Famous Quotes & Sayings

Guffy Quotes & Sayings

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Top Guffy Quotes

Guffy Quotes By Andrew Sean Greer

To give up a marriage - someone unmarried might imagine it's like giving up a seat in a theater, or sacrificing a trick in bridge for the possibility of better, later. But it is harsher than anyone could realize: a hot invisible fire, burning pieces of hope and fantasy, and charred bits of the past. It had to go, however, if something were to be built in its place. So I stood there and gave Buzz advice, and all I could think of were the automatons we had seen at Playland, moving beautifully in the wind, and the children who were taken behind the scenes on a tour and shown, to their surprise, the vast tangle of wires and switches that would be so hard to undo, and even worse, once undone, to bring to life again. — Andrew Sean Greer

Guffy Quotes By Hina Hashmi

Forgiveness is required to dissolve all the negative energy cords because it releases shame, guilt, anger, hatred, etc. — Hina Hashmi

Guffy Quotes By Paul Klobusicky

Destiny lies before, should we choose to pursue it — Paul Klobusicky

Guffy Quotes By Sarah Ayoub

That's the thing about choices. They're an act of knowledge, of faith, of love. It's how we make them that sets us apart, because every single day, worlds are colliding, and our choices shape so much more than just our own story. And if we want to change this world for the better, then we must be the best possible version of ourselves, because who we are in each moment is a gift to the universe. This is what the present is: when the sum of one person's past meets a world's collective future. — Sarah Ayoub

Guffy Quotes By Pat Conroy

A family is one of nature's solubles; it dissolves in time like salt in rainwater. — Pat Conroy

Guffy Quotes By Karl Barth

Man can certainly flee from God ... but he cannot escape him. He can certainly hate God and be hateful to God, but he cannot change into its opposite the eternal love of God which triumphs even in his hate. — Karl Barth

Guffy Quotes By Ethel Lilian Voynich

Remember what your own Shelley says: 'The past is Death's, the future is thine own.' Take it, while it is still yours, and fix your mind, not on what you may have done long ago to hurt, but on what you can do now to help. — Ethel Lilian Voynich

Guffy Quotes By Bertrand Russell

Herd pressure is to be judged by two things: first, its intensity, and second, its direction. — Bertrand Russell

Guffy Quotes By Leo Tolstoy

Everything was in confusion in the Oblonskys' house. — Leo Tolstoy