Famous Quotes & Sayings

Gurukant Quotes & Sayings

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Top Gurukant Quotes

Gurukant Quotes By John Lydon

It's no good being nice and young and naive. There's no good in that at all. You've got to do it all yourself, and you've gotta learn quick. And you can't look for sympathy either. — John Lydon

Gurukant Quotes By Bette Midler

People are not the best because they work hard. They work hard because they are the best. — Bette Midler

Gurukant Quotes By Robert J. Crane

The hot air wrapped me up like a blanket, curling around my body and making me want to hang my tongue out like a dog. And then spray it with water. From a fire hose. On full blast. I don't know, I think the heat was messing with my mind. It — Robert J. Crane

Gurukant Quotes By Sheldon Vanauken

It is not possible to be 'incidentally a Christian.' The fact of Christianity must be overwhelmingly first or nothing. This suggests a reason for the dislike of Christians by nominal or non-Christians: their lives contain no overwhelming first but many balances. — Sheldon Vanauken

Gurukant Quotes By Joshilyn Jackson

He knows me so well. I don't have to say it. Not any of it. Not yet. There will be time for it later. For now, it is enough. It is enough and it is easy. Easy to walk the last few steps between us. Easy and so beautiful to step into his arms.
He kisses me. He kisses me.
I kiss him back. — Joshilyn Jackson

Gurukant Quotes By Honore De Balzac

One hour of love has a whole life in it. — Honore De Balzac

Gurukant Quotes By Daniel Radcliffe

I just want to keep working, really. I just want to keep acting. Playing one part for a very long time builds up in you a desire to play as many different things as you can. — Daniel Radcliffe

Gurukant Quotes By Sabaa Tahir

Nan always said that as long as there is life, there is hope. — Sabaa Tahir

Gurukant Quotes By Jack Kerouac

Anybody can write, but not everybody invents new forms of writing. Gertrude Stein invented a new form of writing and her imitators are just 'talents.' Hemingway later invented his own form also. The criterion for judging talent or genius is ephemeral, speaking rationally in this world of graphs, but one gets the feeling definitely when a writer of genius amazes him by strokes of force never seen before and yet hauntingly familiar. — Jack Kerouac

Gurukant Quotes By Sergei Rachmaninoff

Opinion in all parts of the world would agree that Rachmaninoff is the most complete of living masters of the instrument; his technique is comprehensive, and he is, of course, musical to his bone's marrow. Most important of all, he is a composer, and for this reason he is able to approach a work as none of his pianist contemporaries can approach one - that is, from the inside, as an organic and felt creative process. — Sergei Rachmaninoff

Gurukant Quotes By Stephen Fry

I think the fact that I'm so well known to be gay makes it very difficult to have a convincing relationship with a woman on screen. It wouldn't be at all difficult for me to kiss a woman - I'll kiss a frog if you like. — Stephen Fry

Gurukant Quotes By Bertrand Russell

Experience has taught me a technique for dealing with such people [ ... ] I counter the devotees of the Great Pyramid by adoration of the Sphinx; and the devotee of nuts by pointing out that hazelnuts and walnuts are as deleterious as other foods and only Brazil nuts should be tolerated. But when I was younger I had not yet acquired this technique, with the result that my contacts with cranks were sometimes alarming. — Bertrand Russell