Famous Quotes & Sayings

Gun Christmas Quotes & Sayings

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Top Gun Christmas Quotes

Gun Christmas Quotes By Janet Evanovich

Kate prefers a loaded gun next to her bed."
"Is that all?" Jake asked Kate. "Where's your hand grenade?"
"I don't have a hand grenade."
"What happened to the one I gave you for Christmas?"
"I forgot about that," she said. "I guess it's around the apartment somewhere."
"You lost a hand grenade in your apartment?" Nick said. "Next time I visit I'll be more careful. — Janet Evanovich

Gun Christmas Quotes By Dietrich Bonhoeffer

We have to learn that personal suffering is a more effective key, a more rewarding principle for exploring the world in thought and action than personal good fortune. — Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Gun Christmas Quotes By Julia Quinn

At present, however, with his aching head and queasy stomach, Sebastian was feeling exceedingly resistible. Or if not that, then resistant. Aphrodite herself could descend from the ceiling, floating on a bloody clamshell, naked but for a few well-placed flowers, and he'd likely puke at her feet.

No, no, she ought to be completely naked. If he was going to prove the existence of a goddess, right here in this room, she was damned well going to be naked.

He'd still puke on her feet, though. — Julia Quinn

Gun Christmas Quotes By Leah Rae Miller

It was like the kid was getting a BB gun for Christmas when you walked in there. — Leah Rae Miller

Gun Christmas Quotes By Mahatma Gandhi

A man cannot serve God and Mammon, nor be "temperate and furious" at the same time. — Mahatma Gandhi

Gun Christmas Quotes By Jenny Lawson

Don't compare your behind-the-scenes look to everyone else's highlight reel. — Jenny Lawson

Gun Christmas Quotes By Unknown

One day, you'll love me. You'll look back on everything I was to you ... everything I did for the sake of us. You'll wonder what it was that you gave me up for and feel completely alone with your pride. You had a good thing ... you let it go for the honor, the joy of being right. But did RIGHT hold you when you were down, love you when you felt unlovable, kiss you when you hurting, cheer for you when you felt completely alone ... I hope you love Right ... because it cost you a lot — Unknown

Gun Christmas Quotes By Florence King

To me, elitism means a love of excellence and superiority, but America has declared war on both and developed a sick love of the lowest common denominator to make sure no-one becomes too fine for our touted democracy. We are almost at the point of regarding every virtue as elitist. — Florence King

Gun Christmas Quotes By Judy Collins

I sang in the coffee houses ... in the early 60's with no idea of success in terms of records or television. I just thought I was a storyteller. I had this deep, bassy voice. But I had incredible passion for the music I was singing. — Judy Collins

Gun Christmas Quotes By Marianne Williamson

Dear God, Thank you for this new day, its beauty and its light. Thank You for my chance to begin again. Free me from the limitations of yesterday. Today may I be reborn. May I become more fully a reflection of Your radiance. Give me strength and compassion and courage and wisdom. Show me the light in myself and others. May I recognize the good that is available everywhere. — Marianne Williamson

Gun Christmas Quotes By Derek Landy

I need a weapon," Valkyrie muttered.
"You're an Elemental with a Necromancer ring, trained in
a variety of martial arts by some of the best fighters in the world," Skulduggery pointed out. "I'm fairly certain that makes you a weapon."
"I mean a weapon you hold. You have a gun, Tanith has a sword ... I want a stick."
"I'll buy you a stick for Christmas. — Derek Landy

Gun Christmas Quotes By Kathleen Brooks

She may not be able to teach the baby how to cook, but she could teach the child how to shoot a gun and how to disarm a man when being attacked with a knife. You never knew when those things could come in handy. — Kathleen Brooks

Gun Christmas Quotes By Jeanette Winterson

He would love her if she were a wolf that tore out his heart. And he wondered what that said about love. — Jeanette Winterson

Gun Christmas Quotes By Tina Fey

The first rule of improvisation is AGREE. Always agree and SAY YES. When you're improvising, this means you are required to agree with whatever your partner has created. So if we're improvising and I say, 'Freeze, I have a gun,' and you say, 'That's not a gun. It's your finger. You're pointing your finger at me,' our improvised scene has ground to a halt. But if I say, 'Freeze, I have a gun!' and you say, 'The gun I gave you for Christmas! You bastard!' then we have started a scene because we have AGREED that my finger is in fact a Christmas gun. — Tina Fey

Gun Christmas Quotes By Amy Harmon

She wondered how it would feel to be beautiful and have it taken away. How much harder would it be than never knowing what it felt like in the first place? — Amy Harmon

Gun Christmas Quotes By Francis I

There is nothing left to me but honor, and my life, which is saved. — Francis I

Gun Christmas Quotes By Eric Foner

Look, Mrs. McGillicuddy, it's not my fault your son jumped out a dorm room window on Christmas eve. I've written over fifty books as a Columbia professor, all right? You don't do that by holding hands with every at-risk undergraduate who says he's homesick, or he's turning gay, or the dog ate his term paper. I write about Lincoln, and freedom, and great ideas. I don't always have time for students. It's like Dean Martin used to say: if you want to talk, go to a priest.
what's the gun for? — Eric Foner

Gun Christmas Quotes By George R R Martin

Would that some could find the courage to help themselves. Craster sprawls in his loft even now, stinking of wine and lost to sense. On his board below lies a sharp new axe. Were it me, I'd name it Answered Prayer' and make an end. — George R R Martin

Gun Christmas Quotes By Otto Dix

People were already beginning to forget, what horrible suffering the war had brought them. I did not want to cause fear and panic, but to let people know how dreadful war is and so to stimulate people's powers of resistance. — Otto Dix

Gun Christmas Quotes By Rodney Dangerfield

For Christmas one year I bought my son a BB gun. He bought me a t-shirt with a bulls eye on the back. — Rodney Dangerfield

Gun Christmas Quotes By Swami Vivekananda

Anything that is secret and mysterious in this system of Yoga should be at once rejected. The best guide in life is strength. In spirituality, as in all other matters, discard everything that weakens you. Have nothing to do with it. Mystery-mongering weakens the human brain. It has well-nigh destroyed Yoga, one of the grandest of sciences — Swami Vivekananda

Gun Christmas Quotes By Piers Anthony

What I like least is dealing with publishers who simply don't want collaborations regardless of their merit. — Piers Anthony

Gun Christmas Quotes By Marc MacYoung

You can't pull a gun just because a crazy person wants to talk to you. If I did that I'd never get through a family Christmas. — Marc MacYoung

Gun Christmas Quotes By Debbie Mason

If Madison had a gun, she'd shoot out the sound system pumping "Jingle Bells" through her office speakers. Instead, she bit off Rudolph's chocolate head and pointed a finger at the brightly colored, foil-wrapped Santa on her desk. "You're next, big guy. — Debbie Mason