Groeschel Quotes & Sayings
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Top Groeschel Quotes
fear actually relies on's simply faith in the wrong things. Fear is placing you faith in "what ifs" rather in than in "God is — Craig Groeschel
One works hard to prop up an illusion that sucks the life out of them, and the other works hard to make their home a place that restores them, nurtures them, and gives life to others. — Craig Groeschel
The simplest definition of prayer is communicating with God. That's it. Did you miss it? Let me say it again. Prayer is simply communicating with God. That one uncomplicated thought began to revolutionize my whole prayer life. What is communication? It's transferring a thought, feeling, emotion, or idea to another person. So prayer is giving God my thoughts, feelings, emotions, and ideas, by whatever means works. It doesn't have to be formal. It doesn't have to be long and dry. It's simply communicating. — Craig Groeschel
And I have found that when we Catholics, in the spirit of love and charity, declare our faith boldly and with conviction, we are more likely to find kindred spirits. This is how we must comport ourselves if we are to fulfill our Lord's command in the Gospel of John (17:21), Ut unum sint, that all may be one. — Benedict Groeschel
We aren't designed by God to seek the image of others; we are designed to seek him. When we spend time on social media focusing on how well others present their lives, we are, to use one of my father's baseball analogies, taking our eye off the ball. — Craig Groeschel
But if we've honestly done everything we can, by definition we can't do anything more. — Craig Groeschel
And as you come to know Him, you're becoming like Him. The more you are like Him, the more different you will be. — Craig Groeschel
Sunday is God's day, and he was committed to honoring it. Just because he was in Paris to compete in the Olympics didn't justify changing his lifelong commitment. — Craig Groeschel
I'd argue that people today aren't rejecting Christ so much as they're rejecting the church. — Craig Groeschel
When we place our discontented egos on the altar of gratitude, we develop contented altar egos filled with thanksgiving. — Craig Groeschel
In fact, if our kids are successful in every normal way, they can still miss God's main mark. — Craig Groeschel
We might impress people with our strengths, but we connect with people through our weaknesses. — Craig Groeschel
Most of us are living at a pace that is not only unsustainable; it's also unbiblical. — Craig Groeschel
All couples fight, but healthy couples fight fair. Unhealthy couples fight dirty, with below-the-belt jabs, sucker punches, angry accusations, and bitter grudges. Healthy couples fight for resolution. Unhealthy couples fight for personal victory. Dr. — Craig Groeschel
Becoming obsessed with what people think is the quickest way to forget about what God thinks. — Craig Groeschel
Instead of seeking to serve one another, we wrongly believe that there's one person out there who exists solely to make us happy. — Craig Groeschel
Sticks and stones can bruise your body for a few days, but words can scar your soul for life. — Craig Groeschel
I was a full-time pastor and a part-time follower of Christ. — Craig Groeschel
The Bible consistently and directly indicates that when we give generously, we're serving, honoring, and glorifying God. After all, generosity is fundamental to God's nature. — Craig Groeschel
Weirdly enough, the more we give away, the richer we become. — Craig Groeschel
Our thoughts are either focused on what's eternal, life-changing, and true, or lost in the details of our temporary, selfish, false beliefs. — Craig Groeschel
The clearer your vision becomes, the easier it is to guard what God calls you to do. — Craig Groeschel
We would do well to remember that envy is clearly the flint that ignites evil in our hearts. It apparently signals "I'm available" to demons searching for a cheap date. Envy is as volatile as nitroglycerin, and we cannot carry it inside us without evil exploding. — Craig Groeschel
If you show me who you are being influenced by I will show you what you are becoming. — Craig Groeschel
Earth is not heaven. It was never meant to be. No new car, new house, new living room furniture, new kitchen appliances, new clothes, new hair, new baby, new vacation, new job, new income, new husband, or new anything will ever satisfy us, because we were not made for the things of this world. — Craig Groeschel
We need to step into certain uncertainty. Without faith it is impossible to please God. — Craig Groeschel
The answer isn't more time but a greater awareness of the time we have. — Craig Groeschel
Wisdom is all about the simple, often tiny, obvious things, done consistently, one at a time. — Craig Groeschel
And there is nothing you can do to make God love you less. Love is not something God does. It is who God is. And because of who he is, God loves you. Period. — Craig Groeschel
David cuts through all the many needs, wants, and desires that may have been bouncing around inside him and essentially says, "If I could have only one thing, I want to be with God, to be in His presence, to know that he is always with me." Whether in good times or bad times, David knew the thing he needed most: to feel God's presence close by, intimately, through worship. — Craig Groeschel
Weird makes you truly sexy in a way the world can never know. — Craig Groeschel
He's for you and wants to help you be the person He created you to be. — Craig Groeschel
All people end up somewhere in life, but few end up there on purpose. — Craig Groeschel
When we live by faith, we believe that God has everything under control. But if we start to worry, how we live says the opposite. — Craig Groeschel
We compare our behind-the-scenes with other people's highlight reels. — Craig Groeschel
We become weirder parents when we fall more and more in love with Christ. — Craig Groeschel
We don't have eternal life because we're good, we have it because God is good. — Craig Groeschel
God can and will break the labels that have held you hostage. — Craig Groeschel
You want to make a big bold difference in this world? Then pray big, bold prayers. — Craig Groeschel
But don't ever forget: adultery is also biblical grounds for forgiveness, healing, and restoration. — Craig Groeschel
Rather than worrying about work, schedules, and deadlines, I felt at peace with God. He was in control. The world at large would not crumble because I turned off my iPhone. This is how it's supposed to be. For the first time in who knows how long, I felt like myself. Fully alive. Fully present. And fully aware of God's goodness. — Craig Groeschel
The second admission my young adult friends made is that they know their obsession is distracting them from God. Again, let me ask you to be honest. Do you think more about what God says in his Word or what people say on your feed? How much time do you think about God versus what to say online? Work hard to tell the truth. No matter how tempting it is to ignore him, if God is trying to get your attention, don't shake him off. — Craig Groeschel
And because God has entrusted you with such riches, you can use these resources to make a profound difference in countless lives. — Craig Groeschel
Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything" (James 1:4, — Craig Groeschel
If you catch yourself wondering why you want more of the world and you're not satisfied with God, it's because you have a spiritual problem. — Craig Groeschel
No matter what I feel, I hold the assurance that God never leaves me. — Craig Groeschel
Bad decisions can pile up to make a wall between you and what God wants you to do. — Craig Groeschel
Each time you think something good, speak it. Never rob someone of the blessings of an unspoken treasure. — Craig Groeschel
If you want to reach people nobody is reaching, you've got to do things nobody is doing — Craig Groeschel
If we take a risk, we might not succeed, but if we avoid all risk, we guarantee we won't succeed, and we miss so much of what God wants us to learn. — Craig Groeschel
Someone said that if you're lonely at the top, it's because you didn't take anyone with you. — Craig Groeschel
We don't need more time. We need to use the time we already have differently. — Craig Groeschel
God has put more in you than those around you can see. — Craig Groeschel
We're living for Likes, but we're longing for love. — Craig Groeschel
You can't build a foundation of sin now for a life of purity later. — Craig Groeschel
The prayer of listening makes things simple but it also makes us vulnerable, and that is frightening. Listening makes us open to Christ, the Word of God, spoken in all things: in the material world, the Scriptures, the Church, and sacraments and, sometimes most threateningly, in our fellow human beings. To listen at prayer is to take the chance of hearing the voice of Christ in the poor, the weak, those whom we love and those whom we do not love. — Benedict Groeschel
If we want to be better than normal we must move from good intentions to what I call God intentions. — Craig Groeschel
To reach people no one else is reaching we must do things no one else is doing — Craig Groeschel
I can promise you this: If you really, sincerely, genuinely want God back, He hasn't moved. He's still there, just like always, ready to bear-hug you again, just like in the old days. — Craig Groeschel
Offer God what you have and trust Him to give you what you need. — Craig Groeschel
We reflect God's character the most when we give freely of ourselves with no strings attached, no secret motives, no hidden agenda. — Craig Groeschel
I realized that day that blessings come in a variety of shapes, colors, and sizes. — Craig Groeschel
If you don't handle the hurt properly, their sin becomes a catalyst for your own. — Craig Groeschel
Suffocate the flames of envy with a blanket of gratitude. — Craig Groeschel
Our minds are so cluttered with endless to-do lists that there's no room for us to experience the joy in being alive today. — Craig Groeschel
The Church is a collection of poor sinners. The Catholic Church is a collection of 1.1 billion very poor sinners. That's a lot of original sins, and it is no wonder we have trouble. — Benedict Groeschel
As you'll recall, what you believe - about who you are and who God is - determines how you behave. If you believe everybody is going to criticize you, you'll behave cautiously. If you believe you're probably going to fail, you're going to venture out tentatively. If, however, you believe that the one true Lord God is calling you, empowering you, leading you, and equipping you, then you will live boldly. Why? Because boldness is behavior born of belief. — Craig Groeschel
God is not calling us to go to church; he is calling us to be his church, the hope of the world. — Craig Groeschel
Even when we do not choose evil, we choose the good so half heartedly and with so many qualifications that mediocrity becomes our canonized statis quo. — Benedict Groeschel
Just as we are what we eat physically, we are also what we consume spiritually. — Craig Groeschel
Our greatest priority as Christian parents is to gradually transfer our children's dependence away from us until it rests solely on God. — Craig Groeschel
Most of all, we remain focused on our Rock that never moves. — Craig Groeschel
Will you have the courage to obey the voice of God? — Craig Groeschel
So if it seems like you're doing something different from what everyone else is doing, and if sometimes that feels hard, this is a good thing, not a bad thing. — Craig Groeschel
Every family possesses at least one off-the-charts challenging person. If you're tempted to tell me that yours doesn't, then I hate to be the one to break it to you, but maybe you are the one! — Craig Groeschel
Your brain does not understand what you are capable of. There is way more inside of you than you can imagine. — Craig Groeschel
Wherever you are, be all there. — Craig Groeschel
God has given you every thing you need to reach every person you need to reach. — Craig Groeschel
If you had a friend you refused to talk to, eventually you couldn't keep calling that person a friend anymore. — Craig Groeschel