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Quotes & Sayings About Having A Team

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Top Having A Team Quotes

Having A Team Quotes By Patricia Mauceri

I had known David Ham and Marco Santiago from having met and worked with them on The Cross and the Switchblade which we worked on together at Times Square Church. We joined together as Trace Life Media to be a directing/producing team to be able to assist churches in the production of a play in their own community or to bring a fully-produced productions - something that will be ministering to the Body of Christ. — Patricia Mauceri

Having A Team Quotes By Eddie Guardado

They've got a great team, I really like them. They're a young team, and they've done what the Twins did in that division a few years ago. This is what happens when you get a core group of guys and let them play with each other for three, four years. You get a special bunch. They're having fun you can see it. — Eddie Guardado

Having A Team Quotes By Warren Gatland

Having a social appetite for knowledge and wanting to develop and improve as a coach is important, but I believe in empowering people, particularly the other coaches that work with the team, giving them ownership and responsibility. — Warren Gatland

Having A Team Quotes By Wendy Welch

Third places are those needed spaces, neither home nor work, where we are known by our names and valued for being whatever we decide to be -- the clown, the intellectual, the quiet person. Being part of a family is a wonderful thing, and I'm all for team-building at work, but having a place where you don't have to be anything to anyone makes a pleasant breather. — Wendy Welch

Having A Team Quotes By Jeanette Murray

Following their line of vision, he found the distraction. The damn tennis team, running the perimeter of the football field in some half-assed formation, following their fearless leader. They weren't looking at the field, weren't yelling or causing a scene. Just concentrating on keeping up with Chris.
Having been a teenage boy himself, the draw was obvious. Teenage girls. Short shorts. No brainer. At thirty-four, he was past that.
Except his eyes didn't seem to get the "I'm Too Old For This" memo. They were tracking Chris like a hawk tracks a field mouse. — Jeanette Murray

Having A Team Quotes By Steve Case

Having a great idea is important. But having a great team is also important. — Steve Case

Having A Team Quotes By Olivia Munn

Nerd. Geek. Used to be if you self-identified that way, you'd get thrown into a locker and never have sex. Or worse, whatever that is. But to me and more and more people I know, being a nerd or a geek means having passion, power, intelligence. Being a nerd just means there is something in the world that you care deeply about - be it twelve-sided dice, a favorite sports team, your new laptop or Night Rider. — Olivia Munn

Having A Team Quotes By David Cottrell

The single greatest demotivator of a team is having members who are not carrying their load. — David Cottrell

Having A Team Quotes By Tom Cole

"Embrace Of The Serpent" has been a big deal for Colombians outside the Amazon. It's been showing continuously there for more than three months. And the Oscar nomination, the film's producer says Colombians are comparing it to having the national team in the World Cup. — Tom Cole

Having A Team Quotes By Bobby Knight

We talk in coaching about "winners" - kids, and I've had a lot of them, who just will not allow themselves or their team to lose. Coaches call that a will to win. I don't. I think that puts the emphasis in the wrong place. Everybody has a will to win. What's far more important is having the will to prepare to win. — Bobby Knight

Having A Team Quotes By Tom Petty

I don't treat the band like I'm above them or that they're a hired hand for me. We've never worked that way. So I'm a team player. I would be very uncomfortable having to do this alone. — Tom Petty

Having A Team Quotes By Bill Parcells

Part of buying the groceries is having a philosophy and trying to stick to it as best you can, knowing that occasionally you may make an exception. But, you do so knowing you're attempting to do it for a certain reason and you have to be very careful not to try to make too many exceptions, because then you wind up as a franchise with a team full of exceptions, which is not what you want. — Bill Parcells

Having A Team Quotes By Larry Dixon

I think it's an extremely important factor to have your team together. It goes back to having distractions. When you all stay together for a period of time you're not training people or feeling out different personalities. — Larry Dixon

Having A Team Quotes By Elizabeth Olsen

We leave Scarlet Witch without a home, without a family, and she ends up creating a surrogate family within the Avengers and making a decision to be a part of the team. I think a lot of that has to do with what Jeremy's character - like his attitude towards her and the speech he gives her at the end of the film. So we pick up with her having started a new life, but still trying to figure out what her abilities are and if using them causes greater good or greater damage. — Elizabeth Olsen

Having A Team Quotes By Patrick Lencioni

But perhaps most important of all, having too many people on a team makes team dynamics during meetings and other decision-making events almost impossible. That's because a good team has to engage in two types of communication in order to optimize decision making, but only one of these is practical in a large group. According to Harvard's Chris Argyris, those two types of communication are advocacy and inquiry. Basically, advocacy is the statement of ideas and opinions; inquiry is the asking of questions for clarity and understanding. When a group gets too large, people realize they are not going to get the floor back any time soon, so they resort almost exclusively to advocacy. It becomes like Congress (which is not designed to be a team) or the United Nations (ditto). — Patrick Lencioni

Having A Team Quotes By Tahir Shah

On a hard jungle journey nothing is so important as having a team you can trust. — Tahir Shah

Having A Team Quotes By Richelle Mead

And you think that's it? All is forgiven and he'll just be cool with me having Storm King's grandchildren because we're all united in some super team? That's naive."
Dorian's face suddenly hardened. "Equally naive is the thought that I would carelessly allow him to do anything to you or your children. How many times do I have to convince you of my protection? Do you really think that if he comes back here and attempts to harm one hair on your head, I'll allow it? Eugenie, if he so much as looks at you in a way I don't like, Rurik and his conspirators over there won't have a chance to act because I'll have long since run that bastard kitsune through myself." Dorian's tone astonishingly became light and easy again. "Now then. I wonder where we'll be making camp tonight. — Richelle Mead

Having A Team Quotes By Sanjay Kumar

I'm very comfortable in having a strong team. I'm very comfortable in sharing the limelight with the team. — Sanjay Kumar

Having A Team Quotes By Berti Vogts

Success is not winning the World Cup. It may be a goal in your mind but success is having a team that is improving all the time. — Berti Vogts

Having A Team Quotes By Chad Harbach

I think that it is very interesting to write about a team because a team is a group of people who work in very close quarters and have very intense relationships so - in my days of playing sports, I was very rarely on a team that did not have it's own peculiar dynamic, and you wind up having very intense feelings for good and for bad about these people with whom you spend many hours a day. — Chad Harbach

Having A Team Quotes By Rachel Renee Russell

Chloe came up with the crazy idea that we should work SUPERhard in class and earn our black belts by the end of the month. Then we can start a secret crime-fighting team called the Dorky Defenders! She said that superheroes lead very romantic lives, when villains aren't trying to KILL them. After hearing THAT little detail, I wasn't exactly sold on the superhero lifestyle. Having to deal with MacKenzie is quite enough drama, thank you. I don't need any more villains sabotaging my life. — Rachel Renee Russell

Having A Team Quotes By Rysa Walker

Okay," I tell Aaron, once I've hung up. "Just so you know, Deo will call Dr. Kelsey, the police, the FBI, the entire Avengers team, and anyone else he can think of if I don't check back in half an hour."
Aaron rolls his eyes. "You have a very possessive boyfriend."
I start to correct him, but maybe having Aaron think Deo's my overprotective boyfriend is a good thing. I could say he's at the gym, lifting weights. — Rysa Walker

Having A Team Quotes By Douglas Leone

We work as a team. I think having the individual being shown as a star actually creates problems internally. We encourage all our investors to work as a team for the benefit of the founders. — Douglas Leone

Having A Team Quotes By Brendan

You know I could have stayed in my comfortable chair in South Wales having the first Welsh team that got promoted and been there a number of years, but for me I wanted to work at a club that was world class and at the very, very top. — Brendan

Having A Team Quotes By Sam Altman

Companies generally work better when they are smaller. It's always worth spending time to think about the least amount of projects/work you can feasibly do, and then having as small a team as possible to do it. — Sam Altman

Having A Team Quotes By Arsene Wenger

I believe in work, in connections between the players, I think what makes football great is that it is a team sport. You can win in different ways, by being more of a team, or by having better individual players. It is the team ethic that interests me, always. — Arsene Wenger

Having A Team Quotes By Deion Sanders

Just think about the game. Think about playing great, having a great time. Helping my team win. — Deion Sanders

Having A Team Quotes By Roy Osherove

If your team is constantly chasing its own tail and putting out fires instead of having time to sit down and experiment, learn new things, and apply them in a manner that makes them stick, you don't have enough time to learn. — Roy Osherove

Having A Team Quotes By Michael Weatherly

I think the thing that makes 'NCIS' so special is the team and the group. And there's our fearless leader, Mark Harmon. We all really enjoy working together, so it would be a shame if we weren't all there having fun together. — Michael Weatherly

Having A Team Quotes By Steve Jobs

That's always been in my mind my metaphor for a team working really hard on something they're passionate about. It's that through the team, through that group of incredibly talented people bumping up against each other, having arguments, having fights sometimes, making some noise, and working together they polish each other and they polish the ideas, and what comes out are these really beautiful stones. — Steve Jobs

Having A Team Quotes By Gena Showalter

And okay, fine. If you have to kiss her, you have to kiss her. And believe me, I do not envy you. That's taking one for the team a little far. I mean, I think I'd rather endure the stabbing myself instead of having to kiss her. — Gena Showalter

Having A Team Quotes By Louise Hart

Play is a universal language. It gives a sense of joy in being alive. It is one of the healthiest things we have in our culture. When we play, we give a gift of joy to another. Happy and joyous family times are a unifying force. They increase closeness and positive feelings. They increase loyalty to the family team. Everyone relaxes and feels more alive. Love just happens when you're having fun together! — Louise Hart

Having A Team Quotes By Jennifer Lane

Roger said, 'I don't know about having a shrink around all the time. Are you analyzing me right now?'
Sophie rolled her eyes. 'How original. No, I'm not analyzing you. It'd take a whole team of shrinks to figure out your crazy ass, and I simply don't have the time or energy. — Jennifer Lane

Having A Team Quotes By Lewis Hamilton

I always remind myself if I'm having a down day because of a bad race it's not just me. That feeling I'm having is shared by my family, the team and my fans. When we win they feel the joy as well. That's why I say we win and lose together, and I definitely couldn't do it without them. — Lewis Hamilton

Having A Team Quotes By Gerad Adams

There's quite a bit of pressure, but it's a lot of fun, it's enjoyable. I think one of the biggest things is being organised, having things written down. Keep the players aware of the other teams, what the other teams' tendencies are, and just to keep on top of things. — Gerad Adams

Having A Team Quotes By Jess Glynne

I keep my head straight by having the right people around me, from my friends and family to my management and my team. They all keep me in my place. If I didn't have them supporting all the work that I do, I wouldn't be in such a solid place. — Jess Glynne

Having A Team Quotes By Baron Davis

I just stopped liking basketball. And then you dribbling down the court and having the owner like cuss at you and call you an idiot. I didnt even look forward to coming to the games, and if the owner [Donald Sterling] came to the game, I definitely was not gonna have a good game because it was just like, how do you play when the main heckler in the gym is the owner of the team, and hes telling you how much he hates you and calling out your name? — Baron Davis

Having A Team Quotes By Ian Lurie

Outsourcing isn't the answer to everything. Lots of internet marketing pundits will tell you to outsource, outsource, outsource. Having a trusted team that knows each other and enjoys working together is good, too. — Ian Lurie

Having A Team Quotes By Ice Cube

But with rap music - not just N.W.A. - but rap music in general, seeing these artists wearing these team logos all the time started bringing a synergy and energy about having to rep your city, your team, everywhere and all the time. — Ice Cube

Having A Team Quotes By Peter Mayle

There were far too many at my birthday party, and I wouldn't have invited any of them. I couldn't see them at first, because it takes a few days for the eyes to open, but they made their presence felt. Try having breakfast with a football team, all of them fighting to get hold of the same piece of toast, and you'll know what I went through. — Peter Mayle

Having A Team Quotes By Fred Wilson

Building product is not about having a large team to manage. It is about having a small team with the right people on it. — Fred Wilson

Having A Team Quotes By Dick Cheney

President Bush gave me a tremendous opportunity to serve as the vice president. I enjoyed very much having the opportunity to be a part of his team. He told me at the outset, he wanted me to sign on to be a part of his team - and he was true to his word, kept it. He was tough. He was decisive. He was also a pretty good politician. — Dick Cheney

Having A Team Quotes By Melissa Rosenberg

Showrunning is not a one-man job; it's literally impossible to do for one person. I have learned the hard way now from two seasons, one with Red Widow, and this, I can't control everything. I certainly have tried, but having an incredibly strong team around you, surrounding yourself with incredibly talented people, that is the trick, and I certainly had that for the first season here of Jessica Jones. — Melissa Rosenberg

Having A Team Quotes By Richard Williams

Every few years, in the world of sport, someone ascends to the most rarefied of all levels - the one at which it becomes news not when they win, but when they lose. It must have been like that in the early Fifties, when a tubby Italian called Alberto Ascari was stitching together nine Grand Prix wins in a row, a record not even Fangio, Clark or Senna could match. Or when the great Real Madrid side of Alfredo Di Stefano and Ferenc Puskas won the first five European Cup finals, between 1956 and 1960. Or when Martina Navratilova dominated Wimbledon's Centre Court, winning nine ladies' singles titles in thirteen years. The current Australian cricket team is in just such a run at present, having just completed nine consecutive victories, putting them four wins away from establishing an all-time record. And then there is Tiger Woods. — Richard Williams

Having A Team Quotes By Bryan Adams

There's not an instruction manual on how to deal with success, so you just have to rely on having great friends and a good team. — Bryan Adams

Having A Team Quotes By Jordin Sparks

Since 'Idol' I've gotten used to having an amazing hair and make-up team around me, so I'm starting to get picky. I know what I like now and I'm happy to say 'Could we maybe change that?' if I don't like something. I don't yell or anything, but I think I could definitely start to act a little diva-ish when it comes to my look. — Jordin Sparks

Having A Team Quotes By B. J. Armstrong

Tremendous teammate, that's what comes to mind when I think of Scottie Pippen. He was a very caring teammate who was always concerned about the team, always concerned about it. He just had a great understanding of the team concept. Everyone talks about a great teammate, but he really was a great guy to play with. He may have been having a 25 or 30-point game, but if he knew you were struggling, he'd find a way to get you going as well. He's that type of guy. — B. J. Armstrong

Having A Team Quotes By Tony Dungy

I was not asked whether I would have a problem having Michael Sam on my team. I would not. — Tony Dungy

Having A Team Quotes By Jennie Finch

It's a game of failure [softball]. Everybody would play, that was easy and everyone's not playing because it is so tough. But it's a matter of keep plugging away, keep working hard, believing in yourself and it is a team sport and there is nothing better than being out there, having a ball in your hand, playing the game that you love and ultimately that's what it comes down is having fun and enjoying it. — Jennie Finch

Having A Team Quotes By Max Levchin

Having a highly homogeneous background, education, values, preferences, etc, in the very early team is better than not - cuts down on time-wasting arguments. — Max Levchin

Having A Team Quotes By Tony Curl

Having a team deliver standards and performance is much easier when they want to be there and want to be led by you. — Tony Curl

Having A Team Quotes By Richard Branson

Success comes from delegating, risk-taking and having a good TEAM! — Richard Branson

Having A Team Quotes By Jim Carrey

I don't think anybody should go through life without a team of psychologists. I have been through times when I'm literally squatting in the living room, having one of those open-throated cries, where you're crying all the way to your butthole. I always believed I would come out of it, though. — Jim Carrey

Having A Team Quotes By Chris Milk

As a filmmaker, you are constantly having the discussion with your team about whether something is "relatable". — Chris Milk

Having A Team Quotes By Shawn Ryan

I've worked in network and cable on and off for a number of years, and you just understand what your parameters are. A lot of times, I think the best work that my team has come up with comes from having to deal with certain boundaries. — Shawn Ryan

Having A Team Quotes By Ricardo Guadalupe

At a certain point, you cannot handle everything yourself; having a team around you is very important. To have a strong team of people in which you can rely and people that you've been working with for years. I relate it to soccer - you have different positions and you have to bring in the right person at the right position. — Ricardo Guadalupe

Having A Team Quotes By Angela Merkel

As a woman with strong opinions talking about technology and politics is not always welcome in Germany. Nope, it's more like having a great cheerleader team behind me. People who follow my journey know I have a slightly colorful personality. The rest skipped out long ago. — Angela Merkel

Having A Team Quotes By Ed Catmull

Right away, we realized that we'd made a terrible mistake. Everything about the project ran counter to what we believed in. We didn't know how to aim low. We had nothing against the direct-to-video model, in theory; Disney was doing it and making heaps of money. We just couldn't figure out how to go about it without sacrificing quality. What's more, it soon became clear that scaling back our expectations to make a direct-to-video product was having a negative impact on our internal culture, in that it created an A-team (A Bug's Life) and a B-team (Toy Story 2). The crew assigned to work on Toy Story 2 was not interested in producing B-level work, and more than a few came into my office to say so. It would have been foolish to ignore their passion. — Ed Catmull

Having A Team Quotes By Sunny

Ruric clung to me and shouted, "Your father." Looking down below I saw my father running after us, several alarmed guards trailing him. As I watched, the High Lord's slight demon shape began to shimmer in a remarkable transformation that stretched him out and out and up into a huge and long, black serpentine dragon. It was a glorious sight, one I'd never thought to see. He launched himself gracefully into the air amidst shouted protests from his guards, a large dragon smile on his face that showed more free and delighted emotion than I'd ever seen on his face.
... "His poor guards. An eight-member team set out at a dead run after us. They must be having a hissy fit over my father taking off like that, alone, unguarded. Although I couldn't imagine what could possibly be of threat to a four-ton, fire-breathing dragon. — Sunny

Having A Team Quotes By Mike Long

Tasks are the real-world activities people think of when planning, conducting, or recalling their day. That can mean things like brushing their teeth, preparing breakfast, reading a newspaper, taking a child to school, responding to e-mail messages, making a sales call, attending a lecture or a business meeting, having lunch with a colleague from work, helping a child with homework, coaching a soccer team, and watching a TV program. Some tasks are mundane, some complex. — Mike Long

Having A Team Quotes By Meghan Trainor

My team of people around me, they were like, 'Don't be waiting and begging for a man.' You know what I'm saying? Like, 'Don't be desperate because you think having a boyfriend is going to be better. It might be harder with your career.' And then I was like, 'Yeah, you're right. I need to enjoy this. — Meghan Trainor

Having A Team Quotes By David Chang

I was quite cocky, but having been hailed as this great young golfer, I couldn't even make the high school golf team once I got there. I had a big dose of humble pie then, and ever since, I've always known that there is always someone out there better than you, more talented. Always. — David Chang

Having A Team Quotes By Abby Wambach

Having different people come together and be on a team and win a world championship is literally, I think, the definition of being American. — Abby Wambach

Having A Team Quotes By John Mahoney

I think the Democratic Party realizes, having lost two presidential elections, we need to do a better job of creating a farm team. — John Mahoney

Having A Team Quotes By Jerry Seinfeld

You know you really need some help. A regular psychiatrist couldn't even help you. You need to go to like Vienna or something. You know what I mean? You need to get involved at the University level. Like where Freud studied and have all those people looking at you and checking up on you. That's the kind of help you need. Not the once a week for eighty bucks. No. You need a team. A team of psychiatrists working round the clock thinking about you, having conferences, observing you, like the way they did with the Elephant Man. That's what I'm talking about because that's the only way you're going to get better. — Jerry Seinfeld

Having A Team Quotes By George Vecsey

Having been aware of the Red Sox since the 1946 World Series, having been growled at by Ted Williams as a young reporter in 1960, having been present at the horror of 1986 and the comeback of 2004, I have seen the highs and lows of some other people's favorite team. — George Vecsey

Having A Team Quotes By J.A. Perez

Having a team of people united by one purpose - to bring Christ to that city - is key for the emotional stability of all decision makers. — J.A. Perez

Having A Team Quotes By Jane Bedell

To become an executive chef, you have to start at the bottom, learn the ropes, know the kitchen, and know the basics. Be okay with having someone constantly telling you what to do. Be a team player. Oh, — Jane Bedell

Having A Team Quotes By Kathryn Minshew

I am a big advocate for having an open discussion about team norms and preferences. At The Muse, some of us like to start working at 7:30 A.M. Others focus best from 10 P.M. to 2 A.M. Create a culture where it's acceptable not to be working when someone else is working. — Kathryn Minshew

Having A Team Quotes By Johnny Damon

We're just being ourselves and having fun playing baseball. The biggest thing is when people look at our team, they can see that we're having a lot of fun. — Johnny Damon

Having A Team Quotes By Simon Sinek

We can't all be good at everything. This is partly the logic behind having a team in the first place, so each role can be filled with the person best suited for that role and together, every job and every strength is covered. — Simon Sinek

Having A Team Quotes By Neil Flynn

I've always liked shows that have a strong cast of secondary characters. One of the greatest examples ever I would say is 'The Simpsons.' If you think about it, you could name 100 characters recognizable from that show. I think 'Scrubs' has done a good job of having a strong team coming off the bench. — Neil Flynn

Having A Team Quotes By John Corey Whaley

Approaching my second novel was, admittedly, a bit of a struggle. But having an amazing team at Atheneum Books, especially my very patient, brilliant editor Namrata Tripathi, took a stressful situation and turned it into a really great learning experience for me. — John Corey Whaley

Having A Team Quotes By David Zaslav

I talk to Oprah several times a week, and I see the side of Oprah that's having the time of her life. What she's getting to do with OWN is build a team to create a brand from nothing. — David Zaslav

Having A Team Quotes By Brian O'Driscoll

I love going out every day and training and being part of the team, and having friendships built up over a number of years. It's those aspects of sport that I feel are really important. — Brian O'Driscoll

Having A Team Quotes By Kenny Smith

Damian Lillard is having a better year than Chris Paul. Lillard got snubbed when he was left off of the USA Men's Basketball team, and now the All-Star team. — Kenny Smith

Having A Team Quotes By David Gallagher

I wish I could go to the school where my close friends go, but I obviously can't. The good thing is, they're really good about inviting me to all the football games and all that stuff. So I end up having an adopted team spirit for a school I don't go to. — David Gallagher

Having A Team Quotes By Jeff Cannon

A functioning team is more than just a group of people with a common goal. It's a group of people who can work toward that common goal despite having different opinions about how to reach it. No, not everyone has the same say. No, not everyone's opinion will play a part in the end. The boss makes the final decision and will live or hang by that decision. — Jeff Cannon

Having A Team Quotes By Heather Brewer

The truth is I like having this connection with you. I like that you can call on me for help without either of us realizing it. I like that we have each other's backs - whether it's reading the minds of random girls of fighting off ruthless vampires. I like that we're a team. And I'd be an idiot to give that up. — Heather Brewer

Having A Team Quotes By Red Auerbach

And I have been very blessed, having coached some of the greatest that have ever played the game. But if I had to start a team today, the greatest player and the one guy I would take would be Larry Bird. — Red Auerbach

Having A Team Quotes By Toby Cosgrove

Putting together a care path for a complex disease or condition requires the involvement of doctors, nurses, administrators, and support personnel at all levels and in multiple specialties. Having all those entities on the same team, under the same leadership, and in the same general area greatly facilitates care path development. The — Toby Cosgrove

Having A Team Quotes By Prince William

It's like a rugby team. If you're picking for the World Cup final, you're picking experience with youth. Everything is better off having that balance and that mix. I think that, especially, goes for the monarchy as well. — Prince William

Having A Team Quotes By Collette West

Having a woman on the team is stirring things inside me that I never felt before while on the job. — Collette West

Having A Team Quotes By Steve Brown

Just tasking a team to be creative won't get you to be innovative. It's having a corporate climate that gives people the space to experiment and take risks. Only then can you truly sustain it. — Steve Brown

Having A Team Quotes By Lisa Henry

So what are you guys doing?" Deacon sat beside them. He pulled his physics book from under Mark's bed.
"Having guy talk," Mark said.
Brandon snorted.
"No, really. I read an article in Time about how guys share their feelings and whatever now. As long as we mention the name of a sports team once in this conversation, we're totally manly. Also, erogenous zones are science. — Lisa Henry

Having A Team Quotes By Karch Kiraly

The indoor game is much more of a team game, having to work effectively with a group of 15 to 20 people, striving to improve every day, every drill, even every contact. The beach game is much more of an individual game within a team sport, much less about organized practices with coaches and much more about just playing the game. — Karch Kiraly

Having A Team Quotes By Punchy O'Guts

Also, you may want to consider having each potential fresh meat fill out a questionnaire to consider their commitment prior to accepting them into your training program. Sample questions may include: 1. Have you ever participated in a team sport? 2. Why do you want to train in roller derby? 3. Do you have aspirations to join a team? 4. Can you attend x% of the following practice schedule (list dates/locations/times)? 5. Will you be committed to personal and athletic growth within your training? 6. Will you be committed to pushing yourself when training gets tough? 7. Can you be comfortable with failing your way to success? — Punchy O'Guts

Having A Team Quotes By Phoebe Philo

I have a fantastic team, and it's much easier having children, because that creates a natural limit. — Phoebe Philo

Having A Team Quotes By Anne Enright

Having kids is very difficult to do on your own, and it's really crazy difficult to think you're doing it as a team and to find out that you're not actually part of a team. — Anne Enright

Having A Team Quotes By Pele

Great teams are not made up of many well-rounded players. Great teams are made up of a variety of players, each having their own strengths. — Pele

Having A Team Quotes By Jennifer L. Armentrout

He can be..." Heat started to flow across my cheeks. "He can be very...protective."
Jayden's eyes widened as his mouth opened slightly. The flush in my cheeks deepened as I pressed my lips together.
"Huh. That's the first time I've heard you talk." He pushed off the locker, falling in step beside me. Shorter than his brother and Rider, he was still a couple of inches taller than me, so my neck appreciated not having to look up to see him. "Cool. I'm quiet, too."
I arched a brow.
He laughed. "Okay. I'm not quiet. I'm sure if you Wikipedia'd my ass, I would show up as the opposite of quiet. But that's okay. You and I would get along like lime and tequila. You can make up for my nonstop talkin' and I can make up for your lack of talkin'." He nudged my arm with his. "We're a perfect team! — Jennifer L. Armentrout

Having A Team Quotes By John Green

I'm sorry," she says.
I wheel around. "You know, you're a total know-it-all. And it's incredibly rude sometimes; I mean, you're not perfect either, and you act like it's my fault but it's not my fault for being quiet or your fault for being a know-it-all. It's not your problem or my problem; it's their problem. They're the demented ones, not us, so don't take it out on me, because the only thing that holds things together for me is having someone else on the Not Demented Team. — John Green

Having A Team Quotes By Stephanie Sigman

I'm pretty spoilt when it comes to having a glam team. — Stephanie Sigman

Having A Team Quotes By Stephen Covey

How does humility manifest itself in leadership and in life? A humble person is more concerned about what is right than about being right, about acting on good ideas than having the ideas, about embracing new truth than defending outdated position, about building the team than exalting self, about recognizing contribution than being recognized for making it. — Stephen Covey

Having A Team Quotes By Felipe Alou

No big league team is having a gathering like this 2 days before the season — Felipe Alou

Having A Team Quotes By Adamo Macri

I do preach the idea of individualism as in not adapting any kind of style or model other than that one of your own. I always found it strange in art history when studying about the different guilds and movements. It sounded too contrived and having to follow devised parameters to create art. I personally am not a team player in that manner. The art should be labeled by the artist's name only. — Adamo Macri

Having A Team Quotes By Jim Bouton

The only member of the team nobody liked was our 6 o'clock sports guy, a fellow named Howard Cosell. "Monday Night Football" was just getting started and Howard was annoyed at having to be on the same news with mere local personalities, whom he would attack on the air. This was a mistake in the case of Roger Grimsby who was a lot sharper and even more devastating than Cosell, in his own way. I remember one night, at the end of his report, Howard went into a sarcastic putdown of Grimsby that lasted for what seemed like two minutes. Finally, when Howard was finished, the camera switched to Grimsby who was sitting there with his eyes closed, snoring. — Jim Bouton

Having A Team Quotes By Gore Vidal

A nation not of men but of laws, intoned John Adams as he, among other lawyers, launched what has easily become the most demented society ever consciously devised by intelligent men. We are now enslaves by laws. We are governed by lawyers. We create little but litigate much. Our monuments are the ever-expanding prisons, where millions languish for having committed victimless crimes or for simply not playing the game of plausible deniability (aka lying) with a sufficiently good legal team. What began as a sort of Restoration comedy, The Impeachment of a President, on a frivolous, irrelevant matter, is suddenly turning very black indeed, and all our political arrangements are at risk as superstitious Christian fundamentalists and their corporate manipulators seem intent on overthrowing two presidential elections in a Senate trial. This is no longer comedy. This is usurpation. — Gore Vidal

Having A Team Quotes By J. N. HALM

Great companies know that customer relationships in these times call for more than just having a great product (or service) backed by a great sales team. Customers have to be wooed until they fall so deeply in love with your offering that they will ward off advances from potential suitors. No matter how well you perform as a business, there are little things that can cause the relationship with your customers to suffer. The companies, products and/or services that we love are those that "touch" us in the right places at the right times. After all, that is what "romancing" the customer is all about - feeing your way to the customer's heart. — J. N. HALM

Having A Team Quotes By Maya Banks

I could seriously get used to having a houseboy," she said wistfully.
He raised an eyebrow. "Boy?"
"Er, um, house hottie then? House stud?"
He winced. "Sorry I said anything at all. If it ever gets out that you called me your house hottie, I'll never be able to show my face to my team again. — Maya Banks