Famous Quotes & Sayings

Goossens Malderen Quotes & Sayings

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Top Goossens Malderen Quotes

Goossens Malderen Quotes By William James

The deepest hunger in human beings is the desire to be appreciated. — William James

Goossens Malderen Quotes By Pierre Teilhard De Chardin

Some day, after we have mastered the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity, we shall harness for God the energies of love. Then for the second time in the history of the world, we will have discovered fire. — Pierre Teilhard De Chardin

Goossens Malderen Quotes By Brydie Walker Bain

What have you heard Dad? — Brydie Walker Bain

Goossens Malderen Quotes By Sandra Dallas

Now I am shut up with his mother on Bramble farm and she is no better for conversation than prune whip — Sandra Dallas

Goossens Malderen Quotes By Abdul Salaam El Razzac

Always time to dream, so keep on dreaming! — Abdul Salaam El Razzac

Goossens Malderen Quotes By Og Mandino

Always let your reach exceed your grasp. — Og Mandino

Goossens Malderen Quotes By Rachel Higginson

I'm not blaming you," he stated firmly. "I'm just trying to think. God, Kate, there are times when I think you hate me. When I think you would do anything to get rid of me. And then ... then there's last night. And all of the other times like it. I have never been more alive than when I'm with you. — Rachel Higginson