Famous Quotes & Sayings

Hunnam Movies Quotes & Sayings

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Top Hunnam Movies Quotes

Hunnam Movies Quotes By Andy Williams

I guess I've never really been aggressive, although almost everybody else in show business fights and gouges and knees to get where they want to be. — Andy Williams

Hunnam Movies Quotes By Charlie Hunnam

The landscape of cinema is not original. Not to say there aren't great movies being made, but it's much easier for studios to make movies that have built-in audiences. So it's all remakes, adaptations, a lot of remakes of adaptations. — Charlie Hunnam

Hunnam Movies Quotes By Charlie Hunnam

You go through this business and you meet people that you bond with, and you get to go make movies with them. It's wonderful. What I've always dreamt of, in my career, is to have a brotherhood of collaborators, and go in and out of working with them. I'm just starting to get that, and it's really lovely. — Charlie Hunnam

Hunnam Movies Quotes By Elizabeth Wein

I am like a ruined piece of parchment scrawled over and over again with your name, so many times it has become illegible. — Elizabeth Wein

Hunnam Movies Quotes By Martha Plimpton

A lot of people in this country right now are living with multiple generations under one roof, struggling to make ends meet. — Martha Plimpton

Hunnam Movies Quotes By Rashida Jones

I have a lot of skepticism about marriage and monogamy. — Rashida Jones

Hunnam Movies Quotes By Mary Barnett Gilson

The matter of consulting experienced workers, of keeping all the workers informed of changes in production and wage methods, and how the changes are arrived at, seems to me the most important duty in the whole field of management. — Mary Barnett Gilson

Hunnam Movies Quotes By Anna Quindlen

One of the greatest glories of growing older is the willingness to ask why and, getting no good answer, deciding to follow my own inclinations and desires. Asking why is the way to wisdom. Why are we supposed to want possessions we don't need and work that seems beside the point and tight shoes and a fake tan? Why are we supposed to think new is better than old, youth and vigor better than long life and experience? Why are we supposed to turn our backs on those who have preceded us and to snipe at those who come after? When we were small children we asked 'Why?' constantly. Asking the question now is more a matter of testing the limits of what sometimes seems a narrow world. One of the useful things about age is realizing conventional wisdom is often simply inertia with a candy coating conformity. — Anna Quindlen

Hunnam Movies Quotes By Charlie Hunnam

It always seemed to me like it was a significant thing to do with one's life to be an actor 'cause I love movies and I felt like, not to be grandiose about it, but there is something important about film with the function it provides to general society. — Charlie Hunnam