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Quotes & Sayings About Humor And Healing

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Top Humor And Healing Quotes

Humor And Healing Quotes By Larry P. Aitken

Elder's Meditation of the Day - February 18
"laughter is a necessity in life that does not cost much, and the Old Ones say that one of the greatest healing powers in our life is the ability to laugh."
Larry P. Aitken, CHIPPEWA
Laughter is a good stress eliminator. Laughter causes healing powers to be distributed through our bodies. Laughter helps heal relationships that are having problems. Laughter can change other people. Laughter can heal the sick. Laughter is spiritual. One of the greatest gifts among Indian people has been our ability to laugh. Humor is natural to Indian people. Sometimes the only thing left to do is laugh.
Great Spirit, allow me to laugh when times get tough. — Larry P. Aitken

Humor And Healing Quotes By Leah Raeder

In a typical college romance novel, he'd be a gorgeous but troubled sex god who'd cure all my deep-seated psych issues with a good hard fuck. I'd smell his misogyny and abusive tendencies from miles off but my brain would turn to hormone soup because abs. That's the formula. Broken girl + bad boy = sexual healing. All you need to fix that tragic past is a six-pack. More problems? Add abs.
It's Magic Dick Lit. — Leah Raeder

Humor And Healing Quotes By David Sedaris

We were not a hugging people. In terms of emotional comfort it was our belief that no amount of physical contact could match the healing powers of a well made cocktail. — David Sedaris

Humor And Healing Quotes By Devon Monk

My dad told me he knew where to find Zay. Which meant I had to cooperate with him.
"Do you see what we have accomplished together? The healing of souls with the magic you carry. We have healed souls in death. With light and dark magic."
"We? No, you stuck your hands in my chest and stole my magic and threw it at them. If you try that again, you won't have hands. Where's Zayvion?"
Okay, maybe I was a little rusty on the whole cooperation thing. — Devon Monk

Humor And Healing Quotes By Max Irons

Kindness and a generous spirit go a long way. And a sense of humor. It's like medicine - very healing. — Max Irons

Humor And Healing Quotes By Bauvard

Injuries heal, but wrinkles are the scars of time. — Bauvard

Humor And Healing Quotes By Dianna Hardy

What in god's name happened to your nuts?"
"They met a jet-powered water hose."
He grimaced.
"They're already healing."
A rare glint of amusement lit Lawrence's eyes. "You have balls of steel."
"You have inappropriate humour. — Dianna Hardy

Humor And Healing Quotes By Donnie Kanter Winokur

While our life remains more chaotic than not, we continue to land on our blistered feet, drag each other out of the quicksand, beg for forgiveness as we wander out of the doghouse, and dig for the humor beneath our grief. So our family, four-pawed members included, continues to bound forward celebrating our canine connection and sharing hope with all who need healing. — Donnie Kanter Winokur

Humor And Healing Quotes By Gena Showalter

What were you chanting when you gave me your blood?"
"More of my vampire magic. I cast a healing spell to aid the powers of my blood."
She sniffled, her nose stuffy. "It was better than Vicodin."
"A painkiller from my world."
"A killer of pain. Did you love him?" The words were growled.A burst of unexpected humor gave her strength. "No. In fact, he was hard to shake. He, uh, stalked me, that kind of thing. I had to pretend he didn't
Nicolai kissed her temple and relaxed against her. — Gena Showalter

Humor And Healing Quotes By Jan Marshall

... Jan Marshall — Jan Marshall

Humor And Healing Quotes By Sol Luckman

Unhealthy behavior is actually common among doctors, who tend to know a lot about medicine but very little about health. — Sol Luckman

Humor And Healing Quotes By Brenda M. McGraw

You are the light of the world. Shine brightly. Smile beautifully! Rejoice daily! — Brenda M. McGraw

Humor And Healing Quotes By Samuel Butler

Peter remained on friendly terms with Christ notwithstanding Christ's having healed his mother-in-law. — Samuel Butler

Humor And Healing Quotes By Charles Yu

Time isn't an orderly stream. Time isn't a placid lake recording each of our ripples. Time is viscous. Time is a massive flow. It is a self-healing substance, which is to say, almost everything will be lost. We're too slight, to inconsequntial, despite all of our thrashing and swimming and waving our arms about. Time is an ocean of inertia, drowning out the small vibrations, absorbing the slosh and churn, the foam and wash, and we're up here, flapping and slapping and just generally spazzing out, and sure, there's a little splashing on the surface, but that doesn't even register in the depths, in the powerful undercurrents miles below us, taking us wherever they are taking us. — Charles Yu

Humor And Healing Quotes By Anna White

I realized that I was okay with myself. I was quirky and withdrawn and loud, but I liked that. I smiled at strangers without thinking they were going to attack me and drag me into their cars. I went to doctors' offices and touched magazines that had been touched by sick people. — Anna White

Humor And Healing Quotes By Kurtis J. Wiebe

You've got bluebirds in your-- Yah, I know. Happens whenever I heal someone. Pops called 'em the bluebirds of healing. My beard is their magical home. — Kurtis J. Wiebe

Humor And Healing Quotes By Connie Kerbs

While some select sobering situations may be unlaughable, there are few circumstances that humor, subtle or candid, can't improve. Afterall, remembering not to take ourselves or others too seriously can put a lot of things into perspective. Laughter is healing. Laughter creates bonds and forges enduring friendships. A healthy sense of humor can quell almost any overwhelming anxiety, and can quench the fires of fury and fear unlike anything else when appropriate. Even more so when not.
Connie Kerbs — Connie Kerbs

Humor And Healing Quotes By Dick Dale

I make jokes because humor is the greatest healing factor that there is. — Dick Dale

Humor And Healing Quotes By Anna White

I've had a lot of therapists, so I've had the opportunity to approach my fear in many different ways. I've faced it head on and sideways and tried to tiptoe up behind it. — Anna White

Humor And Healing Quotes By Rick Riordan

Headache!" Zeus bellowed. "Bad. bad headache!"
As if to prove his point, the lord of the universe slammed his face into his pancakes, which demolished the pancakes and the plate and put a crack in the table, but did nothing for his headache.
"Aspirin?" Apollo suggested. (he was the god of healing)
"Nice cup og tea?" Hestia suggested
"I could split your skull open," offered Hephaestus, the blacksmith god
"Hephaestus!" Hera cried. "Don't talk to your father that way!"
"What?" Hephaestus demanded "Clearly he's got a problem in there. I could open up the hood and take a look. Might relieve the pressure. Besides, he's immortal. It won't kill him — Rick Riordan

Humor And Healing Quotes By Laura Kreitzer

How ya doing?" Gabby's face came into view, and she grinned down at me. She'd stopped doing her healing thing, and the pain rushed in.
"I'm just peachy," I quipped, throat scratchy. "Only hurts when I breathe or blink or exist, if I'm being honest. — Laura Kreitzer

Humor And Healing Quotes By Rick Riordan

Piper nodded. She wished she had the healing powers of Asclepius. She wished she could look at people and see what was hurting them, then whip out her prescription pad and make everything better. — Rick Riordan

Humor And Healing Quotes By Pema Chodron

Although it is embarrassing and painful, it is very healing to stop hiding from yourself. It is healing to know all the ways that you're sneaky, all the ways that you hide out, all the ways that you shut down, deny, close off, criticize people, all your weird little ways. You can know all of that with some sense of humor and kindness. By knowing yourself, you're coming to know humanness altogether. We are all up against these things. We are all in this together. — Pema Chodron

Humor And Healing Quotes By Walter Brueggemann

And when we take ourselves too seriously, we are grim about the brothers and sisters, especially the dissenting ones, and there will be no health in us and no healing humor. — Walter Brueggemann

Humor And Healing Quotes By Brunonia Barry

The Language of Sand has something for everyone: myths, mystery, community, humor, grief, and ultimately healing. I found myself not only rooting for Abigail but for the whole community of Chapel Isle. Block manages to hold sass and heartfelt emotion in perfect equilibrium. — Brunonia Barry

Humor And Healing Quotes By Swami Dhyan Giten

Healing is not only a specific method, healing is also to invite another person into our own inner light, to invite another person into our presence, love, joy, acceptance, humor, understanding, playfulness, meditation and silence. Healing can also be a loving word, an understanding glance, a present touch, a silent listening or simply joking with another person and making him or her happy. Humor is also one of the strongest healing powers to see our situation and ourselves in a new and creative light. — Swami Dhyan Giten

Humor And Healing Quotes By Anne Tenino

Sam. I've got news for you. Not every childhood trauma can be healed by finding the right penis."
Sam looked devastated. He opened and closed his mouth, eyes wide, then suddenly slumped back against the railing, unable to support himself anymore. "You mean," his voice was barely a whisper. "All those romance novels lied? — Anne Tenino

Humor And Healing Quotes By Rick Riordan

I opened my backpack and checked my supplies: some enchanted rope, my curved ivory wand, a lump of wax for making a magical shabti figurine, my calligraphy set, and a healing potion my friend Jaz had brewed for me a while back. (She knew that I got hurt a lot.) — Rick Riordan

Humor And Healing Quotes By Saurbh Katyal

All that crap about time being a great healer is bullshit. Time heals nothing. Well, acne maybe. — Saurbh Katyal

Humor And Healing Quotes By Brad Garrett

Humor is healing. — Brad Garrett

Humor And Healing Quotes By Gary Hopkins

Sometimes you just gotta wear the tinfoil hat. — Gary Hopkins