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Quotes & Sayings About Holy Bible

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Top Holy Bible Quotes

Holy Bible Quotes By Oswald J. Smith

The three representative men of the Bible, the natural, the carnal, and the spiritual - Which are you? Are you living in Egypt, the world and home of the natural man, or in the wilderness, the abode of the carnal? ... Are you already through the wilderness, and dwelling in Canaan, the land of the spiritual? — Oswald J. Smith

Holy Bible Quotes By David Jeremiah

The Holy Spirit can't remind you of something you never read which is why it's important to memorize scripture. When you have Bible verses inscribed in your mind, you're carrying a concealed weapon to use against the enemy in battle. Find a passage today and begin laying up His words in your heart and in doing so you will be prepared for any trials that will come. — David Jeremiah

Holy Bible Quotes By Northrop Frye

For the Bible there is nothing numinous, no holy or divine presence, within nature itself. Nature is a fellow creature of man. — Northrop Frye

Holy Bible Quotes By Felix Wantang

When you become a Christian, you are not on earth to fight for Jesus; God needed only one battle to redeem the souls of humanity. It was the cross. — Felix Wantang

Holy Bible Quotes By Jeaniene Frost

But it's daylight," she said at last. "Vampires can't go out in the sun, everyone knows that!"
Bones chuckled. "Right And we shrink back from crosses, can't travel over water, and always get staked in the end by the righteous slayer. Really, who'd be afraid of a creature like that? All you'd need is a Bible, a tanning bed, and some holy water to send us shivering to our dooms. — Jeaniene Frost

Holy Bible Quotes By Billy Graham

Are you perhaps one of those who worries about having committed the unpardonable sin? If so, you should face squarely what the Bible says on this subject, not what you may have heard from others. The unpardonable sin is rejecting the truth about Christ. It is rejecting, completely and finally, the witness of the Holy Spirit, which declares that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who alone can save us from our sins. Have you rejected Christ in your own life, and said in your heart that what the Bible teaches about Him is a lie? Then I tell you as solemnly and as sincerely as I know how that you are in a very dangerous position. I urge you without delay to accept the truth about Christ, and to come to humble confession and repentance and faith. It would be tragic for you to persist in your unbelief, and eventually go into eternity without hope and without God. — Billy Graham

Holy Bible Quotes By Saint Augustine

Let us therefore yield ourselves and bow to the authority of the Holy Scriptures, which can neither err nor deceive. — Saint Augustine

Holy Bible Quotes By Bible KJV

Proverbs 9:10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding. — Bible KJV

Holy Bible Quotes By R.A. Torrey

I. All the distinctive characteristics of personality are ascribed to the Holy Spirit in the Bible. — R.A. Torrey

Holy Bible Quotes By Archibald Marwizi

For the Christian, the Bible, the Holy Spirit, guidance from trusted leaders and a revelation from your growing personal relationship with God go a long way to provide guidance. Learn to distinguish between spiritual blackmail and Godly Bible-based advice or warnings. Study your religion or belief and know it for yourself, heavy reliance on a third party for prolonged periods will sometimes open you up to possible abuse. — Archibald Marwizi

Holy Bible Quotes By Jenna Hilary Sinclair

The dykes versus the fags, but every straight man in the U.S who watched porn wanted to see two women getting off together. Lesbians held a unique place in the intolerant American psyche: it was the men who lay with men who challenged the words of the Holy Bible — Jenna Hilary Sinclair

Holy Bible Quotes By Felix Wantang

If Satan really wanted to face Jesus Christ in a battle, he will be facilitating the End of the Age by helping to spread the gospel to the whole world. This must be fulfilled for the End to come. Matthew 24:14 — Felix Wantang

Holy Bible Quotes By Felix Wantang

God did not give us the gospel to convince humanity; the gospel was given to us to master the language of a new world called God's Paradise. John 15:16. — Felix Wantang

Holy Bible Quotes By Abraham Cowley

Does not the passage of Moses and the Israelites into the Holy Land yield incomparably more poetic variety than the voyages of Ulysses or Aeneas? — Abraham Cowley

Holy Bible Quotes By Henry T. Blackaby


Holy Bible Quotes By Robert H. Schuller

I feel that heterosexual marriage is the more excellent way, and it surely is approved holy by the Holy Bible, and it holds so many more possibilities: the possibilities of having children of both the mother and father, the male and the female. — Robert H. Schuller

Holy Bible Quotes By Swami Satchidananda

We don't exhaust the Bible even after reading it hundreds of times. Each time we read it we see it in a new light. That is the greatness of the holy scriptures. They are that way because they were created by holy prophets who experienced the truth. Each time we read these works we elevate ourselves to see a little more. (81) — Swami Satchidananda

Holy Bible Quotes By John Flavel

Above all the studies in the world, study your own hearts; waste not a minute more of your precious time about frivolous & unsubstantial controversies. My dear flock, I have, according to the grace given me, labored in the course of my ministry among you, to feed you with the heart strengthening bread of practical doctrine, and I do assure you, it is far better you should have the sweet and saving impressions of gospel truths, feelingly and powerfully conveyed to your hearts, than only to understand them by a bare ratiocination, or a dry syllogistical inference. Leave trifling studies to such as have time lying on their hands and know not how to employ it. Remember you are at the door of eternity, and have other work to do. Those hours you spend upon heart-work in your closets, are the golden spots of all your time and will have the sweetest influence up to your last hour. — John Flavel

Holy Bible Quotes By J. Nell Brown

Yahweh instructed, "Don't judge him. Pray for him. Don't criticize him. Honor him. Don't speak against him. Build him up with My Holy Word - the Bible. You were created to love him. Help him fulfill the purposes that I've destined him for. — J. Nell Brown

Holy Bible Quotes By Charles Colson

Who speaks for God? He does quite nicely for Himself. Through His holy and infallible Word - and the quiet obedience of His servants. — Charles Colson

Holy Bible Quotes By Justo L. Gonzalez

What good is it for you to be able to discuss the Trinity with great profundity, if you lack humility, and thereby offend the Trinity? Verily, high sounding words do not make one holy and just. But a life of virtue does make one acceptable to God. Were you to memorize the entire Bible and all the sayings of the philosophers, what good would this be for you without the love of God and without grace? Vanity of vanities. All is vanity, except loving God and serving only God.49 — Justo L. Gonzalez

Holy Bible Quotes By John Selden

Nothing is text but what is spoken of in the Bible and meant there for person and place; the rest is application; which a discreet man may do well; but it is his scripture, not the Holy Ghost's. First, in your sermons use your logic, and then your rhetoric; rhetoric without logic is like a tree with leaves and blossoms, but no root. — John Selden

Holy Bible Quotes By Felix Wantang

When you wish evil on your enemies, remember that you are also someone else's enemy. Matthew 5:44 — Felix Wantang

Holy Bible Quotes By Felix Wantang

Any process that fails the Common Sense Test, cannot pass a Biblical Test. Those who have more should share with those who have none or less; not the other way round. Prosperity Gospel is antichrist. — Felix Wantang

Holy Bible Quotes By Felix Wantang

To those who say there is no God, you must seek to find Him. Deut. 4:29. — Felix Wantang

Holy Bible Quotes By Anonymous

Then Joshua warned the people, You are not able to serve the LORD, for he is a holy and jealous God. He will not forgive your rebellion and your sins. — Anonymous

Holy Bible Quotes By Zhang Yun

I created you in my own image to make for myself a glorious name. You were clean at the beginning, but you defiled yourselves with sins and became sons of the darkness. However, I am gracious and compassionate. I will redeem my people and establish my kingdom. The earth will be filled with the knowledge of my glory, as the waters cover the sea. — Zhang Yun

Holy Bible Quotes By Martin Luther

I believe that the devil has destroyed many good books of the church, as, aforetime, he killed and crushed many holy persons, the memory of whom has now passed away; but the Bible he was fain to leave subsisting. — Martin Luther

Holy Bible Quotes By Zechariah Barrett

Jesus confronted many of the important issues of His time. He went into the temple, taught the New Testament message, and took action against those who were buying and selling on holy ground. He healed the widow, forgave the adulterer, and by His example, the righteous walked away in shame. He had said, whoever is without sin, cast the first stone (John 8:7 - paraphrase)! Not one pebble, nor one rock was thrown. He who had that right to judge, Jesus Christ, did not cast judgement either. He looked upon the sinner lovingly, and embraced them. He guided them to change and opened blind eyes to see. By Christ alone, was and is salvation attained. Truth is in the New Testament, and a Holy Spirit-guided understanding of it. It must be read without regard for self. For when self enters in, that is when misinterpretations and heresies arise. — Zechariah Barrett

Holy Bible Quotes By Anonymous

1 Corinthians 3:18-19
Do not deceive yourselves. If any of you think you are wise by the standards of this age, you should become 'fools' so that you may become wise. For the wisdom of this world is foolishness in God's sight. — Anonymous

Holy Bible Quotes By Felix Wantang

When we look at life through the eyes of Jesus Christ, it is absolutely impossible to see any obstacles. Matthew 11:28-30. — Felix Wantang

Holy Bible Quotes By Lailah Gifty Akita

If we read the Holy Bible, we shall know better ways of living life. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Holy Bible Quotes By Augustine Of Hippo

Whoever, then, thinks that he understands the Holy Scriptures, or any part of them, but puts such an interpretation upon them as does not tend to build up this twofold love of God and our neighbor, does not yet understand them as he ought. — Augustine Of Hippo

Holy Bible Quotes By Anonymous

1 Corinthians 2:7 (CEB)
We talk about God's Wisdom, which has been hidden as a secret. God determined this wisdom in advance, before time began for our glory. — Anonymous

Holy Bible Quotes By Mark Twain

In my schoolboy days I had no aversion to slavery. I was not aware there was anything wrong about it. No-one arraigned it in my hearing; the local papers said nothing against it; the local pulpit taught us that God approved it, that it was a holy thing, and that the doubter need only look in the Bible if he wished to settle his mind. — Mark Twain

Holy Bible Quotes By Elizabeth Cady Stanton

Some general principles in the holy books of all religions that teach love, charity, liberty, justice and equality for all the human family, there are many grand and beautiful passages, the golden rule has been echoed and re-echoed around the world. There are lofty examples of good and true men and women, all worthy our acceptance and imitation whose lustre cannot be dimmed by the false sentiments and vicious characters bound up in the same volume. The Bible cannot be accepted or rejected as a whole, its teachings are varied and its lessons differ widely from each other. In criticising the peccadilloes of Sarah, Rebecca and Rachel, we would not shadow the virtues of Deborah, Huldah and Vashti. In criticising the Mosaic code, we would not question — Elizabeth Cady Stanton

Holy Bible Quotes By J.I. Packer

A simple Bible reader and sermon hearer who is full of the Holy Spirit will develop a far deeper acquaintance with his God and Savior than a more learned scholar who is content with being theologically correct. — J.I. Packer

Holy Bible Quotes By R.A. Torrey

There are at least four distinct lines of proof in the Bible that the Holy Spirit is a person. — R.A. Torrey

Holy Bible Quotes By Holy Bible Matthew 10 29

Are not two sparrows sold for only a penny? But not one of them falls to the ground without your Father knowing it. — Holy Bible Matthew 10 29

Holy Bible Quotes By Tim Scott

I think every citizen in Burlington has a right to voice their opinion and participate in the local political process no matter who they are or what they are or where they come from or what their religious beliefs are. But for me to base all of my decisions based on my reading of the Holy Bible just isn't going to happen. — Tim Scott

Holy Bible Quotes By Nirmala Srivastava

These are the times described in the Holy Bible as the "Last Judgement" and in the Koran as "Kiyama", the Resurrection time. Astrologically it is also called the Age of Aquarius, the time of rebirth and of great spiritual development on the Earth. — Nirmala Srivastava

Holy Bible Quotes By Marilynne Robinson

The Bible for me is holy writ. It's a very straightforward thing, although I am not a literalist. — Marilynne Robinson

Holy Bible Quotes By George Whitefield

I began to read the Holy Scriptures upon my knees, laying aside all other books, and praying over, if possible, every line and word. This proved meat indeed and drink indeed to my soul. I daily received fresh life, light and power from above. — George Whitefield

Holy Bible Quotes By Anonymous

Blessed is the man
who does not walk in the counsel
of the wicked
or stands in the way of sinners
or sits in the seat of mockers. — Anonymous

Holy Bible Quotes By Tullian Tchividjian

The God of the Bible is a holy and righteous God. Which is another way of saying that to relate to Him on His own terms, or to receive His blessing, requires perfection. God articulates this perfection in His Law ("Thou shalt" and "Though shalt not"). The problem is that we are anything but perfect! We are only human, as the saying goes. And the divine standard makes it painfully clear just how significant our limitations are. The person who takes the Law seriously is immediately humbled, if not demolished completely. — Tullian Tchividjian

Holy Bible Quotes By Robert M. Price

The Holy Bible. Promoting ignorance and superstition for nearly 2000 years. — Robert M. Price

Holy Bible Quotes By Sadiqua Hamdan

For a moment I think to myself, which connection is quicker to God? Telepathically or by email? Maybe there's a quicker turnaround time if I email my problems. I should probably start by apologizing and doing something spiritual to make up for my long absence. Would an Angel with poor customer service etiquette respond to my email? Is there an 800 holy number to dial? If so, which manual would the Angel be reading from? The Bible or the Qur'an? Does it matter? Would the Angel have Sister Mary sitting next to her, watching and coaching her on how to talk to people with issues? And how do you handle four billion calls a day? I suppose I would have to wait my turn in line, just like everyone else. — Sadiqua Hamdan

Holy Bible Quotes By Lailah Gifty Akita

The Bible, Holy writings. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Holy Bible Quotes By Anonymous

But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life. — Anonymous

Holy Bible Quotes By Augustine Of Hippo

The Holy Scriptures are our letters from home. — Augustine Of Hippo

Holy Bible Quotes By Wayne A. Grudem

matter what their differences on the details, all Christians who take the Bible as their final authority agree that the final and ultimate result of Christ's return will be the judgment of unbelievers and the final reward of believers, and that believers will live with Christ in a new heaven and a new earth for all eternity. God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit will reign and will be worshiped in a never-ending kingdom with no more sin or sorrow or suffering. — Wayne A. Grudem

Holy Bible Quotes By Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

It is ever true that he who does nothing for others, does nothing for himself. — Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Holy Bible Quotes By Felix Wantang

You have to accept Jesus Christ to become his property; but by default Satan owns you if you don't have Jesus Christ. — Felix Wantang

Holy Bible Quotes By Paul Broun

It teaches us how to run our lives individually. How to run our families, how to run our churches. But it teaches us how to run all our public policy and everything in society. And that's the reason, as your congressman, I hold the Holy Bible as being the major directions to me of how I vote in Washington, D.C., and I'll continue to do that. — Paul Broun

Holy Bible Quotes By Felix Wantang

God made salvation the most precious gift for humanity which is why only a few are chosen for God's Paradise in heaven. Matthew 22:11-14 — Felix Wantang

Holy Bible Quotes By Charles Haddon Spurgeon

I would love God even if he damned me, because he was so gracious to others. — Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Holy Bible Quotes By Rick Joyner

Reading our Bible is actually fundamental, but there is more if we are going to walk in His truth. Even if we read the Bible, if we do not read it by the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, we will not understand it correctly. — Rick Joyner

Holy Bible Quotes By John Bunyan

The God in whose hands are all our days and ways, did cast into my hand one day a book of Martin Luthers; it was his Comment on Galatians ... I found my condition in his experience so largely and profoundly handled, as if his book had been written out of my heart ... I do prefer this book of Martin Luther upon the Galatians, excepting the Holy Bible, before all the books that ever I have seen, as most fit for a wounded conscience. — John Bunyan

Holy Bible Quotes By Galileo Galilei

It is very pious to say and prudent to affirm that the holy Bible can never speak untruth
whenever its true meaning is understood. But I believe nobody will deny that it is often very abstruse, and may say things which are quite different from wha. — Galileo Galilei

Holy Bible Quotes By G.M. Jackson

According to Mark 11:12-13, God's messengers were not the only ones who were incompetent: 'He [Jesus] was hungry. And on seeing in the distance a fig tree in leaf, he went to see if he could find anything on it. When he came to it, he found nothing but leaves, for it was not the season for figs.'
Imagine Jesus, the divine, holy, wisest of the wise not knowing that figs were out of season. Now allegedly Jesus could have performed a miracle and made figs magically appear, but he preferred sour grapes instead: Then he said to the tree, 'May no one ever eat fruit from you again.' (Mark 11:14) — G.M. Jackson

Holy Bible Quotes By Joseph Franklin Rutherford

The holy spirit means the invisible power of Jehovah, holy because he is holy. This power of Jehovah operated upon the minds of honest men who loved and who were devoted to righteousness, directing them in the writing of the Bible. — Joseph Franklin Rutherford

Holy Bible Quotes By A. J. Jacobs

The whole bible is the working out of the relationship between God and man. God is not a dictator barking out orders and demanding silent obedience. Were it so, there would be no relationship at all. No real relationship goes just one way. There are always two active parties. We must have reverence and awe for God, and honor for the chain of tradition. But that doesn't mean we can't use new information to help us read the holy texts in new ways. — A. J. Jacobs

Holy Bible Quotes By Felix Wantang

God is looking for fearless and courageous faith rooted in obedience of His law. This is what it takes to work for God. Joshua 1:1-9 — Felix Wantang

Holy Bible Quotes By Aiden Wilson Tozer

As we come to the Bible, we can come with the holy anticipation of actually meeting with God. — Aiden Wilson Tozer

Holy Bible Quotes By Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Among other reasons which will readily suggest themselves, one alone will suffice. Every Christian knows, experimentally, that the Bible is the Word of God. When a sinner becomes seriously concerned about his character, state, and prospects, if he reads the Bible, he finds at first that it is all against him. By the holy law of God he is convicted and condemned; and he is conscious of a power and dignity in the Word of condemnation that makes him feel that it is the Word of God. There is a power in the Word that proves it Divine; and he who has once experienced its influence will never doubt its truth. — Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Holy Bible Quotes By Adrian Rogers

Remember again the principle: We will never be over those things that God has set under us until we learn to be under those things that God has placed over us. There is strength through surrender. Are you under the Word of God? Is the Bible your mandate for life? Are you loving it, reading it, obeying it, and living it? Are you consciously filled with the Holy Spirit? Have you yielded every part of the temple of your body to him? Are you grieving him in any way? Are you graciously submitting to those human authorities that God has set over you: in the home, in the church, in civil government, and in the workplace? Have you made Jesus Christ the absolute Lord over everything in your life? — Adrian Rogers

Holy Bible Quotes By Robin Jones Gunn

For many years, Sierra had compared the Holy Spirit to the wind, as it said the the Bible, noting that it was always there, no matter how faint the breeze. The wind went where it wanted to go, and its path was easy to detect because it moved objects and people. But no one had ever seen the wind. — Robin Jones Gunn

Holy Bible Quotes By Felix Wantang

Persecuting Christians because of Jesus Christ is like a man who goes after the children of his enemy because he is indeed afraid of his enemy. Matthew 24:9 — Felix Wantang

Holy Bible Quotes By Felix Wantang

God knows what you need because all you need is Jesus who is God.Matthew 6:25-34. — Felix Wantang

Holy Bible Quotes By Roger McIntyre

The Bible presents God as above, beyond, and outside the experiences of mortal man. His thoughts are higher than our thoughts, and His ways are past finding out. God cannot be known by human intellect or reason, except through the new birth. Belief in God is not the product of seeing and knowing, but seeing and knowing are the products of believing.
Truth is revealed by God through the Scriptures-the Holy Bible. Truth is what the Bible declares, and not what the masses believe or what is the consensus. Reason, science, experience have nothing to do with truth. The test of truth is "thus saith the Lord. — Roger McIntyre

Holy Bible Quotes By J.C. Ryle

Christ is to the souls of men what the sun is to the world. He is the center and source of all spiritual light, warmth, life, health, growth, beauty, and fertility. Like the sun, He shines for the common benefit of all mankind
for high and for low, for rich and for poor, for Jew and for Greek. Like the sun, He is free to all. All may look at Him, and drink health out of His light. If millions of mankind were mad enough to dwell in caves underground, or to bandage their eyes, their darkness would be their own fault, and not the fault of the sun. So, likewise, if millions of men and women love spiritual "darkness rather than light," the blame must be laid on their blind hearts, and not on Christ. "Their foolish hearts are darkened." (John 3:19; Romans 1:21.) But whether men will see or not, Christ is the true sun, and the light of the world. There is no light for sinners except in the Lord Jesus. — J.C. Ryle

Holy Bible Quotes By Lailah Gifty Akita

All Scriptures gives hope. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Holy Bible Quotes By Eli Of Kittim

In the deepest sense, the Bible is not meant to be interpreted, but rather revealed! — Eli Of Kittim

Holy Bible Quotes By Israelmore Ayivor

God's at work, lightening every load! — Israelmore Ayivor

Holy Bible Quotes By Novalis

The Bible begins gloriously with Paradise, the symbol of youth, and ends with the everlasting kingdom, with the holy city. The history of every man should be a Bible. — Novalis

Holy Bible Quotes By Lailah Gifty Akita

If you read the Scriptures, you know thy Creator and thy soul. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Holy Bible Quotes By Michael Ben Zehabe

Genesis began with the Father losing His family. Revelation ends with Him getting them back. Is there nothing to be learned from this sad cycle? Truly, family is the legitimate theme of holy text.
pg vi — Michael Ben Zehabe

Holy Bible Quotes By Lailah Gifty Akita

The Scriptures are the pearls of great words. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Holy Bible Quotes By Lisa Bedrick

People generally have three reactions to the gospel, to hearing the name of Jesus; they either are drawn to it like fireflies drawn to a flame, they run away from it for fear that the light will expose their own sin and shame, or they try to put out the light like someone throwing something at a lamp to break it. — Lisa Bedrick

Holy Bible Quotes By Kevin M. Kruse

Fifield's connection to his congregation extended to their views on religion and politics too. In the apt words of one observer, Fifield was "one of the most theologically liberal and at the same time politically conservative ministers" of his era. He had no patience for fundamentalists who insisted upon a literal reading of Scripture. "The men who chronicled and canonized the Bible were subject to human error and limitation," he believed, and therefore the text needed to be sifted and interpreted. Reading the holy book should be "like eating fish - we take the bones out to enjoy the meat. All parts are not of equal value." Accordingly, Fifield dismissed the many passages in the New Testament about wealth and poverty and instead worked tirelessly to reconcile Christianity and capitalism. In his view, both systems rested on a basic belief that individuals would succeed or fail on their own merit. — Kevin M. Kruse

Holy Bible Quotes By John Bradshaw

Mood alteration is an ingredient of compulsive/addictive behavior. Addiction has been described as "a pathological relationship to any mood-altering experience that has life-damaging consequences." Toxic shame has been suggested as the core and fuel of all addiction. Religious addiction is rooted in toxic shame, which can be readily mood-altered through various religious behaviors. One can get feelings of righteousness through any form of worship. One can fast, pray, meditate, serve others, go through sacramental rituals, speak in tongues, be slain by the Holy Spirit, quote the Bible, read Bible passages, or say the name of Yahweh or Jesus. Any of these can be a mood-altering experience. If one is toxically shamed, such an experience can be immensely rewarding. — John Bradshaw

Holy Bible Quotes By Anonymous

Not my will, but thine, be done. — Anonymous

Holy Bible Quotes By Felix Wantang

Everything that is wrong with this sinful world, is rooted in the selfishness of man. Rom. 8:5 — Felix Wantang

Holy Bible Quotes By Felix Wantang

The Holy Bible is the Language of Heaven; you cannot use the Language of the World to interpret the Holy Bible. — Felix Wantang

Holy Bible Quotes By George Washington

Oh, eternal and everlasting God, direct my thoughts, words and work. Wash away my sins in the immaculate blood of the Lamb and purge my heart by Thy Holy Spirit. Daily, frame me more and more in the likeness of Thy son, Jesus Christ, that living in Thy fear, and dying in Thy favor, I may in thy appointed time obtain the resurrection of the justified unto eternal life. Bless, O Lord, the whole race of mankind and let the world be filled with the knowledge of Thee and Thy son, Jesus Christ. — George Washington

Holy Bible Quotes By Charles Haddon Spurgeon

A true prayer is an inventory of needs, a catalog of necessities, an exposure of secret wounds, a revelation of hidden poverty. — Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Holy Bible Quotes By James M. Seghers

Luther's early position proclaimed that everyone, including "the humble miller's maid, nay, a child of nine," could interpret the Bible. However, as Christianity began to fracture, he radically altered his position. He called the Bible the "heresy book." In 1525 he wrote: "There are as many sects and beliefs as there are heads. This fellow will have nothing to do with baptism; another denies the sacraments; a third believes that there is another world between this and the Last Day. Some teach that Christ is not God; some say this, some say that. There is no rustic so rude but that, if he dreams or fancies anything, it must be the whisper of the Holy Spirit and he himself is a prophet."104 — James M. Seghers

Holy Bible Quotes By Zhang Yun

Only my people can receive my glory and dwell with me in the holy city. Only those who are holy can be my people, and they may inherit eternal life. Only those who obey my commands can be holy, and they may be watched over by me. Only those who understand my word can obey my commands, and they may have the splendor of wisdom. — Zhang Yun

Holy Bible Quotes By Kimberly Eady

I was raised as a Baptist in the Bible Belt of the South. Until the age of 37, I had never heard anyone teach or preach about the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Oh yes, I had heard those scriptures read, more aptly read over, and had read over them myself, but I had never heard anyone try to explain this amazing experience or even give it any credence. — Kimberly Eady

Holy Bible Quotes By Lailah Gifty Akita

Thy word O Lord is the Truth. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Holy Bible Quotes By Felix Wantang

Don't come to God because you have a problem; come to God because God has a problem with your soul. John3:18 — Felix Wantang

Holy Bible Quotes By Lailah Gifty Akita

How can we grow in faith without hearing the word of God? — Lailah Gifty Akita

Holy Bible Quotes By Stormie O'martian

There's so much to be grateful for, and praising God for giving you His Spirit is a great place to begin.
Even if you don't think you have much to be grateful for right now, know that you can always praise God for the Holy Spirit's presence in your life! — Stormie O'martian

Holy Bible Quotes By Felix Wantang

Any teachings that fail to recognize Jesus Christ as the author of life, is absolutely antichrist.John 1:1-13. — Felix Wantang

Holy Bible Quotes By Ellen G. White

Children should be encouraged to search out in nature the objects that illustrate Bible teachings, and to trace in the Bible the similitudes drawn from nature. They should search out, both in nature and in Holy Writ, every object representing Christ, and those also that He employed in illustrating truth. Thus may they learn to see Him in tree and vine, in lily and rose, in sun and star. They may learn to hear His voice in the song of birds, in the sighing of the trees, in the rolling thunder, and in the music of the sea. And every object in nature will repeat to them His precious lessons. — Ellen G. White

Holy Bible Quotes By Gary Patton

The "Word of God" is not simply the Christian Bible but exists in a threefold form: "The Word" incarnate (Jesus Followers' King), the word prophesied and proclaimed (Prophets), and the word in scripture (Bible). All three are the self-disclosure of God, The One & Only ... in three, distinct & unique Persons, Father, Son, & Holy Spirit. — Gary Patton

Holy Bible Quotes By Zachary Taylor

The Bible is the best of books, and I wish it were in the hands of every one. It is indispensable to the safety and permanence of our institutions. A free government can not exist without religion and morals, and there cannot be morals without religion. Especially should the Bible be placed in the hands of the young. It is the best school book in the world. I would that all our people were brought up under the influence of that holy book. — Zachary Taylor

Holy Bible Quotes By Anonymous

Look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh. — Anonymous

Holy Bible Quotes By Jim Butcher

But you'd get arguments from all kinds of people that the Bible has got to be perfect. That God would not permit such errors to be made in the Holy Word."
"I thought God gave everyone free will. Which would presumably - and evidently - include the freedom to be incorrect when translating one language into another."
"Stop making me think. I'm believing over here. — Jim Butcher

Holy Bible Quotes By James MacDonald

The purpose of continuous repentance in the life of a quality man is not a return to the crisis of salvation but part of what the Bible calls sanctification. Repentance is the choice to embrace the Holy Spirit's daily work of convicting us about ongoing sin. If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. — James MacDonald