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In Times Of Crisis Quotes & Sayings

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Top In Times Of Crisis Quotes

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Frank O'Hara

In times of crisis, we must all decide again and again whom we love. — Frank O'Hara

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Antonin Scalia

Many think it not only inevitable but entirely proper that liberty give way to security in times of national crisis
that, at the extremes of military exigency, inter arma silent leges. Whatever the general merits of the view that war silences law or modulates its voice, that view has no place in the interpretation and application of a Constitution designed precisely to confront war and, in a manner that accords with democratic principles, to accommodate it. — Antonin Scalia

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Laurence Overmire

Good people turn to love, courage and kindness in times of crisis, not hate, fear and cruelty. — Laurence Overmire

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Charlotte Bronte

All men of talent, whether they be men of feeling or not; whether they be zealots, or aspirants, or despots--provided only they be sincere--have their sublime moments, when they subdue and rule. I felt veneration for St. John--veneration so strong that its impetus thrust me at once to the point I had so long shunned. I was tempted to cease struggling with him--to rush down the torrent of his will into the gulf of his existence, and there lose my own. I was almost as hard beset by him now as I had been once before, in a different way, by another. I was a fool both times. To have yielded then would have been an error of principle; to have yielded now would have been an error of judgment. So I think at this hour, when I look back to the crisis through the quiet medium of time: I was unconscious of folly at the instant — Charlotte Bronte

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Abraham Joshua Heschel

One of the major symptoms of the general crisis existent in our world today is our lack of sensitivity to words. We use words as tools. We forget that words are a repository of the spirit. The tragedy of our times is that the vessels of the spirit are broken. We cannot approach the spirit unless we repair the vessels. Reverence for words - an awareness of the wonder of words, of the mystery of words - is an essential prerequisite for prayer. By the word of God the world was created. — Abraham Joshua Heschel

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Edmund Burke

The hottest fires in hell are reserved for those who remain neutral in times of moral crisis. — Edmund Burke

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Johnnie Cochran

We've got to be judged by how we do in times of crisis. — Johnnie Cochran

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Wolfgang Schauble

Many things can happen very quickly in times of crisis. — Wolfgang Schauble

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Edward Albert

In times of life crisis, whether wild fires or smoldering stress, the first thing I do is go back to basics ... am I eating right, am I getting enough sleep, am I getting some physical and mental exercise everyday. — Edward Albert

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Adam Thirlwell

I don't think I could ever live with either a man or a woman for a long time. Male and female are attractive to my mind, but when it comes to the sexual act I am afraid. In every situation I need a lot of stimulation before I am conquered by the forces of passion and lust. But confusion, before and after, is the dominant factor.
I dreamed many times about a mature man with experience who would have the vigour of a boy but an adult's polished methods. Strangely enough, I also dreamed about women of my mother's age who were ideal lovers. These dreams came superimposed on one another. Sometimes the masculine element was dominant, sometimes the feminine one. At other times I wasn't sure. I saw a female body with male organs or a male body with female ones. These pictures, blended together in my mind, occasionally brought pleasure but more often pain. — Adam Thirlwell

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Jodi Picoult

It's not politically correct to say that you love one child more than you love your others. I love all of my kids, period, and they're all your favorites in different ways. But ask any parent who's been through some kind of crisis surrounding a child
a health scare, an academic snarl, an emotional problem
and we will tell you the truth. When something upends the equilibrium
when one child needs you more than the others
that imbalance becomes a black hole. You may never admit it out loud, but the one you love the most is the one who needs you more desperately than his siblings. What we really hope is that each child gets a turn. That we have deep enough reserves to be there for each of them, at different times.
All this goes to hell when two of your children are pitted against each other, and both of them want you on their side. — Jodi Picoult

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Jeff VanderMeer

An inordinate love of ritual can be harmful to the soul, unless, of course, in times of great crisis, when ritual can protect the soul from fracture. — Jeff VanderMeer

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By David Brooks

In times of crisis, you get a public reaction that is incoherence on stilts. On the one hand, most people know that the government is not in the oil business. They don't want it in the oil business. They know there is nothing a man in Washington can do to plug a hole a mile down in the gulf.
On the other hand, they demand that the president 'take control.' They demand that he hold press conferences, show leadership, announce that the buck stops here and do something. They want him to emote and perform the proper theatrical gestures so they can see their emotions enacted on the public stage.
They want to hold him responsible for things they know he doesn't control. Their reaction is a mixture of disgust, anger, longing and need. It may not make sense. But it doesn't make sense that the country wants spending cuts and doesn't want cuts, wants change and doesn't want change. — David Brooks

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Lidia Yuknavitch

Books, like all art, breed in us desire. In times of crisis and fear and misrepresentation we need desire, or else we shut down and hide out in our houses, succumbing to infotainment and the ease of an available latte, turning off our brains and emotions. Books breed desire. — Lidia Yuknavitch

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Charlotte Bronte

It is one of my faults, that though my tongue is sometimes prompt enough at an answer, there are times when it sadly fails me in framing an excuse; and always the lapse occurs at some crisis, when a facile word or plausible pretext is specially wanted to get me out of painful embarrassment. — Charlotte Bronte

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Barbara Kingsolver

From my earliest memory, times of crisis seemed to end up with women in the kitchen preparing food for men. — Barbara Kingsolver

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Viktor E. Frankl

In times of crisis, people reach for meaning. Meaning is strength. Our survival may depend on our seeking and finding it. — Viktor E. Frankl

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Samuel Bryan

It is to be lamented that the interested and designing have availed themselves so successfully of the present crisis, and under the specious pretence of having discovered a panacea for all the ills of the people, they are about establishing a system of government, that will prove more destructive to them than the wooden horse filled with soldiers did in ancient times to the city of Troy. This horse was introduced by their hostile enemy the Grecians, by a prostitution of the sacred rites of their religion; in like manner, my fellow citizens, are aspiring despots among
yourselves prostituting the name of a Washington to cloak their designs upon your liberties. — Samuel Bryan

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Doris Lessing

I mean,' said Marion happily, 'it's a continent in chains, well, isn't it?' (Tribune, thought Anna; or possibly the Daily Worker.) 'And measures ought to be taken immediately to restore the Africans' faith in justice if it is not already too late.' (The New Statesman, thought Anna.) 'Well at least the situation ought to be thoroughly gone into in the interests of everybody.' (The Manchester Guardian, at a time of acute crisis.) 'But Anna, I don't understand your attitude. Surely you'll admit there's evidence that something's gone wrong?' (The Times, editorializing a week after the news that the white administration has shot twenty Africans and imprisoned fifty more without trial.) — Doris Lessing

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Nelson Mandela

When the history of our times is written, will we be remembered as the generation that turned our backs in a moment of global crisis or will it be recorded that we did the right thing? — Nelson Mandela

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By George W. Bush

In times of war and in hours of crisis, Senator Kerry has turned his back on 'pay any price' and 'bear any burden', and he's replaced those commitments with 'wait and see' and 'cut and run — George W. Bush

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Ricardo Salinas Pliego

In times of crisis, cash is king. — Ricardo Salinas Pliego

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Richard Baldwin

When the Eurozone was started, a fundamental stabilising force that existed at the level of the member-states was taken away from these countries. This is the lender of last resort function of the central bank." EZ governments, "could no longer guarantee that the cash would always be available to roll over the government debt." Unlike stand-alone nations, EZ members did not have "the power to force the central bank to provide liquidity in times of crisis." This created a fundamental fragility in the monetary union. Without a buyer-of-last-resort, shocks that provide re-funding difficulties in banks or nations can trigger self-fulfilling liquidity crises that degenerate into solvency problems. — Richard Baldwin

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Jason Jones

So often times we see these films that erode human dignity ... films that deny the transcendent moral order of the moral universe. They're always eroding natural affections for families. Fathers betray their commitments, children's are always portrayed as brats and disobedient, marriages are always in crisis and struggle. I think (for) most of us, that's not the lives we live. We're always being challenged, we always have challenges but we love our families, we love our spouse, we love our children. — Jason Jones

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Howard W. Hunter

If prayer is only a spasmodic cry at the time of crisis, then it is utterly selfish, and we come to think of God as a repairman or a service agency to help us only in our emergencies. We should remember the Most High day and night-always-not only at times when all other assistance has failed and we desperately need help. — Howard W. Hunter

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Barbara Kingsolver

It's a fact of our culture that the loudest mouths get the most airplay, and the loudmouths are saying that in times of crisis it's treasonous to question our leaders. — Barbara Kingsolver

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By James Packer

I got plenty of guesses wrong on things in the past as well. I don't want to pretend I have some great insight ... But when the global financial crisis came along in 2008 it was scary times if you were in the middle of building $5 billion buildings. It wasn't perfect ... I think that I am the luckiest person in Australia. — James Packer

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Julia Stiles

We can become very short-sighted in terms of objectives. The first thing to go during times of economic crisis and budget cuts is funding for things that are essential and not-quantifiable, like the arts. Save Big Bird — Julia Stiles

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Frank Beddor

As members of my cabinet," Alyss calmly explained, "you share in the responsibilty of ensuring a safe furture for Wonderland. I'm sure the four of you will agree that we're in a crisis and that trying times bring out the best in you. What queen wouldn't want such helpful cabinet members by her side in an hour of need? Forgive me for calling you here. I was thinking only of myself and others when I did it. But for the love of your rank if nothing else, advise me. How do you think we should conter this invasion?"
Uh," said the Lady of Clubes.
I know exactly how we should counter it! said her husband. "First and foremost, a decree must be at once ... decreed! All ranking families are to remain indoors and well-protected until it can be guaranteed that every threat is violence is past! It's imperative that nothing inconvenient happen to us, for the population would then have no one to look up to! — Frank Beddor

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Rudyard Kipling

If a man brings a good mind to what he reads he may become, as it were, the spiritual descendant to some extent of great men, and this link, this spiritual hereditary tie, may help to just kick the beam in the right direction at a vital crisis; or may keep him from drifting through the long slack times when, so to speak, we are only fielding and no balls are coming our way. — Rudyard Kipling

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Tariq Ali

This is the permanent tension that lies at the heart of a capitalist democracy and is exacerbated in times of crisis. In order to ensure the survival of the richest, it is democracy that has to be heavily regulated rather than capitalism. — Tariq Ali

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Marvin J. Ashton

How often have we ourselves said or have heard others exclaim in times of crisis or trouble, 'I just don't know where to turn'? If we will just use it, there is a gift available to all of us-the gift of looking to God for direction. Here is an avenue of strength, comfort, and guidance. — Marvin J. Ashton

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Rudy Giuliani

It is in times of crisis that good leaders emerge. — Rudy Giuliani

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Robert Asprin

In times of crisis, it is of the utmost importance that one does not lose her head.
Marie Antoinette — Robert Asprin

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Sylvia Plath

Sometimes I wondered if I had made Joan up. Other times I wondered if she would continue to pop in at every crisis of my life to remind me of what I had been, and what I had been through, and carry on her own separate but similar crisis under my nose. — Sylvia Plath

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Dawn Casey-Rowe

For a kid in crisis, there is no "make it happen," only "survive today." Who am I to have the cojones to think my "critical questions" are the most important thing in this kid's life? I think of the times I was in crisis and failed to pay attention to the manila folders on my desk as an adult. — Dawn Casey-Rowe

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Jennifer Estep

And what do you do in times of crisis, Gin?" Grayson asked. I stared at him. "I survive. — Jennifer Estep

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Blake Morrison

At times of crisis or distress, it's poems that people turn to. (Poetry) still has a power to speak to people's feelings, maybe in a way that fiction, because it works in a longer way, can't. There's a little bit of your brain that mourns and grieves that you're not writing poetry, but actually as long as I'm writing something, I'm happy. — Blake Morrison

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Upton Sinclair

If you wanted to understand a politician you mustn't pay too much attention to his speeches, but find out who were his paymasters. A politician couldn't rise in public life, in France any more than in America, unless he had the backing of big money, and it was in times of crisis like this that he paid his debts. X — Upton Sinclair

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Peter Walsh

Maligant items don't have to be reminders of bad times, like a breakup or a health crisis. They can bring back memories of loved ones or high points in your life. But if these memories leave you feeling sad or feeling that your life isn't as good now, then the objects are causing you mental and emotional harm and have no place in your home. ...The key to enjoying happiness and good health in a warm, welcoming home is to live IN THE PRESENT MOMENT surrounded by items that you cherish and that have meaning for you and your family. If too much of your time is spent replaying your greatest hits or struggling with old pain, you're not making new memories of your present life. --pg 20 — Peter Walsh

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Bella Pollen

Women only cut their hair in times of crisis ... It's somethin' a woman always has the power to do, even when she loses control over everything else. Cuttin' hair is a cry for help. — Bella Pollen

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Nicolas Gomez Davila

The Gnostic is a born revolutionary because total rejection is the perfect proclamation of his divine autonomy.

The Greek roots of the Gnosticism of late antiquity are not to be found in Platonic dualism, but rather in Stoic monism.

Christianity and Gnosticism shared the question. Feeling "allogenous" was a common characteristic. The state of "alienation" is an historical constant, but becomes more acute in times of social crisis. "Alienation" is the ground in which either a Romantic Christian or a democratic Gnostic answer germinates. — Nicolas Gomez Davila

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Colleen Hanabusa

During times of emergencies, civil crisis, or natural disasters it is important for persons to remain free to exercise their constitutional rights in a lawful and appropriate manner, and I believe it is important that we provide individuals with specific reassurance that we value those rights. — Colleen Hanabusa

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Dan Brown

The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their silence at times of crisis. — Dan Brown

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Marie Antoinette

In times of crisis, it is of utmost importance to keep one's head. — Marie Antoinette

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Albert Einstein

In times of crisis people are generally blind to everything outside their immediate necessities. — Albert Einstein

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Thomas Sowell

The government is now in a position to do what Franklin D. Roosevelt did during the Great Depression of the 1930s - use a crisis of the times to create new institutions that will last for generations. To this day, we are still subsidizing millionaires in agriculture because farmers were having a tough time in the 1930s. — Thomas Sowell

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By William C. Brown

In hard times of severe crisis if you want to create new jobs, I recommend you to start killing some people. It's the old "topos" of war in time of peace. — William C. Brown

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Shelly Crane

In times of crisis not one should be counted special. Everyone was human therefore equal to the same misery and misfortune and good luck as everyone else. What happened to the whole 'we gotta stick together' motto? When hard times came-a-knocking, people baled on good sense and decency. — Shelly Crane

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Jeffrey Pfeffer

Systematic research supports the message of these cases. As noted in an article in the New York Times, even in the most extreme circumstances - like the financial crisis - directors bore little consequence for their poor decisions. — Jeffrey Pfeffer

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By George H. W. Bush

In times of crisis our nation depends on the courage and determination of the Guard. You know the call of active duty can come at any time. You stand ready to put your lives on hold and answer that call, ... And you did so because you love your state and your country. America appreciates your courageous decision to serve. Together with your comrades in the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Reserves, you are showing that patriotism is alive and well in Idaho and throughout the United States.. — George H. W. Bush

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Rosie O'Donnell

When we [adoption agency] have a birth mother who is pregnant and she doesn't know the race of the father, she is using drugs, and she is in crisis, usually we cannot place that baby with a heterosexual family. Almost all of the times when we have a drug-addicted child, we place the baby in a homosexual family. — Rosie O'Donnell

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By James M. Kouzes

Only those leaders who act boldly in times of crisis and change are willingly followed. — James M. Kouzes

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Dante Alighieri

The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in times of great moral crisis, maintain their neutrality. — Dante Alighieri

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Anonymous

#1 God commands us to step out of our comfort zone (ABRAHAM) #2 God puts his dream in your heart (JOSEPH) I like his emphasis on God's dream not ours. #3 God allows us to fail in our attempts to accomplish his dream in our own power. (MOSES) #4 God teaches us through adversity to love the dream giver more than the dream. (DAVID) #5 God clarifies our calling in times of crisis and often uses our worst failures as the platform for his future fulfillment. (PAUL) — Anonymous

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Kenn Brody

Every significant human project gets perverted for the
advancement of some individual or group. It seems impossible to get rational
direction for more than a few moments, and then that direction is lost. And yet, here
you are. What we did not understand is that humans have an uncanny gift for
invention, imagination, and cleverness. No other sentients are quite so gifted. You
also show altruistic charity in times of crisis. — Kenn Brody

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Ernest Becker

The crisis of modern society is precisely that the youth no longer feel heroic in the plan for action that their culture has set up. They don't believe it is empirically true to the problems of their lives and times. — Ernest Becker

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Andy Andrews

Everyone has a worst time in their life. There's always a worse time. We are all either in a crisis, coming to one or coming out of one. — Andy Andrews

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Andy Weir

I'm a well-honed machine in times of crisis. — Andy Weir

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Bart Hopkins

With one Like I can say hi to a friend, support them during a crisis, share in a joke, make someone happy, or reinforce a person's self esteem. I make myself part of their world. It's like I stopped by for coffee. But, by Liking, I can also avoid talking to all the people I don't want to waste time on. Or I can check to see what my ex-girlfriend is doing seven or eight times an hour. It's a double-edged mouse click. — Bart Hopkins

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Eugene H. Peterson

Patriotism was used to muddle the sense of morality: "Our beloved country is being attacked and we must be loyal to it; in times of crisis it is not right to criticize your leaders. It is disloyal, an act of treachery." Using jingoist language is far easier than taking responsibility for righteousness in the nation. Far easier to shout patriotic slogans than to work patriotically for justice. — Eugene H. Peterson

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Marisha Pessl

One or two individuals in times of crisis turn into Heroes, a handful into Villains, the rest into Fools. — Marisha Pessl

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Judith Malina

The League of Independent Theater represents a coming together of actual artistic and theatrical forces that may yet undo the difficulty of our times in maintaining the highest artistic standards in a period of economic crisis. Who can save us from the downhill trend of our economy except the vigor of our arts? Theatre, music and education are our only hopes to lift our times beyond their despair and create a viable, prosperous culture. — Judith Malina

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Richard Holloway

There are many strengths in modern society, but one of its weaknesses is the breakdown of many of the old structures and networks that supported people in times of crisis and need. Whenever we lose a strengthening element in society, we need to replace it with alternative systems as quickly as possible. Befriending schemes are a crucial part of this process, because they fill the gap that social erosion has left in the lives of so many vulnerable people. — Richard Holloway

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Christopher Moore

Charlie Asher: I accidently shagged a monk last night.
Minty Fresh: Sometimes, in times of crisis, that shit cannot be avoided. — Christopher Moore

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Diana DeGette

The United States has never been afraid of a challenge. In times of crisis, it is American innovation and ingenuity that has forged the path to progress and prosperity. — Diana DeGette

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Liane Moriarty

in times of crisis a person's face is somehow stripped back to something essential and universally human: all those labels like "beautiful," "sexy," "plain" became irrelevant. — Liane Moriarty

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Cullen Bunn

In times of crisis, different people react in different ways. Some might try to escape. Others might attempt to batten down the hatches and ride out the storm in a safe haven. — Cullen Bunn

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Ellen Kirschman

It takes guts to be married to someone who, in times of crisis, may be more available to strangers than to his or her own family. It takes determination to stay home alone at night, fortitude to go to a party by yourself, persistence to be both mother and father, and spunk to say what you really think. It might even take courage for you to read this book. — Ellen Kirschman

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Bruce Pavitt

I think in times of crisis it's the artists' responsibility to dig a little deeper. — Bruce Pavitt

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Nikolai Bukharin

But to everything in this world there comes an end; there even comes an end to the torments suffered in those intermediate states of transition when the last secret tear of one's soul is bitterly swallowed, and the crisis passes, resolving itself into some new sort of phase, which even as it comes into existence is fated in turn to pass away, to disappear in the eternal changing of the times and seasons. — Nikolai Bukharin

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By George H. W. Bush

We stand today at a unique and extraordinary moment. The crisis in the Persian Gulf , as grave as it is, also offers a rare opportunity to move toward an historic period of cooperation. Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective - a new world order - can emerge: a new era - freer from the threat of terror, stronger in the pursuit of justice, and more secure in the quest for peace. An era in which the nations of the world, East and West, North and South, can prosper and live in harmony. — George H. W. Bush

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Ronald Wright

In times of war or crisis, power is easily stolen from the many by the few on a promise of security. The more elusive the or imaginary the foe, the better for manufacturing consent. — Ronald Wright

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By George Pattison

Perhaps this is an area where every generation starts from scratch. Although the crisis of the First World War inaugurated an especially strong period of disillusion with regard to the optimism of the previous age, the pattern has repeated itself in many ways in more recent times, e.g., the loss of faith in politics as a means of advancing human well-being. And perhaps this also has to do with basic elements in growing up. — George Pattison

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Tom Brokaw

David Brinkley was an icon of modern broadcast journalism, a brilliant writer who could say in a few words what the country needed to hear during times of crisis, tragedy and triumph. — Tom Brokaw

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Antonin Scalia

The court's job is to uphold the Constitution and you don't call that off in times of crisis. Would the framers have allowed this practice? — Antonin Scalia

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By David K. Shipler

Obama prefers to look forward, not back, as he has stated. So at least during his tenure, there will be no reliable record compiled as a cautionary tale for lawmakers and presidents in future times of crisis. This is the historical Obama. — David K. Shipler

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Dinesh D'Souza

It is easy to forget the cohesiveness of a free people in times of peace and prosperity. New York is an extreme example of the great pandemonium that results when countless individuals and groups pursue their diverse interests in the normal course of life. In a crisis, however, a national tribe comes together ... despite the centrifugal forces that pull us in different directions, there is a deep national unity that holds us together.
Unity, however, is not sufficient for the challenges ahead. America also needs the moral self-confidence to meet its adversary ... Americans cannot succeed unless they are convinced of fighting on behalf of the good. — Dinesh D'Souza

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Kage Baker

Funny thing about those Middle Ages, said Joseph. They just keep coming back. Mortals keep thinking they're in Modern Times, you know, they get all this neat technology and pass all these humanitarian laws, and then something happens: there's an economic crisis, or science makes some discovery people can't deal with. And boom, people go right back to burning Jews and selling pieces of the true Cross. Don't you ever make the mistake of thinking that mortals want to live in a golden age. They hate thinking. — Kage Baker

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Rod Dreher

As both a conservative and a Republican, I confess that we deserve to lose this year. We have governed badly and have earned the wrath of voters, who will learn in due course how inadequate the nostrums of liberal Democrats are to the crisis of our times. If I cannot in good faith cast a vote against the Bush years by voting for Obama, I can at least do so by withholding my vote from McCain. — Rod Dreher

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By S.A. Tawks

Other times, when existential crisis mode kicked in, I flirted with the idea of giving up and drifting whichever way gravity and wind moved me. — S.A. Tawks

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Douglas Coupland

If you don't have a spiritual practice in place when times are good, you can't expect to suddenly develop one during a moment of crisis. — Douglas Coupland

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Dan Brown

Dante Alighieri. The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of moral crisis. — Dan Brown

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Irene Khan

Poverty is not only about income poverty, it is about the deprivation of economic and social rights, insecurity, discrimination, exclusion and powerlessness. That is why human rights must not be ignored but given even greater prominence in times of economic crisis. — Irene Khan

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Ted Turner

If you had the most prestige and you were the network that everybody turned to in times of a crisis, that that was the most important position, in the news business, to hold. — Ted Turner

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Sami Al-Arian

To be patriotic is to be able to question government policy in times of crisis. To be patriotic is to stand up for the Bill of Rights and the Constitution in times of uncertainty and insecurity. To be patriotic is to speak up against the powerful in defense of the weak and the voiceless. To be patriotic is to be willing to pay the price to preserve our freedoms, dignity, and rights. To be patriotic is to challenge the abuses of the PATRIOT Act. — Sami Al-Arian

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Eleanor Roosevelt

Any citizen should be willing to give all that he has to give his country in work or sacrifice in times of crisis. — Eleanor Roosevelt

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Frank Luntz

[Barack] Obama has a grasp of language and the presentation of language, particularly in times of crisis. And he did this over the race issue. He did this early on in his administration, when the country was polarized. That was unprecedented. — Frank Luntz

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Paul Valery

I am not averse to generalizing the notion of "modern" to designate a certain way of life, rather than making it purely a synonym of 'contemporary'. There are moments and places in history to which 'we moderns' could return without too greatly disturbing the harmony of those times, without seeming objects infinitely curious and conspicuous ... creatures shocking, dissonant, and unassailable. — Paul Valery

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By M. Russell Ballard

Crisis or transition of any kind reminds us of what matters most. In the routine of life, we often take our families-our parents and children and siblings-for granted. But in times of danger and need and change, there is no question that what we care about most is our families! It will be even more so when we leave this life and enter into the spirit world. Surely the first people we will seek to find there will be father, mother, spouse, children, and siblings. — M. Russell Ballard

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Thurgood Marshall

The measure of a country's greatness is its ability to retain compassion in times of crisis. — Thurgood Marshall

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Thomas Woods

Discussions of the economy, especially during times of crisis, are often framed in terms of lessons we supposedly learned during the Depression of the 1930s. If we are not to endure terrible times like those again, we are told, we must support whatever form of state intervention is currently being peddled. — Thomas Woods

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Tariq Ali

In times of crisis, the incumbent suffers. And the bigger the crisis, the greater the punishment inflicted on those in power unless they do something that makes a change. — Tariq Ali

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Sergei Lukyanenko

Indeed, being a beginner is very difficult right now. Book publishers are in a crisis, sales are dwindling, and publishing houses are losing money, doing their best to survive. It's a sign of the times, the emergence of new kinds of entertainment
there's nothing we can do about it. I don't think books will perish for good. They could become less widespread, though, falling even further behind movies and computer games. But we shouldn't be afraid of this, because books will always remain the entertainment of choice for intelligent people, of whom there are still many in this world. — Sergei Lukyanenko

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Norman Mailer

Part of the oncoming demise (of New York during its terrible fiscal crisis) is that none of us can simply believe it. We were always the best and the strongest of cities, and our people were vital to the teeth. Knock them down eight times and they would get up with that look in the eye which suggests the fight has barely begun. — Norman Mailer

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Eudora Welty

We do need to bring to our writing, over and over again, all the abundance we possess. To be able, to be ready, to enter into the minds and hearts of our own people, all of them, to comprehend them (us) and then to make characters and plots in stories that in honesty and with honesty reveal them (ourselves) to us, in whatever situation we live through in our own times: this is the continuing job, and it's no harder now than it ever was, I suppose. Every writer, like everybody else, thinks he's living through the crisis of the ages. To write honestly and with all our powers is the least we can do, and the most — Eudora Welty

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Barack Obama

As the world's largest economy and second-largest carbon emitter, as a country with unsurpassed ability to drive innovation and scientific breakthroughs, as the country that people around the world continue to look to in times of crisis, we've got a vital role to play. We can't stand on the sidelines. We've got a unique responsibility. — Barack Obama

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Rebecca Solnit

The moment when mortality, ephemerality, uncertainty, suffering, or the possibility of change arrives can split a life in two. Facts and ideas we might have heard a thousand times assume a vivid, urgent, felt reality. We knew them then, but they matter now. They are like guests that suddenly speak up and make demands upon us; sometimes they appear as guides, sometimes they just wreck what came before or shove us out the door. We answer them, when we answer, with how we lead our lives. Sometimes what begins as bad news prompts the true path of a life, a disruptive visitor that might be thanked only later. Most of us don't change until we have to, and crisis is often what obliges us to do so. Crises are often resolved only through anew identity and new purpose, whether it's that of a nation or a single human being. — Rebecca Solnit

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Ronald Wright

People afraid of outsiders are easily manipulated. The warrior caste, supposedly society's protectors, often become protection racketeers. In times of war or crisis, power is easily stolen from the many by the few on a promise of security. The more elusive or imaginary the foe, the better for manufacturing consent. The Inquisition did a roaring trade against the Devil. — Ronald Wright

In Times Of Crisis Quotes By Seneca.

In times of happiness, no point in shaking things up.
But in a time of crisis, the safest thing is change. — Seneca.