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If He Doesn't Chase You Quotes & Sayings

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Top If He Doesn't Chase You Quotes

If He Doesn't Chase You Quotes By Emma Chase

Remember those reserves I mentioned? Time to call them up. I pick up the phone and dial. A soothing greets me after the second ring. The perfect combination of strength and comfort, and I answer back. "Hi, Mom." You thought I was calling someone else, didn't you? Deep down - I'm a momma's boy. I'm man enough to admit it. 'And trust me, I'm not the only one. Explains a lot, doesn't it? That's the reason your boyfriend can't manage to get his socks or underwear actually in the hamper-because he grew up with mommy doing it for him. — Emma Chase

If He Doesn't Chase You Quotes By Brett Hull

Because I don't look like I'm skating around as hard as Bobby Bassen doesn't mean my mind isn't working twice as hard as Bobby's mind. Just because I can't fight like Kelly Chase doesn't mean standing in front of the net getting cross-checked and slashed isn't toughness as well. — Brett Hull

If He Doesn't Chase You Quotes By William Friedkin

Even with some of the best action films like The Bourne Ultimatum, which is a great action film with a great chase sequence, so much of it is computer-generated. But that doesn't bother me. I think it works. It's fantastic. — William Friedkin

If He Doesn't Chase You Quotes By Nikki Haley

American businesses deserve a federal government that doesn't stand in their way, not one that tries to chase them overseas. — Nikki Haley

If He Doesn't Chase You Quotes By Emma Chase

Leaning close to her, I ask, "If not a banker, what do I look like?" She smiles slowly and scrapes the olives off the toothpick with her teeth. "You look like a Chippendales dancer." Fabulous answer. I don't really need to explain to you why, do I? In a low, seductive voice I say, "I do have some great moves. If banking doesn't work out, Chippendales is Plan B. — Emma Chase

If He Doesn't Chase You Quotes By Henry Miller

And for that one moment of freedom you have to listen to all that love crap ... it drive me nuts sometimes ... I want to kick them out immediately ... I do now and then. But that doesn't keep them away. They like it, in fact. The less you notice them the more they chase after you. There's something perverse about women ... they're all masochists at heart. — Henry Miller

If He Doesn't Chase You Quotes By Cristela Alonzo

My family doesn't understand trying to chase your dreams because they were all about survival. — Cristela Alonzo

If He Doesn't Chase You Quotes By Mandy Hale

Happiness doesn't have to be chased ... it merely has to be chosen. — Mandy Hale

If He Doesn't Chase You Quotes By Eleanor Herman

Because sometimes it doesn't help to chase after the thing you want. No. Sometimes you have to wait, however long it takes, until what you want most comes to you. — Eleanor Herman

If He Doesn't Chase You Quotes By E.W. Howe

If a woman doesn't chase a man a little, she doesn't love him. — E.W. Howe

If He Doesn't Chase You Quotes By Emma Chase

In light of this, I'm not too disturbed about the semi I'm sporting while watching Beauty and the Beast - part of the homework Erin gave me. I like Belle. She's hot. Well ... for a cartoon, anyway. She reminds me of Kate. She's resourceful. Smart. And she doesn't take any shit from the Beast or that douchebag with the freakishly large arms — Emma Chase

If He Doesn't Chase You Quotes By Joss Whedon

Nobody treating us like kids. For once, we gt to be equals, not babies. Could use more of that in the twenty-first. Age doesn't make grown-ups. — Joss Whedon

If He Doesn't Chase You Quotes By Nichole Chase

Everyone is tied down in some way. Work, family, medical problems. It's what you make of it. That's why it's so important to surround yourself with the things that make you happy. If you have a bad day at work but get to come home to a woman you love or your favorite hobby, the rest doesn't matter as much. — Nichole Chase

If He Doesn't Chase You Quotes By George Gilder

In a world where women do not say no, the man is never forced to settle down and make serious choices. His sex drive
the most powerful compulsion in his life
is never used to make him part of civilization as the supporter of a family. If a woman does not force him to make a long-term commitment
to marry
in general, he doesn't. It is maternity that requires commitment. His sex drive only demands conquest, driving him from body to body in an unsettling hunt for variety and excitement in which much of the thrill is in the chase itself.
The man still needs to be tamed. His problem is that many young women think they have better things to do than socialize single men. — George Gilder

If He Doesn't Chase You Quotes By Fritz Zorn

Whatever exists is inevitably flawed. Buddha, in his detachment from the world, finds all its hustle and bustle ridiculous because he has nothing to do with it. A cynic finds the feelings of his fellow human beings ridiculous because he has no feelings himself. Someone who does not play soccer thinks it ridiculous to chase around after a little leather ball for hours at a time. He doesn't bother to ask whether this game might be a lot of fun. All he sees is the ridiculousness of grown men playing like little boys. People who do anything will no doubt appear ridiculous to people who do nothing. A person who acts can always make a fool of himself. A person who doesn't never runs that risk. We might even say that life is always ridiculous but death is never ridiculous. — Fritz Zorn

If He Doesn't Chase You Quotes By Julie Kagawa

You don't think I know that?" Puck was shouting now, green eyes feverish. "You don't think I regret what I did, every single day? You lost Ariella, but I lost you both! Believe it or not, I was kind of a mess, too, Ash. It got to a point where I actually looked forward to our random duels, because that was the only time I could talk to you. When you were freaking trying to kill me!"
"Don't compare your loss to mine," I snarled. "You have no idea what I went through, what you caused."
"You think I don't know pain?" Puck shook his head at me. "Or loss? I've been around a lot longer than you, prince! I know what love is, and I've lost my fair share, too. Just because we have a different way of handling it, doesn't mean I don't have scars of my own."
"Name one," I scoffed. "Give me one instance where you haven't - "
"Meghan Chase!" Puck roared, startling me into silence. — Julie Kagawa

If He Doesn't Chase You Quotes By Bob Goff

The cool thing about taking Jesus up on His offer is that whatever controls you doesn't anymore. People who used to be obsessed about becoming famous no longer care whether anybody knows their name. People who used to want power are willing to serve. People who used to chase money freely give it away. People who used to beg others for acceptance are now strong enough to give love. When we get our security from Christ, we no longer have to look for it in the world, and that's a pretty good trade. — Bob Goff

If He Doesn't Chase You Quotes By Billy Ray Cyrus

He'll get tired of chasing someone who doesn't chase back! — Billy Ray Cyrus

If He Doesn't Chase You Quotes By Tom Hiddleston

Just because you're good in something doesn't mean you'll necessarily be good in something else. You just try and chase opportunities that you fall in love with or that inspire you and keep doing the work. — Tom Hiddleston

If He Doesn't Chase You Quotes By Caroline Myss

People suffer when they pursue a life or chase a dream that doesn't belong to them. — Caroline Myss

If He Doesn't Chase You Quotes By Grace Draven

His rancor doesn't change the fact I had to close the breach no matter the cost." Brishen gazed at the human who once saved his life and called him friend. "You understand I wouldn't have altered anything had that been you instead of Megiddo?"

Serovek chuckled and batted away a demon with the back of his hand. 'I'd hope not. I didn't much relish the idea of being skewered, resurrected and thrown on a sham horse so I can chase demons all over the place. You ruining the entire plan because you had a fit of the vapors about sacrificing me wouldn't endear you to me. — Grace Draven

If He Doesn't Chase You Quotes By Ryohgo Narita

You can't run away. The past will be only too happy to chase you - - in absolute, complete, and total earnest. Do you know why? Because they're lonely. The past and memories are very lonely things. I don't believe in God. Because he doesn't have a fixed form. The past certainly does exist, even in a world where the future doesn't have a fixed form. Even if it's being colored by misunderstandings and delusions, a person's past can't be anything but the truth as long as he believes in it. If that's what you base your actions or your way of life on, isn't that like being god? — Ryohgo Narita

If He Doesn't Chase You Quotes By Emma Chase

If a guy who you just met at a club calls you baby, sweetheart, angel, or any other generic endearment? Don't make the mistake of thinking he's so into you, he's already thinking up pet names. It's because he can't or doesn't care to remember your actual name. — Emma Chase

If He Doesn't Chase You Quotes By Elizabeth Hoyt

Well, Scarborough cares, doesn't he? Maximus doesn't - not really. No doubt he's a bit compelled by the chase, but if he doesn't win" - she shrugged her shoulders - "he'll simply find another suitable heiress. She - Lady Penelope herself - doesn't really matter to him. And if it comes right down to it, wouldn't you chose passion - however old - over dispassion? — Elizabeth Hoyt

If He Doesn't Chase You Quotes By Emma Chase

God, she's beautiful. I mean, look at her. She's like a volcano going off - fierce and fiery and breathtaking. If she doesn't find a way to ugly herself down, I'm going to be spending an awful lot of time pissing her off. Which might not be such a bad thing in the end. Angry sex is awesome. — Emma Chase

If He Doesn't Chase You Quotes By Emma Chase

Let me repeat that in case you missed it:
If a guy tells you he doesn't? Dump him, because he's lying to you. — Emma Chase

If He Doesn't Chase You Quotes By Jenny B. Jones

Logic doesn't always lead us down the right path. Logic tells us not to take chances. Not to chase after that risk. To ignore the what ifs. I guess part of growing up is deciding when to listen to your head...and when to listen to your heart. — Jenny B. Jones

If He Doesn't Chase You Quotes By Emma Chase

Imagine a car's going sixty miles an hour down a country road and a tree falls and the car hits it. Boom - instant stoppage. But if the person in the driver's seat isn't wearing a seat belt? They're still going sixty.
And that's what love is like.
It doesn't just stop. No matter how hurt or wronged or angry you are - the love's still there.
Sending you right through the windshield. — Emma Chase

If He Doesn't Chase You Quotes By Emma Chase

For you guys out there who think looking doesn't hurt? You're wrong. Because we women don't think you're just enjoying the view. We think you're comparing, finding us lacking. And that stings. Like a paper cut on your eyeball. — Emma Chase

If He Doesn't Chase You Quotes By Reza Rusandi

It's hurtful somehow to admit this thing and anyway that doesn't mean i'm losing my faith in this beautiful world. But these days now is the time where people have become so much more-excuse me-shallow. When all of the fancy things and outer beauty are demanded, and those who are lost enough to chase and manage to get those things, they will happen to get very nice response from social and able to expand their images and get famous and be seen as someone who has value. Meanwhile those who could see deeper and their souls are insecure of this mad world, they will have smaller space in width but they will dig deeper and deeper into their self, making space in height, finding the true meaning of their souls, the true essential unshakable truth that's beyond the fragile material worldly things. — Reza Rusandi

If He Doesn't Chase You Quotes By Julie Kagawa

You think I don't know pain?" Puck shook his head at me. "Or loss? I've been around a lot longer than you, prince! I know what love is, and I've lost
my fair share, too. Just because we have a different way of handling it, doesn't mean I don't have scars of my own."
"Name one," I scoffed. "Give me one instance where you haven't - "
"Meghan Chase!" Puck roared, startling me into silence. I blinked, and he sneered at me. "Yeah, your highness. I know what loss is. I've loved that
girl since before she knew me. But I waited. I waited because I didn't want to lie about who I was. I wanted her to know the truth before anything else.
So I waited, and I did my job. For years, I protected her, biding my time, until the day she went into the Nevernever after her brother. And then you
came along. And I saw how she looked at you. And for the first time, I wanted to kill you as much as you wanted to kill me. — Julie Kagawa

If He Doesn't Chase You Quotes By C.C. Hunter

My feet are always cold. I'm a vampire," he said in a teasing voice, almost as if he was trying to chase away Holiday's somberness. "And if I remember correctly, you complained about that last night." He slowed down and slipped his arm around Holiday. "Marrying you doesn't scare me a bit. It's the best thing that could ever happen to me. I'd never run out on you. I'll be the first one to the church. — C.C. Hunter

If He Doesn't Chase You Quotes By Rick Riordan

Right before the game, she strolled up to me. "Hey, Seaweed Brain."
"Will you stop calling me that?"
She knows I hate that name, mostly because I never have a good comeback. She's the daughter of Athena, which doesn't give me a lot of ammunition. I mean, "Owl-head" and "Wise Girl" are kind of lame insults. — Rick Riordan

If He Doesn't Chase You Quotes By Cornelia Funke

Sometimes a crow lands on the roof of the house. It sits there for hours and watches the girl. The woman doesn't chase the bird away. — Cornelia Funke

If He Doesn't Chase You Quotes By Richie Ashburn

The kid doesn't chew tobacco, smoke, drink, curse or chase broads. I don't see how he can make it. — Richie Ashburn

If He Doesn't Chase You Quotes By Shannon L. Alder

Never chase a person that doesn't know your worth because the moment you catch him you will always feel you were never good enough. — Shannon L. Alder

If He Doesn't Chase You Quotes By Emma Chase

Women. No offense. But she doesn't even realize what she just said. These are her accomplishments. Challenges she's lived through. Shithead was just standing along for the ride. In the background. Like wallpaper. You can change the color of the walls anytime, and it might look different, but the room's still the same. — Emma Chase

If He Doesn't Chase You Quotes By Emma Chase

We ordered food a few hours ago and worked through dinner. I had pasta with chicken, while
Kate preferred a turkey club with fries on the side. Much as I hate to admit it, I'm impressed.
Obviously, she doesn't subscribe to the "I can only eat salads in front of the opposite sex" rule of
thumb a lot of chicks swear by. Who gave women that idea? Like a guy's going to say to his friend,
"Dude, she was one fugly chick, but once I saw her chomping that romaine, I just had to nail her. — Emma Chase

If He Doesn't Chase You Quotes By John Steinbeck

Sir, this is a unique dog. He does not live by tooth or fang. He respects the right of cats to be cats although he doesn't admire them. He turns his steps rather than disturb an earnest caterpillar. His greatest fear is that someone will point out a rabbit and suggest that he chase it. This is a dog of peace and tranquility. — John Steinbeck

If He Doesn't Chase You Quotes By Loretta Chase

It was then Jessica realized he wasn't using his left hand at all, and that he held the arm oddly, as though something were wrong with it. There shouldn't be except for a minor bullet wound. She'd aimed carefully, and she was an excellent markswoman. Not to mention he was a very large target.
He looked her way then, and caught her staring. Admiring your handiwork, are you? I daresay you'd like a better look. Regrettably, there's nothing to see. There's nothing wrong with it, according to the quacks. Except that it doesn't work. Still, I count myself fortunate, Miss Trent, that you didn't aim a ways lower. I'm merely disarmed, not dismanned. But I have no doubt that Herriard here will see to the emasculation. — Loretta Chase