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Health For Professionals Quotes & Sayings

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Top Health For Professionals Quotes

Health For Professionals Quotes By Atul Gawande

Medicine's focus is narrow. Medical professionals concentrate on repair of health, not sustenance of the soul. Yet - and this is the painful paradox - we have decided that they should be the ones who largely define how we live in our waning days. For more than half a century now, we have treated the trials of sickness, aging, and mortality as medical concerns. It's been an experiment in social engineering, putting our fates in the hands of people valued more for their technical prowess than for their understanding of human needs. — Atul Gawande

Health For Professionals Quotes By Peter Singer

Every profession will have its rogues, of course, no matter what oaths are sworn, but many health care professionals have a real commitment to serving the best interests of their clients. — Peter Singer

Health For Professionals Quotes By Rick Warren

There aren't enough professionals to solve the world's problems. There will never be enough doctors to solve the health problems of the world. There will never be enough teachers to solve the education problems of the world - illiteracy. There will never be enough missionaries to care and comfort and share the Good News. It has to be done by normal, ordinary people. — Rick Warren

Health For Professionals Quotes By Annie Lennox

We need money to scale up the services that bring medicine to mothers. The United States government's doing that. There's a global fund that's providing money. mothers2mothers provides for mothers who come in who don't have education, who don't have support. mothers2mothers employs mothers with HIV, mothers who were patients recently in the very same facilities. We take those mothers who were patients who've had their babies, we bring them back, we train them, we pay them, to be health care professionals. — Annie Lennox

Health For Professionals Quotes By Ben Utecht

The concussion crisis has changed the face of sports as we know it and it has brought to surface the incredible importance of our brain health. The time is now for us to make our brain the number one priority so that education and awareness can take effect, and begin to change the way we approach the health of our athletes from youth to professionals. — Ben Utecht

Health For Professionals Quotes By Richard Carmona

In honor of Surgeon General Koop's legacy, we should ensure that the position of surgeon general is protected from political interference, funded appropriately and nominated from the ranks of career public health professionals who merit consideration, as is done in the other uniformed services. — Richard Carmona

Health For Professionals Quotes By Barbara Boxer

Medical professionals, not insurance company bureaucrats, should be making health care decisions. — Barbara Boxer

Health For Professionals Quotes By James A. Chu

The difficulties in diagnosing DID result primarily from lack of education among clinicians about dissociation, dissociative disorders, and the effects of psychological trauma, as well as from clinician bias. This leads to limited clinical suspicion about dissociative disorders and misconceptions about their clinical presentation. Most clinicians have been taught (or assume) that DID is a rare disorder with a florid, dramatic presentation. Although DID is a relatively common disorder, R. P. Kluft (2009) observed that "only 6% make their DID obvious on an ongoing basis" (p. 600).
- Guidelines for Treating Dissociative Identity Disorder in Adults, Third Revision, p4-5 — James A. Chu

Health For Professionals Quotes By Bertalan Mesko

Participatory Medicine is a model of cooperative health care that seeks to achieve active involvement by patients, professionals, caregivers, and others across the continuum of care on all issues related to an individual's health. Participatory medicine is an ethical approach to care that also holds promise to improve outcomes, reduce medical errors, increase patient satisfaction and improve the cost of care. — Bertalan Mesko

Health For Professionals Quotes By Jonathan Safran Foer

There is a glaring reason that the necessary total ban on nontherapeutic use of antibiotics hasn't happened: The factory farm industry, allied with the pharmaceutical industry, has more power than public-health professionals. — Jonathan Safran Foer

Health For Professionals Quotes By Anthony William

The Tree of Life was an ancient symbol of interconnection, fertility, and eternal life - precisely because of this legendary tree's fruit. Fruit is part of our essence, a basic element of who we are. We cannot survive without fruit on this planet. It outweighs the nutrition of any other food. Yet the current "health" movement toward low-carb diets has put fruit on the endangered species list, with the goal of making it extinct. Is this denial? Ignorance? Foolishness? We're not talking about uneducated people who are driving the trend. We're talking about smart, highly intelligent professionals with advanced degrees in medicine and nutrition. If they're advising patients to shun fruit, it must be because of their training, the misinformation out there, or their own selective interests. Have you heard of book burning? If the anti-sugar war keeps up its momentum, fruit trees will be next to go up in flames. — Anthony William

Health For Professionals Quotes By Avedis Donabedian

Systems awareness and systems design are important for health professionals, but they are not enough. They are enabling mechanisms only. It is the ethical dimensions of individuals that are essential to a system's success. Ultimately, the secret of quality is love. You have to love your patient, you have to love your profession, you have to love your God. If you have love, you can then work backward to monitor and improve the system. — Avedis Donabedian

Health For Professionals Quotes By Dawn O'Porter

This one is OK,' I say quietly.
'OK, OK, OK. Everything is always just 'OK'. It's so boring. Who wants to be 'OK'?
I sit for a moment and think about what she said. It doesn't take me long to realise that I, quite genuinely, just want to be OK. — Dawn O'Porter

Health For Professionals Quotes By Atul Gawande

Medical professionals concentrate on repair of health, not sustenance of the soul. Yet — Atul Gawande

Health For Professionals Quotes By Gary Small

Many mental health professionals are drawn to the field in part to resolve their own personal struggles. — Gary Small

Health For Professionals Quotes By Calvin Johnson

The outpouring of support from health professionals who want to volunteer for Hurricane Katrina recovery efforts has been tremendous, — Calvin Johnson

Health For Professionals Quotes By Brian Spellman

If the mind fits, shrink it. — Brian Spellman

Health For Professionals Quotes By Suzanne Wright

What bothers me is that health professionals give fancy names to conditions or learning difficulties that will irritate the patients; like OCD not being in alphabetical order, putting an 'S' in 'lisp,' and making dyslexia a word that no one can spell. It's just mean. — Suzanne Wright

Health For Professionals Quotes By Andrew Lansley

We will empower patients as well as health professionals. We will disempower the hierarchy and bureaucracy. — Andrew Lansley

Health For Professionals Quotes By Michel Odent

It seems that many health professionals involved in antenatal care have not realized that one of their role should be to protect the emotional state of pregnant women — Michel Odent

Health For Professionals Quotes By Charles Bukowski

Learn, he says, that there will be hours, days
and months ahead of feeling absolutely terrible
and nothing can change that; neither new
girlfriends, health professionals, changes of diet, dope, humility, or
God. — Charles Bukowski

Health For Professionals Quotes By Chalene Johnson

When I hear health professionals suggesting that you shouldn't worry about the balance of calories in versus calories out, but rather eat clean and follow your hunger instincts, well, I really just want to pinch their heads off. That's like a millionaire suggesting that instead of worrying about that's in your bank account, just listen to your shopping instincts and buy high-quality goods ... weight loss is not magic. To a great extent, it's accounting. — Chalene Johnson

Health For Professionals Quotes By Chogyam Trungpa

The basic work of health professionals in general, and of psychotherapist s in particular, is to become full human beings and to inspire full human-beingness in other people who feel starved about their lives. — Chogyam Trungpa

Health For Professionals Quotes By Shahida Arabi

To any survivor who may be doubting whether what they've experienced is truly abuse, remember that emotional, verbal, and psychological abuse will never be, and should never be, considered part of the messy equation of a normal relationship. As both metal health professionals and survivors can attest to, the traumatic highs and lows of being with a narcissist, a sociopath, or a psychopath are not the natural highs and lows of regular relationships. That suggestion is quite damaging to society and to survivors all around the world. — Shahida Arabi

Health For Professionals Quotes By Nathan Filer

But that is what these people do - the Steves of this world - they all try and make something out of nothing. and they all do it for themselves. — Nathan Filer

Health For Professionals Quotes By Seth Holmes

The pressures of the current neoliberal capitalist system of health care and its financing force health professionals into a double bind. Either they spend the time and energy necessary to listen to and fully treat the patient and put their job and clinic in economic jeopardy, or they move at a frenetic pace to keep their practice afloat and only partially attend to the patient in their presence. — Seth Holmes

Health For Professionals Quotes By Terri Moss

We don't cease to be human when we choose to become health care professionals, yet our work demands that we operate at a machine-like rate, a machine with parts that never wear down. — Terri Moss

Health For Professionals Quotes By Rebecca McNutt

The worst feeling in the world is not losing your friend forever, but rather having patronizing people tell you that the love you have for your friend and the connection and emotion you have towards them is an illness to be cured, a problem to be covered up and hidden away by the power of mood-altering drugs. I used to trust doctors when I was younger... now I've lost my trust in all mental health professionals forever. — Rebecca McNutt

Health For Professionals Quotes By Rosemary Gladstar

A MANTRA FOR HOME HEALTH CARE I am my own healer. I have a radiant voice within that guides me. I can make decisions for myself. I can rely on others as needed, but at my discretion. It is my body, my health, my balance, and my responsibility to make right choices for myself. Right choices include working with competent health-care professionals when necessary, allowing friends and family to help as needed, and, above all, being true to my beliefs, with the wisdom and willingness to change as part of the path of healing. — Rosemary Gladstar

Health For Professionals Quotes By Andrew Saul

If you are well educated, and especially if you are a health professional, you will have to unlearn much of what you've been taught and start afresh with the rather disruptive thought that natural healing may actually work. — Andrew Saul

Health For Professionals Quotes By Dave Pounder

Similarly, consider the relationship between how society handles cigarettes and marijuana. Most medical professionals agree that smoking cigarettes is more damaging to one's health overall than smoking marijuana. Despite its intensely addictive qualities, however, the consumption of tobacco has been legalized in this country, while marijuana is considered a "drug" and is banned. — Dave Pounder

Health For Professionals Quotes By Atul Gawande

MODERN SCIENTIFIC CAPABILITY has profoundly altered the course of human life. People live longer and better than at any other time in history. But scientific advances have turned the processes of aging and dying into medical experiences, matters to be managed by health care professionals. And we in the medical world have proved alarmingly unprepared for it. — Atul Gawande

Health For Professionals Quotes By Theresa May

The right place for a person suffering a mental health crisis is a bed, not a police cell. And the right people to look after them are medically trained professionals, not police officers. — Theresa May

Health For Professionals Quotes By Elyn R. Saks

Stigma against mental illness is a scourge with many faces, and the medical community wears a number of those faces. — Elyn R. Saks

Health For Professionals Quotes By Jonathan Safran Foer

The factory farm industry (in alliance with the pharmaceutical industry) currently has more power than public-health professionals ... We give it to them. We have chosen, unwittingly, to fund this industry on a massive scale by eating factory-farmed animal products (and water sold as animal products) - and we do so daily. — Jonathan Safran Foer

Health For Professionals Quotes By Brene Brown

There are times we will miss the opportunity to be empathic. Mental health professionals often call these "empathic failures." There are also times when the people around us will not be able to give us what we need. When this happens on occasion, most of our relationships can survive (and even thrive) if we work to repair the empathic failures. However, most relationships can't withstand repeated failed attempts at empathy. This is especially true if we find ourselves constantly rationalizing and justifying why we can't be empathic with someone or why someone is not offering us the empathy we need. — Brene Brown

Health For Professionals Quotes By Doug

On present-day Earth we have the most Christ-like nation in human history, a civilization built on loving kindness and demilitarization. They are being wiped off the face of their homeland. Well, at least the Chinese government isn't blaming Christ or Buddha for their actions against Tibet! But many savage pillagers throughout the past two thousand years have, and the Romans of a thousand years ago fall into that category. Within five hundred years they erased nearly all the nature-based, matriarchal tribes in what we now know as Europe. The invaders falsified history in order to justify their greed. Harmless facts and beautiful rituals were twisted to appear Satanic. Love of the environment and its animals and plants, love of healing modalities that modern day health professionals are now searching frantically to recover, were spin-doctored into demented superstition and turned outlaw. — Doug "Ten" Rose

Health For Professionals Quotes By Kirsten Gillibrand

If we're going to be able to provide access to quality, affordable health care to every American - we need to have the trained health care professionals inside hospitals to provide that care. — Kirsten Gillibrand

Health For Professionals Quotes By Laurie Matthew

Ritualised child sexual abuse is about abuse of power, control and secrecy. Ten years ago many people found it difficult to believe that fathers actually raped their children, yet survivors of such abuses spoke out and eventually began to be listened to and believed. Ritual abuse survivors, when they try to speak out about their experiences, face denial and disbelief from society and often fear for their lives from the abusers. — Laurie Matthew

Health For Professionals Quotes By Dave Obey

We are going to see a tremendous number of health professionals retire over the next 8-10 years. We are not doing nearly enough to deal with this problem. — Dave Obey

Health For Professionals Quotes By Randy Kamen

With a single breath you can change your brain and transform your approach to everyday life. — Randy Kamen

Health For Professionals Quotes By Timothy Carey

Seeking the counsel of trusted and respected health professionals can also be helpful in providing parents with some balance for their concerns as well as other avenues of support. — Timothy Carey

Health For Professionals Quotes By John E. Douglas, Mark Olshaker

[Talking about Monte Rissell] ... and like Ed Kemper he was able to convince the psychiatrist he was making excellent progress while he was actually killing human beings. This is kind of a sick version of the old joke about how many psychiatrists it takes to change a light bulb. The answer being, just one, but only if the light bulb wants to change. — John E. Douglas, Mark Olshaker

Health For Professionals Quotes By Ronald A. Heifetz

Mental health professionals have said for a long time that individuals cannot adapt well to too many life changes at once. If you suffer a loss in the family, change jobs, and move all within a short time, the chances are your own internal stability may break down, or show signs of serious strain. — Ronald A. Heifetz

Health For Professionals Quotes By Christopher Dines

The incredible benefits of practising and applying mindfulness and self-compassion in the workplace are being increasingly recognised by human resource professionals as well as the medical profession, as the stresses of competing in today's global economy take their toll on the mental health and emotional wellbeing of many otherwise talented and enthusiastic individuals in the workplace. — Christopher Dines

Health For Professionals Quotes By Atul Gawande

The problem with medicine and the institutions it has spawned for the care of the sick and the old is not that they have had an incorrect view of what makes life significant. The problem is that they have had almost no view at all. Medicine's focus is narrow. Medical professionals concentrate on repair of health, not sustenance of the soul. Yet - and this is the painful paradox - we have decided that they should be the ones who largely define how we live in our waning days. — Atul Gawande

Health For Professionals Quotes By Chuck Schumer

I'd like to see the health care professionals making decisions, not some bureaucrat in Indianapolis working for an insurance company. — Chuck Schumer

Health For Professionals Quotes By Pope Francis

We should commit ourselves to 'eucharistic coherence,' that is, we should be conscious that people cannot receive holy communion and at the same time act or speak against the commandments, in particular when abortions, euthanasia, and other serious crimes against life and family are facilitated. This responsibility applies particularly to legislators, governors, and health professionals. — Pope Francis

Health For Professionals Quotes By Seth Holmes

Adding social structural analysis to medical and public health education would move toward a more realistic and balanced version of the biopsychosocial model already explicitly claimed in contemporary health-professional training. More important, this would provide future physicians and public health professionals with the lenses to recognize the societal critiques available in sicknesses and their distributions. With such an awareness of the structurally violent social context of disease, health professionals could move effectively toward acknowledging, treating, and preventing suffering. — Seth Holmes

Health For Professionals Quotes By David D. Burns

Most mental health professionals, including clinicians and researchers, endorse the deficit theory. They're convinced that we wage war simply because we don't know how to make love. We desperately want loving, satisfying relationships but lack the skills we need to develop them. — David D. Burns