Famous Quotes & Sayings

Immortalizing Art Quotes & Sayings

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Top Immortalizing Art Quotes

Immortalizing Art Quotes By Martin Amis

Probably human cruelty is fixed and eternal. Only styles change. — Martin Amis

Immortalizing Art Quotes By Troy Denning

Saba: "You want this one to guide you?" Leia: "If you would consider it." Saba: "This one?" Leia: "Yes. I want someone who will challenge me in unexpected ways. I want someone who will teach me what I don't know. — Troy Denning

Immortalizing Art Quotes By Dennis Lehane

This woman was hard-core. Fuck with her at your peril. — Dennis Lehane

Immortalizing Art Quotes By Esther Hicks

Rather than being so ready to jump into action to get the things that you want, we say think them into being; see them, visualize them, and expect them - and they will be. — Esther Hicks

Immortalizing Art Quotes By Michael Lewis

You know what gets me excited about a guy? I get excited about a guy when he has something about him that causes everyone else to overlook him and I know that it is something that just doesn't matter." When — Michael Lewis

Immortalizing Art Quotes By Cilla Black

I never thought I'd be on T.V. For me as a kid in Liverpool, it was a more realistic option to be a singer. — Cilla Black

Immortalizing Art Quotes By Albert Camus

Have you no hope at all? And do you really live with the thought that when you die, you die, and nothing remains?" "Yes," I said. — Albert Camus

Immortalizing Art Quotes By Sloane Crosley

Hey there.' I cleared my throat. 'How are you?'
I'm engaged!'
Incidentally, this is an unacceptable answer to that question. — Sloane Crosley

Immortalizing Art Quotes By Paullina Simons

You're the last line of defense. When you're dead, Hitler will march through Leningrad the way he marched through Paris. Do you remember that?'
'That's not fair. The French didn't fight,' Tatiana said, wanting to be anywhere right now but standing in front of men loading artwork from the Hermitage onto armored trucks.
'They didn't fight, Tania, but you will fight. For every street and for every building. And when you lose
'The art will be saved.'
'Yes! The art will be saved,' Alexander said emotionally. 'And another artist will paint a glorious picture, immortalizing you, with a club in your raised hand, swinging to hit the German tank as it's about to crush you, all against the backdrop of the statue of Peter the Great atop his bronze horse. And that picture will hang in the Hermitage, and at the start of the next war the curator will once again stand on the street, crying over his vanishing crates. — Paullina Simons

Immortalizing Art Quotes By Alastair Campbell

The royal family's existence is a constant reminder of the hollowness of John Major's rhetoric, and idiotic statements by its leading members a constant boost to the republican cause. They're fine opening hospitals. It's when they open their mouths they get into trouble. — Alastair Campbell

Immortalizing Art Quotes By Milan Kundera

Without that discovery of the "moving photo," the world today would not be what it is: the new technology has become, primo, the principal agent of stupidity (incomparably more powerful than the bad literature of old: advertisements, television series); and secundo, the agent of worldwide indiscretion (cameras secretly filming political adversaries in compromising situations, immortalizing the pain of a half-naked woman laid out on a stretcher after a street bombing). It is true that film as art does also exist, but its significance is far more limited than that of film as technology, and its history is certainly shorter than that of any other art. — Milan Kundera

Immortalizing Art Quotes By Jodie Sweetin

The competition is so fierce once you become an adult. I'll probably move on to something else. — Jodie Sweetin

Immortalizing Art Quotes By John Quincy Adams

To a man of liberal education, the study of history is not only useful, and important, but altogether indispensable, and with regard to the history contained in the Bible ... it is not so much praiseworthy to be acquainted with as it is shameful to be ignorant of it. — John Quincy Adams

Immortalizing Art Quotes By John Cowper Powys

Every day that we allow ourselves to take things for granted, every day that we allow some little physical infirmity or worldly worry to come between us and our obstinate, indignant, defiant exultation, we are weakening our genius for life. — John Cowper Powys

Immortalizing Art Quotes By Cassandra Clare

It was an ocean she lived across from, ran beside everyday, but Julian knew how much it terrified her. She could force herself into it, sick and shaking, but he hated watching her do it, hated watching his strong Emma torn to shreds by the terror of something so primal and nameless she couldn't explain it even to herself.
It made him want to kill things, destroy things to keep her safe. Even though she could keep herself safe. Even though she was the bravest person he knew. — Cassandra Clare

Immortalizing Art Quotes By Reid Hoffman

You remake yourself as you grow and as the world changes. Your identity doesn't get found. It emerges. — Reid Hoffman