If You Want To Succeed Quotes & Sayings
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Top If You Want To Succeed Quotes

If you want to succeed in the world must make your own opportunities as you go on. The man who waits for some seventh wave to toss him on dry land will find that the seventh wave is a long time a coming. You can commit no greater folly than to sit by the roadside until someone comes along and invites you to ride with him to wealth or influence. — John Bartholomew Gough

If you want to succeed in the world it is necessary, when entering a salon, that your vanity should bow to that of others. — Stephanie Felicite, Comtesse De Genlis

You've got to be a disciplined person if you want to succeed both in sport and in life. — Lynn Davies

There are feelings which want to kill the lonely; and if they do not succeed, well, then they themselves must die. But are you capable of this - to be a murderer? — Friedrich Nietzsche

If you're co-founder or CEO, you have to do all kinds of tasks you might not want to do ... If you don't do your chores, the company won't succeed ... No task is too menial. — Elon Musk

I would tell most young people that in life you can go through many difficulties, but if you know what you want to do, if you can focus, and work, then in the end, you will end up doing it. No matter what happens, if you don't give up, you will still succeed. — William Kamkwamba

It takes a lot more than just knowing how to put an outfit together to succeed in the fashion industry, so more power to you if this is where you want to be; just don't expect it to be an extended trip to the mall. — Sophia Amoruso

My motto is more, 'If you want to find something new, look for something new!' There is a certain amount of risk in this attitude, as even the slightest failure tends to be resounding, but you are so happy when you succeed that it is worth taking the risk. — Yves Chauvin

If you want to succeed at any job, make yourself invaluable. Go the extra mile; make them never be able to imagine what life without you there would be like. — Ross Mathews

If people say "no" to you and it's something you really want to do, keep going and you'll succeed. — Elle Fanning

You should not remain in your comfort zone; if you want to make it big, you must challenge yourself, get out of your comfort zone, and succeed in doing well outside of your comfort areas. — Rohit Sharma

Never say that your life is to be a singer. You want to sing because it's a part of your life. But if you don't succeed as a singer, it doesn't mean you don't have a life and it's over. — Celine Dion

If you want to, you can share my teaching refrain: I can't want you to succeed more than you do. — Tim Gunn

Our top command wanted us to achieve 100 percent success, and to do it with 0 casualties. That may sound admirable - who doesn't want to succeed, and who wants anyone to get hurt? But in war those are incompatible and unrealistic. If 100 percent success, 0 casualties are your goal, you're going to conduct very few operations. You will never take any risks, realistic or otherwise. — Chris Kyle

Nobody knows what will work until they try it. Some of comics' biggest success stories in recent years have explored subjects that no one was writing about at the time - stories no one had any reason to think would succeed. My advice? Write what you want to read. You'll have more fun doing it - and if all else fails, you'll always have at least one loyal reader. — Scott McCloud

Who's more likely to succeed - someone with high skill and no ambition, or no skill and high ambition? If you're an entrepreneur, you can hire as many skilled people for your business as you want. — Max McKeown

Giving up is not an option if you want to succeed. If you really want to be in business, and it's something you can't live without, you just have to keep going. And one day that shot will be given to you. — Kellee Stewart

We are creators. When we begin, separately or together, there's a blank piece of paper. When we are done, we are giving people dreams and magic and journeys into minds and lives that they have never lived. And we must not forget that.
Don't worry about trying to develop a style. Style is what you can't help doing. If you write enough, you draw enough, you'll have a style, whether you want it or not.
Don't worry about whether you're "commercial". Tell your own stories, draw your own pictures. Let other people follow you.
If you believe in it, do it. If there's a comic or a project you've always wanted to do, go out there and give it a try. If you fail, you'll have given it a shot. If you succeed, then you succeeded with what you wanted to do. — Neil Gaiman

You're at this place filled with a bunch of people who want to better their lives, but they need the help of others if they want even the smallest chance to succeed. At this place they tell you their stories, and then they tell you their dreams. You are sitting there, a tourist among people who you do not belong around, but these people, they intrigue you. They show you what it means to rise when you are down. They show you that even the bloodiest battles with your mind can in fact be won. — M.B. Julien

Through my love for you, I want to express my love for the whole cosmos, the whole of humanity, and all beings. By living with you, I want to learn to love everyone and all species. If I succeed in loving you, I will be able to love everyone and all species on Earth ... This is the real message of love. — Thich Nhat Hanh

She laughs. "You're so much like your father. Sometimes I wonder if you got any of my DNA at all."
I've never really seen any similarities between my dad and me. Except our love of business - our drive to succeed. We've always been evenly matched in that respect. Otherwise, my father's as straight-laced as they come. A dedicated, loyal family man through and through. Pretty much the opposite of me in every way.
"I am?"
She's still chuckling. "One day I'll tell you how your dad and I really ended up together at Columbia. And I'll include all the dirty little details he never wanted you to know."
If that story involves sex in any way, I don't want to hear it.
As far as I'm concerned, my parents have had sex two times in their entire lives. Once for Alexandra and once for me. That's it. On some level I realize I'm deluding myself, but this is one topic where I prefer to live in denial. — Emma Chase

If you want to succeed you should strike out on new paths, rather than travel the worn paths of accepted success. — John D. Rockefeller

Many of you no longer have mothers. You have lost your fathers. But you have education. Here, if you are smart enough to accept it, you will be educated. Education will be your mother. Education will be your father. While your older brothers fight this war with guns, when the bullets stop, you will fight the next war with your pens. Do you see what I'm telling you? He was hoarse by now and he grew quiet. - I want you to succeed, boys. If we are ever to have a new Sudan, you must succeed. — Dave Eggers

Failure is a prerequisite for great success. If you want to succeed faster, double your rate of failure. — Brian Tracy

If you want to succeed, limit yourself. — Charles-Augustin Sainte-Beuve

If you want to succeed always associate with winners, people who have understood something. You will notice that they all share something in common, tremendous attention to detail in their personal lives and associations. — Frederick Lenz

Study the habits of the people you want to be like and then imitate them. If they are succeeding, they must be doing something right. — Dave Ramsey

Mother always used to say, 'If you want to succeed in life, please the women. They are the real bosses. The men don't count. — P.G. Wodehouse

Later, she said, "I have to take my braids out for my interviews and relax my hair. Kemi told me that I shouldn't wear braids to the interview. If you have braids, they will think you are unprofessional." "So there are no doctors with braided hair in America?" Ifemelu asked. "I have told you what they told me. You are in a country that is not your own. You do what you have to do if you want to succeed. — Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Powerful people do not have good listening skills. They hate to listen. They succeed by getting good at faking it ... If you're an extrovert, you think while you're talking. And it's impossible to listen to someone if you are thinking of the next thing you want to say. — Penelope Trunk

If you want to succeed in business in any capacity - employee, manager, or owner - you must have a solid, comprehensive understanding of what business principles actually are and how they actually work. — Josh Kaufman

In a corrupt country, if you want to succeed in politics, you must keep your conscience under control. — Miriam Defensor Santiago

The journals want the papers that make the sexiest claims. And scientists believe that the way you succeed is having splashy papers in Science or Nature - it's not bad for them if a paper turns out to be wrong, if it's gotten a lot of attention. — Michael Eisen

If you want to thrive in today's economy, you must challenge the status quo and get the financial education necessary to succeed. — Robert Kiyosaki

Bring it on-
And let truth be my existence.
Value my life-
And tell me like it is.
Bark at me when I'm wrong-
And hug me when I'm right.
Praise me if I succeed-
And tell me if I fail.
Laugh at me if you think I'm funny-
And wink at me if you think I'm cute.
Yell at me if I ever hurt you-
And scold me if I'm ever bad.
Keep things real with me,
Because I want to be alive,
I want my world to be real-
And I want to see your spirit.
I want to hear you breathe-
And I want to know how you feel.
Don't waste my time with insincerities.
Keep my world real. — Giorge Leedy

To be a parent, you must be authoritarian. If the Zambians want to succeed, they must learn to work hard, and they should not expect to be treated with kid gloves. — Michael Sata

My punishment lasted a month. Knowing I could push through pain and succeed has lasted a lifetime. Pain was just something I became accustomed to as part of life. If you're an athlete and want to win, something always hurts. You are always dealing with bruises and injuries. You're testing how far you can push the human body, and whoever pushes it the furthest wins. — Ronda Rousey

It is always now. This might sound trite, but it is the truth. It's not quite true as a matter of neurology, because our minds are built upon layers of inputs whose timing we know must be different.11 But it is true as a matter of conscious experience. The reality of your life is always now. And to realize this, we will see, is liberating. In fact, I think there is nothing more important to understand if you want to be happy in this world. But we spend most of our lives forgetting this truth - overlooking it, fleeing it, repudiating it. And the horror is that we succeed. We manage to avoid being happy while struggling to become happy, fulfilling one desire after the next, banishing our fears, grasping at pleasure, recoiling from pain - and thinking, interminably, about how best to keep the whole works up and running. — Sam Harris

The best advice I was given if that if you want to succeed and you want to achieve, you have to learn how to handle failures. — Mike Scioscia

Fear is always around some desire. You want to become a famous man, the most famous man in the world- then there is fear. What if you cannot make it? Fear comes. You want to become the richest man in the world. What if you don't succeed? You start trembling; fear comes. You want to possess a woman and you are afraid that tomorrow you may not be able to hold on to her, she may go to somebody else. — Osho

Fourth, leading is the most effective action to take to succeed in all of life's endeavors. If you are not leading, you cannot be sure you are going in the direction you want to go. — W. Anton

Money is misunderstood. The fact is if you want to be successful - the money will follow you. If you are a doctor, something else will follow you. If you are successful, there is an accompaniment. If your goal is just to make money, you won't succeed. Money is a commodity to use, not to be dictated by. — Frank Lowy

If you get into entrepreneurshi p driven by profit, you are a lot more likely to fail. The entrepreneurs who succeed usually want to make a difference to people's lives, not just their own bank balances. The desire to change things for the better is the motivation for taking risks and pursuing seemingly impossible business ideas. — Richard Branson

Think of it like this. If you are sad because you can't have something you want - maybe a book or a toy - you can do one of two things: you can do your best to get it, or you can stop wanting it. Either way, if you succeed, you won't be sad any more. — E.H. Gombrich

If you truly want to succeed, you have to stay humble - humble or crumble - because it can all go away in the blink of an eye. — Raven Goodwin

My message to students is that if you want to become an entrepreneur and save the world, definitely don't skip college. But go to a school that you can afford. You'll be freed from the chains of debt and succeed on your own ambition and merit. — Vivek Wadhwa

I have said that I learned a lot by teaching others. I discovered that every soul has almost the same difficulties and that there is yet a vast difference between individual souls - a difference which means that each one must be dealt with differently. There are some with whom I must make myself small and show myself willing to be humiliated by confessing my own struggles and defeats, for then they themselves easily confess their own faults and are pleased that I understand them through my own experience. To be successful with others, firmness is necessary. I must never go back on what I have said, and to humiliate myself would be regarded as weakness.
God has given me the grace of having no fear of a fight. I will do my duty at any cost. More than once I have been told: "If you want to succeed with me, severity is no use. You will get nowhere unless you are gentle." But I know that no one is a good judge in his own case. — John Beevers

If you want a show to succeed, you're going to have to have a certain amount of people watch who are non-black and non-Latino. If you can't cross over, you don't belong on TV. That's not just me saying it. That's just the way it is. — George Lopez

A lot of people are afraid to succeed and don't want to fail but if you don't attempt, aren't you already failing in the same spot? — Behdad Sami

Failure provides you with a great opportunity to decide how much you really want something. Will you give up? Or will you dig deeper, commit more, work harder, learn, and get better? If you know that this is what you truly want, you will be willing to pay the price that success requires. You will be willing to fail again and again in order to succeed. — Jon Gordon

Professional bodybuilding is a sport of total dedication. You must dedicate every aspect of every day to the attainment of your goals if you want to succeed. It is not enough to merely go to the gym to "work out." You must put all of your concentration and focus on each rep, on each set, on each exercise to have a successful workout. — Nasser El Sonbaty

Who you choose to surround yourself with will determine if you fail, or if you will succeed. Assets are people who will support you, build you up, and encourage you. Liabilities are people who will tear you down, discourage you, and give you reasons why you can't do whatever it is you want to do. Minimize the liabilities and you'll go far in life. — Steven Wolff

If you want to succeed, get some enemies. — Thomas Edison

If you want to achieve things in life, you've just got to do them, and if you're talented and smart, you'll succeed. — Juliana Hatfield

If you want to succeed in the world, you don't have to be much cleverer than other people. You just have to be one day earlier. — Leo Szilard

If you want to give yourself a fair chance to succeed, never expect too much too soon — Po Bronson

If what you want is to succeed, then lots of practice is what you need! — Terri Smith

If you want to succeed, double your failure rate. — Thomas Watson Jr.

The path that leads through Latin and alebra is not the path to material success. But it may suggest much more: that understanding things is a waste of time; that if you want to succeed in the world and have a happy family and a nice home and a BMW you should not try to understand things but just add up the numbers or press the buttons or do whatever else it is that marketers are so richly rewarded for doing — J.M. Coetzee

If you really want to succeed, you'll have to go for it every day like I do. The big time isn't for slackers. Keep up your mental stamina and remain curious. I think that bored people are unintelligent people. — Donald Trump

We survive our way through basketball hoping the # Lakers will survive and we hope for the # Kings and for the # Ducks and we want them all to succeed but if you are a true fan and especially if you are a # Dodgers fan deep down inside you are saying please get out of the way, get off the stage, here come the DODGERS! — Vin Scully

If you want to succeed, you must make your own opportunities as you go. — John Bartholomew Gough

If you want to succeed in politics you must keep your conscience firmly under control. — David Lloyd George

If you want to succeed in indie publishing, be prepared to work your ass off and demonstrate patience. Writers who aren't willing to do those two things will fail. Period. — Sean Platt

I don't agree with the idea that you have to live in a bubble and sacrifice all your time to something if you want to succeed. I need to be interested in things outside my sport, and I need to meet new people. For me, judo is an expression of the harmony I achieve in my life. — Ryoko Tani

I have found that to tell the truth is the hardest thing on earth. Harder than fighting in a war, harder than taking part in a revolution.
"If you try it, you will find that at times sweat will break upon you. You will find that even if you succeed in discounting the attitudes of others to you and your life, you must wrestle with yourself most of all. Fight with yourself. Because there will surge up in you a strong desire to alter facts, to dress up your feelings.
"You'll find that there are many things you don't want to admit about yourself and others.
"As your record shapes itself, an awed wonder haunts you. And yet there is no more exciting an adventure than trying to be honest in this way. The clean, strong feeling that sweeps you when you've done it makes you know that. — Richard Wright

The one thing that I think separates Microsoft from a lot of other people is we make bold bets. We're persistent about them, but we make them. A lot of people won't make a bold bet. A bold bet doesn't assure you of winning, but if you make no bold bets you can't continue to succeed. Our industry doesn't allow you to rest on your laurels forever. I mean, you can milk any great idea. Any idea that turns out to be truly great can be harvested for tens of years. On the other hand, if you want to continue to be great, you've got to bet on new things, big, bold bets. — Steve Ballmer

At some point you must decide if you want to succeed or just be someone who was never to blame for anything going wrong. — Robert Breault

Who do you want them to think you are? How do you think people see you? Or don't you let them near enough to see. You make up their minds for them. Do you think you succeed in convincing people that you are what you seem to be? You make people meet you on your own territory. You don't help them. You let them verbally hang themselves and then feel better about yourself, your power, your own sense of worth. You have the power to alienate them and if they allow it, you might even manage to make them feel awkward and foolish--foolish for letting you affect them at all. Do you want them to like you? Or are you one of those people who "don't care what people think." You're not living your life for them, so why should you give a fuck what people think? You make people come to you and, when they eventually do, you punish them with your smugness. Nothing ever out of character. — Carrie Fisher

You never can't put bad down, there is always something tricky... nothing is so easy if it's easy. It's in the state of possibility of the ability to be in a trap which they want to put you... so they succeed. - Better Next time think! — Deyth Banger

If you want to lift a hundred pounds, you don't expect to succeed the first time. You start with a lighter weight and work up little by little. You actually fail to life a hundred pounds, every day, until the day you succeed. But it is in the days when you are exerting yourself that the growth is occurring. — Norman Doidge

If you want to succeed in your life, remember this phrase: That past does not equal the future. Because you failed yesterday; or all day today; or a moment ago; or for the last six months; the last sixteen years; or the last fifty years of life, doesn't mean anything ... All that matters is: What are you going to do, right now? — Tony Robbins

If you want to succeed, you've got to be okay to just lose control. — Alexis Ohanian

If you really want to contribute to our theoretical understanding of physical laws - and it is an exciting experience if you succeed! - there are many things you need to know. First of all, be serious about it! — Gerard 't Hooft

I always feel like if someone has stage fright, I really try and say, "Listen, these people want you to succeed, they want to have a good evening. They want to see something really great. They don't want to see something crappy. They don't. They want to be at something really special." — Laurie Anderson

Learning is crucial if you want to remain special and material — Seyi Ayoola

I work hard, so I surround myself with people that work just as hard. It's important if you want to create a successful brand. Also, the concept of being "tired" doesn't really apply to me. In fact, I don't even consider "tired" tired. If you want to succeed and be successful, you can't let it bother you. — Damon Dash

If you really want to find out something about immortality, you have to live in the mountain forests for 30 years. If you succeed in perfecting your eyes and ears there, if you harmonize the heart and the will so that your mind becomes clear and pure and free of all that is evil, you will be able to discuss the matter. — Wang Yangming

You want to know the biggest illusion about success? That it's like a pinnacle to be climbed, a thing to be possessed, or a static result to be achieved. If you want to succeed, if you want to achieve all your outcomes, you have to think of success as a process, a way of life, a habit of mind, a strategy for life. — Tony Robbins

If you want to succeed at whist, either be a good whist-player, or play with marked cards. You may want a book about jumping; you may want a book about whist; you may want a book about cheating at whist. But you cannot want a book about Success ... You may want to jump or to play cards; but you do not want to read wandering statements to the effect that jumping is jumping, or that games are won by winners. — G.K. Chesterton

Does he or she know you, like you, and trust you? Does he want to see you succeed? Does she want to help you find new business? If so, then you have yourself a 'Personal Walking Ambassador.' — Bob Burg

If you want to succeed you must never stop learning, never stop trying and just keep being yourself. You are your own person. You make the choices in life that affect you. — Ruby Rose

If you truly want to succeed, be prepared to go the extra mile. — Napoleon Hill

Endurance is critical if you want to succeed spectacularly at anything God sets before you. — Craig Groeschel

Someday, sometime, you will be sitting somewhere. A berm overlooking a pond in Vermont. The lip of the Grand Canyon at sunset. A seat on the subway. And something bad will have happened: You will have lost someone you loved, or failed at something at which you badly wanted to succeed. And sitting there, you will fall into the center of yourself. You will look for some core to sustain you. And if you have been perfect all your life and have managed to meet all the expectations of your family, your friends, your community, your society, chances are excellent that there will be a black hole where that core ought to be. I don't want anyone I know to take that terrible chance. And the only way to avoid it is to listen to that small voice inside you that tells you to make mischief, to have fun, to be contrarian, to go another way. George Eliot wrote, 'It is never too late to be what you might have been.' It is never too early, either. — Anna Quindlen

When you are starting a business or going down any challenging endeavor, you are bound to encounter challenges. You are going to hit many roadblocks and obstacles. These are obstacles that would make any sane person want to throw in the towel and quit. If you want your business to succeed, you can't do that (duh). — Richard Branson

if you want to succeed, think about all the ways that can make you fail. You want to get rich, think about all the ways that can make you poor. — Hajer W

Real invention is a process of repeated, crushing failure that leads, very rarely, to a success. If you want to succeed faster, there's nothing for it but to fail faster and better. — Cory Doctorow

If you want to succeed in what you do, learn how to compromise with the people around you. — Paul G. Bailey

if you get very clear on what you truly want (rather than what you think you should want), believe that it's available to you regardless of your present circumstances by staying connected to Source Energy and keeping your frequency high, and take decisive action, you will eventually succeed. Have — Jen Sincero