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I Sorry I'm Not A Perfect Boyfriend Quotes & Sayings

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Top I Sorry I'm Not A Perfect Boyfriend Quotes

I Sorry I'm Not A Perfect Boyfriend Quotes By Emma Chase

Remember those reserves I mentioned? Time to call them up. I pick up the phone and dial. A soothing greets me after the second ring. The perfect combination of strength and comfort, and I answer back. "Hi, Mom." You thought I was calling someone else, didn't you? Deep down - I'm a momma's boy. I'm man enough to admit it. 'And trust me, I'm not the only one. Explains a lot, doesn't it? That's the reason your boyfriend can't manage to get his socks or underwear actually in the hamper-because he grew up with mommy doing it for him. — Emma Chase

I Sorry I'm Not A Perfect Boyfriend Quotes By Brenna Yovanoff

Did you ever think about boys?' I say, staring up into the dark.
'There wasn't room,' she whispers, and her voice is unbelievably sad. 'At first, after Connor, I was just waiting. I was going to get a new boyfriend soon- as soon as I was prettier or better, more perfect. But after a while there was no room for anything else. If I though about kissing or sex, I just started feeling ugly, too awful for anything good. — Brenna Yovanoff

I Sorry I'm Not A Perfect Boyfriend Quotes By Kim Kardashian

It's [her new house] kind of like my relationship. I'm like nurturing it and like spending a lot of time there and making sure that everything is perfect. It's like my new boyfriend. — Kim Kardashian

I Sorry I'm Not A Perfect Boyfriend Quotes By Mike Birbiglia

And so we go and I meet his parents. And it's a very strange thing meeting your girlfriend's boyfriend's parents for the first time. Part of you is angry for obvious reasons and part of you still wants to make a good impression. On a side note, they seemed in perfect health. — Mike Birbiglia

I Sorry I'm Not A Perfect Boyfriend Quotes By Jill Wagner

My boyfriends love my dad. He's like the perfect in-law to have. In fact, if my boyfriend and I are in a fight, my dad will choose his side. Always! He loves me, but it is tough love with me. — Jill Wagner

I Sorry I'm Not A Perfect Boyfriend Quotes By Jess C. Scott

I learned that it's okay to feel the way I do: that my life has no meaning unless I have a boyfriend. A real man is like the perfect vampire-boy and all the perfect guys in Twue Wuv. — Jess C. Scott

I Sorry I'm Not A Perfect Boyfriend Quotes By Laura Wasser

My go-to jeans are old Levi's I've gotten from boyfriends; they're worn-in and really yummy and perfect. — Laura Wasser

I Sorry I'm Not A Perfect Boyfriend Quotes By Amy Schumer

I'm so in love with my boyfriend right now. Everything is perfect, but we want totally different things in bed. Like, he's always turning the lights on, you know what I'm saying? And I shut them off, and he turns them on, and the other day, he's like, 'Amy, why are you so shy? You know, you have a beautiful body.' I was like, 'Oh my god, you're so cute. You think I don't want you to see me?' — Amy Schumer

I Sorry I'm Not A Perfect Boyfriend Quotes By Sarah Dessen

I spent a lot of time looking at that picture. Wondering what I'd think of that girl, if I was someone else, seeing how easily she sits in her boyfriend's lap, laughing, with his arms around her. I would have thought her life was perfect, the way I once thought Cass's was. It was too easy, I was learning, to just assume things. — Sarah Dessen

I Sorry I'm Not A Perfect Boyfriend Quotes By Kiersten White

Lend finished texting someone and slipped his phone into his back pocket, then stood up. I'd never paid much attention to guys' jeans before (not for lack of desire, but rather lack of opportunity in the Center), but in the past few months I'd come to realize that most guys' jeans are really, truly horrendous. Too baggy, too tight, too low, etc. It's like guys don't realize that they can look great in a good pair of jeans. Shockingly enough girls, too, enjoy a well-framed butt.
Another area Lend was perfect in. His jeans choice, I mean. Well, his butt, too.
I smiled and stared at his face, watching his two profiles - the glamour one, which fit snugly over his real one. He looked down and caught me staring.
"You, my dear boyfriend, are kind of beautiful, you know that?"
"That's what all the old ladies tell me before pinching my cheek."
"Which cheek?" I reached out and goosed him. He jumped and swatted my hand away, laughing. — Kiersten White

I Sorry I'm Not A Perfect Boyfriend Quotes By Siobhan Davis

Brad is a natural - perfect boyfriend material - if only I swung that way. — Siobhan Davis

I Sorry I'm Not A Perfect Boyfriend Quotes By Darnell Lamont Walker

The relationship was perfect, but I hated everything about the person I became. — Darnell Lamont Walker

I Sorry I'm Not A Perfect Boyfriend Quotes By Donna Karan

Originally, back in 1992, DKNY started because I couldn't find a pair of jeans. I also wanted to dress my teenage daughter Gabby. So it was the perfect street wardrobe: jeans, anoraks, jumpsuits, boyfriend jackets, sweaters, skirts and dresses. Then DKNY grew into an entire lifestyle concept, including tailored clothes you wear to work. — Donna Karan

I Sorry I'm Not A Perfect Boyfriend Quotes By Danielle Steel

Her father said, whenever the subject came up, that if she'd lose some weight, she'd find a boyfriend. She knew that wasn't necessarily the case, since plenty of girls who had perfect figures and were half her size couldn't find a boyfriend. And other girls who were overweight were happily married, engaged or had significant others.Romance, she knew, wasn't directed tied to your weight, there were a lot of other factors. — Danielle Steel

I Sorry I'm Not A Perfect Boyfriend Quotes By Kiersten White

Disco bowling? Seriously? Is there such a thing?"
He laughed. "I've never been,but you mentioned bowling a few weeks ago,and I figured tonight of all nights I could go ahead and impress you with my mad lack of bowling skills.Besides which, you look way too hot to waste on trick-or-treaters.They have a costume competition-you're a shoo-in."
I laughed,giddy,and grabbed his hand to kiss his knuckles.I knew he'd rather stay at home,but he planned tonight around making me happy. And he wanted to show me off,which appealed to my vanity more than I cared to admit. Best. Boyfriend. Ever.
"Pictures,please?And if we're going disco bowling,you have to dress up."
He pretended to sigh,but his glamour hair grew out into a massive 'fro and I squealed with delight. Then it shifted into shorter hair with a yellow-blond side part. "I figure with an ascot and blue pants I can do a mean Fred to your Daphne,right?"
Tonight was perfect. — Kiersten White

I Sorry I'm Not A Perfect Boyfriend Quotes By Michael Tolcher

I can't figure it out yet, just how to make it perfect for you, but I'm closer than I was yesterday — Michael Tolcher

I Sorry I'm Not A Perfect Boyfriend Quotes By Jenji Kohan

My ex-boyfriend said, 'You have a better chance of getting elected to Congress than getting on the staff of a television show.' Which was the perfect thing for him to say, because my entire career is, 'Well, screw you.' And we broke up. — Jenji Kohan

I Sorry I'm Not A Perfect Boyfriend Quotes By Danny Wallace

It's the what if? The what then? And we know that if we go for it, if we risk it, we immediately stand to lose it. But weirdly, some part of us believes the feeling is two-way, because it must be; it's too special not to be. We believe that something's been shared, even if the evidence we have is ... what? A look that lasted a breath longer then we're used to? A second glance, when the glance could easily have been to check whether there are any cabs coming, or whether the jacket we're wearing that's caught their eyes would look good on their boyfriend, or why it is we seem to be staring at them.
I saw you. You don't use overhead handles on the train. Hoped it would jolt and you would fall to me. But no.
I smiled. These small moments, never said out loud, as formed and perfect as sweet little haikus, romance and longing carved out in the dust of a grubby city. — Danny Wallace

I Sorry I'm Not A Perfect Boyfriend Quotes By Bethany Jett

Being pursued, while easy, is purposeful. Intentional. Deliberate. It's not about getting a guy's attention--it's a process of ensuring that he's "the one."

Of all the men holding glass slippers, he has to be your perfect fit. — Bethany Jett

I Sorry I'm Not A Perfect Boyfriend Quotes By Jennifer Close

Ken was Mary's new boyfriend, a nice guy who made all their friends comments, "Oh, there he is. That's what she's been waiting for," as if finding your perfect match was a guarantee as long as you were patient enough. — Jennifer Close

I Sorry I'm Not A Perfect Boyfriend Quotes By Carrie Jones

And do you admit that you have a bad temper, a cute car, and a nice girlfriend?"
I hold my breath.
"I have an amazing girlfriend," he says. And then he kisses me, which is, you have to admit, the perfect boyfriend thing to do. The kiss is soft and speckling like star promises in a night sky. I stretch into it, wishing that I could hold onto it forever, even though I know that kisses can't last forever - can they? — Carrie Jones

I Sorry I'm Not A Perfect Boyfriend Quotes By Mindy Kaling

WHAT I'M ASKING for is not that much. I just want a boyfriend who is sweet and trustworthy. That's it. He doesn't need to have a perfect body or look like George Clooney. I want a guy who wants to curl up on a Friday night and watch Netflix. He can even pick the show. I mean, ideally, it's serialized and female-driven, and maybe not that boring political one. But honestly, I don't care. It's not important. — Mindy Kaling

I Sorry I'm Not A Perfect Boyfriend Quotes By Stephie Davis

He slipped his hands around my waist and pulled me against him, tossing the ice cream cone over his shoulder. It landed with a splat on the sidewalk. "So does that mean I have a varsity girlfriend?"
I giggled like a total girl and linked my hands behind his neck. "Yeah I guess it does."
"Sweet." Then he bent his head, and I stood up on my tiptoes and we met in the middle. And it was perfect. — Stephie Davis

I Sorry I'm Not A Perfect Boyfriend Quotes By Jessi Klein

My 20s were all about feeling desperate. Desperate to find a new boyfriend. Desperate to get the perfect job. Desperate to get rid of this terrible relationship with this bad new boyfriend. — Jessi Klein

I Sorry I'm Not A Perfect Boyfriend Quotes By Kevin McCarty

No relationship is perfect nor will anyone ever be the best boyfriend or girlfriend. Long as you put in the effort and try to make your lover happy. That's all we can ask for. — Kevin McCarty

I Sorry I'm Not A Perfect Boyfriend Quotes By Laura Anderson Kurk

But Quinn held the fuzzy handcuffs in his hands, looking them over closely, and he smiled. Oh, hey, did you want to keep these for when your invisible boyfriend returns from his fake vacation? — Laura Anderson Kurk

I Sorry I'm Not A Perfect Boyfriend Quotes By Penny Reid

I am glad you think I am all those things, and I believe you. But I'm not going to magically think I'm beautiful or perfect or talented just because you do. I have to get there for myself. I have to believe those things for myself - not because I have a boyfriend who values me and thinks I invented airplane neck pillows. If I base my self-worth on someone else's opinion or view of me, then I will also base my lack of worth on that person's opinion as well. And that has the potential of tearing me to pieces. — Penny Reid

I Sorry I'm Not A Perfect Boyfriend Quotes By Sarah Dessen

When I was in high school, I was always really envious of those girls who seemed to have everything: the perfect hair, perfect clothes, perfect boyfriend, perfect life. It wasn't until I was older that I realized that nobody's life is perfect, and that those girls probably had a lot of the same problems I did. — Sarah Dessen

I Sorry I'm Not A Perfect Boyfriend Quotes By James Patterson

Oh, my God. It hit me like a tsunami then: how perfect he was for me, how he was everything I could possibly hope for, as a friend, boyfriend - maybe even more. He was it for me. There would be no more looking. I really, really loved him, with a whole new kind of love I'd never felt before, something that made every other kind of love I'd ever felt just seem washed out and wimpy in comparison. I loved him with every cell in my body, every thought in my head, every feather in my wings, every breath in my lungs. And air sacs. — James Patterson

I Sorry I'm Not A Perfect Boyfriend Quotes By Kelly Oram

The worst part is, he's been extra sweet because he's trying to make everything okay again. If he weren't a serial killer, he'd be the perfect boyfriend — Kelly Oram