — Kiana Davenport

Indifferent Universe Quotes By Jose Saramago

Not only does the universe have its own laws, all of them indifferent to the contradictory dreams and desires of humanity, and in the formulation of which we contribute not one iota, apart, that is, from the words by which we clumsily name them, but everything seems to indicate that it uses these laws for aims and objectives that transcend and always will transcend our understanding. — Jose Saramago

Indifferent Universe Quotes By Louise Lester

The universe is not indifferent to intelligence, it is actively hostile to it. Love thy neighbor as yourself, but choose your neighborhood. — Louise Lester

Indifferent Universe Quotes By Sebastian Horsley

The universe is neither friendly nor hostile. It is merely indifferent. This makes me ecstatic. — Sebastian Horsley

Indifferent Universe Quotes By Carl Sagan

The universe seems neither benign nor hostile, merely indifferent. — Carl Sagan

Indifferent Universe Quotes By Don Henley

Insect politics, indifferent universe. Bang your head against the wall, but apathy is worse. — Don Henley

Indifferent Universe Quotes By Milan Kundera

For everyone is pained by the thought of disappearing, unheard and unseen, into an indifferent universe, and because of that everyone wants, while there is still time, to turn himself into a universe of words. — Milan Kundera

Indifferent Universe Quotes By Tom Flynn

Secular humanists suspect there is something more gloriously human about resisting the religious impulse; about accepting the cold truth, even if that truth is only that the universe is as indifferent to us as we are to it. — Tom Flynn

Indifferent Universe Quotes By Caroline Alexander

Priam and Achilles meet in the very twilight of their lives. Their extinction is certain and there will be no reward for behaving well, and yet, in the face of implacable fate and an indifferent universe, they mutually assert the highest ideals of their humanity. — Caroline Alexander

Indifferent Universe Quotes By Milan Kundera

Everyone has trouble accepting the fact he will disappear unheard of and unnoticed in an indifferent universe, and everyone wants to make himself into a universe of words before it's too late ... — Milan Kundera

Indifferent Universe Quotes By Werner Herzog

The universe is monstrously indifferent to the presence of man. — Werner Herzog

Indifferent Universe Quotes By Stephen Crane

This tower was a giant, standing with its back to the plight of the ants. It represented in a degree, to the correspondent, the serenity of nature amid the struggles of the individual
nature in the wind, and nature in the vision of men. She did not seem cruel to him, nor beneficent, nor treacherous, nor wise. But she was indifferent, flatly indifferent. It is, perhaps, plausible that a man in this situation, impressed with the unconcern of the universe, should see the innumerable flaws of his life and have them taste wickedly in his mind and wish for another chance. A distinction between right and wrong seems absurdly clear to him, then, in this new ignorance of the grave-edge, and he understands that if he were given another opportunity he would mend his conduct and his words, and be better and brighter during an introduction, or at a tea. — Stephen Crane

Indifferent Universe Quotes By Justin Cronin

But then night would fall, revealing the sky's hidden treasure - the stars, after all, weren't gone during the day, merely obscured - and his loneliness would recede, supplanted by the sense that the universe, for all its inscrutable vastness, was not a hard, indifferent place in which some things were alive and others not and all that happened was a kind of accident, governed by the cold hand of physical law, but a web of invisible threads in which everything was connected to everything else, including him. — Justin Cronin

Indifferent Universe Quotes By Marcelo Gleiser

Whereas it (modern science) does say that we are an accident in an indifferent universe, it also says that we are a rare accident and thus not pointless. — Marcelo Gleiser

Indifferent Universe Quotes By Ian McEwan

A microscopic egg had failed to divide in time due to a failure somewhere along a chain of chemical events, a tiny disturbance in a cascade of protein reactions. A molecular event ballooned like an exploding universe, out onto the wider scale of human misery. No cruelty, nothing avenged, no ghost moving in mysterious ways. Merely a gene transcribed in error, an enzyme recipe skewed, a chemical bond severed. A process of natural wastage as indifferent as it was pointless. Which only brought into relief healthy, — Ian McEwan

Indifferent Universe Quotes By Elizabeth S. Anderson

The definition of deism is the philosophical idea of God as a first cause of the universe, who lays down the laws of nature and lets them run like clockwork, indifferent to the fate of the people subject to them. — Elizabeth S. Anderson

Indifferent Universe Quotes By Roger Ebert

And yet, even so, there is a way to find happiness. That is to be curious about all of the interlocking events that add up to our lives. To notice connections. To be amused or perhaps frightened by the ways things work out. If the universe is indifferent, what a consolation that we are not. — Roger Ebert

Indifferent Universe Quotes By Rob Bell

I believe that God is with you, that there is a presence. I believe this God is for you. I don't think the universe is a cold, dead place that is indifferent. — Rob Bell

Indifferent Universe Quotes By Henry David Thoreau

Though the youth at last grows indifferent, the laws of the universe are not indifferent, but are forever on the side of the most sensitive. — Henry David Thoreau

Indifferent Universe Quotes By Francis Spufford

Without faith, there'd be nothing but indifferent material forces at work. It's only when the idea of events having an author is introduced that the universe becomes cruel, as opposed to merely heavy, or fast-moving, or prone to unpredictable acceleration. — Francis Spufford

Indifferent Universe Quotes By Tao Lin

That was bad; i shouldn't have done that
to prevent you from entering a catatonic state
i am going to maintain a calm facial expression
with crinkly eyes and an overall friendly demeanor
i believe in a human being that is not upset
i believe if you are working i should not be insane
or upset
why am i ever insane or upset and not working?
i vacuumed the entire house this morning
i cleaned the kitchen and the computer room
and i made you a meat helmet with computer paper
the opportunity for change exists in each moment, all moments are alone
and separate from other moments, and there are a limited number of moments
and the idea of change is a delusion of positive or negative thinking
your hands are covering your face
and your body moves like a statue
when i try to manipulate an appendage
if i could just get you to cry tears of joy one more time — Tao Lin

Indifferent Universe Quotes By Sarah Polley

In fact, there's an entire universe out there that's pretty much indifferent to struggles that big, no matter how serious they've been in your life. — Sarah Polley

Indifferent Universe Quotes By Bertrand Russell

Even if it is indifferent to human desires, as it seems to be; if human life is a passing episode, hardly noticeable in the vastness of cosmic processes; if there is no superhuman purpose, and no hope of ultimate salvation, it is better to know and acknowledge this truth than to endeavor, in futile self-assertion, to order the universe to be what we find comfortable. — Bertrand Russell

Indifferent Universe Quotes By Charles Dickens

The universe, he observed, makes rather an indifferent parent, I am afraid. — Charles Dickens

Indifferent Universe Quotes By Stephen Hawking

The universe is not indifferent to our existence - it depends on it. — Stephen Hawking

Indifferent Universe Quotes By Stephen Jay Gould

We are the offspring of history, and must establish our own paths in this most diverse and interesting of conceivable universes - one indifferent to our suffering, and therefore offering us maximum freedom to thrive, or to fail, in our own chosen way. — Stephen Jay Gould

Indifferent Universe Quotes By Dan Simmons

Edouard, I have spent so many hours wrestling with my faith - my lack of faith - but now, in this fearful corner of an all but forgotten world, riddled as I am with this loathsome parasite, I have somehow rediscovered a strength of belief the likes of which I have not known since you and I were boys. I now understand the need for faith - pure, blind, fly-in-the-face-of-reason faith - as a small life preserver in the wild and endless sea of a universe ruled by unfeeling laws and totally indifferent to the small, reasoning beings that inhabit it. Day — Dan Simmons

Indifferent Universe Quotes By William James

From a pragmatic point of view, the difference between living against a background of foreigness (an indifferent Universe) and one of intimacy (a benevolent Universe) means the difference between a general habit of wariness and one of trust. — William James

Indifferent Universe Quotes By Jacques Monod

Armed with all the powers, enjoying all the wealth they owe to science, our societies are still trying to practice and to teach systems of values already destroyed at the roots by that very science. Man knows at last that he is alone in the indifferent immensity of the universe, whence which he has emerged by chance. His duty, like his fate, is written nowhere. — Jacques Monod

Indifferent Universe Quotes By Steven Pressfield

The universe is not indifferent. It is actively hostile. — Steven Pressfield

Indifferent Universe Quotes By Colin Meloy

My dear Prue, we are the inheritors of a wonderful world, a beautiful world, full of life and mystery, goodness and pain. But likewise are we children of an indifferent universe. We break our own hearts imposing our moral order on what is, by nature, a wide web of chaos. It is a hopeless task. — Colin Meloy

Indifferent Universe Quotes By Isaac Asimov

The soft bonds of love are indifferent to life and death. They hold through time so that yesterday's love is part of today's and the confidence in tomorrow's love is also part of today's. And when one dies, the memory lives in the other, and is warm and breathing. And when both die - I almost believe, rationalist though I am - that somewhere it remains, indestructible and eternal, enriching all of the universe by the mere fact that once it existed. — Isaac Asimov

Indifferent Universe Quotes By Gerard De Nerval

Nothing is indifferent, nothing is powerless in the universe; an atom might destroy everything, an atom might save everything! — Gerard De Nerval

Indifferent Universe Quotes By Charles Dickens

The universe makes rather an indifferent parent, I'm afraid. — Charles Dickens

Indifferent Universe Quotes By Abhijit Naskar

Every living creature on this planet, has a conscious subjective perspective of the world. The plants may seem to us as standing indifferent to the human sufferings, but even they have their own unique mental universe. They have their own way of interacting with the environment. — Abhijit Naskar

Indifferent Universe Quotes By Ivan Turgenev

From lips indifferent of her death I heard,
Indifferently I listened to it, too,'
were echoing in my heart. O youth, youth! little dost thou care for anything; thou art master, as it were, of all the treasures of the universe - even sorrow gives thee pleasure, even grief thou canst turn to thy profit; thou art self-confident and insolent; thou sayest, 'I alone am living - look you!' - but thy days fly by all the while, and vanish without trace or reckoning; and everything in thee vanishes, like wax in the sun, like snow ... . And, perhaps, the whole secret of thy charm lies, not in being able to do anything, but in being able to think thou wilt do anything; lies just in thy throwing to the winds, forces which thou couldst not make other use of; in each of us gravely regarding himself as a prodigal, gravely supposing that he is justified in saying, 'Oh, what might I not have done if I had not wasted my time! — Ivan Turgenev

Indifferent Universe Quotes By Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

The universe is not hostile, nor yet is it friendly," in the words of J. H. Holmes. "It is simply indifferent. — Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

Indifferent Universe Quotes By Christopher Hitchens

Famine is good to the corn-merchant, evil to the poor, and indifferent to those whose fortunes can at all times command a superfluity. Ambition is evil to the restless bosom it inhabits, to the innumerable victims who are dragged by its ruthless thirst for infamy, to expire in every variety of anguish, to the inhabitants of the country it depopulates, and to the human race whose improvement it retards; it is indifferent with regard to the system of the Universe, and is good only to the vultures and the jackals that track the conqueror's career, and to the worms who feast in security on the desolation of his progress. It is manifest that we cannot reason with respect to the universal system from that which only exists in relation to our own perceptions. — Christopher Hitchens

Indifferent Universe Quotes By John Dufresne

The universe may be tenderly indifferent to our fate, but we shouldn't be. We are our brothers' keepers. There is right, and there is wrong. There are consequences to our actions or inactions. Disregard can be an act of violence. — John Dufresne

Indifferent Universe Quotes By Greg Egan

And after the briefest flowering of understanding, my own generation had grown complacent. At some level, we must have started taking it for granted that the way the universe worked was now obvious to any child ... even though it went against everything innate to the species: the wild, undisciplined love of patterns, the craving to extract meaning and comfort from everything in sight.
We thought we were passing on everything that mattered to our children: science, history, literature,
art. Vast libraries of information lay at their fingertips. But we hadn't fought hard enough to pass on
the hardest-won truth of all: Morality comes only from within. Meaning comes only from within. Outside our own skulls, the universe is indifferent. — Greg Egan

Indifferent Universe Quotes By Srikumar Rao

It is indeed possible to change your view of the universe from indifferent to friendly. I have helped thousands of persons make this transition in my workshops. — Srikumar Rao

Indifferent Universe Quotes By Stephen Hawking

The Greeks' Christian successors rejected the idea that the universe is governed by indifferent natural law. They also rejected the idea that humans do not hold a privileged place within that universe. And though the medieval period had no single coherent philosophical system, a common theme was that the universe is God's dollhouse, and religion a far worthier study than the phenomena of nature. Indeed, in 1277 Bishop Tempier of Paris, acting on the instructions of Pope John XXI, published a list of 219 errors or heresies that were to be condemned. Among the heresies was the idea that nature follows laws, because this conflicts with God's omnipotence. Interestingly, Pope John was killed by the effects of the law of gravity a few months later when the roof of his palace fell in on him. — Stephen Hawking

Indifferent Universe Quotes By Marcel Proust

We are ordinarily so indifferent to people that when we have invested one of them with the possibility of giving us joy, or suffering, it seems as if he must belong to some other universe, he is imbued with poetry. — Marcel Proust

Indifferent Universe Quotes By Dan Simmons

The universe is indifferent to our fates. This was the crushing burden that the character took with him as he struggled through the surf toward survival or extinction. The universe just does not give a shit. — Dan Simmons

Indifferent Universe Quotes By Thomas Daniel Nehrer

You encounter, at its core, a subjective Reality, one based on meaning and value reflective of your own Self, not an objective universe, cold, particle-based and indifferent as science projects. — Thomas Daniel Nehrer

Indifferent Universe Quotes By Maggie Stiefvater

Adam had plenty of reasons to be indifferent about Gansey's nebulous anxiety, his questioning of why the universe had chosen him to be born to affluent parents, wondering if there was some greater purpose that he was alive. Gansey knew he had to make a difference, had to make a bigger mark on the world because of the head start he'd been given, or he was the worst sort of person out there. — Maggie Stiefvater

Indifferent Universe Quotes By Alain De Botton

So many complaints boil down to the belly ache of the fragile, mortal, ignored ego in a vast and indifferent universe. — Alain De Botton

Indifferent Universe Quotes By Colin Meloy

We are the inheritors of a wonderful world, a beautiful world, full of life and mystery, goodness and pain. But likewise are we the children of an indifferent universe. We break our own hearts imposing our moral order on what is, by nature, a wide web of chaos. — Colin Meloy

Indifferent Universe Quotes By Stanley Kubrick

The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent, but if we can come to terms with this indifference, then our existence as a species can have genuine meaning. However vast the darkness, we must supply our own light. — Stanley Kubrick

Indifferent Universe Quotes By Woody Allen

Human happiness does not seem to have been included in the design of creation. It is only we with our capacity to love that fives meaning to the indifferent universe, and yet most human beings seem to have the ability to keep trying and even to find joy from simple things. — Woody Allen

Indifferent Universe Quotes By Peter Watson

Live with the consequences of your deeds and enjoy the warmth they create. The only warmth in the cold, indifferent universe is that which we create ourselves. And that is what a work of art is, it is what a constructed life is, a fulfilled life, the warmth of acts. — Peter Watson

Indifferent Universe Quotes By W. Somerset Maugham

It was difficult for her to preserve that haughty, sullen, and coldly indifferent demeanour that appears to be essential to the mannequin as she sails in with deliberate steps, turns round slowly and, with an air of contempt for the universe equalled only by the camel's, sails out. — W. Somerset Maugham

Indifferent Universe Quotes By H.G.Wells

The warm lights that once rounded off our world so completely are betrayed for what they are, smoky and guttering candles. Beyond what once seemed a casket of dutiful security is now a limitless and indifferent universe. Ours is the wisdom or there is no wisdom; ours is the decision or there is no decision. That burthen is upon each of us in the measure of our capacity. The talent has been given us and we may not bury it. — H.G.Wells

Indifferent Universe Quotes By Marty Rubin

The universe isn't for or against us; it isn't even indifferent. — Marty Rubin

Indifferent Universe Quotes By Poppy Z. Brite

You always felt they were pawns in an indifferent universe, butts of an existential joke with no punch line. — Poppy Z. Brite

Indifferent Universe Quotes By Norbert Wiener

We are swimming upstream against a great torrent of disorganization ... In this, our main obligation is to establish arbitrary enclaves of order and system ... It is the greatest possible victory to be, to continue to be, and to have been. No defeat can deprive us of the success of having existed for some moment of time in a universe that seems indifferent to us.
This is no defeatism ... The declaration of our own nature and the attempt to build up an enclave of organization in the face of nature's overwhelming tendency to disorder is an insolence against the gods and the iron necessity that they impose. Here lies tragedy, but here lies glory too ...
All this represents the manner in which I believe I have been able to add something positive to the pessimism of ... the existensialists. I have not replaced the gloom of existence by a philosophy which is optimistic in any Pollyanna sense, but ... with a positive attitude toward the universe and toward our life in it. — Norbert Wiener

Indifferent Universe Quotes By Milan Kundera

The irresistible proliferation of graphomania shows me that everyone without exception bears a potential writer within him, so that the entire human species has good reason to go down into the streets and shout: we are all writers! for everyone is pained by the thought of disappearing, unheard and unseen, into an indifferent universe, and because of that everyone wants, while there is still time, to turn himself into a universe of words. one morning (and it will be soon), when everyone wakes up as a writer, the age of universal deafness and incomprehension will have arrived. — Milan Kundera

Indifferent Universe Quotes By Jacques Monod

Man finally knows that he is alone in the indifferent immensity of the Universe, from which he emerged by accident. — Jacques Monod

Indifferent Universe Quotes By Woody Allen

We're all faced throughout our lives with agonizing decisions, moral choices. Some are on a grand scale, most of these choices are on lesser points. But we define ourselves by the choices we have made. We are, in fact, the sum total of our choices. Events unfold so unpredictably, so unfairly, Human happiness does not seem to be included in the design of creation. it is only we, with our capacity to love that give meaning to the indifferent universe. And yet, most human beings seem to have the ability to keep trying and even try to find joy from simple things, like their family, their work, and from the hope that future generations might understand more — Woody Allen