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Hair Off Facial Hair Quotes & Sayings

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Top Hair Off Facial Hair Quotes

Hair Off Facial Hair Quotes By Michael Finkel

His facial hair served not just as a calendar but also as a mask, absorbing the stares of others while allowing him a little privacy in plain sight. "I can hide behind it, I can play to stereotypes and assumptions. One of the benefits of being labeled a hermit is that it permits me strange behavior. — Michael Finkel

Hair Off Facial Hair Quotes By Kimberly Derting

Jay sat down across from Chelsea and took both of her hands in his. The oversized lunchroom was buzzing with activity, and he practically had to yell to be heard.
"Chelsea, for the love of everything good and holy, please ... please stop ruining my friend."
Violet bit her lip to stop from laughing at the two of them. She knew what he was talking about before he even explained. It was the new facial hair.
Chelsea jerked her hands out of his. "Oh, relax, drama queen. He's not broken. Besides, I'm gonna fix him this weekend."
Jay seemed relieved. — Kimberly Derting

Hair Off Facial Hair Quotes By Rich Cohen

The Toothbrush mustache is the most powerful configuration of facial hair the world has ever known. It overpowers whoever touches it. By merely doodling a Toothbrush mustache on a poster, you make a political statement. — Rich Cohen

Hair Off Facial Hair Quotes By Revilo P. Oliver

It is a truism, of course, that in "democratic" states the populace must be encouraged to imagine that it makes important decisions by voting, and must therefore be controlled by suitable propaganda, which implants ideas to which the voters respond as automatically as trained animals respond to words of command in a circus, thus leaving to the masses only a factitious choice between Tweedledum and Tweedledee on the basis of their preference for a certain kind of oratory, a hair-style, or a particular facial expression. — Revilo P. Oliver

Hair Off Facial Hair Quotes By Justin Timberlake

The only thing that I travel with is an Ole Henriksen facial cleanser, something that my skin is used to avoid using different soaps at different hotels all the time, and Givenchy Man Pro-Energizing Massive Moisturizer. I usually keep my hair pretty short, too, so I don't require a lot of stuff. — Justin Timberlake

Hair Off Facial Hair Quotes By Jose Bautista

I believe you've got to utilize what god gave you, so if you have facial hair, there are ways to look good while sporting it. — Jose Bautista

Hair Off Facial Hair Quotes By James Magnussen

I've had a beard a fair few times and, like most guys, when I shave the beard off I experiment with a few different facial hair styles on the way down to clean shaven. But I've never actually had a moustache for any longer than about 10-15 minutes - during the process of shaving off the beard. — James Magnussen

Hair Off Facial Hair Quotes By Daniel Bryan

Yeah. Some people just don't understand when their facial hair starts to look ridiculous. — Daniel Bryan

Hair Off Facial Hair Quotes By Tony Sakalauskas

Why women don't have facial hair. God doesn't cover up anything that looks beautiful. — Tony Sakalauskas

Hair Off Facial Hair Quotes By A. J. Bowen

I did four movies where I gained, like, fifty pounds. I had curly hair, and I had all of this facial hair. I had put on all this weight for these movies, and I did four or five of them back-to-back. Then I cut the weight and I got fit again. I cut my beard and I took away the mustache, and people were like, 'What are you doing?' — A. J. Bowen

Hair Off Facial Hair Quotes By Andrew Luck

It's usually my mom who gets on me about my facial hair. I can't grow a good mustache, so I guess it's just a neck beard. I just have trouble growing up there. — Andrew Luck

Hair Off Facial Hair Quotes By Karina Halle

Who can resist this handsome mug?" He stroked his broad jaw and I tried my hardest not to nod along. "Complete with rapist facial hair," I added. — Karina Halle

Hair Off Facial Hair Quotes By Reid Scott

The secret to my 5 o'clock shadow is a little device called the George Michael 3000 Custom Beard Trimmer and Personal Massager. Just kidding. I actually shave every morning, and thanks to my vast knowledge of Eastern philosophy and mysticism, I will my facial hair to grow to the exact same length each day. Dave Grohl taught me that one. — Reid Scott

Hair Off Facial Hair Quotes By Jase Robertson

I'm into the true meaning of Christmas - Faith, Family, and Facial hair. — Jase Robertson

Hair Off Facial Hair Quotes By Peter F. Hamilton

He had used drugs and nanonic supplements to compensate at first, then supplements became replacements, with bones exchanged for carbon-fibre struts. Electrical consumption supplanted food intake. The final transition was his skin, replacing the eczema-ridden epidermis with a smooth ochre silicon membrane. Warlow didn't need a spacesuit to work in the vacuum, he could survive for over three weeks without a power and oxygen recharge. His facial features had become purely cosmetic, a crude mannequin-like caricature of human physiognomy, although there was an inlet valve at the back of his throat for fluid intake. There was no hair, and he certainly didn't bother with clothes. Sex was something he lost in his fifties. — Peter F. Hamilton

Hair Off Facial Hair Quotes By Cameo Renae

Who cared anyway? I was going to Alaska, for heaven's sake. I'd never heard of any hotties from Alaska. All I pictured were big, scruffy men in red flannels with plenty of facial hair. — Cameo Renae

Hair Off Facial Hair Quotes By Meg Cabot

Sorry, Bex," Jason said "You don't have the recognizable facial characteristics - such as a huge chin, or a large amount of real estate between the eyes - that would merit the bestowing of a criminal mastermind nickname such as Lockjaw or Walleye. Whereas Crazytop here ... well, just look at her."
"Atleast I can blow-dry my hair straight," I pointed out. "Which is more than what I can say for your nose, Hawkface. — Meg Cabot

Hair Off Facial Hair Quotes By Paul Gallagher

I'm in the facial-hair phase of my career. — Paul Gallagher

Hair Off Facial Hair Quotes By Chloe Sevigny

I want a guy who is masculine, good with his hands and able to build stuff and who has survival skills. Facial hair is a big turn-on. Most of the kids I hang out with in New York are hipster arty types, but I like a stronger, more physically imposing man - like a lumberjack. — Chloe Sevigny

Hair Off Facial Hair Quotes By Dannika Dark

Wheeler was the kind of guy I'd be wary to have in my section. His arms were covered with tattoos, and he wore a sleeveless shirt to show them off.
No smile touched his face behind the facial hair that surrounded his mouth but didn't extend up to his ears in a full beard. His scruffy brown hair was styled shorter on the sides and fell all over the place on top. He had a morose expression as he leaned on the table and sipped his whiskey, sliding his bright eyes up to mine without saying a word.
Dark, Dannika (2014-07-27). Five Weeks (Seven Series #3) (p. 63). Kindle Edition. — Dannika Dark

Hair Off Facial Hair Quotes By Lindy West

Don't tell thin women to eat a cheeseburger. Don't tell fat women to put down the fork. Don't tell underweight men to bulk up. Don't tell women with facial hair to wax, don't tell uncircumcised men they're gross, don't tell muscular women to go easy on the dead-lift, don't tell dark-skinned women to bleach their vagina, don't tell black women to relax their hair, don't tell flat-chested women to get breast implants, don't tell "apple-shaped" women what's "flattering," don't tell mothers to hide their stretch marks, and don't tell people whose toes you don't approve of not to wear flip-flops. And so on, etc, etc, in every iteration until the mountains crumble to the sea. Basically, just go ahead and CEASE telling other human beings what they "should" and "shouldn't" do with their bodies unless a) you are their doctor, or b) SOMEBODY GODDAMN ASKED YOU. — Lindy West

Hair Off Facial Hair Quotes By Debra Anastasia

This is what nibbling your ear sounds like." Blake created a soundtrack for his teeth.
"This is what looking into your eyes sounds like." The notes were deep and beckoning.
"This is what my mind hears when my tongue is in your mouth." The kiss sounded steamy and delicate. The rhythm was her heartbeat as he sampled her mouth.
"But when you smile. When you smile it's ... "
Blake scooted the keyboard around behind her. He needed both hands.
She put her hands on his face and smiled in amazement as the music exploded. She couldn't imagine how her simple facial gesture could inspire such a majestic sound.
He smiled back. "One thousand nine hundred and ten."
"So many? Really?"
"Yes, really. And it's not nearly enough. I want to lose count, Livia. Make me lose count." His hands left the beautiful music and grabbed handfuls of her hair. — Debra Anastasia

Hair Off Facial Hair Quotes By Michael Pollan

As we drove up, Mr. Flowers himself was sitting beneath a tree out front, having a smoke. He was a wiry old white guy with the most unusual facial hair I had ever laid eyes on. If in fact it was facial hair, because it wasn't quite that simple. Mr. Flowers's prodigious muttonchops, once white but now stained yellow by tobacco smoke, had somehow managed to merge with the equally prodigious yellowish-white hair sprouting from his chest. I didn't want to stare, but they appeared to form a single integrated unit, and if so represented a bold advance in human adornment. — Michael Pollan

Hair Off Facial Hair Quotes By Bob Uecker

I just grew the hair on my back. Facial hair just wasn't appealing to me. I liked it on my back, though. — Bob Uecker

Hair Off Facial Hair Quotes By Rich Cohen

Most mustaches lie waiting for some Clark Gable or Tom Selleck to fix them in the mind. The greatest are identified with a single man, a bad man, usually, who so wrapped his identity with a particular configuration of facial hair that the two became inseparable. — Rich Cohen

Hair Off Facial Hair Quotes By Derek Jeter

The Yankees have strict rules. You can have a mustache but no other facial hair. — Derek Jeter

Hair Off Facial Hair Quotes By Heather Chapple

Thank you so much for the rude know-it-all attitude while also having to look at your ridiculously colored hair and obnoxious facial and chest piercings. I am very fortunate to have just been schooled by someone who looks like they graduated from Care Bear Carnage University. — Heather Chapple

Hair Off Facial Hair Quotes By Jen Sincero

It never ceases to amaze me the precious time we spend chasing the squirrels around our brains, playing out our dramas, worrying about unwanted facial hair, seeking adoration, justifying our actions, complaining about slow Internet connections, dissecting the lives of idiots, when we are sitting in the middle of a full-blown miracle that is happening right here, right now. — Jen Sincero

Hair Off Facial Hair Quotes By Peyton Manning

I guess, to tell you the truth, I've never had much of a desire to grow facial hair. I think I've managed to play quarterback just fine without a mustache. — Peyton Manning

Hair Off Facial Hair Quotes By Bryan Cranston

What's interesting is a man with no facial hair is less intimidating than a man with facial hair, and a man who is bald is more intimidating than a man with hair. — Bryan Cranston

Hair Off Facial Hair Quotes By Vivek Murthy

Being Indian-American, I have tremendous potential to grow facial hair. — Vivek Murthy

Hair Off Facial Hair Quotes By Jase Robertson

Men were created to have facial hair like women were created to be smooth-faced. Well, not all women. I've seen pockets where that's not the case, and that's not good. — Jase Robertson

Hair Off Facial Hair Quotes By Anonymous

her on the dorm board. We had only twenty girls in a batch of two hundred. Goodlooking ones were rare; girls don't get selected to IIM for their looks. They get in because they can solve mathematical problems faster than 99.99% of India's population and crack the CAT. Most IIM girls are above shallow things like makeup, fitting clothes, contact lenses, removal of facial hair, body odour and feminine charm. Girls like Ananya, if and when they arrive by freak chance, become instant pin-ups in out testosterone-charged, estrogen-starved campus. — Anonymous

Hair Off Facial Hair Quotes By Pete Wentz

I love these dudes, but I don't know what they're doing with all that facial hair these days. There's a lot of peach fuzz going on. They called me up to go to a Kanye West concert, and I was like 'hold on I'll call Kanye.' So I called him and they got into the show, and I called Kanye later and said, 'Yo did you see my dudes from Panic! at the show?' and he was like 'Nah they mst not have been dressed like they were from the 1700's'. But I back them. They have their own unique style, which is cool. — Pete Wentz