Famous Quotes & Sayings

Quotes & Sayings About Health And Exercise

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Top Health And Exercise Quotes

Health And Exercise Quotes By Lance Armstrong

For whatever reason, maybe it's because of my story, but people associate Livestrong with exercise and physical fitness, health and lifestyle choices like that. — Lance Armstrong

Health And Exercise Quotes By Bill Toomey

As I mentioned previously, the tools that allow for optimum health are diet and exercise. — Bill Toomey

Health And Exercise Quotes By Bikram Choudhury

Yoga is the only exercise in the world you can do at any age. There is always some posture that will improve your health, mind and soul. — Bikram Choudhury

Health And Exercise Quotes By Bob Harper

Cardio fitness is an important part of getting in shape and improving your overall health. Any exercise that is aerobic, in which you increase the amount of oxygen you take in and your heart pumps more blood, improves not only your cardiovascular health but your level of fitness as well as helping you lose weight. — Bob Harper

Health And Exercise Quotes By Mike Ditka

I really believe the only way to stay healthy is to eat properly, get your rest and exercise. If you don't exercise and do the other two, I still don't think it's going to help you that much. — Mike Ditka

Health And Exercise Quotes By Albert Schweitzer

To me, good health is more than just exercise and diet. Its really a point of view and a mental attitude you have about yourself. — Albert Schweitzer

Health And Exercise Quotes By David O. McKay

The peril of this century is spiritual apathy. As the body requires sunlight, good food, proper exercise and rest, so the spirit of man requires the sunlight of the Holy Spirit; proper exercise of the spiritual functions; the avoiding of evils that affect spiritual health, that are more ravaging in their effects than typhoid fever, pneumonia, or other diseases that attack the body. — David O. McKay

Health And Exercise Quotes By Kelly Hoppen

I am convinced that a calm, quiet and harmonious interior can be as beneficial to health as a sensible diet and regular exercise — Kelly Hoppen

Health And Exercise Quotes By Hippocrates

If we could give every individual the right amount of nourishment and exercise, not too little and not too much, we would have found the safest way to health. — Hippocrates

Health And Exercise Quotes By DeBarra Mayo

To maintain good health requires good nutrition and a healthy dose of exercise. — DeBarra Mayo

Health And Exercise Quotes By Toni Sorenson

The only real insurance you have against disease is a healthy body. Invest wisely, generously and often in that policy. — Toni Sorenson

Health And Exercise Quotes By Jana Elston

It's never too late to look after yourself. Never too late to eat healthily, get plenty of rest, exercise regularly and look after your skin. You'd be amazed at how quickly your skin and body can rejuvenate given the right environment. — Jana Elston

Health And Exercise Quotes By Rohit Shetty

The body needs its rest, and sleep is extremely important in any health regimen. There should be three main things: eating, exercise and sleep. All three together in the right balance make for a truly healthy lifestyle. — Rohit Shetty

Health And Exercise Quotes By Toni Sorenson

Change doesn't come in nickels and dimes. It comes in dedication and sweat. — Toni Sorenson

Health And Exercise Quotes By John Piper

Therefore, we read the Bible selectively. We pick a text here and there to fit our felt needs. This is like a doctor who forgets how to write prescriptions for the best antibiotics because every- body seems healthy, and he has spent the last decades tweaking good health with hip-hop exercise videos, unaware that pestilence is at the door. It's like the soldier who forgets how to use his weapons because the times seem peaceful, and he has spent the last decades doing relief work and teaching the children how to play games. — John Piper

Health And Exercise Quotes By Marcus Tullius Cicero

We must stand up against old age and make up for its drawbacks by taking pains. We must fight it as we should an illness. We must look after our health, use moderate exercise, take just enough food and drink to recruit, but not to overload, our strength. Nor is it the body alone that must be supported, but the intellect and soul much more. — Marcus Tullius Cicero

Health And Exercise Quotes By Lailah Gifty Akita

Make time daily to nurture your physical, mental and emotional health. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Health And Exercise Quotes By Paul Wade

The modern fitness scene is largely defined by the presence of pumped up, muscle-bound bodybuilders, expensive exercise machines, and steroids.

It's wasn't always this ways.

There was a time when men trained to become inhumanly strong using nothing but their own bodyweight. No weights. No machines. No drugs. Nothing — Paul Wade

Health And Exercise Quotes By Josh Bezoni

Balance your body for better results. A balanced body improves electrical communication to muscles and gets you stronger, faster. — Josh Bezoni

Health And Exercise Quotes By Marcus Tullius Cicero

It is exercise alone that supports the spirits, and keeps the mind in vigor. — Marcus Tullius Cicero

Health And Exercise Quotes By Suzanne Somers

From middle age on, there's nothing more vital to your health and weight control than building lean muscle mass, and the only way that happens is with weight training and exercise. — Suzanne Somers

Health And Exercise Quotes By Lydia Maria Francis Child

GENERAL MAXIMS FOR HEALTH. Rise early. Eat simple food. Take plenty of exercise. Never fear a little fatigue. Let not children be dressed in tight clothes; it is necessary their limbs and muscles should have full play, if you wish for either health or beauty. Avoid the necessity of a physician, if you can, by careful attention to your diet. Eat what best agrees with your system, and resolutely abstain from what hurts you, however well you may like it. A few days' abstinence, and cold water for a beverage, has driven off many an approaching disease. If you find yourself really ill, send for a good physician. Have nothing to do with quacks; — Lydia Maria Francis Child

Health And Exercise Quotes By Malti Bhojwani

Things that we do every day make up who we are and the results we have in our life. Bank accounts collect from constant deposits and good health is achieved or maintained from what we put into our bodies daily. — Malti Bhojwani

Health And Exercise Quotes By Thomas Jefferson

Leave all the afternoon for exercise and recreation, which are as necessary as reading. I will rather say more necessary because health is worth more than learning. — Thomas Jefferson

Health And Exercise Quotes By Mata Amritanandamayi

Children, daily practice of yoga or sun salutations (surya-namaskara) is very good for health and for spiritual practice. Lack of proper exercise is the cause of many of today's diseases. If we can get somewhere in time on foot, always walk instead of taking a vehicle. It is good exercise. Only if we have to go far should we depend on vehicles. Use a bicycle, whenever possible. This will save money, too. — Mata Amritanandamayi

Health And Exercise Quotes By Hippocrates

Positive health requires a knowledge of man's primary constitution and of the powers of various foods, both those natural to them and those resulting from human skill. But eating alone is not enough for health. There must also be exercise, of which the effects must likewise be known. The combination of these two things makes regimen, when proper attention is given to the season of the year, the changes of the wind, the age of the individual, and the situation of his home. If there is any deficiency in food or exercise, the body will fall sick. — Hippocrates

Health And Exercise Quotes By Joel Salatin

We control health and pathogenicity by complex multi-speciated relationships through symbiosis and synergy. Portable shelters for livestock, along with electric fencing, insure hygienic and sanitary housing and lounging areas, not to mention clean air, sunshine, and exercise. — Joel Salatin

Health And Exercise Quotes By Piper Kerman

He told us that it was important to eat right, exercise, and treat your body as a temple. But he didn't tell us how to get health care services that people with no money could afford. He didn't tell us how we could quickly obtain birth control and other reproductive health services. He didn't recommend any solutions for behavioral or psychiatric care, and for sure some of those broads needed it. He didn't say what options there might be for people who had struggled with substance abuse, sometimes for decades, when they were confronted by old demons on the outside. — Piper Kerman

Health And Exercise Quotes By Marilynne Robinson

The broadest possible exercise of imagination is the thing most conducive to human health, individual and global — Marilynne Robinson

Health And Exercise Quotes By Alister MacKenzie

One of the reasons why I, 'a medical man' decided to give up medicine was a firm conviction of the extraordinary influence on health of pleasurable excitement, especially when combined with fresh air and exercise. How frequently have I, with great difficulty, persuaded patients who were never off my doorsteps to take up golf, and how rarely, if ever, I have seen them in my consulting room again. — Alister MacKenzie

Health And Exercise Quotes By Nina Cherie Franklin

I believe that human beings are designed to be physically active and that not doing so creates energy imbalances within the body that ultimately contribute to obesity and other health problems. As evidence, over 500,000 people die each year from diseases linked to physical inactivity and obesity. Furthermore, rates of hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, type 2 diabetes, and certain forms of cancer have all tripled over the past 30 years corresponding to decreasing levels of daily physical activity and increasing rates of obesity. — Nina Cherie Franklin

Health And Exercise Quotes By Lissa Rankin

Promoting health without encouraging others to seek wholeness is an exercise in futility. Not until we realize that our bodies are mirrors of our interpersonal, spiritual, professional, sexual, creative, financial, environmental, mental, and emotional health will we truly heal. — Lissa Rankin

Health And Exercise Quotes By David McCullough

The bicycle was proclaimed a boon to all mankind, a thing of beauty, good for the spirits, good for health and vitality, indeed one's whole outlook on life. Doctors enthusiastically approved. One Philadelphia physician, writing in The American Journal of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children, concluded from his observations that for physical exercise for both men and women, the bicycle is one of the greatest inventions of the nineteenth century. — David McCullough

Health And Exercise Quotes By Mary Barnett Gilson

Work is only part of a man's life; play, family, church, individual and group contacts, educational opportunities, the intelligent exercise of citizenship, all play a part in a well-rounded life. Workers are men and women with potentialities for mental and spiritual development as well as for physical health. We are paying the price today of having too long sidestepped all that this means to the mental, moral, and spiritual health of our nation. — Mary Barnett Gilson

Health And Exercise Quotes By Gwen Ro

Thinking about working out burns 0 calories, 0 percentage of fat and accomplishes 0 goals! — Gwen Ro

Health And Exercise Quotes By Aristotle.

For both excessive and deficient exercise ruin bodily strength, and, similarly, too much or too little eating or drinking ruins health, whereas the proportionate amount produces, increases, and preserves it. — Aristotle.

Health And Exercise Quotes By Lailah Gifty Akita

Physical exercise promotes positive self-image, high-productivity and energetic wellbeing. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Health And Exercise Quotes By Ezra Taft Benson

With good health all the activities of life are greatly enhanced ... It gives our every experience in life more zest and more meaning. — Ezra Taft Benson

Health And Exercise Quotes By William Hazlitt

As a general rule, those who are dissatisfied with themselves will seek to go out of themselves into an ideal world. Persons in strong health and spirits, who take plenty of air and exercise, who are "in favor with, their stars," and have a thorough relish of the good things of this life, seldom devote themselves in despair to religion or the muses. Sedentary, nervous, hypochondriacal people, on the contrary, are forced, for want of an appetite for the real and substantial, to look out for a more airy food and speculative comforts. — William Hazlitt

Health And Exercise Quotes By Joseph Addison

Physic, for the most part, is nothing else but the substitute of exercise and temperance. — Joseph Addison

Health And Exercise Quotes By Gary B. Shelly

2 Searching for Health Information
1. Choose a fitness or diet plan to research.
2. Determine the keywords you will use in the search query.
3. Time how long it takes you to find the information you are seeking using multiple
search engines and the Internet Explorer Search box and QuickPick menu.
4. Evaluate how well you perform the search:
a. Record how many Web sites you visit.
b. For each site you visit, evaluate the quality of information and credibility of the
site. List the qualities that make the site more or less credible.
c. For the fitness or diet plan that you choose, find out the recommendations for
exercise and any major food restrictions.
d. Write down what further steps you should take to evaluate the quality of the
3 — Gary B. Shelly

Health And Exercise Quotes By Bryan Kest

I see exercise taking this perverted detour. The original intention of exercise was to heal and maintain health. Now I see it as having nothing to do with health. I see most exercises based on looking good. They actually make you less healthy. You overdevelop the obvious muscles. You take drugs to enhance that. You ignore the rest, and you become more out of balance. — Bryan Kest

Health And Exercise Quotes By Ori Hofmekler

Dr. Pottenger theorized that there are similarities between malformations
found in animals and those found in humans. My points here are that:
1. I firmly believe there is indeed a direct connection between diet, health,
sexual performance, and fertility for both men and women.
2. The lack of whole foods and live nutrients combined with the abundance of synthetic chemicals in the typical American diet makes it a deficient and toxic diet, which causes impotency, sterility, disorders, and cancer in men and women. — Ori Hofmekler

Health And Exercise Quotes By Julie Bishop

And I believe that the best buy in public health today must be a combination of regular physical exercise and a healthy diet. — Julie Bishop

Health And Exercise Quotes By Toni Sorenson

Taking care of your health and well bring first, is the best way to insure you will be able to care for those you love. — Toni Sorenson

Health And Exercise Quotes By Stephen Cremen

Every day I wake up and re-commit to my health. This is a very important step for me. I let the past be the past. I try not to dwell on the mistakes I've made, because those kinds of thoughts only bring me down. I wake up every day with the thought that this is a new day. That today I am going to eat well, I am going to exercise, and I'm going to focus on being healthy and happy. — Stephen Cremen

Health And Exercise Quotes By Ali Vincent

When weight loss becomes a goal in your life, eating right and exercising are just two pieces of the puzzle. Figuring out why you've put on the extra weight is the hardest part. — Ali Vincent

Health And Exercise Quotes By Philip Connors

He [Aldo Leopold] recognized that industrial-age tools were incompatible with truly wild country - that roads eventually brought with them streams of tourists and settlers, hotels and gas stations, summer homes and cabins, and a diminishment of land health. He sort of invented the concept of wilderness as we now understand it in America: a stretch of country without roads, where all human movement must happen on foot or horseback. He understood that to keep a little remnant of our continent wild, we had no choice but to exercise restraint. I think it's one of the best ideas our culture ever had, not to mention our best hope for preserving the full diversity of nonhuman life in a few functioning ecosystems. — Philip Connors

Health And Exercise Quotes By Liz Miller

People who relax by watching TV instead of going out to engage with the world tend to be far less energetic. the benefits of exercise in protecting against depression and mental ill-health are huge. Those around you can also affect your energy levels. Self-talk also works wonders on energy levels. — Liz Miller

Health And Exercise Quotes By Byron Katie

To me, health is a balanced mind. A balanced mind knows how to get enough rest, how to eat properly, how to exercise. I have come out as just a balanced human being, and I don't know anything finer than that. — Byron Katie

Health And Exercise Quotes By Edward O. Sisson

Every man whose tastes have been allowed to develop in wrong directions, or in whom the best tastes have failed of higher perfection, loses thereby from the inner joy and outer value of his whole life. Every good taste is a source and guarantee of happy healthy hours and days, and thus of the enrichment and elevation of life. A reasonable capacity to appreciate music and art quite suffices to enrich life and exercise a wholesome influence upon character. The taste for good reading is inseparable from a taste for good thinking. — Edward O. Sisson

Health And Exercise Quotes By Victoria Moran

Sometimes customizing is necessary because of an injury or the inability to do, for a short or long period, the kind of exercise you formerly did. When you're used to customizing for fun, doing it under duress won't seem like such an imposition. Either way, experiment until you find activities that make you happy as well as healthy. Choose your exercise using the same criteria you'd apply to choosing a date
that is, attractive to you and able to hold your interest for an hour. — Victoria Moran

Health And Exercise Quotes By John Ratey

Exercise is the single most powerful tool you have to optimize your brain function ... exercise has a profound impact on cognitive abilities and mental health. It is simply one of the best treatments we have for most psychiatric problems. — John Ratey

Health And Exercise Quotes By Thomas Jefferson

Exercise and application produce order in our affairs, health of body, cheerfulness of mind, and these make us precious to our friends — Thomas Jefferson

Health And Exercise Quotes By Toni Sorenson

Move to live and live to move! — Toni Sorenson

Health And Exercise Quotes By Lord Chesterfield

Regularity in the hours of rising and retiring, perseverance in exercise, adaptation of dress to the variations of climate, simple and nutritious aliment, and temperance in all things are necessary branches of the regimen of health. — Lord Chesterfield

Health And Exercise Quotes By Toni Sorenson

No one knows your body like you do. Listen to it. It will tell you what to eat, when to drink, how to sleep and which exercises you need to do. Let your own body be your most trusted personal trainer. — Toni Sorenson

Health And Exercise Quotes By Lisa Marie Presley

With a lot of hair and make-up then I'm possibly, remotely attractive. But it's rare, I don't think I'm ugly but I'm nothing particularly special. I'm not a yoga and health girl. I don't exercise that much and I eat crap and smoke and bite my nails. — Lisa Marie Presley

Health And Exercise Quotes By Naveen Jain

Just as physical exercise is a well-known and well-accepted means to improve health for anyone, regardless of age or background, so can the brain be put 'into shape' for optimal learning. — Naveen Jain

Health And Exercise Quotes By Oli Hille

You only get one body; it is the temple of your soul. Even God is willing to dwell there. If you truly treat your body like a temple, it will serve you well for decades. If you abuse it you must be prepared for poor health and a lack of energy. — Oli Hille

Health And Exercise Quotes By Ben Goldacre

If I was writing a lifestyle book it would have the same advice on every page, and you'd know it all already. Eat lots of fruit and vegetables, and live your whole life in every way as well as you can: exercise regularly as part of your daily routine, avoid obesity, don't drink too much, don't smoke, and don't get distracted from the real, basic, simple causes of ill health. But as we will see, even these things are hard to do on your own, and in reality require wholesale social and political changes. — Ben Goldacre

Health And Exercise Quotes By Thomas Merton

Bodily agitation, then, is an enemy to the spirit. And by agitation I do not necessarily mean exercise or movement. There is all the difference in the world between agitation and work.
Work occupies the body and the mind and is necessary for the health of the spirit. Work can help us to pray and be recollected if we work properly. Agitation, however, destroys the spiritual usefulness of work and even tends to frustrate its physical and social purpose. Agitation is the useless and ill-directed action of the body. It expresses the inner confusion of a soul without peace. Work brings peace to the soul that has a semblance of order and spiritual understanding. It helps the soul to focus upon its spiritual aims and to achieve them. But the whole reason for agitation is to hide the soul from itself, to camouflage its interior conflicts and their purposelessness, and to induce a false feeling that 'we are getting somewhere'. — Thomas Merton

Health And Exercise Quotes By M. Scott Peck

If necessary, they will even kill to escape the pain of their own spiritual growth. As the integrity of their sick self is threatened by the spiritual health of those around them, they will seek by all manner of means to crush and demolish the spiritual health that may exist near them. I define evil, then, as the exercise of — M. Scott Peck

Health And Exercise Quotes By Wayne Fields

The best six doctors anywhere
And no one can deny it
Are sunshine, water, rest, and air
Exercise and diet.
These six will gladly you attend
If only you are willing
Your mind they'll ease
Your will they'll mend
And charge you not a shilling.
Nursery rhyme quoted by Wayne Fields, What the River Knows, 1990 — Wayne Fields

Health And Exercise Quotes By Carl Honore

Slower, it turns out, often means better - better health, better work, better business, better family life, better exercise, better cuisine and better sex. — Carl Honore

Health And Exercise Quotes By Paul Cheney

The whole idea that you can take a disease like this and exercise your way to health is foolishness. It is insane. — Paul Cheney

Health And Exercise Quotes By Byron J. Richards

Based on the newly discovered function of leptin in muscle, the necessity of consistent exercise to maintain health has never been more important.139 People who have been in a consistent exercise program and have slipped out of the pattern will notice that this was an adverse turning point in their health. Conversely, people who get into a good exercise pattern notice an improvement in health. Individuals — Byron J. Richards

Health And Exercise Quotes By Billy Graham

We spend enormous amounts of time and money on fad diets, expensive exercise machines, and health clubs. For many people, these things only demonstrate their preoccupation with the physical side of life ... but even more important is taking care of our souls. — Billy Graham

Health And Exercise Quotes By Lailah Gifty Akita

Daily mediation is a healthy spiritual exercise. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Health And Exercise Quotes By Malcolm Gladwell

When I go to my health club, and it's in the basement, you have to take the elevator down. And this drives me crazy. Why can't there be a stairway? At least make it as easy to exercise as it is to not exercise. It's in society's interest for me to take the stairs. — Malcolm Gladwell

Health And Exercise Quotes By Stendhal

Want of exercise was beginning to affect his health and to give him the weak and excitable character of a young German student. — Stendhal

Health And Exercise Quotes By Dana Gore

Exercise like a beginner if you ARE a beginner. — Dana Gore

Health And Exercise Quotes By Andrew Weil

The most common objection that I hear to walking as exercise is that it's too easy, that only sweaty, strenuous activity offers real benefits. But there is abundant evidence that regular, brisk walking is associated with better health, including lower blood pressure, better moods and improved cholesterol ratios. — Andrew Weil

Health And Exercise Quotes By Mike Rabe

Think of the health risks if you don't exercise. The consequences are real. — Mike Rabe

Health And Exercise Quotes By Eric Hoffer

There is in even the most selfish passion a large element of self-abnegation. It is startling to realize that what we call extreme self-seeking is actually self-renunciation. The miser, health addict, glory chaser and their like are not far behind the selfless in the exercise of self-sacrifice. — Eric Hoffer

Health And Exercise Quotes By Robert T. Kiyosaki

It is not much different from a person who goes to the gym to exercise on a regular basis versus someone who sits on the couch watching television. Proper physical exercise increases your chances of health, and proper mental exercise increases your chances for wealth. Laziness decreases both health and wealth. — Robert T. Kiyosaki

Health And Exercise Quotes By Joseph Addison

Physic is, for the most part, only a substitute for temperance and exercise. — Joseph Addison

Health And Exercise Quotes By Dita Von Teese

I really believe that beauty comes from health - sensible eating and exercise. — Dita Von Teese

Health And Exercise Quotes By Frank Forencich

Warning: Before beginning an program of physical inactivity, consult your doctor. Sedentary living is abnormal and dangerous to your health. — Frank Forencich

Health And Exercise Quotes By Adele Rose

PE! This word was comprised of two single letters, which would normally not cause anyone any trouble. They were two single letters that were usually associated with the further words of "health" and "extended life" and therefore, had a positive reputation. However, for me, the P and the E put together was the worst possible combination. Every time they were mentioned, I would sigh in displeasure, my heart rate would increase and I would feel lightheaded. After all, in my mind, PE = exercise and exercise = torture! — Adele Rose

Health And Exercise Quotes By Helen M. Ryan

It's all about balance. Balancing exercise, food, and life. No excesses. — Helen M. Ryan

Health And Exercise Quotes By Aristotle.

For both excessive and insufficient exercise destroy one's strength, and both eating and drinking too much or too little destroy health, whereas the right quantity produces, increases and preserves it. So it is the same with temperance, courage and the other virtues. This much then, is clear: in all our conduct it is the mean that is to be commended. — Aristotle.

Health And Exercise Quotes By Jack LaLanne

We know today about nutrition and we know about exercise. There's no reason for anybody to be sick and tired, fat and out of shape
it's ridiculous! This has got to be taught in the schools. It's got to be taught in kindergarten. That's when kids should first get the idea that the most important thing in your life is your health and your body. — Jack LaLanne

Health And Exercise Quotes By John Lubbock

Exercise of the muscles keeps the body in health, and exercise of the brain brings peace of mind. — John Lubbock

Health And Exercise Quotes By Alan Fogel

For optimal health and rejuvenation, we all need exercise, rest, time to feel deeply into ourselves, and meaningful and emotionally expressive human contact. — Alan Fogel

Health And Exercise Quotes By Auliq Ice

Getting more exercise isn't only good for your waistline. It's a natural anti-depressant, that leaves you in a great mood. — Auliq Ice

Health And Exercise Quotes By Joe J. Christensen

It is easy to rationalize that we don't have time to exercise. Not so. Ultimately, our improved health through exercise will provide us more time and energy to accomplish other tasks. We can usually do about whatever we want to-if we want to badly enough. — Joe J. Christensen

Health And Exercise Quotes By Jack LaLanne

There are so many health food nuts out there that eat nothing but natural foods but they don't exercise and they look terrible. — Jack LaLanne

Health And Exercise Quotes By Benjamin Franklin

Use now and then a little Exercise a quarter of an Hour before Meals, as to swing a Weight, or swing your Arms about with a small Weight in each Hand; to leap, or the like, for that stirs the Muscles of the Breast. — Benjamin Franklin

Health And Exercise Quotes By Xenophon

He neglected not his own body, and praised not those that neglected theirs. In like manner, he blamed the custom of some who eat too much, and afterwards use violent exercises; but he approved of eating till nature be satisfied, and of a moderate exercise after it, believing that method to be an advantage to health, and proper to unbend and divert the mind. — Xenophon

Health And Exercise Quotes By Martin Seligman

When it comes to our health, there are essentially four things under our control: the decision not to smoke, a commitment to exercise, the quality of our diet, and our level of optimism. And optimism is at least as beneficial as the others. — Martin Seligman

Health And Exercise Quotes By John Hawley

We have to be thankful considering our number as a family we enjoy very good health generally but you may be sure me and my partner have quite enough to exercise our minds and occupy our attention. — John Hawley

Health And Exercise Quotes By Kate McGahan

Animals are a lot like humans for when we are happy our immunity is strong and love and life force races through our veins. When we are depressed our immunity runs low and we can easily get sick. Many pet parents are very careful about feeding the right food, providing plenty of exercise and buying the right toys and treats. Not that those things aren't important too, for they are, but the best thing you can do for us is to make yourself happy because when you are happy then we are happy too. — Kate McGahan

Health And Exercise Quotes By James Tower

Food tastes better 2. My skin has a sheen and radiance to it 3. I sleep better 4. Sex is better 5. I don't get winded as easily 6. My sense of smell has improved one hundred fold 7. My concentration is better 8. My heart rate is normal 9. My blood pressure is normal 10. My clothes don't stink 11. My hair and skin doesn't stink 12. My eyes are clearer and less bloodshot 13. My automobiles don't smell 14. My bank account is healthier 15. I exercise more 16. I drink less alcohol 17. My stress levels are more manageable 18. I work longer and harder 19. My blood work and screening is much better 20. My appetite is much better 21. My hands and feet don't get as cold in the winter 22. My overall wellness and health is much better — James Tower

Health And Exercise Quotes By Steve Maraboli

Being healthy is a way of life. It's not just about what you feed your body; it's about what you feed your mind and the social environment you keep. Make healthy food choices, exercise your body and brain, and choose your friends wisely. — Steve Maraboli

Health And Exercise Quotes By Bernardino Ramazzini

Those who sit at their work and are therefore called 'chair workers,' such as cobblers and tailors, suffer from their own particular diseases ... [T]hese workers ... suffer from general ill-health and an excessive accumulation of unwholesome humors caused by their sedentary life ... so to some extent counteract the harm done by many days of sedentary life. On the association between chronic inactivity and poor health. Ramazzini urged that workers should at least exercise on holidays — Bernardino Ramazzini

Health And Exercise Quotes By Pat Williams

Books are health food for your brain and dessert for your soul. Books are one of the few proven sources of mental exercise known to man. Reading is a workout for your mind. If your body needs thirty minutes of exercise a day, so does your thinker. — Pat Williams

Health And Exercise Quotes By Doug E. Fresh

Health has always been an important thing to me. I exercise and try to take care of myself, and drink a lot of water! And I push that to my kids so that they can carry on that same energy. — Doug E. Fresh

Health And Exercise Quotes By Mike Ditka

You see people who have been very heavy in their life who have taken that body, trimmed it down, firmed it up through discipline, exercise and being able to say no. Eating properly, that all comes into it. — Mike Ditka

Health And Exercise Quotes By Norman Vincent Peale

Think health, eat sparingly, exercise regularly, walk a lot, and think positively about yourself. — Norman Vincent Peale