Famous Quotes & Sayings

Grandparents Wise Quotes & Sayings

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Top Grandparents Wise Quotes

Grandparents Wise Quotes By Jenny Trout

Wasn't loving him like loving the sun, so beautiful and warm, essential to light but deadly if you got too close? — Jenny Trout

Grandparents Wise Quotes By Peter Kreeft

Pride looks down, and no one can see God but by looking up. — Peter Kreeft

Grandparents Wise Quotes By Friedrich Nietzsche

One should die proudly when it is no longer possible to live proudly. — Friedrich Nietzsche

Grandparents Wise Quotes By Ben Bernanke

The economist John Maynard Keynes said that in the long run, we are all dead. If he were around today he might say that, in the long run, we are all on Social Security and Medicare. — Ben Bernanke

Grandparents Wise Quotes By Francis Crick

What could be more foolish than to base one's entire view of life on ideas that, however plausible at the time, now appear to be quite erroneous? And what would be more important than to find our true place in the universe by removing one by one these unfortunate vestiges of earlier beliefs? — Francis Crick

Grandparents Wise Quotes By Pablo Francisco

I'm an amused observer. I don't bet or gamble; that's the worst thing. — Pablo Francisco

Grandparents Wise Quotes By Mae West

It's not the men in my life that count, it's the life in my men. — Mae West

Grandparents Wise Quotes By Kenneth Fisher

Originally, I thought Republican. Now I'm an equal opportunity politician-hater. — Kenneth Fisher

Grandparents Wise Quotes By C. G. Jung

But no matter how much parents and grandparents may have sinned against the child, the man who is really adult will accept these sins as his own condition which has to be reckoned with. Only a fool is interested in other people's guilt, since he cannot alter it. The wise man learns only from his own guilt. He will ask himself: Who am I that all this should happen to me? To find the answer to this fateful question he will look into his own heart. — C. G. Jung

Grandparents Wise Quotes By Linda Gillard

I am an anomaly - a woman alone, too young to be widowed and too old to be looking for a mate. I occupy that no man's land - no woman's land - between youth and old age. — Linda Gillard

Grandparents Wise Quotes By S.M. Parker

It's not the game, Zee. It's the fame. Everyone wants to be affiliated with a winner. — S.M. Parker

Grandparents Wise Quotes By Daniel Pinchbeck

I totally think we have a future on the planet. I just think that we have to get away from Western thinking, which is very much founded on dualisms. — Daniel Pinchbeck

Grandparents Wise Quotes By O. Henry

True adventurers have never been plentiful. They who are set down in print as such have been mostly business men with newly invented methods. They have been out after the things they wanted - golden fleeces, holy grails, lady loves, treasures, crowns, and fame. The true adventurer goes forth aimless and uncalculating to meet and greet unknown fate. A fine example was the Prodigal Sob - when he started back home. — O. Henry

Grandparents Wise Quotes By Michael Zaslow

I am not preparing myself or my family for anything but life. — Michael Zaslow

Grandparents Wise Quotes By Eugene Kennedy

Hierarchical formulations died because their wedding cake levels posited a multiply fractured cosmos that does not match the Space Age revelation of a unified universe in which the earth is clearly in, rather than separated from, the heavens. Hierarchical representations do not reflect what either the world or we are like. — Eugene Kennedy

Grandparents Wise Quotes By Paul Merson

In England, Rooney is a world-class footballer in the world. — Paul Merson