Famous Quotes & Sayings

Hub Links Quotes & Sayings

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Top Hub Links Quotes

Hub Links Quotes By Suman Pokhrel

I want the fever to grab me forever
and want you
to be my fever. — Suman Pokhrel

Hub Links Quotes By Leo Tolstoy

According to the biblical tradition the absence of work
was a condition of the first man's state of blessedness before the Fall. The love of idleness has been preserved in fallen man, but now a heavy curse lies upon him, not only because we have to earn our bread by the sweat of our brow, but also because our sense of morality will not allow us to be both idle and at ease. Whenever we are idle a secret voice keeps telling us to feel guilty. If man could discover a state in which he could be idle and still feel useful and on the path of duty, he would have regained one aspect of that primitive state of blessedness. And there is one such state of enforced and irreproachable idleness enjoyed by an entire class of men
the military class. It is this state of enforced and irreproachable idleness that forms the chief attraction of military service, and it always will. — Leo Tolstoy

Hub Links Quotes By Robin M. Bertram

Sometimes the right thing to do will cost us our greatest sacrifices, but the rewards will always outweigh our losses — Robin M. Bertram

Hub Links Quotes By Hugh Downs

This country is a one-party country. Half of it is called Republican and half is called Democrat. It doesn't make any difference. All the really good ideas belong to the Libertarians. — Hugh Downs

Hub Links Quotes By Phyllis Bottome

Hurt vanity is one of the cruelest of mortal wounds. — Phyllis Bottome

Hub Links Quotes By Beth Moore

Oddly, the most freeing thing we can ever do is to abdicate the throne of our own miniature kingdoms. — Beth Moore

Hub Links Quotes By Morgan Freeman

Which lady would I like to meet? Um, I don't know that there's anybody left that I didn't meet. But the one that I really wanted to meet died and that was Princess Diana. I really wanted to get to know her. I like her. — Morgan Freeman

Hub Links Quotes By David Boaz

Taxes should be lower, flatter, and simpler, in that order. — David Boaz

Hub Links Quotes By Laurelin Paige

And his love was heavy and hot, but not at all the burden I'd imagined it would be because he carried it for me, I realized now. — Laurelin Paige

Hub Links Quotes By Theodore Roosevelt

In the long run, the most unpleasant truth is a safer companion than a pleasant falsehood. — Theodore Roosevelt

Hub Links Quotes By Grimes

I think I have serious latent Catholic guilt issues. — Grimes

Hub Links Quotes By Thornton Wilder

He possessed the six attributes of the adventurer
a memory for names and faces, with the aptitude for altering his own; the gift of tongues; inexhaustible invention; secrecy; the talent for falling into conversation with strangers; and that freedom from conscience that springs from a contempt for the dozing rich he preyed upon. — Thornton Wilder

Hub Links Quotes By Neil Diamond

Acting is a specific discipline. Just because you can sing doesn't mean you have the sensitivities of being an actor. — Neil Diamond

Hub Links Quotes By W.G. Sebald

The Noonday Demon explores the subterranean realms of an illness which is on the point of becoming endemic, and which more than anything else mirrors the present state of our civilization and its profound discontents. As wide-ranging as it is incisive, this astonishing work is a testimony both to the muted suffering of millions and to the great courage it must have taken the author to set his mind against it. — W.G. Sebald

Hub Links Quotes By Norm Dicks

These subsidies from four European governments, which include aircraft launch assistance, capital injections, debt forgiveness, have enabled Airbus to develop and range market airliners well below cost. — Norm Dicks