Famous Quotes & Sayings

Gta 3 Pedestrian Quotes & Sayings

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Top Gta 3 Pedestrian Quotes

Gta 3 Pedestrian Quotes By Catherynne M Valente

But a person's smell and their alarms and borrowed shirts and secret words linger for a long time.
Much longer than a house. — Catherynne M Valente

Gta 3 Pedestrian Quotes By Leonard Nimoy

Whatever I have given, I have gained. — Leonard Nimoy

Gta 3 Pedestrian Quotes By Caitlin Kittredge

A touch of truth makes a lie worth believing. — Caitlin Kittredge

Gta 3 Pedestrian Quotes By Anais Nin

When does real love begin?
At first it was a fire, eclipses, short circuits, lightning and fireworks; the incense, hammocks, drugs, wines, perfumes; then spasm and honey, fever, fatigue, warmth, currents of liquid fire, feast and orgies; then dreams, visions, candlelight, flowers, pictures; then images out of the past, fairy tales, stories, then pages out of a book, a poem; then laughter, then chastity.
At what moment does the knife wound sink so deep that the flesh begins to weep with love?
At first power, power, then the wound, and love, and love and fears, and the loss of the self, and the gift, and slavery. At first I ruled, loved less; then more, then slavery. Slavery to his image, his odor, the craving, the hunger, the thirst, the obsession. — Anais Nin

Gta 3 Pedestrian Quotes By Fiona Hodgkin

Were you serious when you said I might win someday at Wimbledon?"
Claire answered, "There's so much that's pure luck, good or bad. The weather can be terrible. We always say we should re-schedule Wimbledon and hold it in the summer!"
I frowned. "Wimbledon is in the summer."
Claire sighed. "It's a joke, Fiona."
"Oh. — Fiona Hodgkin

Gta 3 Pedestrian Quotes By Fats Domino

I use to love you honey, 'til you spent all my money. — Fats Domino

Gta 3 Pedestrian Quotes By Jane Goodall

We could change the world tomorrow if all the millions of people around the world acted the way they believe. — Jane Goodall