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Heartbreak Poems Quotes & Sayings

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Top Heartbreak Poems Quotes

Heartbreak Poems Quotes By Jennifer Lyon

I'm not nothing." His eyes that had only seconds ago glittered with barely controlled rage now warmed until she swore she could see specks of pure sunlight dancing in the light brown depths. "You're my goddamned everything. And anyone who tells you differently is a pathetic fool. — Jennifer Lyon

Heartbreak Poems Quotes By Jessica-Lynn Barbour

I'm sick of the images trapped in my head
I'm sick of being preoccupied with the dead — Jessica-Lynn Barbour

Heartbreak Poems Quotes By AVA.

i over love.
i under love.

i am either a flood
or i am nothing. — AVA.

Heartbreak Poems Quotes By Cornelia Funke

It was a page he had Found in the handbook Of heartbreak. Wallace Stevens, "Madame la Fleurie," Collected Poems I — Cornelia Funke

Heartbreak Poems Quotes By Jessica-Lynn Barbour

We dreamt of a crappy apartment somewhere
Making love while we let the midnight air
Flow through the open window, into our closed hearts
Left bitter from heartbreak and too much time apart — Jessica-Lynn Barbour

Heartbreak Poems Quotes By Randy Travis

For me, having come to study and understand some of the Bible and finally getting saved made a huge difference in me, because my wife was a big influence on that. I saw in her, when I first met her, a person's soul at peace with everything and everybody around her. — Randy Travis

Heartbreak Poems Quotes By Alice Walker

When I no longer have your heart
I will not request your body
your presence
or even your polite conversation.
I will go away to a far country
separated from you by the sea
- on which I cannot walk -
and refrain even from sending
describing my pain. — Alice Walker

Heartbreak Poems Quotes By Jenim Dibie

You are afraid to let anyone in, but you still leave the door open, hoping someone good will shut the door behind him and throw away the keys. — Jenim Dibie

Heartbreak Poems Quotes By John Geddes

I write small poems
the kind that fit on a postcard ...
and still can break your heart — John Geddes

Heartbreak Poems Quotes By Juan Carlos Copes

The tango is the man and woman in search of each other. It is the search for an embrace, a way to be together, when the man feels that he is a male and the woman feels that she is female, without machismo. She likes to be led; he likes to lead. Disagreements may occur later or they may not. When that moment comes, it is important to have positive and productive dialogue, fifty-fifty. The music arouses and torments, the dance is the coupling of two people defenseless against the world and powerless to change things. — Juan Carlos Copes

Heartbreak Poems Quotes By Arzum Uzun

I love you in my very own way.
Like a stone loves the mosses around it
Like a sea loves the pebbles in it
Like a coincidence ...
Taking you as the way you are,
With all the bruises, scars and broken parts all around you and your heart.
I love you in my very own way
By throwing the stone, the mosses, the sea and the pebbles to your head
Like i want to kill you.
Just because of envying the love
That my heart spend on you. — Arzum Uzun

Heartbreak Poems Quotes By AVA.

i feel everything.
i do not know how to un-feel
and to not feel
is to stop the sun. — AVA.

Heartbreak Poems Quotes By AVA.

oh, the heartbreakingly beautiful
tender weight of being human. — AVA.

Heartbreak Poems Quotes By AVA.

the opening,
the breaking,
the falling apart
is always so quick.

the hurting,
the healing,
the putting back together
is always too long. — AVA.

Heartbreak Poems Quotes By Edwin Way Teale

The world's favorite season is the spring.
All things seem possible in May. — Edwin Way Teale

Heartbreak Poems Quotes By AVA.

i know it all ends the same,
but i was interested in seeing
how you would break my heart. — AVA.

Heartbreak Poems Quotes By Jill Scott

Heartbreak was the impetus to me writing poems and music in the first place. Over the years, I had my heart broken so badly that if I didn't find a way to get all the pain out, I was going to lose my mind. I was crazy! Like, wanting to slash tires and smash car windows. Crazy! I was so hurt that I had to write. — Jill Scott

Heartbreak Poems Quotes By AVA.

i can't hold onto love.
i'm not gentle enough.

i always end up
crushing the thing
in between my fingertips. — AVA.

Heartbreak Poems Quotes By AVA.

i took it off.
i did not want to carry it with me anymore. — AVA.

Heartbreak Poems Quotes By AVA.

and sadness clung to me
because she did not know
how to be alone. — AVA.

Heartbreak Poems Quotes By Meraaqi

Of everything
I have ever endured,


My Favourite Tragedy. — Meraaqi

Heartbreak Poems Quotes By Geraldine Brooks

My Tom died as babies do, gently and without complaint. Because they have been such a little time with us, they seem to hold to life but weakly. I used to wonder if it was so because the memory of Heaven still lived within them, so that in leaving here they do not fear death as we do, who no longer know with certainty where it is our spirits go. This, I thought, must be the kindness that God does for them and for us, since He gives so many infants such a little while to bide with us. — Geraldine Brooks

Heartbreak Poems Quotes By John Milton

And feel by turns the bitter change
Of fierce extremes, extremes by change more fierce. — John Milton