Famous Quotes & Sayings

Greisy Jimenez Quotes & Sayings

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Top Greisy Jimenez Quotes

Greisy Jimenez Quotes By Sojourner Truth

We have all been thrown down so low that nobody thought we'd ever get up again; but we have been long enough trodden now; we will come up again, and now I am here. — Sojourner Truth

Greisy Jimenez Quotes By Allan Lokos

We all have issues & we have usually come by them honestly. — Allan Lokos

Greisy Jimenez Quotes By Sydney Landon

Honey, your dad hasn't known whether to wind his butt or scratch his watch since the moment he met me and he wouldn't have it any other way. — Sydney Landon

Greisy Jimenez Quotes By Marianne Williamson

I do believe 50 is the new 40 and 60 is the new 50. Hell, maybe 60 can be the new 40, I don't know. I believe that when we give ourselves permission, we can live with an excitement and heat and passion that most women in previous generations were unable to attain. — Marianne Williamson

Greisy Jimenez Quotes By Jonathan Glover

Those who actually dropped the bombs were less responsible than the people who took the decisions higher up the chain of command. In modern technological war, psychological responses are poorly correlated with degrees of responsibility. In people further back up the chain, this casual distance reduces the psychological resistance they have to overcome. — Jonathan Glover

Greisy Jimenez Quotes By Don DeLillo

Some people are lucky. They become who they are supposed to be. This did not happen to me until I met (your mother). One day we started to talk and it never stopped, this conversation. — Don DeLillo

Greisy Jimenez Quotes By Shannon Fife

Self-restraint is feeling your oats without sowing them. — Shannon Fife

Greisy Jimenez Quotes By Chris Milk

Music is a great catalyst for emotion because it gets to your core. — Chris Milk

Greisy Jimenez Quotes By Ally Condie

Can you eat all of that?" "Are you joking? Of course I can." Xander acts offended. — Ally Condie

Greisy Jimenez Quotes By Emil Cioran

If utopia was illusion hypostasized, communism, going still further, will be illusion decreed, imposed: a challenge to the omnipresence of evil, an obligatory optimism. A man will find it hard to accommodate himself to it if he lives, by dint of ordeals and experiments, in the intoxication of disappointment and if, like the author of Genesis, he is reluctant to identify the Age of Gold with the future, with becoming. Not that he scorns the fanatics of "infinite progress" and their efforts to make justice prevail here on earth; but he knows, to his misery, that justice is a material impossibility, a grandiose meaninglessness, the only ideal about which we can declare quite certainly that it will never be realized, and against which nature and society seem to have mobilized all their laws. — Emil Cioran

Greisy Jimenez Quotes By Jean De La Bruyere

Physiognomy is not a guide that has been given us by which to judge of the character of men: it may only serve us for conjecture.
[Fr., La physionomie n'est pas une regle qui nous soit donnee pour juger des hommes; elle nous peut servir de conjecture.] — Jean De La Bruyere

Greisy Jimenez Quotes By Nick Flynn

inside us, a flower taken whole,

a field built inside. — Nick Flynn

Greisy Jimenez Quotes By Christina Engela

Slavery of the heart, oh Love - a prisoner of will thou art - proof that love, while blissful, can oft also be Hell. Demonstrative definition thou art, that love can be strategic as well! — Christina Engela

Greisy Jimenez Quotes By Dorothy Parker

Trapped like a trap in a trap — Dorothy Parker

Greisy Jimenez Quotes By Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

Do not be sad that all odds are against you; be happy that your real purpose is by you — Ernest Agyemang Yeboah