Famous Quotes & Sayings

Heartfelt Quote Quotes & Sayings

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Top Heartfelt Quote Quotes

Heartfelt Quote Quotes By Al Franken

Let's keep the Internet weird. Let's keep the Internet free. — Al Franken

Heartfelt Quote Quotes By Vince Staples

My cares come from a very selfish place 'cause in reality I'm young, and I haven't had the experience to be mature yet. — Vince Staples

Heartfelt Quote Quotes By Phyllis Chesler

It is impossible for a Westerner to imagine the deadening torpor of a protected life under house arrest. Eventually, one is grateful for the smallest outing outdoors
a lovely picnic in a burqa, being allowed to watch the men and boys fly kites or swim. — Phyllis Chesler

Heartfelt Quote Quotes By Danielle Rocco

Is it possible to fall in love at thirteen, because I think I just looked into the eyes of the girl I want to look at forever. — Danielle Rocco

Heartfelt Quote Quotes By Ken Poirot

True beauty is a warm heart, a kind soul, and an attentive ear. — Ken Poirot

Heartfelt Quote Quotes By Patricia Highsmith

For neither life nor nature cares if justice is ever done or not. — Patricia Highsmith

Heartfelt Quote Quotes By Sarah Elizabeth

Kissing just like she laughs: honest, heartfelt and heartful, she pulls me down as I lift her up , and the hum she gives when my tongue finds hers makes every one of my nerves fire. — Sarah Elizabeth

Heartfelt Quote Quotes By Sarah Mlynowski

She looks at me strangely. "Um, no. I'm frozen. — Sarah Mlynowski

Heartfelt Quote Quotes By Bauvard

Aping the lower class will only lead to fatherless children, unusable muscles, and the fear of tomorrow's sobriety. — Bauvard

Heartfelt Quote Quotes By Julian Assange

The sense of perspective that interaction with multiple cultures gives you I find to be extremely valuable, because it allows you to see the structure of a country with greater clarity, and gives you a sense of mental independence. — Julian Assange

Heartfelt Quote Quotes By Sherrilyn Kenyon

I can't believe you were dying and your last act was to think to free me." Nashira
"Well, I just figured out how to do it. But I wasn't completely sure it would work. I wanted to ask Caleb about it, then he got sick before I could. And all this other crap happened. Since I was dying, I figured it was worth a shot before I went. No need in you being trapped in there for the rest of eternity if you could go free." Nick
"And that is why we worked together to save your life. Why we have watch over you and worried that you wouldn't pull through." Nashira — Sherrilyn Kenyon

Heartfelt Quote Quotes By Sherrilyn Kenyon

We do it for those tiny moments when the world opens up and we're no longer alone. Those moments when we realize that we aren't the center of the universe, but to one single person, we're their entire existence. We are what they live for and we matter to them more than anything. No matter how hard we get knocked down, we stand back up, and we face the darkness that's inside us and we raise our fist at it and tell it, not today. You won't have me yet. I won't let you take that last bit of my soul. — Sherrilyn Kenyon

Heartfelt Quote Quotes By Sherrilyn Kenyon

Life's to short to spend it fighting when you could be holding the one you love. And love's to rare to squnder it with petty concerns. The Apolloite groom to Rafael — Sherrilyn Kenyon