Famous Quotes & Sayings

Heathers The Musical Quotes & Sayings

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Top Heathers The Musical Quotes

Heathers The Musical Quotes By Larry Page

Big companies have always needed and cooperated in areas where it made sense. — Larry Page

Heathers The Musical Quotes By George Orwell

[Fascism is] psychologically far sounder than any hedonistic conception of life ... Whereas Socialism, and even capitalism in a more grudging way, have said to people "I offer you a good time," Hitler has said to them, "I offer you struggle, danger, and death," and as a result a whole nation flings itself at his feet ... We ought not to underrate its emotional appeal. — George Orwell

Heathers The Musical Quotes By Patrick Rothfuss

Her name was like an echo of an ache in her. — Patrick Rothfuss

Heathers The Musical Quotes By Bruce Poon Tip

... Its not how you handle defeat or adversity, its how you get up that matters. — Bruce Poon Tip

Heathers The Musical Quotes By Mark Helprin

And then one morning the soldiers grew suddenly still as the heavy latches were lifted and turned. Just before the doors slid apart, a man from Pisa took the opportunity to say, "The air is thin. We're in the mountains." Alessandro straightened his back and raised his head. The mountains, unpredictable in their power, were the heart of his recollection, and he knew that the Pisano was right. He had known it all along from the way the train took the many grades, from the metallic thunder of bridges over which they had run in the middle of the night, and from the white sound of streams falling and flowing in velocities that could have been imparted only by awesome mountainsides. — Mark Helprin