Famous Quotes & Sayings

Indexers Wanted Quotes & Sayings

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Top Indexers Wanted Quotes

Indexers Wanted Quotes By Dennis Miller

When your mother starts using the word "party" as a verb about her kid, that's absolutely crazy. — Dennis Miller

Indexers Wanted Quotes By Scotty Smith

The gospel isn't merely the absence of all condemnation; it's also the fullness of God's delight lavished on us in Christ. — Scotty Smith

Indexers Wanted Quotes By Jerry Falwell

A belief in God and a belief in astrology cannot be reconciled. — Jerry Falwell

Indexers Wanted Quotes By Serge Schmemann

What Paris has done right is to make it awful to get around by car and awfully easy to get around by public transportation or by bike. — Serge Schmemann

Indexers Wanted Quotes By Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

Beauty is merely the Spiritual making itself known sensuously. — Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

Indexers Wanted Quotes By Sheila E.

I went to a great church here in L.A., gave my heart to the Lord and felt freedom from things I've carried throughout my life that I just thought, 'I don't have to carry them any more.' — Sheila E.

Indexers Wanted Quotes By Neal A. Maxwell

The cumulative weight of all mortal sins
past, present, and future
pressed upon that perfect, sinless, and sensitive Soul! All our infirmities and sicknesses were somehow, too, a part of the awful arithmetic of the Atonement. (See Alma 7:11-12; Isa. 53:3-5; Matt. 8:17.) The anguished Jesus not only pled with the Father that the hour and cup might pass from Him, but with this relevant citation. 'And he said, Abba, Father, all things are possible unto thee; take away this cup from me.' (Mark 14:35-36.) — Neal A. Maxwell

Indexers Wanted Quotes By Mike White

You come to a point where you realize your work doesn't save you. — Mike White

Indexers Wanted Quotes By Jeremiah Burroughs

As in a tree, there is more sap in an Arm of the tree, than in a little sprig; but the sprig hath the same sap for kind that the Arm of the tree hath, and it all comes from the same root. So though there be more venom in some gross, crying sins, than in some others; yet there is no sin but hath the same sap, and the same venom, for the kind, that every sin hath, that the worst sin hath. — Jeremiah Burroughs

Indexers Wanted Quotes By Benjamin Netanyahu

I would say we want to stop the firing of rockets, for sure. But we also want to dismantle the terror - the tunnel - the terror tunnel networks that we have uncovered. — Benjamin Netanyahu

Indexers Wanted Quotes By John M. Perkins

I am all for churches being a part of the nonviolent marches and protests that have happened in the wake of violent killings, but these protests happen only after a tragic event has taken place. I want the church to be what prevents these acts from ever happening. I want the church to be the community that is so dedicated to loving our neighbors, to caring for the poor and neglected, and to living out true reconciliation that these killings do not even take place. — John M. Perkins