Famous Quotes & Sayings

Grischa Niermann Quotes & Sayings

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Top Grischa Niermann Quotes

Grischa Niermann Quotes By Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

It's as if we live in a house which has a vast treasury in one of its rooms. Only we've forgotten about it. So, instead of living a life of royalty, we go about in poverty. — Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Grischa Niermann Quotes By Bob Dylan

The little room was filled with American records and a phonograph. Izzy would let me stay back there and listen to them. I listened to as many as I could, even thumbed through a lot of his antediluvian folk scrolls. The madly complicated modern world was something I took little interest in. It had no relevancy, no weight. I wasn't seduced by it. — Bob Dylan

Grischa Niermann Quotes By Grandpa

If you can't impress them with your personality, baffle them with your bullsh** — Grandpa

Grischa Niermann Quotes By Frances Power Cobbe

Men give us most rarely that which we really want, not favor, but - Justice. Nothing is easier than to coax them to pet us like children, nothing more difficult than to persuade them to treat us like responsible human beings. — Frances Power Cobbe

Grischa Niermann Quotes By William Shakespeare

One may smile, and smile, and be a villain; at least I'm sure it may be so in Denmark. — William Shakespeare

Grischa Niermann Quotes By Friedrich Nietzsche

It was modesty that invented the word "philosopher" in Greece and left the magnificent overweening presumption in calling oneselfwise to the actors of the spirit
the modesty of such monsters of pride and sovereignty as Pythagoras, as Plato. — Friedrich Nietzsche

Grischa Niermann Quotes By Sigmund Freud

There is to my mind no doubt that the concept of beautiful had its roots in sexual excitation and that its original meaning was sexually stimulating. — Sigmund Freud

Grischa Niermann Quotes By Stephen Ambrose

Jefferson owned slaves. He did not believe that all were created equal. He was a racist. — Stephen Ambrose

Grischa Niermann Quotes By Myles Munroe

The first word Jesus used in His earthly ministry was repent. Repent means to change the way you've been conditioned to think, and I believe that is the only way we are going to see the impact of the original concepts and idea of God. — Myles Munroe

Grischa Niermann Quotes By C. G. Jung

I also had to detach myself from my thoughts through turning my desire away from them. And at once, I noticed that my self became a desert, where only the sun of unquiet desire burned. I was overwhelmed by the endless infertility of this desert. Even if something could have thrived there, the creative power of desire was still absent. Wherever the creative power of desire is, there springs the soil's own seed. But do not forget to wait. Did you not see that when your creative force turned to the world, how the dead things moved under it and through it, how they grew and prospered, and hour your thoughts flowed in rich rivers? If your creative force now turns to the place of the soul, you will see how your soul becomes green and how its field bears wonderful fruit. — C. G. Jung

Grischa Niermann Quotes By Linda A. Tancs

Writing is a form of contemplation. — Linda A. Tancs

Grischa Niermann Quotes By Bede Jarrett

The world needs more anger. The world often continues to allow evil because it isn't angry enough. — Bede Jarrett

Grischa Niermann Quotes By Nick Clegg

Nothing will do more damage to the pro-European movement than giving room to the suspicion that we have something to hide, that we do not have the "cojones" to carry our argument to the people. — Nick Clegg