Famous Quotes & Sayings

Gravamen Synonym Quotes & Sayings

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Top Gravamen Synonym Quotes

Gravamen Synonym Quotes By Andrew Murray

[waiting on God] is not only rendered necessary by our sin and helplessness. It is simply and ruly our restoration to our original destiny and our highhest nobility, to our true place and glory as creatures blessedly dependent on the All-Glorious God. — Andrew Murray

Gravamen Synonym Quotes By Samuel Shem

I found myself thinking of Potts as a tragic figure, a guy who'd been a happy towheaded kid you'd love to take fishing with you, who'd mistakenly invested in academic medicine when he'd have been happy in his family business, and who'd become a splattered mess on the parking lot of a hospital in a city he'd despised. What had been the seductiveness of medicine? Why? — Samuel Shem

Gravamen Synonym Quotes By Alan Dean Foster

To be angered by evil is to partake of it, stupid. - Phrases of Import and Salvation, Chapter IX, The Book of Universal Truths and Other Humorous Anecdotes — Alan Dean Foster

Gravamen Synonym Quotes By Leah Thomas

Please follow these instructions:
1. Stack the pages of this letter neatly.
2. Roll the pages up into a cylinder.
3. Smack yourself over the head with it.
4. Repeat. You complete ass. — Leah Thomas

Gravamen Synonym Quotes By Agatha Christie

We used to have a family game, invented by my sister and a friend of hers - it was called 'Agatha's Husbands'. The idea was that they picked out two or at the most three of the most repellent looking strangers in a room, and it was then put to me that i had to choose one of them as a husband, on pain of death or slow torture by the Chinese.
'now then, Agatha, which will you have - the fat young one with pimples, and the scurfy head, or that black one like a gorilla with the bulging eyes?'
'Oh I can't - they're so awful.'
'You must - it's got to be one of them. Or else red hot needles and water torture.'
'Oh dear, then the gorilla. — Agatha Christie

Gravamen Synonym Quotes By John Milton

O Conscience, into what abyss of fears
And horrors hast thou driven me, out of which
I find no way, from deep to deeper plunged. — John Milton