Famous Quotes & Sayings

Imaginary Daughters Quotes & Sayings

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Top Imaginary Daughters Quotes

Imaginary Daughters Quotes By Rick Riordan

Nico and Hazel exchanged looks. They both knew better, but they said nothing. — Rick Riordan

Imaginary Daughters Quotes By Siri Hustvedt

As one of four daughters, I grew up with an imaginary brother - wondering what it would have been like if one of us had been a boy. There's no question that there was a phantom boy child in my imagination when I was young. — Siri Hustvedt

Imaginary Daughters Quotes By Jonah Hill

'21 Jump Street' is great. I just made that, and produced it and was a writer on it. It's starring myself and Channing Tatum, and maybe some surprise guests. — Jonah Hill

Imaginary Daughters Quotes By Jean-Christophe Grange

It's sad but it^s true how society says her life is alredy over. There's nothing to do and there's nothing to say.. — Jean-Christophe Grange

Imaginary Daughters Quotes By C. Gockel

After three rings the call's picked up on the other end. "Laura Stodgill here, U.S. Department of Anomalous Devices of Unknown Origin. McSpadden, what do you have for me in your vortex of weirdness? — C. Gockel

Imaginary Daughters Quotes By Lao-Tzu

When it once has that name, (men) can know to rest in it. When they know to rest in it, they can be free from all risk of failure and error. — Lao-Tzu

Imaginary Daughters Quotes By Nalini Singh

Noah St. John, bad buy of rock and concerned father of imaginary daughters. Hell hath frozen over and become an ice ring. — Nalini Singh

Imaginary Daughters Quotes By Michel Foucault

To seek in the great accumulation of the already-said the text that resembles 'in advance' a later text, to ransack history in order to rediscover the play of anticipations or echoes, to go right back to the first seeds or to go forward to the last traces, to reveal in a work its fidelity to tradition or its irreducible uniqueness, to raise or lower its stock of originality, to say that the Port -Royal grammarians invented nothing, or to discover that Cuvier had more predecessors than one thought, these are harmless enough amusements for historians who refuse to grow up. — Michel Foucault