Famous Quotes & Sayings

Godsdienstige Quotes & Sayings

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Top Godsdienstige Quotes

Godsdienstige Quotes By William Gilmore Simms

The apothegm is the most portable form of Truth ... It is thus that the proverb answers where the sermon fails, as a well-charged pistol will do more execution than a whole barrel of gunpowder idly expended in the air. — William Gilmore Simms

Godsdienstige Quotes By Paulo Coelho

I am a Catholic, not so committed to the church, but to the idea of the Virgin, the female face of God. — Paulo Coelho

Godsdienstige Quotes By Olivia Culpo

You're filmed that one very special day of the pageant, and you want to make sure you're as ready to go as you can be. — Olivia Culpo

Godsdienstige Quotes By Friedrich Nietzsche

Morality is just a fiction used by the herd of inferior human beings to hold back the few superior men. — Friedrich Nietzsche

Godsdienstige Quotes By Sherman Kennon

I chase the wind and get lost in the clouds. I'm sweep into darkness in my search for the light. — Sherman Kennon

Godsdienstige Quotes By Tobin Wilson

The only way to engage god is to meet one of the three in time. We meet the Father as Creator, the Son as Redeemer, and the Holy Spirit as the dispenser of God's grace. — Tobin Wilson

Godsdienstige Quotes By John Romero

The game-playing market today is pretty sizable. — John Romero

Godsdienstige Quotes By Philip Reeve

Boo-Boo Pennyroyal did not like her male and female slaves to mingle. In the operas that she adored, young people brought together in tragic circumstances were forever falling in love with each other and then throwing themselves off things (cliffs, mostly, but sometimes battlements, or rooftops, or the brinks of volcanoes). Boo-Boo was fond of her slaves, and it pained her to think of them plummeting in pairs off the edges of Cloud 9, so she nipped all tragic love affairs firmly in the bud by forbidding the girls and boys to speak to one another. Of course, young people being what they were, girls sometimes fell in love with other girls, or boys with boys, but that never happened in the operas, so Boo-Boo didn't notice. — Philip Reeve

Godsdienstige Quotes By Ignatius Of Antioch

I prefer death in Christ Jesus to power over the farthest limits of the earth. He who died in place of us is the one object of my quest. He who rose for our sakes is my one desire. — Ignatius Of Antioch

Godsdienstige Quotes By Greg Behrendt

I like the idea that when a guy comes over to the house, I get to say I wrote the book. — Greg Behrendt