Hyatt Quotes & Sayings
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Top Hyatt Quotes

Our lives are shaped by the questions we ask. Good questions lead to good outcomes. Bad questions lead to bad outcomes. — Michael Hyatt

Pull power is essential to reach our goals. You need to see a future with such clarity and desirability that you will go through all the uncomfortable things life throws at you to attain it. A — Michael Hyatt

I don't believe things happen by accident. I think that everything that comes into our life, even the really hard things, are intended for good. That they can shape us positively if we'll embrace them and remain teachable and purpose to use that almost like fertilizer to grow out of the experience. — Michael Hyatt

somewhere deep inside you realize that the dream has taken a hit. It hasn't died, of course. But it has been dialed back - calibrated to the reality of deadlines, budgets, and limited resources. A similar process can happen for individuals who set out to create something, whether a book, a record album, or even a comedy routine. It's easy to "settle." At this very moment, you face a decision. — Michael Hyatt

It isn't about how much physical weight you think you need to lose, it's about the mental weight that blocks you from loving yourself — Susan Hyatt

Most people spend more time planning a one-week vacation than they spend planning their life. — Michael Hyatt

Living in Venice, it's hard to determine the real parody of inhumanity. On the one hand, there are the homeless hordes, a teaming mass of virtual zombies swelling the streets whose daily business amounts to ruffling through trash, pissing on corners and chasing pets. On the other hand, there is the endless stream of bourgeois stiffs coming and going from home, restaurants and shops. They are zombies in their own right who pretend the homeless don't exist. — Ryan Hyatt

Leadership expert Michael Hyatt reflected on Karnazes's life and drew three conclusions about why we should embrace discomfort: 1. Comfort is overrated. It doesn't lead to happiness. It makes us lazy - and forgetful. It often leads to self-absorption, boredom, and discontent. 2. Discomfort can be a catalyst for growth. It makes us yearn for something more. It forces us to change, stretch, and adapt. 3. Discomfort is often a sign we're making progress. You've heard the expression, "no pain, no gain." It's true! When you push yourself to grow, you will experience discomfort.2 — Samuel Chand

The more belief and confidence we feel toward achieving our goal, the higher the probability of our making the changes required to hit our targets. — Michael Hyatt

I don't have a religious bone in my body but I believe artists (of any medium), in our best selves, are vessels of truth. — Michael Hyatt

You're not as smart as you think you are, but you've got more potential than you could possibly imagine. The secret from the one to other is humility. — Michael Hyatt

Magick" has been defined as the Science and Art of causing change to occur in conformity with Will. By this definition any willed act is a magical act. We are all magicians. We either perform our magick efficiently or inefficiently. — Christopher S. Hyatt

Events in one area of our lives cascade into every other area. — Michael Hyatt

No one runs your life unless you let them. And you have more power than you think. — Michael Hyatt

You can't take care of anyone else unless you first take care of yourself. — Michael Hyatt

The goal is for your fans and followers to have a consistent brand experience. Use the same logo, color palette, and fonts on every platform. — Michael Hyatt

You lose your way when you lose your why. — Michael Hyatt

Anything worthwhile is opposed. Steven Pressfield (War of Art) calls this the Resistance. — Michael Hyatt

The longer you delay in seizing the treasure, the more likely you'll lose it. The time to act is now. — Michael Hyatt

You have a choice in life. You can either live on-purpose, according to a plan you've set. Or you can live by accident, reacting to the demands of others. The first approach is proactive; the second reactive. — Michael Hyatt


2. E-mail Signature. Your e-mail signature is an opportunity to create another branding impression. But be careful. If you include too much information, it just becomes a big, gnarly ad. — Michael Hyatt

When you know your WHY, you'll know your WAY. — Michael Hyatt

One's personal life and work are inseparable. — Michael Hyatt

I'm willing to submit to the sovereignty of the consumer, but I just want to know what they say. — Michael Hyatt

To love with all your heart, the heart must first be opened. — Christopher S. Hyatt

You need to see a future with such clarity and desirability that you will go through all the uncomfortable things like throws at you to attain it. — Michael Hyatt

It takes definitive action to see positive gains. — Michael Hyatt

There is not point keeping up with the Joneses if they're going someplace you don't want to go. — Michael Hyatt

When employees feel valued, and are more productive and engaged, they create a culture that can truly be a strategic advantage in today's competitive market. — Michael Hyatt

When times are tough, vision is the first casualty. Before conditions can improve, it is the first thing we must recover. — Michael Hyatt

Self-leadership always precedes team leadership. — Michael Hyatt

Here's the reality: Your personal life is a myth. There is no such thing as a compartmentalized life. Every area, space, category, and set of relationships is interrelated. You are a seamless whole. When — Michael Hyatt

I think we're living in a time when size is not a strategic advantage, necessarily. — Michael Hyatt

A plan is worthless unless you review it on a regular basis. — Michael Hyatt

By keeping the truly important things front and center, we often get the perspective we need to make better decisions. — Michael Hyatt

This is the day that everything can change for you. — Michael Hyatt

A readership crisis is really a leadership crisis. — Michael Hyatt

When we are young, parents and teachers tell us we can do anything and become whatever we want. But as we grow older, these same people tell us we must be more realistic. — Michael Hyatt

What could be a better use of your time than establishing a game plan for your life? — Michael Hyatt

One real danger in love relationships is that most people secretly believe that they must control the love object in order to feel safe in loving and being loved. The cause of this is simple - children are made to feel that they must "give themselves up" if they are to be loved. Thus, for most humans the act of surrender has meant the loss of autonomy or worse - loss of one's own mind.
Surrender is neither control nor morbid dependency and cannot be made contingent upon giving away one's "soul"; nonetheless, the person surrendering opens completely to the moment, and runs the risk of being deeply hurt. Sadly, in our society this is not uncommon and frequently serves to harden or embitter a person toward life in general. Or, on the other had being deeply hurt in the act of surrender can lead to angry and painful "cries for help." When this occurs there is an insatiable and wrathful desire to be cared for as a child is cared for and the horrid fear of loss of independence. — Christopher S. Hyatt

Sadly, I have met very few people who have a plan for their life. Most are passive spectators, watching their lives unfold, one day at a time. They are reactive rather than proactive. They may plan their careers, the building of a new home, or even a vacation. But it never occurs to them to plan their life. — Michael Hyatt

Wherever we are, we can improve our chances of getting ahead by keeping a book in hand — Michael Hyatt

The more humble and transparent a leader is, the more effective he or she will be. — Michael Hyatt

Paraphrasing: An old man claimed to be a psychic. The boy devised a plan to capture a bird, and ask the old man if the bird in his hands was dead or alive. Then he would crush it or let the bird fly, either way proving the man a fraud. So he said, "Tell me old man, is the bird alive or dead?" The wise old man looked at the boy and said, "The bird is as you choose it to be. — Michael Hyatt

Those who feel satisfied with their personal lives are more satisfied with their careers and perform better. — Michael Hyatt

Your early successes can be your undoing later. — Michael Hyatt

When finished writing a post, go back and add bullets, sub heads, spacing; eliminate long paragraphs or sentences. — Michael Hyatt

The majority of problems on this planet are the result of the idea that humans are not sovereign and autonomous, but property owned by primitive Gods and incompetent governments. — Christopher S. Hyatt

I was swimming in art day and night. There were always parties being thrown, with artists from every medium (my extended aunts and uncles), living as boldly as they want to be. — Michael Hyatt

What single brave decision do I need to make today? — Michael Hyatt

I have learned to avoid this. The goal is to communicate, not to impress readers with your vocabulary. — Michael Hyatt

You life matters. You are here for a reason. Your job is to determine why. — Michael Hyatt

Because the more authentic we can be, the more impact we can have. — Michael Hyatt

An elevator pitch for an information product should consist of four components: 1. Your product name and category 2. The problem you are attempting to solve 3. Your proposed solution 4. The key benefit of your solution Here's — Michael Hyatt

When employees are working to attain passion and progress in every area of life, the are less likely to be cynical or apathetic. — Michael Hyatt

When we are gone, the only essential thing we will leave behind are the memories we create in the lives of those we have touched and those we love. — Michael Hyatt

Acting is my calling. It is one of the things I was meant to do in this world, along with being a mother. — Michael Hyatt

I love trying out different cuisines. In Delhi, I love Megu at the Leela, and TK's at the Hyatt. I also enjoy Khan Chacha's rolls. In Mumbai, it's Royal China and Shiro. And in Bangalore, I like the food at Bricklane. — Virat Kohli

You can do almost anything if you are willing to clarify your commitments and make incremental investments over time to achieve them. — Michael Hyatt

You're never as smart as you think you are when you are winning and never as dumb as you feel when you are losing. — Michael Hyatt

Leaders have the privilege and responsibility of going first. The most powerful way that anybody can lead is by example. — Michael Hyatt

The secret to staying atop your priorities is to schooled regular times for review and reflection. — Michael Hyatt

What single brave decision will I make today? — Michael Hyatt

If you catch yourself apologizing and then using the word but, stop dead in your tracks and back up. That little conjunction should be like a blinking red light, indicating that you are not taking ownership. — Michael Hyatt

Social media is new to me and I didn't think I would like it, being very protective of my private space, but it's nice to connect to the love and positive vibes folks have to share. — Michael Hyatt

How we live as leaders matters. — Michael Hyatt

Our decisions are the one thing we can control. Today's the day to make those choices really count. — Michael Hyatt

Jim Rohn's law of diminishing intent says that the longer you delay something, the less probability you have of actually doing it. — Michael Hyatt

People at any stage will profit by taking the wheel and getting pointed in the right direction. — Michael Hyatt

Criticism is like medicine. It's poison unless carefully administered at the right dose. — Michael Hyatt

A goal is not just about what you accomplish. It's about what you become. — Michael Hyatt

After I got my law degree and business degree, I went to work for my family, and I spent two years at Hyatt doing a training program. I was really interested in real estate - one reason was that nobody in my family was doing that. I was looking for a place where I could be successful doing something that was my own. — Penny Pritzker

Making appointments with yourself and scheduling other things around them is key to proactive self-management. — Michael Hyatt

There's no work-life balance without making decisions and without courage. — Michael Hyatt

Leadership is not about experience, education or talent. It's about choosing to lead. — Michael Hyatt

The busier you are, the more intentional you must be. — Michael Hyatt

Anything worthwhile is opposed. — Michael Hyatt

Music always just cuts to the core and fills your heart. — Michael Hyatt

You have to get a great headline to attract attention in your blog - it's about the lure - not the rod. — Michael Hyatt

Having clarity on where you want to go is one of the most critical components of your life. — Michael Hyatt

If you don't need God to pull off what you are planning, you are not dreaming big enough. — Michael Hyatt

One of the best questions you can ask when something negative happens is this: 'What does this experience make possible?' — Michael Hyatt

if you are going to build a successful platform - you can't afford to ignore endorsements. You must try to get them for every product or service you create. While — Michael Hyatt

The problem is that most of us are so caught up in our moment-to-moment activities, we don't stop to ask ourselves, Where is this all going? How is it going to end if I stick to this same path? Play — Michael Hyatt