Famous Quotes & Sayings

Heart Stop Beating Quotes & Sayings

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Top Heart Stop Beating Quotes

Heart Stop Beating Quotes By Fernando Pessoa

Decadence is the total loss of unconsciousness, which is the very basis of life. Could it think, the heart would stop beating. — Fernando Pessoa

Heart Stop Beating Quotes By Melissa Ferrick

My heart can't stop beating faster, every time I hear your name or your laughter. — Melissa Ferrick

Heart Stop Beating Quotes By J.K. Rowling

But they were not living, thought Harry: They were gone. The empty words could not disguise the fact that his parents' moldering remains lay beneath snow and stone, indifferent, unknowing. And tears came before he could stop them, boiling hot then instantly freezing on his face, and what was the point in wiping them off or pretending? He let them fall, his lips pressed hard together, looking down at the thick snow hiding from his eyes the place where the last of Lily and James lay, bones now, surely, or dust, not knowing or caring that their living son stood so near, his heart still beating, alive because of their sacrifice and close to wishing, at this moment, that he was sleeping under the snow with them. — J.K. Rowling

Heart Stop Beating Quotes By Marianne Williamson

Every cell of my being is radiant with my love for You. May my earthly self align with this, May my human heart stop beating so wildly. May I remember, dear God, that I live in Your mind and I belong in Your arms. — Marianne Williamson

Heart Stop Beating Quotes By Sonya Watson

I encased my heart in stone so as to stop it from beating — Sonya Watson

Heart Stop Beating Quotes By Nalini Singh

Then she lay silent as he moved his fingers over the strings with a grace that astounded and compelled. When he added his voice, keeping the volume low to avoid disturbing her neighbors, she felt her heart stop beating. A fallen angel might have a voice like that, she thought, hard and pure and with an unashamed sexuality to it that invited the listener into sin. — Nalini Singh

Heart Stop Beating Quotes By Tracey Emin

Have you ever longed for someone so much, so deeply that you thought you would die? That your heart would just stop beating? I am longing now, but for whom I don't know. My whole body craves to be held. I am desperate to love and be loved. I want my mind to float into another's. I want to be set free from despair by the love I feel for another. I want to be physically part of someone else. I want to be joined. I want to be open and free to explore every part of them, as though I were exploring myself. — Tracey Emin

Heart Stop Beating Quotes By Fernando Pessoa

If the heart could think it would stop beating. — Fernando Pessoa

Heart Stop Beating Quotes By Katy Regnery

There is some pain in your life that, when you experience it, you're shocked to the core that it doesn't kill you. It feels like it should kill you, like your heart should stop beating and your lungs should stop breathing and your eyes should stop seeing. Everything should just . . . stop. With pain that profound and regret that unfathomable, it should be impossible for your body to stay alive. — Katy Regnery

Heart Stop Beating Quotes By A.M. Homes

Alice, I hand you her name gently, suggesting that if you hold it, carefully as I do, pressed close to the heart, you might at the end of this understand how confusing the beating of two such similar hearts can be and how one finally had to stop. — A.M. Homes

Heart Stop Beating Quotes By Colleen Hoover

I've learned some thing about my heart.
It can break.
It can ripped apart.
It can harden and freeze.
It can stop. Completely.
It can shatter in to million pieces.
It can explode.
It can die.
The only thing that made it start beating again?
The moment you open your eyes — Colleen Hoover

Heart Stop Beating Quotes By Adam P. Knave

He felt like his own heart might stop beating just from acknowledging the concept. The sadness, the sorrow, and the loss, they were living things, funnily enough. — Adam P. Knave

Heart Stop Beating Quotes By Amit Abraham

Love is a diseases which makes the mind stop functioning and the heart beating faster. — Amit Abraham

Heart Stop Beating Quotes By Kate DiCamillo

Despereaux looked at his father, at his grey-streaked fur and trembling whiskers and his front paws clasped together in front of his heart, and he felt suddenly as if his own heart would break in two. His father looked so small, so sad.
"Forgive me," said Lester again.
Forgiveness, reader, is, I think, something very much like hope and love - a powerful, wonderful thing.
And a ridiculous thing, too.
Isn't it ridiculous, after all, to think that a son could forgive his father for beating the drum that sent him to his death? Isn't it ridiculous to think that a mouse ever could forgive anyone for such perfidy?
But still, here are the words Despereaux Tilling spoke to his father. He said, "I forgive you, Pa."
And he said those words because he sensed it was the only way to save his own heart, to stop it from breaking in two. Despereaux, reader, spoke those words to save himself. — Kate DiCamillo

Heart Stop Beating Quotes By Debra Dockter

How do you go to sleep when you know that tomorrow your stop beating? That you are, for all intents and purposes, going to die? How do you close your eyes and let the thing you desire most in this world- time- tiptoe past you?
Have you ever been so scared, so overwhelmed with emotions that you could feel your heart, your soul, doubling over inside of you? You feel like... like you just want to escape, but you know you can't. — Debra Dockter

Heart Stop Beating Quotes By Anonymous

S ometimes I wish I was n o t alive. B u t I don't know how to die. Ain' no plug to pull out. 'N no matter how bad I fee l my heart don't stop beating and my eyes open in the morning. — Anonymous

Heart Stop Beating Quotes By Lauren Nicolle Taylor

In his eyes are the reflections of the beating I didn't know how to stop, and even though my heart remembers, the rest of me would like to forget. — Lauren Nicolle Taylor

Heart Stop Beating Quotes By Mooji

If you give yourself one complete minute of focused presence, to simply stop; even to listen to your heart beating, it will take you out of your head and introduce you to the moment which is complete in itself. It is not on the way to another moment. It is not a bridge to another opportunity. It is the timeless perfection So stopand sink into this timeless moment. — Mooji

Heart Stop Beating Quotes By Whitney Barbetti

I like that you challenge me. That's new. I like that you don't go easy on me. I like that you question everything. I want you to keep questioning everything. I like how you smell. I like seeing the fight in your eyes. I like seeing anger color your cheeks. I like hearing your breathing stop when I'm close to you and I like feeling your heart pick up its speed in your chest when were close like this. I like that a lot, actually, the sound of your heart beating. So alive, a frantic mess of beats. I like the feeling of you in my arms, the way our bodies align. I like watching your eyes close and knowing I'm the reason, the reason you're feeling this." -Everett — Whitney Barbetti

Heart Stop Beating Quotes By Jessica Khoury

To have thought that, with the right tests and the right lectures, I could be made into a cold-blooded, heartless killer. To have thought that I could ignore the beating of my own heart long enough to stop the beating of another's. — Jessica Khoury

Heart Stop Beating Quotes By Coco J. Ginger

I was supposed to act breezy, but my fingertips are shaking, and my heart won't stop its rapid beating.
I'm giving in. I cannot cave. — Coco J. Ginger

Heart Stop Beating Quotes By Helen Keller

What if in my waking hours a sound should ring through the silent halls of hearing? ... Would the bow and string tension of life snap? Would the heart over weighted with sudden joy stop beating for very excess of happiness? — Helen Keller

Heart Stop Beating Quotes By Lauren Oliver

I don't know how i stay on my feet, why i don;t just shatter into dust right there, why my heart keeps beating when i want it so badly to stop — Lauren Oliver

Heart Stop Beating Quotes By Susan Minot

So many things in this world were cracked and sad, and still a glowing showed through and moments came when everything was lit and love happened. Every tree stood where it belonged, each bird had perfect feathers folded against its tiny body, each holding a heart beating madly. Life was a vibration of light and dark, and love illuminated that life. Then darkness descended and your heart was ripped apart. So that was part of it, a requirement of the miracle. Death stayed, lurking in the shadow of beauty. In the bargain, life both had meaning and had none. So, she kept thinking, what to do? What to do? A pressure in her would not stop asking. There were not many things she could make better, not many things she could change. And yet ... and yet ... sparks of possibility still shot out. Unasked for, they came and randomly flew up. — Susan Minot

Heart Stop Beating Quotes By Alison McGhee

Your heart literally hurts when it's breaking. You can feel it, every beat another ache, and nothing you can do will stop it, either from beating or breaking. — Alison McGhee

Heart Stop Beating Quotes By Gale Forman

How can you believe someone to be so beautiful and amazing and just about the most magical person you've ever known, when it turns out she was in such pain that she had to drink poison to rob her cells of oxygen until her heart had no choice but to stop beating? — Gale Forman

Heart Stop Beating Quotes By Julie Kagawa

I have come from the End of the World," said a quite voice that made my heart stop beating. "From the River of Dreams, through the gauntlet and the Briars and the Deep Wyld, in order to stand before you today. I have but one request - to take my place at your side. To resume my duty as your knight, and to protect you and your kingdom for as long as I draw breath" He raised his head and pushed back the hood, and a gasp went around the throne room. "I am still yours, my queen," Ash said, looking me straight in the eye. " If you'll have me. — Julie Kagawa

Heart Stop Beating Quotes By Samantha Young

Why it is that life can change so quickly?"
"How it's possible for a heart to stop beating so suddenly, instantly breaking all the hearts that were ever connected to it? But the truth is there is no sense in what happened to Jarrod. None that I can see. I wish I had a better answer, but I don't. — Samantha Young

Heart Stop Beating Quotes By Kathryn Holmes

She remembers the last perfect evening before everything happened, perfect even though she didn't know everything was about to change. Karaoke night. A bunch of kids from choir cheering each other on. When it was her turn, Hallelujah belted out "Total Eclipse of the Heart." She went for every melodramatic note, closing her eyes and beating her chest. She got the whole group to sing along.
She remembers Jonah taking the stage next. When he sang the opening lines to Garth Brooks's "Friends in Low Places," the room went nuts. He put on a cowboy drawl and sent the low notes reverberating through the wooden floorboards. She remembers him tipping an imaginary Stetson at her when he was done.
In a week, Hallelujah would get caught making out with Luke Willis. He would humiliate her and start spreading lies about her. She would become someone quiet and sad and resentful. But right then, performance-flushed and surrounded by friends, she couldn't stop smiling. — Kathryn Holmes

Heart Stop Beating Quotes By Richelle E. Goodrich

To have a caring and committed heart toward someone - a heart so firm in its devotion as to sooner stop beating than neglect the object of its desire despite the person's state of health, appearance, reputation, finances, troubles, or challenges - that, dear world, is love. It is a rare find. — Richelle E. Goodrich

Heart Stop Beating Quotes By Katie Reus

He knew himself well enough that once she was gone he wouldn't last regardless. His heart would simply stop beating without her. — Katie Reus

Heart Stop Beating Quotes By Michael Ende

What will happen when my heart stops beating?" Momo asked.
When that moment comes," said the professor, "time will stop for you as well. Or rather, you will retrace your steps through time, through all the days and nights, myths and years of your life, until you go out through the great, round, silver gate you entered by."
What will I find on the other side?"
The home of the music you've sometimes faintly heard in the distance, but by then you'll be part of it. You yourself will be a note in its mighty harmonies. — Michael Ende

Heart Stop Beating Quotes By Boubacar Boris Diop

In my heart of hearts I knew I was wrong. The World Cup was about to begin in the United States. The planet was interested in nothing else. And in any case, whatever happened in Rwanda, it would always be the same old story of blacks beating up on each other. Even Africans would say, during half-time of every match, "They're embarrassing us, they should stop killing each other like that." Then they'll go on to something else. [9-10] — Boubacar Boris Diop

Heart Stop Beating Quotes By Nabeel Qureshi

I could not put the Bible down. I literally could not. It felt as if my heart would stop beating, perhaps implode, if I put it down. — Nabeel Qureshi

Heart Stop Beating Quotes By Tiffany Snow

It means you're beautiful. Desirable. That I can't keep my
hands off you any more than I can tell my heart to stop beating. It means I listen for your voice when I know you're near and love it when I can smell your perfume on my clothes at the end of the day. — Tiffany Snow

Heart Stop Beating Quotes By Rob Sheffield

For two weeks, I lay awake at night and said Hail Marys over and over to stop my heart from beating too fast. I suddenly realized how much being a husband was about fear: fear of not being able to keep somebody safe, of not being able to protect somebody from all the bad stuff you want to protect them from. Knowing they have more tears in them than you will be able to keep them from crying. I realized that Renee had seen me fail, and that she was the person I was going to be failing in front for the rest of my life. It was just a little failure, but it promised bigger failures to come. Additional ones, anyway. But that's who your wife is, the person you fail in front of. Love it so confusing; there's no peace of mind. — Rob Sheffield

Heart Stop Beating Quotes By Hannah Senesh

Blessed is the match, consumed in kindling flame.
Blessed is the flame that burns in the heart's secret places.
Blessed is the heart that knows, for honors sake, to stop its beating.
Blessed is the match, consumed in kindling flame. — Hannah Senesh

Heart Stop Beating Quotes By F.T. Moore

Every end is a beginning. Every stop a fresh start. All in order, as its nature, like the beating of my heart. — F.T. Moore

Heart Stop Beating Quotes By Various

Cause when I hear your name I can not stop cheesing
I love you so much that my heart stops beating when you're leaving
And I'm grieving and my heart starts bleeding
Life without you has no goddamn meaning — Various

Heart Stop Beating Quotes By Suzanne Finnamore

A heart can stop beating for a while, one can still live. — Suzanne Finnamore

Heart Stop Beating Quotes By Lisa Kleypas

I know many scientific facts about the human heart- not the least of which is that it's far easier to make a heart stop beating entirely than to keep it from loving the wrong person. — Lisa Kleypas

Heart Stop Beating Quotes By Beryl Markham

There is respect for a heart like yours, and if its beating stop, the spirit lives to guard the ways you wandered. — Beryl Markham

Heart Stop Beating Quotes By Gayle Forman

She didn't tell me that she found life to be so unbearably painful. I mean, I didn't even have a clue. A kind of laugh escapes, and I know that if I'm not very careful, what follows will be something I don't want to hear, that no one wants to hear. How can you not know that about your best friend? Even if she doesn't tell you, how can you not know? How can you believe someone to be beautiful and amazing and just about the most magical person you've ever known, when it turns out she was in such pain that she had to drink poison that robbed her cells of oxygen until her heart had no choice but to stop beating? So don't ask me about Meg. Because I don't know shit. — Gayle Forman

Heart Stop Beating Quotes By Anne-Laure Bondoux

By dint of waiting, he hoped his heart would wear out and stop beating. What other way was there to stop loving someone? — Anne-Laure Bondoux

Heart Stop Beating Quotes By P.C. Cast

I'm always going to keep your heart safe, even if mine has to stop beating for that to happen. — P.C. Cast

Heart Stop Beating Quotes By Nenia Campbell

When we mated I felt your heart stop beating and it was as if the world had stopped turning. It was only while surrounded by death that I realized I had never felt more alive. — Nenia Campbell

Heart Stop Beating Quotes By Stephen Graham Jones

And, if I'm to be honest here, yes, I did indeed stop trying, finally. But the body breathes whether you want it to or not. The heart keeps beating. Perhaps because it knows more than you do--knows that, past this experience, a whole new life will open up, and whatever infirmities persist, they can be dealt with one by one. — Stephen Graham Jones

Heart Stop Beating Quotes By Albert Camus

I would make another effort to divert my thoughts. I would listen to my heartbeat. I couldn't imagine that this sound which had been with me for so long could ever stop. I've never really had much of an imagination. But still I would try to picture the exact moment when the beating of my heart would no longer be going on inside my head. But it was no use. — Albert Camus

Heart Stop Beating Quotes By Phillip Lewis

We realize, though, because we must, that remembrance is finite. It crosses only so many generations before it fades to indistinction. One man remembers his father and perhaps his grandfather and the details of the lives that were lived. But it's harder to see further back in time. I know the name of my great-grandfather, but our living time did not intersect. We did not walk the earth at the same time. Thus, to me he's a photograph; a story I heard my grandfather tell. He's not a life I remember. And my children may not know him at all, unless by chance they can find him in a book. In time, he will be forgotten entirely, just as we all will with enough revolutions of the earth around the slowly expiring sun. Each fragile heart now beating will one day stop ... We are little more than one tree's growth of leaves in hillside forest. We will enjoy our brief moment in the sun, only to fall away with all the other to make way for the next bright young generation. — Phillip Lewis

Heart Stop Beating Quotes By W.B.Yeats

The Mother Of God
The threefold terror of love; a fallen flare
Through the hollow of an ear;
Wings beating about the room;
The terror of all terrors that I bore
The Heavens in my womb.
Had I not found content among the shows
Every common woman knows,
Chimney corner, garden walk,
Or rocky cistern where we tread the clothes
And gather all the talk?
What is this flesh I purchased with my pains,
This fallen star my milk sustains,
This love that makes my heart's blood stop
Or strikes a sudden chill into my bones
And bids my hair stand up? — W.B.Yeats

Heart Stop Beating Quotes By James Buchanan

For a moment my heart stopped beating. "It's not the fall you know." His breath was all warm on my cheek. "It's that sudden stop at the end that does it." Just before I kissed him, I whispered, "I hope it doesn't hurt much. — James Buchanan

Heart Stop Beating Quotes By Brooke Hampton

It's okay. Don't feel bad. Stop beating yourself up. Nothing lasts forever. People come and people go. We cross paths, sometimes even travel together for a bit- to learn from each other. Stop trying to hold onto what is no longer meant to be. Yes, sometimes we need to stay even when it doesn't feel good because we still have something to learn, something to do there. But our souls will die if they stay in places they don't belong. You know the difference. Listen to your heart. If you stay when you've been told to go, you'll stop growing! Go! Give yourself permission to outgrow people and places.
It's okay. — Brooke Hampton