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How To Motivate Employees Quotes & Sayings

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Top How To Motivate Employees Quotes

How To Motivate Employees Quotes By Tom Peters

The common wisdom is that ... managers have to learn to motivate people. Nonsense. Employees bring their own motivation. — Tom Peters

How To Motivate Employees Quotes By J.W.

Motivate them, train them, care about them and make winners out of them. We know if we treat our employees right, they'll treat the customers right. And if customers are treated right, they'll come back. — J.W. "Bill" Marriott Jr.

How To Motivate Employees Quotes By Phil Harding

It's for management to enthuse & motivate employees towards excellence in service; the profit incentive doesn't last — Phil Harding

How To Motivate Employees Quotes By Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo

We will downsize the government, motivate excess employees to become entrepreneurs, and increase the pay of a lean and mean bureaucracy. — Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo

How To Motivate Employees Quotes By Nicholas Epley

This is why those with greater social sensitivity have stronger friendships, better marriages, and are happier with their lives in general. At work, leaders do better when they have some sense of whether or not their instructions are being understood. Managers motivate their employees when they have some sense of what their employees want and need. Salesmen close more deals when they have some ability to know what their customers want and can modify their pitch accordingly. Most of us avoid getting into fistfights or looking like complete idiots because we have a reasonable sense of what others think and feel, and thus can manage our relationships reasonably well. Being able to understand others — Nicholas Epley

How To Motivate Employees Quotes By Lee Iacocca

Start with good people, lay out the rules, communicate with your employees, motivate them and reward them. If you do all those things effectively, you can't miss. — Lee Iacocca

How To Motivate Employees Quotes By Emily Oster

The basic idea that incentives can be used to motivate behavior is a powerful one. It works for employees, and it has a clear place in parenting, as anyone who has tried to potty-train a recalcitrant toddler with sticker rewards knows. — Emily Oster

How To Motivate Employees Quotes By Vicki Donlan

The best motivation for anyone-including employees-is to hear or see our name as often and in as many places as possible. Our name is the most potent sound we can hear and see. If you want to motivate someone put their name up in lights and/or sing it from the rooftops! — Vicki Donlan

How To Motivate Employees Quotes By Neal Stephenson

The people who'd made the system thus were jealous, not of money and not of power but of story. If their employees came home at day's end with interesting stories to tell, it meant that something had gone wrong: a blackout, a strike, a spree killing. The Powers That Be would not suffer others to be in stories of their own unless they were fake stories that had been made up to motivate them. — Neal Stephenson

How To Motivate Employees Quotes By Barbara Corcoran

Money is not the only thing that motivates employees. It's about making them happy. — Barbara Corcoran

How To Motivate Employees Quotes By Reid Hoffman

Entrepreneurial employees possess what eBay CEO John Donahoe calls the founder mind-set. As he put it to us, People with the founder mind-set drive change, motivate people, and just get stuff done. — Reid Hoffman

How To Motivate Employees Quotes By Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

A paycheck is a sufficient impetus to motivate some employees to do the minimum amount to get by, and for others, the challenge of getting ahead in the organization provides a satisfactory focus for a while. But these incentives alone are rarely strong enough to inspire workers to give their best to their work. For this a vision is needed, an overarching goal that gives meaning to the job, so that an individual can forget himself in the task and experience flow without doubts or regrets. The most important component of such a vision is an ingredient we call soul. — Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

How To Motivate Employees Quotes By Brad Stone

There are lots of lessons to learn from Amazon. Never stop innovating or questioning the fundamentals of your business. Disrupt yourself before others do. Continually motivate employees so that they never get too complacent - see Yahoo, AOL and many other Internet companies for evidence of what happens when they do. — Brad Stone