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I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes & Sayings

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Top I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes

I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes By Rose Wynters

No," he replied, firmly, smoothing her hair back from the side of her face. "I'll never leave you
alone again. You've spent too many years always having to be the strong one, never having anyone to
rely upon. It stops now, Taylor. What I heard changes nothing when it comes to how I feel about you. I
respect you in a way I've never respected anyone before. Share this burden with me. You've been strong
long enough. Let me shoulder it from here on out. I promise you, I won't fail you. — Rose Wynters

I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes By Tabitha Suzuma

And the very important fact that I'm here to worry with you and go through all of this - every little bit of it - by your side, even your worst-case-scenario, should it somehow come to that. You wouldn't be doing any of it alone.'
Her voice drops and she looks down at our hands, fingers entwined, resting on her lap. 'Whatever happens, there will always be us. — Tabitha Suzuma

I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes By Anna Godbersen

But I wanted to tell you before I left how completely abjectly sorry I am for all the pain I have caused you and that if I die you were the one true love of my life. By the time you read this I will be gone but please know I am still always at your side ... Yours forever Henery William Schoonmaker — Anna Godbersen

I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes By Chloe Gadsby-Jones

Life is magical, there are always mysteries you won't understand, like the one that happened today. I guess that's what makes it exciting, the fact that you never know what to expect on this journey. No matter how dim the lights of life look, it can always get brighter. That's why I'm going to keep on going. Who knows? Maybe my life will magically turn back to the way it used to be. Or maybe it'll turn out even better. But I can't find any of that out unless I am strong. Strong I will be, looking on the bright side whenever possible, sailing my ship through the waters, no matter how stormy they will be. I will be brave. Always. — Chloe Gadsby-Jones

I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes By Yuyuko Takemiya

Since ancient times, the dragon has been the only beast to equal the tiger. Even if you're not by my side right now, I will leap through space and time and always be by your side. These feelings will never change. — Yuyuko Takemiya

I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes By J.L. Merrow

Please go" he said. "Just take my money - take anything - and go"
I didn't get why he wanted me to take something, but he seemed really worried about it. So I looked around, and he had a bowl of fruit on the side, so I grabbed an apple, 'cause I always get hungry after I've been drinking.
"I'll take this, okay?" Then I left him there, but I took the knives and I hid them in the hall cupboard, just in case. — J.L. Merrow

I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes By Corinne Michaels

I don't want you to go." I sigh, "I know, but maybe this is what we need." "No, it's not what we need, but it's what we have. I'm going to ache for you every day you're gone. I'm going to wish you were here so I could snuggle into your side and remind you why you should love me." I pull her closer and rub the side of her arm. "Loving you was never the issue. It's keeping you when you're not mine to have." She looks at me as a tear falls. "I think I was always yours to have. I'm just hoping you'll see that soon. — Corinne Michaels

I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes By Ford Madox Ford

You will then. Listen here ... I've always got this to look forward to: I'll settle down by that man's side. I'll be as virtuous as any woman. I've made up my mind to it and I'll be it. And I'll be bored stiff for the rest of my life. Except for one thing. I can torment that man. And I'll do it. Do you understand how I'll do it? There are many ways. But if the worst comes to the worst I can always drive him silly ... by corrupting the child!' She was panting a little, and round her brown eyes the whites showed. 'I'll get even with him. I can. I know how, you see. And with you, through him, for tormenting me. I've come all the way from Brittany without stopping. I haven't slept ... But I can ... — Ford Madox Ford

I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes By Laury Falter

It will always be yes..." I whispered, lightly kissing his lips...
"I will always be yours..." I continued, kissing along his jaw line...
"And I will always be by your side..." I finished kissing his neck. — Laury Falter

I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes By Tessa Dare

I know you've always tried to do your best by me, in your own insufferable, arrogant way. You've been a decent brother, Gray. And a damn good friend."
Gray swore. He looked to the side, then back at his brother. "Fair warning, Joss. If you don't take your hand off me ... I will have to hug you."
Joss laughed. "After that speech, I'd be damn disappointed if you didn't. — Tessa Dare

I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes By Charlotte Ross

I've been doing TV for fourteen years, and I've always had a fascination with the political business side. It's ruled my life. Ratings or no ratings have decided where I live, who I work with, and how long I'll be doing that particular job. — Charlotte Ross

I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes By A.G. Howard

You know how to manipulate me, and I know how to manipulate you. That makes us even.
No. We'll never be even.
We'll always be trying to outdo each other. I won't say it aloud, any more than I'll admit that I like it that way; that some primal, powerful side of me craves the challenge and always has. — A.G. Howard

I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes By Jonathan L. Howard

My God. Johannes, are you saying that you're accepting this task because I asked you?' Cabal did not reply. Instead he found a loose thread on the eiderdown and fiddled distractedly with it. Horst sat on the side of the bed, embraced his brother around the shoulders with one arm, and rubbed the top of his head with the knuckles of the other. 'Horst!' snapped Cabal. 'I am no longer eight years old!' Horst kissed him on the top of the head. 'You'll always be my little brother, Johannes, even if you look older than me now. — Jonathan L. Howard

I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes By Shoko Hidaka

From the beginning, Katsuragi's been everything to me. I know he will never acknowledge me as a man worth being with. I know he will never fall in love with me. But I love him, I can't live without him. If only Katsuragi would always stay by my side. I won't ask for his heart. But if I can be forever with him, I'll do anything for him. — Shoko Hidaka

I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes By Sherrilyn Kenyon

I know how strong you are, but even the strongest sword needs a steady hand in battle. I swore to stand by your side, through all life's challenges, and I meant it. I don't care what me father, or anyone else, thinks. I will always be there for you when you need me. I love you, Trevelyan. — Sherrilyn Kenyon

I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes By Richelle Mead

Okay,' I said quietly. 'I'll do whatever you say. Just remember not to talk down to me. I'm not your student anymore. I'm your equal now.'
He glanced away from the side of the road just long enough to give me a surprised look. 'You've always been my equal, Roza. — Richelle Mead

I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes By Salman Rushdie

My friend Lou Reed came to the end of his song. So very sad.But hey, Lou, you'll always take a walk on the wild side. Always a perfect day. — Salman Rushdie

I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes By Joanna Wylde

Well, let's look on the bright side," I said, deciding he needed a distraction. "Don't." "The good news is that we'll probably be either rescued or dead before we have to worry about serious hypothermia. There's always a silver lining, Hunter. — Joanna Wylde

I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes By Nigel Latta

Girls need their dads, teenage girls especially so. There's a whole bunch of 'women's stuff' she'll do with her mum, but there's still a huge amount that she will need you for as well. She needs to know that you will always be on her side, no matter what trials life will bring. The easiest way to show her you're on her side is to be by her side as often as you can. — Nigel Latta

I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes By Ron Hansen

Jesse swiveled a little in his saddle to see Charley plodding his mare along to the right. "You ever consider suicide?"
"Can't say I have. There was always something else I wanted to do. Or my predicaments changed or I saw hardships from a different slant; you know all what can happen. It never seemed respectable."
"I'll tell you one thing that's certain: you won't fight dying once you've peeked over to the other side; you'll no more want to go back to your body than you'd want to spoon up your own puke. — Ron Hansen

I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes By Pleasefindthis

Dear You, You are holding in your hands what was promised to you years ago. I'm sorry it took so long. But life, as is so often the case, is life and we forget about the promises we've made. You, however, are harder to forget. I know the world is crazy. I know love is not always the way it's meant to be. I know sometimes, things hurt. But I also know that we'll get through this. That our hearts will arrive on the other side, in one piece. That everything is beautiful, if we give it the chance to be. I've tried to write down what I saw and what you told me and I sincerely don't think I missed anything. Let me know if I have. I love you. I miss you. Me — Pleasefindthis

I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes By Jennifer McMahon

I have a friend who calls me the queen of the nightmares because I've always had really bad nightmares. I keep a notebook by the side of my bed, so I'll wake up in the night from a bad dream, and my heart's pounding, and I'm really scared, but I write it down, and sometimes I get ideas for books that way. — Jennifer McMahon

I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes By Max Andrew Dubinsky

Yet people are still showing up to lift their hands after all these years even though the church is flawed and broken and beautiful and has a shameful, ugly side to it that I'll bet it wishes it didn't have and repeatedly tries to hide.
Just like me.
Just like you.
Just like always. — Max Andrew Dubinsky

I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes By Jamie McGuire

What can I say to you that I haven't already said? What can I give you that I haven't already given? Is there anything of me that isn't yours already? My body, my mind, my heart, even my soul. Everything that is me belonged to you long before this, and it shall be yours long after this. I will follow you anywhere and everywhere you lead. I will keep you and anyone created with our love safe from all harm. From this day on, I choose you, my beloved, to be my wife. To live with you and laugh with you; to stand by your side, and sleep in your arms; to bring out the best in you always, and, for you, to be the most that I can. I promise to laugh with you in good times, to struggle with you in bad; to wipe your tears with my hands; to comfort you with my words; to mirror you with my soul; and savor every moment, happy or sad, until the end of our lives and beyond. — Jamie McGuire

I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes By Jonathan Safran Foer

From the movie "Everything is Illuminated" based on a book by Jonathan Safran Foer:

I have reflected many times upon our rigid search. It has shown me that everything is illuminated in the light of the past. It is always along the side of us, on the inside, looking out. Like you say, inside out. Jonathan, in this way, I will always be along the side of your life. And you will always be along the side of mine. — Jonathan Safran Foer

I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes By Eric Idle

Life's a piece of shit, when you look at it, life's a laugh and deat's a joke, it's true: You'll se it's all a show, keep'em laughing as you go, just remember that the last laugh is on YOU ... and ALWAYS LOOK ON THE BRIGHT SIDE OF LIFE — Eric Idle

I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes By Bridget Moynahan

When you're suddenly pregnant and no one is standing by your side, even if you're in your 30s, it's a hard conversation. I'm a traditional girl, and I believe in marriage, and I just always thought that's the way I'd be doing this. — Bridget Moynahan

I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes By Gigi Hadid

In real life, I'm so goofy and super weird. I'm never mean, but people don't see the weird side of me. Like, I'll be dancing around. My best friends will always say that they wish others saw that side of me, when I'm doing a weird dance or weird faces or voices. — Gigi Hadid

I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes By Graham Chapman

When you're chewing on life's gristle
Don't grumble, give a whistle
And this'll help things turn out for the best ...
And ... always look on the bright side of life ...
Always look on the light side of life. — Graham Chapman

I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes By Pepper Winters

I promise that no matter what happens in the future, we will work it out. I vow that no matter how life goes, I'll be by your side. I'll always love you because I've seen the worst of you and I've seen the best, and I know just how lucky I am to have met my perfect match. — Pepper Winters

I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes By Emma Richler

We'll be up in a minute,' states Katya, speaking from a particular stillness, in sudden recognition of a dream made real, a dream annulled, so she had thought, by long words of the womb - 'endometriosis,' 'hyperplasia' - and now made true, this vision of a boy on a staircase answering to his name, coming to her call. My son. She raises one arm slightly in front of Lev at her side, in gentle impediment. Not yet. Wait here. Let me see. This was always preordained. — Emma Richler

I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes By James Yorkston

I've never even attempted to listen to Neil Young - everything I hear is pretty good. I know that one day, I'll be able to sit down and delve into this amazing back catalogue. Until then, there's always the ever-growing superfluous of new musicians. Sometimes I feel so much guilt when I find I absolutely love a new band or singer, as it means, 9 times out of 10, that nobody else will. That's good taste for you. The other side of the coin is - "Ah, James. You have to hear this guy, his name is Felix Maboabbie and he's better than Nick Drake and John Martyn combined - with a touch of John Lennon." And, you know what, they are always, always utterly shite. — James Yorkston

I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes By Toni Sorenson

God is not someone you meet when you die. His smiling face will be the first and the most familiar to greet you on the other side of mortality. You'll recognize Him and know in your heart of hearts that you're not entering a new sphere, but returning home to the place you've always belonged. — Toni Sorenson

I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes By Celine Dion

Even though there may be times It seems I'm far away Never wonder where I am 'Cause I am always by your side. — Celine Dion

I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes By Debra Anastasia

Dear Livia McHugh
I'll be your husband. I'll be nothing but yours for the rest of forever. A single, simple day with you is something I'll refuse to take for granted. You have been the reason my heart beats since the moment I saw you, long before your hands actually had to do the job for me. Sleep in my arms. Wake up by my side. My beautiful love, be my wife and make me the happiest man. And I will never, ever lose count. Love always, Blake Hartt — Debra Anastasia

I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes By Katie McGarry

If you're scared, tell me. If you need to cry and scream, then do it. And you sure as hell don't walk away from us because you think it would be better for me. Here's the reality, Echo: I want to be by your side. If you want to go to the mall stark naked so you can show the world your scars, then let me hold your hand. If you want to see your mom, then tell me that too. I may not always understand, but damn, baby, I'll try. — Katie McGarry

I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes By Arthur Conan Doyle

Now, Watson," said Holmes, as a tall dog-cart dashed up through the gloom, throwing out two golden tunnels of yellow light from its side lanterns. "You'll come with me, won't you?"
"If I can be of use."
"Oh, a trusty comrade is always of use; and a chronicler still more so. My room at The Cedars is a double-bedded one. — Arthur Conan Doyle

I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes By Tamora Pierce

I told Ersken, "Lately it's been like living on the knife's edge, never knowing which side I'll fall off on"
Ersken clapped me on the shoulder as we stepped into the street. "Cheer up, Beka. Maybe you were going to fall off that razor's edge before, but not today," he said, as good humored as always. "Today we're doing to jump. — Tamora Pierce

I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes By T.J. Klune

I wasn't posing," Joe said. "Totally posing," Elizabeth said. "Ox - " "Totally posing," I managed to say. "Fine," he said. "I can tell when I'm not wanted." No, I almost said. You're always wanted. I always want you. I never want to leave you. I never want to say good-bye. I'm sorry, Joe. I'm so sorry. I said, "For just a little while." "Yeah?" Joe said. "And then you'll want me? I feel so used." I nodded. "Hey," he said, and he was right by my side, pressed up against me, nose pressed against my neck. "I was just joking. You know I don't mean it like that." "Yeah," I said. He kissed my jaw. "I'll leave you to it, then. And later, I'll let you show me how much you want me." He smacked my ass and cackled as he left the room. WE — T.J. Klune

I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes By Jennifer Crusie

After you die, you're going to hell for being a dishonest bastard, and you'll burn for eternity."
The guy snatched his hand back. "I don't believe in Hell."
"Most people don't until they get there." Mab smiled at him. "Of course, if you stop lying and cheating, you can probably redeem yourself. If not, have them put marshmallows in your coffin. There's a bight side to everything, I always say. — Jennifer Crusie

I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes By Daniel Quinn

Wherever you go ... , you'll see Heaven and Hell on every side ... in us. Look for them and you'll soon know them. There on your left, Hell shuffles by, carrying a reluctant, gloomy chicken, his only comrade. There on your right, Heaven spring past, singing - a lunatic, a little too much for civilized contact.
Just the way it always was. — Daniel Quinn

I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes By Gareth Gates

I was terrible when I first started skating and was clinging onto the side for dear life, but it's something I'll always have now, and the tour is always so much fun. — Gareth Gates

I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes By Ekaterina Sedia

You know how they say the grass is always greener on the other side? It is greener, because you're not there. And if you go you'll trample it and leave dirty footprints and probably spill something poisonous. — Ekaterina Sedia

I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes By T.J. Klune

It's not destiny, Ox. You're not bound by this. Not yet. There's a choice. There is always a choice. My wolf chose you. I chose you. And if you don't choose me, then that's your choice and I will walk out of here knowing you got to choose your own path. But I swear to god, if you choose me, I will make sure that you know the weight of your worth every day for the rest of our lives because that's what this is. I am going to be a fucking Alpha one day, and there is no one I'd rather have by my side than you. It's you, Ox. For me, it's always been you." So I said, "Okay, Joe." I looked up at him. His wolf was close to the surface. And he said, "Okay?" I said, "Okay. Okay. I don't know if I see the things you do." "I know." "And I don't know if I'll be good enough." "I know you will," he said, eyes flashing orange. "But I promised you. I said it will always be you and me." His face stuttered a bit, and he said, "You did. You promised me. You promised." I — T.J. Klune

I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes By Charlotte Eriksson

I said
"I love you so much it's killing me"
and you kept saying sorry
so I stopped explaining
for it never made sense to you
what always did to me
to let what you love
kill you
and never regret.
As Romeo is dying Juliet says
"I am willing to die to remain by your side"
and love was never a static place of rest
but the last second of euphoria
while throwing yourself out from a 20 store window
to be able to say
"I flew before I hit the ground",
and it was glorious.
Don't be sorry.
The fall was beautiful, dear.
The crash was beautiful. — Charlotte Eriksson

I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes By Norman Vincent Peale

Do not be afraid, for I am with you; I will bring your children from the east and gather you from the west. ISAIAH 43:5 NOVEMBER 2 Believe the great fact that God is with you. And with God's help, what can stand in your way? I have no doubt that you believe in God one way or another, but do you really believe that God is with you, on your side, by your side, in you, helping you? When you have this overwhelming faith in God, when you really believe in Him, and then call upon Him, He will answer and show you mighty things that you never knew. As you practice this thought, you will become aware that He is also showing you a greater truth. "Do not be afraid, for I am with you" (Isaiah 43:5) is probably one of the greatest statements ever made in the history of human life on this earth. "Do not be afraid, for I am with you." We are taught this but we do not keep it in mind. Think big. And think the biggest thought of all - that you are not alone, that God will always help you. — Norman Vincent Peale

I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes By Maggie Stiefvater

The sun shines through the window And the sun shines through your hair It seems like you're beside me But I know that you're not there. You would sit beside this window Run your fingers through my hair You were always there beside me But I know that you're not there Oh, to be by your side once again Oh, to hold your hand in mine again Oh, to be by your side once again Oh, to hold your hand in mine again- — Maggie Stiefvater

I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes By Karni Liddell

The hardest part of your journey to success will be telling people your crazy dreams and ideas. But I've found as soon as you say your dreams aloud, many people will come to your side and help guide your journey in the right direction. During my 30 year journey with my disease I have discovered that you will always be surrounded by help, support and light if you stay positive in spite of hardships. — Karni Liddell

I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes By Tahereh Mafi

It's that terrible moment when you're sitting still so still so still because you don't want them to see you cry you don't want to cry but your lips won't stop trembling and your eyes are filled to the brim with please and I beg you and please and I'm sorry and please and have mercy and maybe this time it'll be different but it's always the same. There's no one to run to for comfort. No one on your side. — Tahereh Mafi

I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes By Holly C. Corbett

Floating there I held onto faith. Because you can't know who might cross your path or who will take your breath away. You can't know what friends might actually become sisters because they stayed by your side. You can't know when there'll be an unexpected detour that'll take you to the place where you were always meant to be. — Holly C. Corbett

I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes By George Orwell

Well, Hilda and I were married, and right from the start it was a flop. Why did you marry her? you say. Why did you marry yours? These things happen to us. I wonder whether you'll believe that during the first two or three years I had serious thoughts of killing Hilda. Of course in practice one never does these things, they're only a kind of fantasy one enjoys thinking about. Besides, chaps who murder their wives always get copped. However cleverly you've faked the alibi, they know perfectly well that it's you who did it, and they'll pin it onto you somehow.
When a woman's bumped off, her husband is always the first suspect -which gives you a little side glimpse of what people really think about marriage. — George Orwell

I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes By Benedict Cumberbatch

I'm always keen to use my body in my work, so I'm looking forward to the motion capture for Smaug. Both Gollum and King Kong were primates, whereas I'm playing a serpent, so it'll be interesting - I'll have to tie my legs together, possibly, or else they'll be kind of splayed out to the side as a reptile's should be. — Benedict Cumberbatch

I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes By Prince Royce

There are two sides of me, the bachata/tropical Latin side and the English pop as well. They're both equally important, so I'll always make sure to keep both roots in my music. — Prince Royce

I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes By Jackie Castle

Once Lotari reached his mate's side and gently kissed her hand, the crowd began cheering and whooping for them.
Bastion the dwarf appeared beside Stitch, a handkerchief extended. "Ye blubbering hoofer. Best keep that with you tonight, I doubt this'll be the first tears you'll be a shedding."
Stitch took the cloth and dabbed at his cheeks. "Glad to see you here, Bast."
"Never miss a hoofer gathering. There's always meat and grog. Who in their right mind turns a nose up to such a fare, eh? — Jackie Castle

I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes By Rick Riordan

Are you kidding?" She looked at me as if I'd just dropped from the moon. Her cheeks were bright red.
"What's the problem now?" I demanded.
"Me, go with you to the...the 'Thrill Ride of Love'? How embarrassing is that? What if somebody saw me?"
"Who's going to see you?" But my face was burning now, too. Leave it to a girl to make everything complicated. "Fine," I told her. "I'll do it myself." But when I started down the side of the pool, she followed me, muttering about how boys always messed things up. — Rick Riordan

I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes By Jodi Picoult

It's true that when it's time to go, someone will be waiting for you. It might be a relative or a loved one, but not always. It could be a dog, hanging out with a tennis ball and ready to play again. Sometimes, when children die, they don't know any of their relatives who are on the other side, so they'll have an angel or even maybe a cartoon character or Santa Claus waiting to pull them across that bridge. It's just a manifestation of energy saying, "Come on, baby, it's okay. — Jodi Picoult

I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes By William Donaldson

I was sorry to read in yesterday's evening papers that your house was recently burglarised while you were elsewhere propounding the moral virtues of private enterprise.
I'm sure you'll be able to see the funny side of it!
I expect your mistake was to inform the robbery squad at your local police station that your house would be empty. That's always asking for trouble. — William Donaldson

I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes By Michael J. Sullivan

You realize we can't go back to Sheridan."

"I know."

"Have to keep heading southwest now, and I don't know anything about the area. We'll probably get lost or walk into a road and a patrol."

"Well"-Hadrian looked down at Royce's side-"you're bleeding again, and I think I am, too, so the good news is we'll likely die before morning. Still, I suppose it could be worse."


"They could have caught us at the tavern, or we could have drowned in that river."

"Either way we'd be dead. At this point I'm inclined to see that as better off."

"Anything can always be worse," Hadrian assured him.

They lay staring up at the sky and watching clouds blot out the stars. Royce heard it before he felt it. A distant patter on the blades of grass along the hillside. He turned once more to Hadrian. "I'm really starting to hate you. — Michael J. Sullivan

I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes By John Green

I kept reading.
I miss you already, bro.
I love you, Augustus. God bless and keep you.
You'll live forever in our hearts, big man.
(That particularly galled me, because it implied the immortality of those left behind:
You will live forever in my memory, becauuse I will live forever! I AM YOUR GOD NOW, DEAD BOY! I OWN YOU! Thinking you won't die is yet another side effect of dying.)
You were always such a great friend I'm sorry I didn't see more of you after you left school, bro. I bet you're already playing ball in heaven. — John Green

I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes By Julie Anne Peters

I think about my choice. Either outcome is bleak. If I stay and live through high school, go to college, get a job, what will ever change? This blackness inside will never go away. I don't make friends; I'll always be alone. If I go, at least there's hope of peace. Chance of a new and better life on the other side. — Julie Anne Peters

I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes By Sarah Rees Brennan

I'll go," said Jared, and quieter, to Kami, "If you'll be all right?"

"Always am," Kami told him. She looked searchingly at her mother's face, then glanced up at Jared. "See you in a few, sunshine puppy," she told him, and lifted up on the tips of her toes and pressed a kiss on his mouth. She only caught the side, a little clumsily, but felt the curl of his small smile against her lips.

"Sunshine puppy?" he asked. "You're not even trying anymore."

"I am trying very hard," Kami informed him. "To be ridiculous. — Sarah Rees Brennan

I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes By Pleasefindthis

I know the world is crazy. I know love is not always the way it's meant to be. I know sometimes, things hurt. But I also know that we'll get through this. That our hearts will arrive on the other side, in one piece. That everything is beautiful, if we give it the chance to be. I've tried to write down what I saw and what you told me and I sincerely don't think I missed anything. Let me know if I have. I love you. I miss you. — Pleasefindthis

I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes By Reki Kawahara

Hang in there, Kirito. Keep trying, for the sake of what you believe in. I'll always be at your side. I'll always be behind you, watching your back and supporting you. — Reki Kawahara

I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes By Franz Kafka

In front of the law there is a doorkeeper. A man from the countryside comes up to the door and asks for entry. But the doorkeeper says he can't let him in to the law right now. The man thinks about this, and then he asks if he'll be able to go in later on. "That's possible," says the doorkeeper, "but not now". The gateway to the law is open as it always is, and the doorkeeper has stepped to one side, so the man bends over to try and see in. When the doorkeeper notices this he laughs and says, "If you're tempted give it a try, try and go in even though I say you can't. Careful though: I'm powerful. And I'm only the lowliest of all the doormen. But there's a doorkeeper for each of the rooms and each of them is more powerful than the last. It's more than I can stand just to look at the third one. — Franz Kafka

I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes By Elizabeth Gaskell

It is right to hope for the best about everybody, and not to expect the worst. This sounds like a truism, but it has comforted me before now, and some day you'll find it useful. One has always to try to think more of others than of oneself, and it is best not to prejudge people on the bad side. — Elizabeth Gaskell

I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes By Claudia Gray

I hope to have told you all this myself," Bail Organa's voice said. "I hope we have enjoyed many more happy years as a family, that we have seen the Empire fall, and that we have gone forth together to find General Kenobi and your brother. If so, this recording can serve only one purpose. You must be listening after my death, so let this be my chance to say once again how much I love you. No other daughter could ever have brought me more joy." Tears welled in Leia's eyes, but she fought them back. If she began to sob, she wouldn't be able to hear her father's voice any longer. He concluded, "Please know that my love for you, and your mother's love, endures long past our deaths. We are forever with you, Leia. In your brightest triumphs and your darkest troubles, always know that we are by your side." She — Claudia Gray

I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes By Donald Trump Jr.

I've always been the, 'Sure, I'll try that' guy. I'm very adventurous and don't have fears. I think I got that from my mother's side because she was an Olympic skier. Jump off a mountain with a parachute? Sure. What could possibly go wrong? — Donald Trump Jr.

I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes By Roosh V

Just like with buttons on a shirt, the hooks are always going to be on the same side (your left). If you're trying to remove a bra but can't, simply say, "I need a little help." The girl will laugh at you, but she'll take off her bra. It happened to me many times in my early days, so it's not a big deal, but it's in your best interests to be able to do it on your own (unstrapping a bra with one hand or foot at lightning speed is a move girls appreciate). — Roosh V

I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes By Deborah Feldman

If you are forced to confront your fears on a daily basis, they disintegrate, like illusions when viewed up close. Maybe being always protected made me more fearful, and I would later dip cautiously into the outside world, never allowing myself to be submerged completely, and always jerking back into the familiarity of my own life when my senses were overwhelmed. For years I would stand with a foot in each sphere, drawn to the exotic universe that lay on the other side of the portal, wrenched back by the warnings that sounded like alarm bells in my mind. — Deborah Feldman

I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes By B. Mauritz

Cedric: "I can think of another reason not to be the hero. Every hero has to sacrifice
the one he loves. I don't have that in me."
Saphira: "Who says you can't be a hero when you have a heroine by your side. I
believe the saying is that behind every great man there's a great woman."
Cedric: "You'll never stand behind me, Saphira. You will always be right by my side. — B. Mauritz

I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes By A.G. Howard

You've always brought out the softer side in my master. But he hasn't changed. He's as changeless as he is ageless. He'll always be selfish, manipulative, untamable. He knows no other way to be, for he is all things Wonderland. — A.G. Howard

I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes By Hester Browne

My golden rule has always been to look on the bright side, no matter what. With all the complications in my life, I had to. Because if you can find three good things in any given situation, no matter how dire, I guarantee you'll forget the rotten stuff. — Hester Browne

I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes By Emeli Sande

I mean, there'll always be room for big productions and everything but it's good to see the other side. — Emeli Sande

I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes By R. K. Milholland

In the end, you'll know which people really love you. They're the ones who see you for who you are and, no matter what, always find a way to be at your side. — R. K. Milholland

I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes By Scott Lynch

Enthusiasm is the first step," she said. "Artfulness comes later."
"I hope I didn't disappoint you."
"I'm not displeased, Jovanno. Hells, having a lover that's new to the dance means you can train him properly. Give me a few nights and I'll have you whipped into proper form."
"The Asino brothers ... they always, well, they always invited me to go with them when they went out. To buy it, you know."
"There's no shame in doing that. And there's no shame in not having done it. But those two are hounds, Jovanno. Any woman could smell it a mile away. Sometimes a run with the hounds is just what you're in the mood for, but in the end they'll always roll around in muck and shit on your floor."
"Oh, they've got an endearing side," said Jean. "It comes out once a month, when the first moon is full. They're like backwards werewolves. — Scott Lynch

I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes By Kathleen E. Woodiwiss

Whatever my lady desires," he breathed, nuzzling the fragrant tresses beside her ear. "My world is where you are, and I follow where you lead."
Erienne giggled as his teeth nibbled at her earlobe. "Nay, sir. I will never lead you, for my hand will be tucked firmly in yours. We are one, in truth, and by your side I will gladly walk or stand if you will have me there."
"If?" There was amazement evident in his tone as he repeated the word. "Have I fought for you all these many months just to place you behind me, where I cannot view your beauty? Nay, my lady, beside me is where I would have you, always close to my heart."
-Christopher & Erienne — Kathleen E. Woodiwiss

I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes By Rachel Hawkins

Drink this."
"Um, how 'bout no," I replied, staring at the dark green contents. Whatever the liquid was, it smelled like pine trees and dirt, and seeing how this woman was Izzy's mom, I figured it was poisoned.
But Aislinn just shrugged. "Don't, then. No skin off my nose if your head hurts."
"It's okay," Mom said, never taking her eyes off Aislinn. "It'll make you feel better."
"By making me dead?" I asked. "I mean, I'm sure that would make my headache go away, but that's a heck of a side effect."
"Sophie," Mom murmured, a warning tone in her voice.
But Aislinn just regarded me shrewdly, a tiny smile playing on her lips. "She's got a mouth on her, that's for sure," she said. Her eyes flicked to Mom. "Must've gotten that from him. You were always quiet. — Rachel Hawkins

I'll Always Be By Your Side Quotes By Alesha Escobar

I always hated when people told me not to aspire to certain things because I was a woman. I couldn't imagine what it would be like to be told this simply because of my skin color. One of the many things I've learned is that when you've been holed up in a safe house with someone who doesn't look like you or speak the same language, but who was ready to break bread with you and even fight by your side - you quickly realized that there were a lot more important things to gripe about. At the end of the day, people were just people - blood, sweat and tears, heart and soul. — Alesha Escobar