Famous Quotes & Sayings

Good Ole Boys Quotes & Sayings

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Top Good Ole Boys Quotes

Good Ole Boys Quotes By Woody Guthrie

You oil field workers, come and listen to me I'm goin' to tell you a story about old John D. That company union made a fool out of me. That company union don't charge no dues It leaves you a-singing them Rockefeller blues. That company union made a fool out of me. Takes that good ole C.I.O., boys To keep that oil a-rollin', rollin' over the sea. Takes that good ole C.I.O., boys To keep that oil a-rollin' over the sea. — Woody Guthrie

Good Ole Boys Quotes By Rachel Hawkins

So, that sucked," I said, trying to sound as jovial as possible. "Side effect of dating in the magical world, I guess."
He made a sound of amusement, his shoulders jerking slightly. But he still didn't look at me. "You think those guys ever had these kinds of problems?" he asked, nodding toward the picture. It was the one depicting the very first class at Hecate Hall, back in 1903. There had only been a few students that year, back when the school hadn't been used for punishment but as a kind of safe house.
"Probably," I said. "That chick in the straw hat seems kind of skanky. — Rachel Hawkins

Good Ole Boys Quotes By Sai Baba

Education is not acquisition of burdensome information regarding objects and men. It is the awareness of the immortal spirit within,, which is the spring of joy, peace and courage. — Sai Baba

Good Ole Boys Quotes By Billy Carter

Well, a good ole boy is somebody that rides around in a pick-up truck - which I do - and drinks beer and puts 'em in a litter bag. A redneck's one that rides around in a truck and drinks beer and throws 'em out the window. — Billy Carter

Good Ole Boys Quotes By George R R Martin

Yes - 90% of fantasy is crap. And so is 90% of science fiction and 90% of mystery fiction and 90% of literary fiction. — George R R Martin

Good Ole Boys Quotes By Robert Kiyosaki

Financial independence is about having more choices. — Robert Kiyosaki

Good Ole Boys Quotes By Antoine De Saint-Exupery

So the crew fly on with no thought that they are in motion. Like night over the sea, they are very far from the earth, from towns, from trees. The clock ticks on. The dials, the radio lamps, the various hands and needles go though their invisible alchemy ... and when the hour is at hand the pilot may glue his forehead to the window with perfect assurance. Out of oblivion the gold has been smelted: there it gleams in the lights of the airport. — Antoine De Saint-Exupery

Good Ole Boys Quotes By Christine Feehan

Everyone knows ladies love Cajuns. It's in our blood and our language is the language of romance."
"Your language is the language of bullshit. You're just a couple of good ole boys with pretty faces. Women just ought to know better. — Christine Feehan

Good Ole Boys Quotes By Anonymous

1 JOHN 3 See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are. The reason why the world does not know us is that it did not know him. — Anonymous

Good Ole Boys Quotes By Wanda Sykes

I had top-secret clearance and everything. I was working on a couple of projects that would keep me involved in Desert Storm. I was in the mix, which is scary. — Wanda Sykes

Good Ole Boys Quotes By Richard Dawkins

The universe doesn't owe you a sense of hope — Richard Dawkins

Good Ole Boys Quotes By Ella Henderson

It sounds a bit sad, but my new hobby is knitting. I love it. I find it really relaxing. — Ella Henderson

Good Ole Boys Quotes By Robert Kiyosaki

Strength and compassion are not mutually exclusive. — Robert Kiyosaki

Good Ole Boys Quotes By Padma Lakshmi

food has played a central role not only in my professional but also in my emotional life, in all of my dealings with loved ones and most of all in my relationship to myself and my body. I am what feeds me. And how I feed myself at any given moment says a lot about what I'm going through or what I need. I don't believe I am alone. Yes, we eat for our stomachs, but we hunger with our hearts. Like most people and many women, I think about what to eat all the time. I am constantly plotting my next meal, planning how and what I will shop for, and ever hatching new plans to avoid the foods I know will undermine my well-being. Foods are like men: some are good, some are bad, and some are okay only in small doses. But most should be tried at least once. — Padma Lakshmi

Good Ole Boys Quotes By Marie Corelli

Yet after all there is nothing so deceptive as one's outward appearance. The reason of this is that as soon as childhood is past, we are always pretending to be what we are not
and thus, with constant practice from our youth up, we manage to make our physical frames complete disguises for our actual selves. It is really wise and clever of us
for hence each individual is so much flesh-wall through which neither friend nor enemy can spy. Every man is a solitary soul imprisoned in a self-made den
when he is quite alone he knows and frequently hates himself
sometimes he even gets afraid of the gaunt and murderous monster he keeps hidden behind his outwardly pleasant body-mask, and hastens to forget its frightful existence in drink and debauchery. — Marie Corelli

Good Ole Boys Quotes By Alexandre Dumas

This will do," said he, "and from this letter, which might have ruined me, I will make my fortune. Now to the work I have in hand." And after having assured himself that the prisoner was gone, the deputy procureur hastened to the house of his betrothed. — Alexandre Dumas

Good Ole Boys Quotes By Ellery Queen

The place smelled male, not the metal-and-soap maleness of a locker room nor the malt-and-sawdust maleness of an old-time corner saloon, but the leather-and-oiled-wood maleness of a city club, as finished and self-consistent as the ash of a fine cigar. At sight of the skirted figure stalking him, the sole visible attendant took refuge behind a showcase; surely a giraffe, were it a male one, would have startled him less. — Ellery Queen

Good Ole Boys Quotes By Julie Walters

When I think of the future, I think of doing my washing so I've something to wear tomorrow. — Julie Walters