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Hotly Contested Quotes & Sayings

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Top Hotly Contested Quotes

Hotly Contested Quotes By Russ Rymer

Linguistics is arguably the most hotly contested property in the academic realm. It is soaked with the blood of poets, theologians, philosophers, philologists, psychologists, biologists, and neurologists, along with whatever blood can be got out of grammarians — Russ Rymer

Hotly Contested Quotes By Lev Grossman

Quentin felt like all the Physical Kids were falling in love with each other, not just him and Alice, or at least with who they were when they were around each other. In the mornings they slept late. In the afternoons they played pool and boated on the Hudson and interpreted each other's dreams and debated meaningless points of magical technique. They discussed the varying intensities and timbres of their hangovers. There was an ongoing competition, hotly contested, as to who could make the single most boring observation. — Lev Grossman

Hotly Contested Quotes By Alex Winter

I really love sort of classical cinema where people were telling stories with very little dialogue, and people were using the camera in a really interesting way. — Alex Winter

Hotly Contested Quotes By Meg Merriet

Oh, Clikk, thank the stars!' she exclaimed, leaping into my arms. 'The pirate man said to trust him and so I gave him my dress and went with the other pirate in his ship!'
'Oh, good,' I said. 'But next time a pirate tells you to trust him, you mustn't. Understood? — Meg Merriet

Hotly Contested Quotes By Zygmunt Bauman

The population of every country is nowadays a collection of
diasporas. Every sizable city is now an aggregate of ethnic, religious,
and lifestyle enclaves in which the line dividing insiders
from outsiders is a hotly contested issue, while the right to
draw that line, to keep it intact and make it unassailable, is
the prime stake in the skirmishes over influence and battles
for recognition that follow. — Zygmunt Bauman

Hotly Contested Quotes By Dinesh D'Souza

For Hillary, gangsterism is not merely a matter of means; it is also her end. Hillary wants to be the crime boss of America. That is the only way to satisfy her unquenchable desire for money, power, and social control. As we will see in this book, Hillary is a criminal who found the criminal practices of Saul Alinsky to be too weak-kneed for her taste, and Alinsky was a gangster who found the criminal practices of the Al Capone gang to be a tad sentimental. In short, Hillary is the true Democrat, the gangster par excellence. I suspect this is why the Democratic establishment lined up so quickly behind her. While the Republicans had a real primary, hotly contested, the Democrats had a primary in which Bernie seemed to win again and again but never seemed to make a dent in Hillary's lead. That's because the Democratic super-delegates were uniformly in her camp, even though there was throughout the campaign the risk that she would be indicted. — Dinesh D'Souza

Hotly Contested Quotes By Sharon Gannon

Patanjali tells us that if we practice aparigraha, (greedlessness) we will begin to understand not only where we have come from but where we are going and how our karmas have contributed to where we are now. — Sharon Gannon

Hotly Contested Quotes By Whitley Strieber

The old world was destroyed because of its own greed and secretiveness. Those least evolved rose to the top, as happens here. Your leaders, as you call them, are all people with damaged senses of self-worth. The damaged goods run the civilization. That's why it cannot last."
"Abraham Lincoln was damaged goods?"
"The need to lead is a symptom. — Whitley Strieber

Hotly Contested Quotes By Dane Cook

Teach your kids to make deplorable choices and hopefully they'll rebel and make the right ones. — Dane Cook

Hotly Contested Quotes By Avi

Let's agree then ... if you're about to come to a conclusion, you'll head off in another direction. You might even find your own voice. — Avi

Hotly Contested Quotes By Molly Ivins

Every two years, one of the most hotly contested elections in Texas is the poll taken among members of the capitol press corps to determine who are actually the ten stupidest members of the Legislature. Two years ago, there were thirty-seven official nominees and several write-ins. — Molly Ivins

Hotly Contested Quotes By Mohammed Hanif

Shigri boy lost his marbles in the end but the plane General Zia is about to board has enough VX gas on it to wipe out a village. — Mohammed Hanif