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Goddesses And Gods Quotes & Sayings

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Top Goddesses And Gods Quotes

Goddesses And Gods Quotes By Philippa Ballantine

Mortals were such fickle creatures. They called into the dark, demanded answers and attention from forces they could not comprehend, and yet when they had that attention and those answers, they complained about them. — Philippa Ballantine

Goddesses And Gods Quotes By Rachel Weisz

The Pagan model of religion because, in the Pagan model, there were lots and lots of Gods and Goddesses. They were all incredibly beautiful and there were statues of them everywhere, which is the equivalent of magazines, or whatever, today. And they were fallible, which is different from being mono-, you know, Jewish or Islam (where) you have the infallible, monotheistic God. — Rachel Weisz

Goddesses And Gods Quotes By Rosalind Miles

Rabi-'ah's achievement built on a tradition of female literacy, scholarship and intellectual creativity reaching back to the dawn of thought. Countless ancient myths ascribe the birth of language to women or goddesses, in a ritual formulation of the primeval truth that the first words any human being hears are the mother's. In Indian mythology the Vedic goddess Vac means "language"; she personifies the birth of speech, and is represented as a maternal mouth-cavity open to give birth to the living word. The Hindu prayer to Devaki, mother of Krishna, begins, "Goddess of the Logos, Mother of the Gods, One with Creation, thou art Intelligence, the Mother of Science, the Mother of Courage ... — Rosalind Miles

Goddesses And Gods Quotes By S. Kelley Harrell

We're all bit of relaxation away from being Gods and Goddesses. — S. Kelley Harrell

Goddesses And Gods Quotes By L.M. Montgomery

You will go far beyond what I have done - you can create - I can only build with the materials others have made. But we builders have our place - we can make temples for our gods and goddesses if nothing else. — L.M. Montgomery

Goddesses And Gods Quotes By Sue Monk Kidd

We lived for honey. We swallowed a spoonful in the morning to wake us up and one at night to put us to sleep. We took it with every meal to calm the mind, give us stamina, and prevent fatal disease. We swabbed ourselves in it to disinfect cuts or heal chapped lips. It went in our baths, our skin cream, our raspberry tea and biscuits. Nothing was safe from honey ... honey was the ambrosia of the gods and the shampoo of the goddesses. — Sue Monk Kidd

Goddesses And Gods Quotes By Marion Zimmer Bradley

If you truly believe that, my lady and queen, then for you it is truth: all the Gods are One God and all the Goddesses one Goddess. But would you presume to declare one truth for all of mankind throughout the world? — Marion Zimmer Bradley

Goddesses And Gods Quotes By Doreen Valiente

'All the gods are one god and all the goddesses are one goddess, and there is one initiator.' The one initiator is one's own high self, with which the personality becomes more and more integrated as the path of spiritual evolution is followed. — Doreen Valiente

Goddesses And Gods Quotes By Frederick Lenz

Gods and goddesses are not what people think they are. Their names are terms with which we try to convey a certain experience, a state of consciousness. — Frederick Lenz

Goddesses And Gods Quotes By Helen Keller

I sometimes wonder if the hand is not more sensitive to the beauties of sculpture than the eye. I should think the wonderful rhythmical flow of lines and curves could be more subtly felt than seen. Be this as it may, I know I can feel the heart-throbs of the ancient Greeks in their marble gods and goddesses. — Helen Keller

Goddesses And Gods Quotes By Jessica Spotswood

I cannot imagine a life without books.
Without Father's stories of the ancient Greek gods and goddesses, without pirate stories and fairy tales and poems. Without the hope of another way, of freedom and adventure beyond what we have here and now. How dark life would be. — Jessica Spotswood

Goddesses And Gods Quotes By Caroline Leavitt

I call Algonquin Books 'the gods and goddesses of publishing.' Not only did they give me a career, they care deeply about every writer in their flock. — Caroline Leavitt

Goddesses And Gods Quotes By Rajneesh

When I say that you are gods and goddesses I mean that your possibility is infinite, your potentiality is infinite. — Rajneesh

Goddesses And Gods Quotes By Dan Brown

The Pentacle - The ancients envisioned their world in two halves - masculine and feminine. Their gods and goddesses worked to keep a balance of power. Yin and Yang. When male and female were balanced, there was harmony in the world. When they were unbalanced there was chaos. — Dan Brown

Goddesses And Gods Quotes By Dion Fortune

In varying degrees and and upon different levels all gods and goddesses represent aspects of One God Which is both 'male' and 'female'. — Dion Fortune

Goddesses And Gods Quotes By Marion Zimmer Bradley

For all the Gods are one God," she said to me then, as she had said many times before, and as I have said to my own novices many times, and as every priestess who comes after me will say again, "and all the Goddesses are one Goddess, and there is only one Initiator. And to every man his own truth, and the God within. — Marion Zimmer Bradley

Goddesses And Gods Quotes By Helen Lawrenson

These are the beautiful people, who, befitting their rank as gods and goddesses of a powerful modern mythology, lead beautiful lives in beautiful houses, attired in beautiful clothes and, ostensibly, thinking only beautiful thoughts. — Helen Lawrenson

Goddesses And Gods Quotes By Thomas Horn

This is why one will find in our nation's Capitol countless images of gods and goddesses, along with zodiacs, the Washington Monument Obelisk, reflecting pools, and a whole cacophony of pagan imagery. There are no monuments to Jesus Christ, the apostles, or anything having to do with the Christian faith. — Thomas Horn

Goddesses And Gods Quotes By Dion Fortune

All gods are one God, and all goddesses are one Goddess, and there is one Initiator. — Dion Fortune

Goddesses And Gods Quotes By Dan Brown

Two thousand years ago, we lived in a world of Gods and Goddesses. Today, we live in a world solely of Gods. Women in most cultures have been stripped of their spiritual power. — Dan Brown

Goddesses And Gods Quotes By Nicholas Chong

When Zeus[Jupiter]first saw Aphrodite[Venus]& Aphrodite thus first saw Zeus, it was love at first sight.Naturally.
Since Zeus was the King of the Gods, who loved all beautiful Goddesses.And Aphrodite was the Goddess of Love, the most beautiful & lovely of all the Goddesses.But love was all they had in common. — Nicholas Chong

Goddesses And Gods Quotes By Seraphine Abrams

It takes wisdom to know when you've had enough, strength to make the decision and determination to see it through. — Seraphine Abrams

Goddesses And Gods Quotes By John Snow

The norns are goddesses of fate, of love and hate; they are weaving on the loom of destiny. All the lives of people and gods, past and present, are woven on their loom. Your thread of life was long ago spun and placed in their great image. — John Snow

Goddesses And Gods Quotes By A.C. Grayling

I do not believe that there are any such things as gods and goddesses, for exactly the same reasons as I do not believe there are fairies, goblins or sprites, and these reasons should be obvious to anyone over the age of ten. — A.C. Grayling

Goddesses And Gods Quotes By Manly P. Hall

In order to make simple the great truths of Nature and the abstract principles of natural law, the vital forces of the universe were personified, becoming the gods and goddesses of the ancient mythologies. While — Manly P. Hall

Goddesses And Gods Quotes By Nicholas Chong

And thus, the Titans & titanesses made love without passion And so did the Gods & Goddesses. They only had Longing[Pothos], Love[Eros] & Reciprocal Love[Anteros] between them, but no Passion. And this fact accounted for the unimaginative number of offspring that some of them had. And the unimaginative tendency of Gods & Goddesses to take aunts & uncles, sons & daughters & even granddads & grandmas to wife or to husband. So much so that some Gods & Goddesses preferred to produce offspring asexually, even without Love. As Hera begot Hephaestus. — Nicholas Chong

Goddesses And Gods Quotes By C.S. Lewis

We do not want merely to see beauty ... we want something else which can hardly be put into words- to be united with the beauty we see, to pass into it, to receive it into ourselves, to bathe in it, to become part of it. That is why we have peopled air and earth and water with gods and goddesses, and nymphs and elves. — C.S. Lewis

Goddesses And Gods Quotes By Martha Graham

I use the words gods and goddesses principally, I think, to mean beautiful bodies - bodies that are absolute instruments. And I believe in discipline, I believe in a very definite technique. — Martha Graham

Goddesses And Gods Quotes By Marie Lu

When the world was young, the gods and goddesses birthed the angels, Joy and Greed, Beauty and Empathy and Sorrow, Fear and Fury, sparks of humanity. To feel emotion, therefore, to be human,
is to be a child of the gods. — Marie Lu

Goddesses And Gods Quotes By Francesca Lia Block

I am not a hero, I am not Odysseus, there are no gods or goddesses guiding me. All I have is myself. And Hex's sword. — Francesca Lia Block

Goddesses And Gods Quotes By Christian Day

their own ends and to meddle in the affairs of others. I sometimes wonder if the gods and goddesses we call on today might once have walked the Earth as Witches themselves, having been so magical in life that they were deified in death. — Christian Day

Goddesses And Gods Quotes By Clive Barker

It is great good health to believe as the Hindus do that there are 33 million gods and goddesses in the world. It is great good health to want to understand one s dreams. It is great good health to desire the ambiguous and paradoxical. It is sickness of the profoundest kind to believe that there is one reality. There is sickness in any piece of work or any piece of art seriously attempting to suggest that the idea that there is more than one reality is somehow redundant. — Clive Barker

Goddesses And Gods Quotes By D.H. Lawrence

The Aztec gods and goddesses are, as far as we have known anything about them, an unlovely and unlovable lot. In their myths there is no grace or charm, no poetry. Only this perpetual grudge, grudge, grudging, one god grudging another, the gods grudging men their existence, and men grudging the animals. The goddess of love is goddess of dirt and prostitution, a dirt-eater, a horror, without a touch of tenderness ... — D.H. Lawrence

Goddesses And Gods Quotes By Homer

They made these improving remarks to one another, but Apollo leaned aside to say to Hermes: "Son of Zeus, beneficent Wayfinder, would you accept a coverlet of chain, if only you lay by Aphrodite's golden side?" To this the Wayfinder replied, shining: "Would I not, though, Apollo of distances! Wrap me in chains three times the weight of these, come goddesses and gods to see the fun; only let me lie beside the pale-golden one!" The — Homer

Goddesses And Gods Quotes By Steven Erikson

Some things went beyond a single man's life, and maybe justice existed outside the minds of humanity, beyond even the hungry eyes of gods and goddesses, a thing shining and pure and final. — Steven Erikson

Goddesses And Gods Quotes By Nicholas Chong

But this little bow & its ten harmless darts, once in the hands of the Godling, became a magic bow & a lethal weapon, since the Godling was Eros reborn. And its ten darts which were of the seven colours of the rainbow or spectrum, plus white, black & grey, when shot at Gods, Goddesses, Nymphs, Mortals & any others, could inspire the same feelings of love, hate & confusion as Aphrodite used to inspire in others with her girdle. As, indeed, as soon as Cupid was born, the Goddess of Love had lost her magic girdle. Since a Goddess of Love, who was already in her seventies, had no more use for such toys. — Nicholas Chong

Goddesses And Gods Quotes By Robert Anton Wilson

When you're dealing with these forces or powers in a philosophic and scientific way, contemplating them from an armchair, that rationalistic approach is useful. It is quite profitable then to regard the gods and goddesses and demons as projections of the human mind or as unconscious aspects of ourselves. But every truth is a truth only for one place and one time, and that's a truth, as I said, for the armchair. When you're actually dealing with these figures, the only safe, pragmatic and operational approach is to treat them as having a being, a will, and a purpose entirely apart from the humans who evoke them. If the Sorcerer's Apprentice had understood that, he wouldn't have gotten into so much trouble. — Robert Anton Wilson

Goddesses And Gods Quotes By Amanda Carlson

Is Ceres beautiful?" I asked curiously. "Julian seems to indulge in vanity."
"Do ducks float?" Marcy chuckled. "Do gerbils love to run around in clear balls?"Um, maybe? "She's stunningly beautiful. We're talking flawless beauty. Most gods and goddesses are. Back in the day, they had to get people to believe in them and pray for them. Nobody is going to put faith in a toothless bag lady. — Amanda Carlson

Goddesses And Gods Quotes By R.A. Salvatore

Who are these gods we serve, this pantheon of the Realms, so rich and powerful and varied? If there is a universal truth, how then are there so many realizations of that truth, many similar, but each with rituals or specific demands to separate one from the other, sometimes by minute degree, sometimes by diametric opposition? How can this be? Yet there is universal truth, I believe - perhaps this is my one core belief! - and if that is so, then are not the majority of the pantheon claiming themselves as gods and goddesses truly frauds? — R.A. Salvatore

Goddesses And Gods Quotes By Elizabeth Aston

When we are young, we make gods and goddesses of one another, then we soon come to realize that we are all merely human and imperfect. — Elizabeth Aston

Goddesses And Gods Quotes By Margaret George

Omens. If I were beginning again, starting out in life, I would ignore all omens, neither heeding them nor trying to disable them. If we chose to pass them by, then perhaps they would lose their power, as old gods and goddesses, no longer worshiped, fade away and lose their grip on us. — Margaret George

Goddesses And Gods Quotes By Margot Adler

The Gods and Goddesses of myth, legend and fairy tale represent archetypes, real potencies and potentialities deep within the psyche, which, when allowed to flower permit us to be more fully human. — Margot Adler

Goddesses And Gods Quotes By Kendare Blake

Gods are cold. War, killing, and stabbing each other in the back is really what we do best. — Kendare Blake

Goddesses And Gods Quotes By M.I.A.

You have, in America, you have gang signs. Well, 5,000 years ago, there was thing called a mudra, which is your sitting position when you do yoga or you're meditating or you're praying or whatever. And there's not a lot of them that are named after gods and goddesses, but the middle-finger is specifically named the Matangi mudra. — M.I.A.

Goddesses And Gods Quotes By C. G. Jung

It seemed to me I was living in an insane asylum of my own making. I went about with all these fantastic figures: centaurs, nymphs, satyrs, gods and goddesses, as though they were patients and I was analyzing them. I read a Greek or Negro myth as if a lunatic were telling me his anamnesis. — C. G. Jung

Goddesses And Gods Quotes By Robert Svoboda

The clothing is moving, the external version is moving. Whether the internal version is moving or not it is a different matter. It is good to practice Ayurveda, it is good to worship the Gods and Goddesses, it is good to do bhajans. Of course, depending on what your own personal development is, that will determine how, in what way and how well you will be able to connect to that tradition and bring it to life inside yourself. — Robert Svoboda

Goddesses And Gods Quotes By Dan Simmons

Achilles pauses, looks over his shoulder at the masses of men behind him, turns back, looks past Zeus toward Olympos and the masses of gods in front of him, and then crooks his neck to look up again at towering Zeus.
"Surrender now", says Achilles, "and we'll spare your goddesses' lives so they can be our slaves and courtesans. — Dan Simmons

Goddesses And Gods Quotes By Alexander Chee

Everyone would tell me they couldn't identify with sexual abuse. No one says they can't identify with the tales of the Greek gods and goddesses because they don't live on Mt. Olympus. — Alexander Chee

Goddesses And Gods Quotes By Nicholas Chong

Hera thus suggested that she would tell Zeus that he had to couple with Aphrodite as a matter of duty, not love,since this was the wish of Eros & Chaos who were responsible for the Big Bang.And Themis volunteered to tell Aphrodite that she would have to couple with the King of the Gods for the same reason.And thus Themis & Hera took it upon themselves to rectify the consequences of the Big Bang by arranging the Big Crunch. And when the news got around, all the Gods & Goddesses of Olympus said that they would like to witness the spectacle. — Nicholas Chong

Goddesses And Gods Quotes By Justin S. Holcomb

It is a serious thing to live in a society of possible gods and goddesses, to remember that the dullest most uninteresting person you talk to may one day be a creature which, if you saw it now, you would be strongly tempted to worship, or else a horror and a corruption such as you now meet, if at all, only in a nightmare ... it is immortals whom we joke with, work with, marry, snub, and exploit - immortal horrors or everlasting splendors. — Justin S. Holcomb

Goddesses And Gods Quotes By Angela Carter

If women allow themselves to be consoled for their culturally determined lack of access to the modes of intellectual debate by the invocation of hypothetical great goddesses, they are simply flattering themselves into submission (a technique often used on them by men). All the mythic versions of women, from the myth of the redeeming purity of the virgin to that of the healing, reconciliatory mother, are consolatory nonsenses; and consolatory nonsense seems to me a fair definition of myth, anyway. Mother goddesses are just as silly a notion as father gods. If a revival of the myths gives women emotional satisfaction, it does so at the price of obscuring the real conditions of life. This is why they were invented in the first place. — Angela Carter

Goddesses And Gods Quotes By Brendan Gill

In the later nineteenth century, the tops of skyscrapers often took the shape of domes, surmounted by jaunty gilded lanterns; later came ziggurats, mausoleums, Alexandrian lighthouses, miniature Parthenons. These charming follies contained neither royal corpses nor effigies of gods and goddesses; rather they contained large wooden tanks filled with water. — Brendan Gill

Goddesses And Gods Quotes By Katie Mattie

Do you see those dull stars?" She outlined the formation with her finger.
"A pentagram," whispered Scott.
"Yes, but not just any pentagram. Take a look through the telescope."
Scott approached the eyepiece.
"They're not stars!"
"What do they look like?" asked Jenn.
Scott studied each of the figures.
"It can't be," he stuttered. "Planets?"
"Exactly what I thought."
"But how? They're completely off their orbits."
"The earth's off its axis."
"Mount Etna erupted."
"Greece had a earthquake."
"The whole universe has gone mad!" Scott exclaimed.
"And my friends have supernatural powers," said Jenn. — Katie Mattie

Goddesses And Gods Quotes By Steven Pressfield

That's why an artist must be a warrior and, like all warriors, artists over time acquire modesty and humility. They may, some of them, conduct themselves flamboyantly in public. But alone with the work they are chaste and humble. They know they are not the source of the creations they bring into being. They only facilitate. They carry. They are the willing and skilled instruments of the gods and goddesses they serve. — Steven Pressfield

Goddesses And Gods Quotes By Nikolas Lee

When he wasn't busy chasing unseen mice around the academy, Ion spent hours in the Borean Study, searching through dusty books for anything that had to do with the banshee or the Shroud. But finding this anything proved to be difficult as well, especially when the books you're reading have everything to do with something, but certainly nothing to do with your anything. And in trying to find this anything, Ion forgot about a very important, specific thing, which would quickly ruin his Wednesday. — Nikolas Lee

Goddesses And Gods Quotes By Kristen Caven

Listen," whispers Dario. "How still it is." They stand under a darkened archway, the only sound a whispered squeak where docked gondolas rub against each other. Negative ions from the lapping water release serotonin, and the brains of these two flood with the nourishment of each other's breath, each other's chi. — Kristen Caven

Goddesses And Gods Quotes By Sadhguru

Adiyogi's legacy offers you the licence to believe in the god of your choice, or not to believe at all. And if you do not find a god to your taste, it allows you the freedom to create one. That is how the Indian subcontinent arrived at an exuberant 330 million gods and goddesses at last count! To see the divine in a tree, rock or elephant is not considered absurd because every speck of creation is seen as a portal to the ultimate reality. These — Sadhguru

Goddesses And Gods Quotes By Hanya Yanagihara

No religion makes more use of color than Hinduism, with its blue-skinned gods and peony-lipped goddesses, and even the spring festival of Holi is focused on color: Boys squirt arcs of dyed water on passersby or dump powder, all violently hued, on their marks. — Hanya Yanagihara

Goddesses And Gods Quotes By Nicholas Chong

All the intrigues of the Gods & Goddesses were the works of Eros, of course. And as the Gods & Goddesses relaxed & lay limp, after the union of love, Love himself wished that he could relax & lay limp too. But he could not, since he was at odds with himself. He tried to figure out what went wrong & concluded that it all went wrong at the beginning, with the Big Bang.
It was those aspects of himself, Eros[Love], Anteros[Mutual Love] & Pothos[Longing], which first united the Sky & the Earth in the primordial egg in the union of love. But it was Himeros who uncoupled them as Passion was fickle & capricious. And Chaos, naturally, followed Passion. — Nicholas Chong

Goddesses And Gods Quotes By Sigmund Freud

The three major mother gods of the Eastern populations seemed to be generating and destroying entities at the same time; both goddesses of life and fertility as well as goddesses of death. — Sigmund Freud

Goddesses And Gods Quotes By Kaitlin Bevis

People don't believe in gods because they can't wrap their minds around the idea of someone allowing all the terrible things in the world to happen. — Kaitlin Bevis

Goddesses And Gods Quotes By Jessica Bates

One day his fingers will grow knobby, he will start to sag. I pray to the goddesses, the gods, the eggs, the clouds, the trees. I pray to the wind that he will grow old and die well. — Jessica Bates

Goddesses And Gods Quotes By Sunil Gangopadhyay

In Bengal, Hindus are known to crack jokes at the expense of their gods and goddesses and that's what I did. — Sunil Gangopadhyay

Goddesses And Gods Quotes By Janet Frame

I inhabited a territory of loneliness which resembles the place where the dying spend their time before death, and from where those who do return, living, to the world bring, inevitably, a unique point of view that is a nightmare, a treasure, and a lifelong possession.[It is] equal in its rapture and chilling exposure [to] the neighbourhood of the ancient gods and goddesses. — Janet Frame

Goddesses And Gods Quotes By Ram Dass

Just because you are seeing divine light, experiencing waves of bliss, or conversing with Gods and Goddesses is no reason to not know your zip code. — Ram Dass

Goddesses And Gods Quotes By A.R. Von

She and I will become one someday soon. So much so, that none will know where I begin and she ends. This I know ... — A.R. Von

Goddesses And Gods Quotes By Neale Donald Walsch

Yet if I told you you are born of God-that you are pure Gods and Goddesses at birth-pure love-you would reject me. — Neale Donald Walsch

Goddesses And Gods Quotes By Aimee Carter

So while gods and goddesses are mysteriously dying for reasons the council can't possibly be sure of, you're going to listen to Zeus for the first time in your life."
"He'd track me down the instant he knew I was gone. You know that."
"Unless ... " Her fingers danced over the parchment, an inch from my knee. "Someone kind,generous, thoughtful and extremely beautiful covered for you."
I raised an eyebrow. "Do you think someone like that actually exists?"
She punched me in the arm. — Aimee Carter

Goddesses And Gods Quotes By Homer

Lay ye down the golden chain From Heaven, and pull at its inferior links Both Goddesses and Gods. — Homer

Goddesses And Gods Quotes By Nicholas Chong

The two lovers then hugged & embraced each other as Zeus said that he had to leave soon: he did not want the Gods & Goddesses of Olympus to get too worked up about his disappearance. Then Aphrodite kissed her beloved on the lips & pressed his mouth open with her tongue. And their tongues made contact & liked the feel of each other. And so they kissed with their tongues lashing excitedly in each other's mouth, with love & passion. And that was the first time Gods & Goddesses kissed that way. — Nicholas Chong