Famous Quotes & Sayings

Inactivity And Obesity Quotes & Sayings

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Top Inactivity And Obesity Quotes

Inactivity And Obesity Quotes By Pravin Agarwal

We can be only ourselves. It is impossible for us to become someone else. We can joy and blossom or we can wither if we do not accept ourselves. — Pravin Agarwal

Inactivity And Obesity Quotes By Richard Carmona

Because of the increasing rates of obesity, unhealthy eating habits and physical inactivity, we may see the first generation that will be less healthy and have a shorter life expectancy than their parents. — Richard Carmona

Inactivity And Obesity Quotes By Martin Clay Fowler


Before commencing any program of sustained physical inactivity, consult your physician. Sedentary living doubles the likelihood of stroke and coronary artery disease, making it as risky as smoking, high cholesterol, or high blood pressure. If unaccustomed to sitting for extended periods, you may experience weak muscles, low bone density, high cholesterol, hyperglycaemia, a rapid resting heart rate, mental decline, mood disorders, and obesity. Start slowly and increase inactivity gradually. If you experience drowsiness, difficulty in concentration, or craving for stimulation, discontinue inactivity immediately. — Martin Clay Fowler

Inactivity And Obesity Quotes By Jenni Schaefer

I would not encourage you to go through the sweat, blood, and tears of the recovery process only to reach some kind of mediocre state where you were just 'managing' the illness. It is possible to live without Ed. — Jenni Schaefer

Inactivity And Obesity Quotes By Blaise Pascal

We are only falsehood, duplicity, contradiction; we both conceal and disguise ourselves from ourselves. — Blaise Pascal

Inactivity And Obesity Quotes By Carl Sandburg

One Parting
Why did he write to her,
"I can't live without you"?
And why did she write to him,
"I can't live without you"?
For he went west, she went east,
And they both lived. — Carl Sandburg

Inactivity And Obesity Quotes By Claudio Arrau

When I am playing, I am in ecstasy; that is what I live for. — Claudio Arrau

Inactivity And Obesity Quotes By Nina Cherie Franklin

I believe that human beings are designed to be physically active and that not doing so creates energy imbalances within the body that ultimately contribute to obesity and other health problems. As evidence, over 500,000 people die each year from diseases linked to physical inactivity and obesity. Furthermore, rates of hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, type 2 diabetes, and certain forms of cancer have all tripled over the past 30 years corresponding to decreasing levels of daily physical activity and increasing rates of obesity. — Nina Cherie Franklin

Inactivity And Obesity Quotes By Mark Sisson

The "active couch potato syndrome" is an actual observed scientific phenomenon whereby devoted fitness enthusiasts - who conduct daily workouts but live otherwise inactivity-dominant lifestyles - are not immune to the cellular dysfunction and metabolic disease patterns driven by inactivity. Statistics referenced by James Levine, MD, PhD, a Mayo Clinic researcher, international expert on obesity, and author of Get Up! Why Your Chair is Killing You and What You Can Do About It, — Mark Sisson

Inactivity And Obesity Quotes By Joyce Shaffer

For all of the information on the hazards of time on screen, research by Veerman and colleagues (2012) might be the most metric. They found that people whose life pattern includes watching TV 6 hours a day can expect to survive 4.8 years less than people that do not watch TV. They reckon that "every single hour of TV viewed after the age of 25 reduces the viewer's life expectancy by 21.8 minutes! They conclude that time viewing TV may be comparable to other major chronic disease factors such as obesity and inactivity in risk of loss of life. Of course, this was research done down under in Australia. All things considered, that might leave Americans at even greater risk for lifespans shortened by time on screen. — Joyce Shaffer

Inactivity And Obesity Quotes By Bernadette Marie

Is it fair to say we're just two adults who find the other interesting?"
"That's all I would say."
"No hidden agenda?"
"Have breakfast with me?"
"How could I refuse? — Bernadette Marie

Inactivity And Obesity Quotes By Jamie Ford

Talking to strangers sounded like talking to no one, which Henry had some firsthand experience in- in real life. It was lonely. Almost as lonely as Lake View Cemetery, where he'd buried Ethel. — Jamie Ford

Inactivity And Obesity Quotes By Penn Jillette

Believing there is no God gives me more room for belief in family, people, love, truth, beauty, sex, Jell-o, and all the other things I can prove and that make this life the best life I will ever have. — Penn Jillette

Inactivity And Obesity Quotes By Gary Taubes

Obesity is also associated with poverty, and even extreme poverty, and that should be a compelling argument against physical inactivity as a cause of the disease. Those who earn their living through manual labor tend to be the less advantaged members of societies in developed nations, and yet they will have the greatest obesity rates. — Gary Taubes

Inactivity And Obesity Quotes By Nora Roberts

I was into third guesses with Theo and Maddy. Anyway, that's one of the reasons I opted to buy
the van and drive cross-country instead of dumping us all in a plane. It gave us some time. Nothing
like a three-thousand-mile drive in an enclosed vehicle to cement a family unit - if you live through
"It was very brave of you."
"You want to talk courage?" He drove easily up the lane to the villa. "I've been chief taste-tester
on this wine experiment Maddy's conducting. It's brut — Nora Roberts