Famous Quotes & Sayings

Great Yankee Quotes & Sayings

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Top Great Yankee Quotes

Great Yankee Quotes By Dara Reidyr

Reason and logic, fused with intuition and empathy, equals awakened consciousness and spirituality. — Dara Reidyr

Great Yankee Quotes By S.A. Tawks

We smoked the joints down to the roaches and then relaxed beneath the stars to let the drug form dazzling constellations. — S.A. Tawks

Great Yankee Quotes By Brene Brown

It's as simple and complicated as this: If we want to fully experience love and belonging, we must believe that we are worthy of love and belonging. — Brene Brown

Great Yankee Quotes By Nick Johnson

You look at all the great players that they've had and the potential of playing in Yankee Stadium. — Nick Johnson

Great Yankee Quotes By James Caan

My kid was a great baseball player. I thought I had it made. Front-row seats at Yankee Stadium. Then he turned sixteen and wanted to be a rapper. — James Caan

Great Yankee Quotes By Abigail Lawrence

The pain will never completely go away, but some of the hurt will fade leaving the room for true happiness — Abigail Lawrence

Great Yankee Quotes By Derek Jeter

The great thing about being a Yankee is that youre always a Yankee. — Derek Jeter

Great Yankee Quotes By Joe Girardi

Derek Jeter has been a great representative of what the Yankees have stood for over the years. He has been a team player who has only cared about winning. He has also been a fine example both on and off the field over his long tenure as a Yankee. It has been a real pleasure to manage him and play alongside him. — Joe Girardi

Great Yankee Quotes By Tim McCarver

Yankee pitchers have had great success this year against Cabrera when they get him out. — Tim McCarver

Great Yankee Quotes By Erin Andrews

Despite what I do for a living, I am very insecure about my body. — Erin Andrews

Great Yankee Quotes By James Baldwin

We had bought a kilo of cherries and we were eating them as we walked along. We were both insufferably childish and high-spirited that afternoon and th spectacle we presented, two grown men, jostling each other on the wide sidewalk, and aiming the cherry-pips, as though they were spitballs, into each other's facesm must have been outrageous. And I realized that such childishness was fantastic at my age and the happiness out of which it sprang yet more so; for that moment I really loved Giovanni, who had never seemed more beautiful than he was that afternoon. And, watching his face, I realized that it meant much to me that I could make his face so bright. I saw that I might be willing to give a great deal not to lose that power. And I felt myself flow toward him, as a river rushes when the ice breaks up. — James Baldwin

Great Yankee Quotes By Ronald Carter

The beliefs and behaviour of the Restoration reflect the theories of society put forward by Thomas Hobbes in The Leviathan, which was written in exile in Paris and published in 1651. Like many texts of the time, The Leviathan is an allegory. It recalls mediaeval rather than Renaissance thinking. The leviathan is the Commonwealth, society as a total organism, in which the individual is the absolute subject of state control, represented by the monarch. Man - motivated by self-interest - is acquisitive and lacks codes of behaviour. Hence the necessity for a strong controlling state, 'an artificial man', to keep discord at bay. Self-interest and stability become the keynotes of British society after 1660, the voice of the new middle-class bourgeoisie making itself heard more and more in the expression of values, ideals, and ethics. — Ronald Carter

Great Yankee Quotes By Mary Karr

Most great writers suffer and have no idea how good they are. Most bad writers are very confident. Be willing to be a child and be the Lilliputian in the world of Gulliver, the bat girl in Yankee Stadium. That's a more fruitful way to be. — Mary Karr

Great Yankee Quotes By Colum McCann

One look at each other and it was immediately understood that they both needed a clean slate,,, The obliteration of memory. — Colum McCann

Great Yankee Quotes By Joe Torre

When I became the manager of the New York Yankees, it was an opportunity to realize my lifelong dream of winning the World Series. We were fortunate enough to succeed in our first season in 1996, and in the years that followed, we wrote some great new chapters in Yankee history. — Joe Torre

Great Yankee Quotes By Marvin Hagler

Whether Pacquiao loses in the first round, whether he knocks out Mayweather in the first round, it's still going to be the biggest fight in history, — Marvin Hagler

Great Yankee Quotes By Gary D. Schmidt

Here's how you practice shrieking like an insane woman who has been locked in an attic for a great many years:
You stand in the middle of the field.
You look around to be sure that no one is going to hear you.
You breathe in a couple of times to get as much air in your chest as you can.
You stretch your neck up like the Great Esquimaux Curlew.
You imagine that it's Game Seven of the World Series and it's the bottom of the ninth and Joe Pepitone is rounding third base and the throw is coming in and the catcher has his glove up waiting for the ball and Joe Pepitone is probably going to be out and the game will be over and the Yankees will lose.
Then you let out your shriek, because that's how everyone in Yankee Stadium would be shrieking right then.
That's how you practice shrieking like an insane woman who has been locked in an attic for a great many years. And you keep doing it over and over again until all the birds in Marysville have flown away. — Gary D. Schmidt

Great Yankee Quotes By Waite Hoyt

It's great to be young and a Yankee! — Waite Hoyt

Great Yankee Quotes By Daddy Yankee

'Limbo' has been one of the greatest hits of my career. A great response all over the world, not just Latinos but people in Europe and America. — Daddy Yankee

Great Yankee Quotes By Rosa Parks

I thought about Emmett Till, and I could not go back. My legs and feet were not hurting, that is a stereotype. I paid the same fare as others, and I felt violated. I was not going back. — Rosa Parks

Great Yankee Quotes By Frantz Fanon

For me words have a charge. I find myself incapable of escaping the bite of a word, the vertigo of a question-mark. — Frantz Fanon

Great Yankee Quotes By Larry Ellison

When you live your life in different ways, it makes people around you become uncomfortable. So deal with it. They don't know what you are going to do. — Larry Ellison

Great Yankee Quotes By Gay Talese

Wall Street bankers supposedly back the Yankees; Smith College girls approve of them. God, Brooks Brothers, and United States Steel are believed to be solidly in the Yankees' corner ... The efficiently triumphant Yankee maching is a great institution, but, as they say, who can fall in love with U.S. Steel? — Gay Talese

Great Yankee Quotes By Gustave Flaubert

In every parting there comes a moment when the beloved is already no longer with us. — Gustave Flaubert